88-1690 WHITE - CITV CLE�iK PINKI - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council (/�� / CANARV - DEPARTMENT /G� y -//_�,j BLUE - MAVOR File NO• " " ��`� '� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �AS, the Boatid of Qa�missioners of the fla�ing arr3 Redev�elaprent Authority of the City of Saint Paul have adapted the I�A Budget for tl�e Fiscal y�ar 1989 thro�u�gh its Resolution 88-10/25-1, subject t�o the a�rnval of the City of Saint Paul; ar�d �'.AS, the Board of Oa�missioners of the I�irx� and Redevela�t AutYr�rity of Saint Paul, p�ssuant tA tl��e p�yvisia�s of M�r�nesota Statutes, Section 462.545, S�bdivision 6, have levied the Redevelapr�ent ar�d Fdelocation tax t�o be oollected in 1989 th�x.gh its Resolution 88r10/25-1, subject t,� the approval of the Gauycil af the City of Saint P�oul; arra �S, the Redevelopment and Relocation tax levy is ryeoessary for the financir�g of a�proQriations within the 1989 I�iA �t; now, therefore, be it 1�50�.,UID, D�i the (Xxmcil of the City of Saint Paul that, pursuant tr� tl� pro�visions of Mir�stita Statut�es, Sectirn 462.545, S�abdivision 6, tY�e Red�elap�t and Relocati� t.az� levied by the Hausirr� and Redev�elc�pnent Aut2x�rity of Saint Paoul, t�o be o�llectsd in 1989 in the amcxmts set forth be].c�w, is h�reby �PI�� Tax Financing in Estitnated Net Tax L�evY �Y 1989 Adopted Btx�et 5hrinlcage (a) able in 1989 l�develapment 7.`au («mput�ed a000rrling t,o Mir�sota statut�es Secticxz 273.1102 and Section 462.545 with $921,220 $48,485 $969,705 all a�djustrr�ts authorized by law; subject to finat aertified asse.s.sed value,$) Relocatiori Tax (oa�uted a000rding t�o Mis�r�esota Statutes Sectia� 273.1102 ar�d Sectian 462.545 wi.th $91,961 $4,840 $96,801 all adjustments a0uthori�ed by ].a�v; subject t�o final oertified assessed values) Z�L F�?A TAX IEUY $1,013,181 $53,325 $1,066,506 (a) Projectiai of anticipated diffen�noes between tax�s levied arid taxes oollecfi�ed (5�). COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor � Goswitz Rettman ��;�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ed City Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� A►ppr ed by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK� - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council /� � I � CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1/(/ 1� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. p> T � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F� RF�OLVED, �at pursuant tA the pmvi.sioa�.s of Minr�esota Stabut,es 462.545, the City Clerk is hereby directsd tr� aertify thi.s Tax Levy Resolution t,o tl�e Camty At�litAr of R��sey Camty i�nediat,ely upon adoption and a�pmval of thi.s resolution. FII�LLY RF�OI.UID, �at pu�suant t�o the prr�visions of Minnesota Statu�s, Secti� 462.545, the F�A Budget for tl�e fiscal year begir�ing 1989, as adoptsd by ttye Aa�asir�g arrl Redevelc�cnent Auttx�rity of Saint Paul, is t�ereby apprrn�ed. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor cosw;tz ^) ,, Rettman �(Y s�beibe� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson ��p� OCT 2 ` �v Form Approve City Atto Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ouncil Secr y BY— gy, � -4 Ap by Mavor. Date � '�`-= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUB1,IgkI�D i y�V - � l 988 � ` �8" -- � b y 0 NOUSIN6 AND REDEYELOPMENT AUTMORITY OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA REPORT TO TNE COMMISSIONERS DATE October z5, �9ss RE6ARDIN6 1989 HRA BUDGET AND TAX LEVY Attached is a resolution for your consideration which, if approved, will do the following: 1. Adopt the 1989 HRA budget as included in the document Proposed 1989 Budget - Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul 2. Levy the Redevelopment and Relocation Property Tax, payable in 1989, in the total amount of $1,066,506. � � s RESOLUTION N0. 88-10/25 RESOLUTION LEVYING THE REDEVELOPMENT TAX AND THE REIACATION TAX, PAYABLE IN THE YEAR 1989, ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND ADOPTING THE 1989 HRA BUDGET. WHEREAS, the Executive Director has submitted his recommended Budget for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1989; and WHEREAS, the above stated budget is shown in the Budget Document, 1989 Provosed Budeet - Housing and Redevelopment Authoritv of the City of Saint Paul, and includes appropriations and financing in the following funds and amounts: HRA General Fund (Tax Levy) $ 5,050,852 HRA General Debt Service Fund 9,957,539 U.D.A.G. Revolving Loan Fund 762,900 New Housing Development Fund 800,000 Neighborhood Development Tax Increment Fund 823,822 New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax Increment Fund 394,593 Housing Rehah-ilitation Fund 1,586,450 HRA Urban Renewal Bond Fund 200,000 HRA Development Fund 5,015,969 Block L Mun�.cipal Parking Ramp Fund 1,105,200 Home Mortgage Loan Origination Revolving Fund 121,035 City Wide Rehabilitation Home Loan Fund 175,000 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota � � Section 462.525, :Suhdivision 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City -of Saint Paul does hereby levy the Redevelopment Tax, payable in the year 1989, on a1T resl and personal property within the City of Saint Paul, computed in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1102 with all adjustments authorized by law. The Redevelopment Tax, payable in 1989 is $969,705, which amount is authorized by law. This amount is subject to final adjustment. FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.545, Subdivision 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby levy the Relocation Tax Payable in the year 1989, on all real and personal property within the City of Saint Paul, computed in the manner provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1102 with all adjustments authorized by law. The Relocation Tax, payable in 1989 is $96,801, which amount is authorized by law. This amount is subject to final adjustment. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the HRA Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, __ �989 is hereby_ad��t.sd; and, be it - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the various amounts of spending are hereby appropriated and the various amounts of financing are hereby approved by the adoption of the Budget; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to submit the 1989 HRA Budget to the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul to be submitted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul for consideration, approval, and certification in the manner provided by law. � . • 125 A Council Line-Item Budget Changes HRA BUDGETS Proposed Change Adopted -------- ------ ------- HRA GENERAL FUND jUse of fund balance) Hazardous & Vacant Bldgs. 36608-0537 Transfer To Fund 306: Ordinance Enforcement 0 200,000 200, 000 Transfer To Gen Fund District Councils 36610-0545 0 15, 000 15,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRA URBAN RENEWAL BOND FUND 76500-7399 (Re�eipt of 1989 CIB Bonds) 488,500 (488, 500) 0 76500-0537 (Transfer out to Capital Projects) 488,500 (488, 500) 0 � -Z6500-9590 jUse of fund baiance) 0 200, 000 200,000 - = 3��4b=05�1 '�roperty Acquisitibn) 0 200,°000 200,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UDAG REVOLVING LOAN FUND (Use of fund balance) Neighborhood Partnership Program 36802-0537 0 150, 000 150, 000 HRA DEVELOPMENT FUND (Use of fund balance) Neighborhood Partnership Program =--a6063-0537 -----=- - -__--- 0 100, 000 100,000 1ot9901/89hrachg/10-19-88 � . .-�,�_-�:-__�� _ ,. _. ? _�§-- - - _ ---� - -- a�__-:� �_�,.,.,�-,� �_.,, -.�..,�,�-___.-, - . --. _ � �- by � -�°�"°'^°vo CITY OF SAIN PAUL �,���,,. ,,�w �"�� '-�°�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK z: =: '4,i %�j�IIII wc s . ,, _ ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK � `'°n�,�,����a�-''� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORCE UTIMER MAYOR October 24, 1988 Mr. Lou McKenna Director of Property Taxation Room 126, City Hall Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are certified copies of St. Paul City Council assessment and tax levy resolutions as follows: 1. Resolution 88-1649 - adopting service charges for the 1988 Street and Alley maintenance program. 2. Resolution 88-1690 - approving the 1989 Housing and Redevelopment budget and tax levy. 3. Resolution 88-1693 - adopting the tax levy for the 1989 City Budget. ely, c�o ._ ert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th • Attachments