88-1688 WMITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 1 (� BLUERY-MAKORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��v v � Return copy to Room 218 � rdinance Ordinance N 0. l 7��` Valuations and Assessmen �� ,1, �'� Presented By � ✓eferred To --���'�-✓ Committee: Date ��' �°�� -�� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Sections 64.04 and 64. 05 of the City of Saint Paul Administrative Code to collect interest on assessments in the manner ` J allowed by State Law, M.S. Chapter 429 .061 , Sub- division 2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Section 64.04 of the Saint Paul Rdministrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows : (a) Assessments shall bear interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum except when the assess- ments are in conjunction with the construction of a public improvement funded exclusively with Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) or other federal governmental funds , in which case said interest rate shall be the rate specified in the contract with the federal government as approved by the city council . For special projects financed solely by bond sales where the assessments are used to retire those bonds , the annual interest rate on the bonds issued plus a factor to cover the city' s cost to be determined by the valuation and assessment engineer and the treasury manager. Assessments may be paid in whole or in part to the city' s finance department without interest being charged if done within thirty ( 30) days after the adoption z-rr�-�t�l-i��ti� of the assess- ment roll . In the event that less than the total assessment is paid within this thirty-day period, the finance department shall calculate the annual installment of the unpaid principal balance in the COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Finance and Management Services �� In Favor Goswitz �t�� irector Scheibel Against BY Sonnen �+� Wilson Form A roved by City rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date App by Mayor for ub ssi to ouncil By � . �. � �. . � � . . ���'` 1 � �'� � �� �-�1i�i� following manner: 1 ) If the balance due is less ��&� $40. 00 , the Finance Department shall consider the entire balance as a single installment, 2) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment resolution is less than $40. 00, the Finance Department shall consider $40. 00 to be the annual installment until the entire balance is collected, 3) If the balance due divided by the period established by the assessment resolution is greater than $40. 00 , the Finance Department �e�a}r3}r-ig et��s�ar3�}r3g--���r�c-�p��--��c-�--a�� shall divide this balance into equal annual installments extending over the period established by the assessment reso- lution. (b) i�i�-�ri-�r-�ri-ne-t�--(-�}---c�a�g--a��e�--�aelo}�����--e� ��ie- t-�e��;-t� The finance department shall certify annually -�-ea}��*--c3€--�-Yre--�assess�e��-no-��-+nr-��� eae�--��rs�-�13�te�r�-�-�r�l�d-i�rg--i-r�t-�i egt to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation �-fr--l3e-e��e�eleel e�--�l�e--p��e�-�-a�-��s�s--o�-��-es���q on the date specified by Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation, the total amount of installments of and interest on assessments on each parcel of land in the municipality which are to become due in the follow- ing year. To the first installmen-t of each assessment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of adoption of the assessment roll through December 31 of the year in which the �s�ess�e�� �e��--�s--ee�����eel;--}��e��eleel;--�iewe�re�;--��i�a�--��--��ie a�sess�e��--�0-13---3.-s--�..�t'rf-'rec�--�e�v�ee�r--6e�el�e�--���� a�d-���;� �l�,-i-r�t-�r�e-�t-�kra��-l�e-ea�e����eel-�i��e��� �eee��e�--3-1-s�--o-f--t-�-�ea�--�e��ew��ag--ee�����e���e� �e--�l�e--�t���r��.- first installment is payable . To each subsequent installment there shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments . 2. WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � . g,� CANAB•r -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MA�OR File NO. , � Return copy to Room 218 Ordin�cnce Ordinance N�. /�7�/�_ Valuations & Assessments Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That Section 64. 05 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 64.05. Collection; balance may be paid to finance department. Following certification of the ��_...�:t--�e�� annual installments, the a�� installments of assessments with interest shall be collected with the real estate taxes by the county department of property taxation and paid over to the city in the same manner as are other municipal taxes , and shall be subject to the same penalties , costs and interest charges prescribed by state law as are other municipal taxes . F�e���e�,- l�ewe�e�,---��-r� Prepayment of the er�t�-r� remaining unpaid balance may be made to the city' s finance department. ��-�l�e-�e��ew�r�g-a�ar�r�e�: f�� �€-�t-i�-�e--���o�--�e--C�t�n---���,--�Y�e �}r�ar�ee-�e�a���e��-��1�--�o-ll��t-l�-�o���-�e�a}r�- }�g-�z��a�d--b�-1-�T-=�-ag¢t���rt-�-�r��epe��-eer�pr��ed �e-�13e-�a�e-e�-p�epa��e��;--a�d; f�� �€-�a��e��-�s-�ade-�e�wreer3-Ae�e�e�-���1�-a��-Beee�be� 3�s�,---�Y�e-��_���t-�-�3--eo��ee�--�l�e ���a}d-�a�a�ee-�ess-��ie-}�s�a���e��s-�e-be-}�e�t�de� }�-�l�e-�e��-�ea�'s-�ea�-es�a�e-�a�es.- Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publication. �. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: nimona Finance & Ma.na eme t Serv' es �� In Favor — -{:esw+e� �� � Against By � Director Sonnen �%'J� Wilson � V DEC B 1� Form Approved by Ci rney Adopted by Council: Date qp� ^�'�01 Ceatified Pa s ouncil Sec tar BY By Appr y Mayor: D �C i 2 ►:�W Appro y Mayor r ubmissi C ncil � B B ��'�;����� ���� 17 1988 . - _, �, �„�� �+� ���T'� b� � f7��� Fiitaace & Management Services � ��E�� �7��G 1 Nt3. ��O 8�. ee�x+�Kr o� a+ra��a►�asr ' Rox$nut Flink �r,� _ � �a w+t�e+� �'«rra�c . ROUt7MIG T ewc+er 4�on Q� 19-t1-1� � �'--J Valuatians/Assess. 292-Z028 a+oEae � cm�n,�aw�r —---�-�-`-�-�' � To change Section 64 of:-the Administrative Code relatiitg to eolle�tion of a�seasm�ents by taking advantage of the. City'�s computer capabilities to coincide �ith �tate L�w. ; I_ :(Approvs W«'itywt�) CQUMf�L�I�i�itt: _ _ >� -. � Pt�NA1q.001qiM8610N-��. � CNL SEIiU1DE C0�116810N ... OA1E IN . .,DA'fH�OtR _ � ANALYST . . _ . . . .. PMOME� ,• .. � . . .. � aDNNq t�W .�. T-10D!Z6�CM100L 80AAD. .. . . . . ..� . � . . . . .. . I . . i ,.. :.. . . . . . . A �,� , . �,�� �,�� .;,��;,,�:REC�Ett��``� ,� ,� � � — — �� —. • ��. �- ,ot�,t,oM: 81JPPOars wM�el+c904rNt�L o&IECtiVE'+ _ ` Better communi�ation with public. ��� 2 � 1�g8 ' Better b�idget �oaitozing.. OFfIeE OF THE DIRE�TOR � .._ _ ; DEPAR'�MENT OF FMANCE { _ • A�ID MAtVAGEMENT �IICF.�S ; , r�o�t�nr AMao.wngr.wn«�,wn�..+�n»: � , �n�a�r,asi�s, . . � { , � ES$E. GREEN SH�T N�: 002884. A1°FACHI�T) � . , . :. , . � � - .. _ - _ . _ ; � � i . , _ � -� dililllCAlkflr tQa.1�sM111s.�rArrr�p..:Rnullw:: _ : - 1,` Shifts assess�ent rec�rd keepfng from �amsey Countp to City to increase fle�ibilitq ad � iacrease services to the public.. - 2. Estahlisk� a mini�ttqanaual .asse�,s�Dt prineiPal ��me�at to make coTlectioa,groeeas re, . ; _efficient, , 3. Update ordina�ce to reflect curreat state law .allowfng Cit�r to collect current i�te�est , amottnts. �sw�.wa�,.�w�o�►: , ... . .. , , . Without the ordinaace c�nge, aasessment collectian��t�rf�l -rem�r�n as is. The: C�ty 11 contiaae �;}� �p�,B,.�`�r;_��';��i;p�erest and tha citizens will not be a1loWed:to maice `partial,p ents after the firsC 30 days. Also, administrative costs will continue to �a�eed annua inst�ll- ` ments for many:parcels.: , � . ;.. . . . . + _. . - , paos _ � noNS . . ' _ : E . � _. _ . . . . . . . .. � .: . � % _ �c�u;���� {�e arch Cenfer � �$E� CQDt�EQUENCE3 A80VE) < _ . c^ , I U�i 3 I.,�8 � ; { �►�: ; , _ . , . � , r.�..�uq: �i The �roposed change is in accordance with St�te Law.. � • � I � ;. .. . - __ _--_— ; - � . �g - Ib �' � ✓ � L/L/� GREEAd SHEET NO. 002884 ATTACHMEAiT PROBLEM: With the current assessment processing on the Ramsey County computer , we find it necessary to keep additional records on properties with a tax exempt, tax forfeit , and senior citizen deferred status . OPPORTUNITY: The proposed ordinance provides for the City to maintain all assessment records on the PRIME and transmit only the annual payment for collection with property taxes to Ramsey County. All assessment records will be kept current on the PRIME and special reports on exempt , forfeit and deferred assessments will be readily available without additional bookkeeping. PROBLEM: The bond financing for the major sewer separation program requires ratification of assessments in the same year as construction. In order to meet Ramsey County computer deadlines , this means conducting the City Council ratification hearings no later than September 15th. OPPORTUNITY: CIS staff have been working with Valuations and Assessments staff and will have the City' s PRIME computer programmed to manage all City assessments beginning in 1989 . The proposed change captures this opportunity and will allow ratification hearings to be held until at least October 15th which allows more time for construction to finish before the hearing. PROBLEM: Currently citizens may only pay all or part of the assessment during the 30 day "grace period" immediately after the ratification hearing . After that time, they may only pay the full remaining balance (no partial payments are accepted by Ramsey County' s computer) . OPPORTUNITY: The proposed change using the new system on the City' s PRI[�IE computer will allow for partial payments at any time. PROBLEM The current ordinance governing interest calculation effectively loses 12 months interest on each assessment financed thru the City because it requires collection of interest one year later than State Law allows. i � � . � � : . � .� � .� � ��-1 b �� OPPORTUNITY: The proposed change will bring the City in line with other communities in exercising the rights in State Law to collect interest during the current year . This change will result in approximately $200 ,000 additional annual interest revenue to the City (calculation based on a year ' s interest of 8% on an annual certification of $2,500 ,000 of new assessments) . PROBLEM: There are currently over 11 ,000 parcels being assessed over time and the sewer separation program is adding 3,000 to 5,000 new parcels each year . The ever increasing popularity of condos and townhomes combined with many average-sized parcels assessed only for storm sewer (5 ,000 square foot lot times $0 .03 per sq. ft . _ $150 assessment = $7 . 50 per year annual payment for 20 years) has resulted in over 3 ,000 of these parcels paying less than $40 .00 per year for up to 20 years . i�ianaging and balancing the annual payments, even though automated, becomes increasingly complex and time consuming. Additionally, the City is in the position of providing long-term financing at a favorable rate for relatively small amounts . OPPORTUNITY: The PRIi�IE computer provides the opportunity and the proposed ordinance creates a $40 minimum annual assessment principal payment ($20. 00 plus interest payable with each 1/2 property tax payment) which will result in more efficient payment handling, accounting, and improved cash flow for the City while effectively reducing the total interest paid over the life of the assessments by property owners . The interest saved by the property owners ranges from over $20 .00 on a $25 .00 assessment to $180 on a $400 assessment under this proposal . SOMMARY STATEMENT: These changes represent a "return on the City' s investment" in automation in the Valuations and Assessments Division. (GS002884) 2 . � . , - . ' . . . ��-I b�� ��.9`��•�r �o,O� "'�;n� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED S EP 2 81988 MAYOR'S OFFICE To : Mayor George Latimer 347 City Hall From: Eugene Schiller , Director � � , Finance and Management Services ` 234 City Hall Date : September 28 , 1988 Re : Proposed Administrative Code Changes Affecting Assessment and Interest Collections Attached for your approval and submitted to the City Council is a package of changes to Sections 64 . 04 and 64 . 05 of the Administrative Code . These changes will improve our opportunities to serve the public , make our collection and record—keeping more efficient , and create additional interest revenue of potentially as much as $200 ,000 per year beginning in 1990. We propose to monitor the additional revenue and make application for the 50% offered in the budget policies to further enhance our automation efforts and citizen service . Some of our currently anticipated uses include automated mapping stations , automated cash registers , and purchase of temporary data entry and record management services. ES :EJW: dl cc : Greg Blees Roxanna Flink Edward J. Warn latimer - � - - _ _._ . --- .. _.._..__ r , � � , ------------ � � / /���-- �^ GITY OF ►.S'AINT PAUL . 411��j�11°� . . OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee November 7, 1988 1. Approval of minutes of October 31 meeting. Approved � 2. Resolution 88-1677 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved as amended adding $29,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for City Attorney/CoaEnunity Standards Survey. (Referred from Council October 20, laid over October 31) � 3. Resolution 88-1726 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid over one week adding $32,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Historic Preservation Commission. (Referred from Council October 27) 4. Resolutions 88-1691 and 88-1742 - amending the 1988 Approved as amended budget by adding $80,000 to the Financing and Spending � Plans for Property Tax Reform study. (Referred fran Council October 25) 5. Ordinance 88-1688 - amending Sectio�s .b4.04 �and 64.05 - A� of th�"Ad�,irtistrative Code to collect interest on �sri�s in the manner allowed by State Law, M.S. Chapter 429.061, Subd.. 2. (Referred from Council OCt�ober �5) 6. Administrative Order D-9885 - selecting persons as Discussed listed to serve as members of the Internal Audit Coa�nittee. (Referred from Council September 22, laid over October 3) 7. Resolution 88-1675 - changing the rate of pay for Approved • Assessments Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council ' October 20) " 8. Resolution 88-1724 - establishing the rate of pay for Approved Library Specialist in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council October 27) 9. Resolution 88-1722 - ratifying the 1988 Memorandum of Laid over one month Understanding pertaining to non-represented employees in the unclassified Attorney titles in Confidential and/or Supervisory positions. (Referred from Council October 20) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8�46 1 WNITE - CITV CIERK . PINK - FINANCE ��TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �! t/ �//1 CANARV - OEPARTMENT X �� //'.� o � BLUE - MAVOR ��� F• NO• L� V l �f Council o ution � Presented By ��`��� ��.�,,, '� l� � .�.�.���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6V�IEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Pa.�.zl has recently considered a number of amendments ta the City ' : Code of �,thics , Saint Paul Administr�tive Code Chapter 24 ; and WHEREAS, tne Cot.�n�iJ_ has �etermined that apenness in govern- ment is promotea �y �.�tv mana.g2ment �er�annel disclosing their economic interest:_> ; noca, tn�r�-_ore, �e it i2�SOLVED, that the Council hereby requests the Mayor to direct the City ' s labor negotiator, as part of the r_ollective bargaining process , to negotiate a requirement that all City employees in the unclassifizd appoiizted titles of the civil service and city division managers file a statement of economic inte.rest pursuant to the requirements of. Saint Paul Admit7istrative Code Section 24 . 03 ( B) . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz �2e4lntee B Scheibel � A ga i n s t Y Sen� ��SF�e�r Adopted by Council: Date .�A� I Q ��8�` Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Y ssed by Council Secretary By ��"� /�► ' ��""� � � Z-2.3��g gy, _� ��--t� �• ���c./�,C���lL!`7'✓ °�AN 1 ' �4�'` A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council Approve -by �1 r. te �:4:;:.; PP Y Y � ^` �� BY J(Rii '' , p'�l,l J�i� ,d "1 �9� � .� . � � ., � � ��- 16 �' K , Agenda Date: October 7, 1988 Rules and Policy Committee Report Page 2 of 2 - 7. ORDINANCE ��88-622 - Amending Chapter 29 of the Legislative Code pertaining to unlawful uses of City property to include such use for personal, family or household purposes. (Referred to Committee 5/3/88 and laid over in committee from 6/3/88, 8/5/88 and 9/2/88) WITHDRAWN 8. ORDINANCE ��88-623 - Amending Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics for city officials and employees by redefining public officials, by prohibiting gifts to family members and employees of public officials, by defining conflict of interest, by requiring public officials and city employees to report corruption, defining the process for such reports, and by providing for requests to the Ethical Practices Board for an advisory opinion. (Referred to R & P Committee 5/3/88 and laid over in committee from 6/3/88, 8/5/88 and 9/2/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE CONTAINING AMENDMENTS 9. 'l�6L����88�N13NN - asking Mayor to direct labor negotiations to reqt���e e�tforr.sri►ent personnel to file statements of economic interest. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF TH�S P�ESOLUTION WHICH REPLACES ONE OF COMMITTEES DELETION3 TO �it�I#l,DiCE 4�88-623. 1 . iscussion of EXECUTIVE ORDER E-29 - pertain�ng to gui e ines and procedures for Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. (Referred to R & P Committee 8/25/88, and laid over in committee from 9/2/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LAYOVER 11. RESOLUTION 4�88-NNNN adding a new chapter to the Administrative Code requiring all City requests for public data reclassification to private data to be submitted to the City Council prior to submission of the request to the State. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THIS RESOLUTION WHICH EMERGED FROM TIiE COMMITTEE DISCUSSION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 4�E-29. . . � ����� . Members: • C1TY OP` SAINT PAUL �iki Sonnen, chair ��� �i�i ' Roger Goswitz ' OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL Bob Long Agenda Date: Friday, December 16, 1988 Staff: KIKI SONNEN RECEIVED Joe Hannasch, Research councilmember ponna Sanders, Secretary MOLLY O'ROURKE � JA� O 3 19g9 .Tane McPeak, Attorneq Legisladve Aide • Rules and Polic Commi ce c��K� y tt e Report 1. Approval of Minutes of the November 4 and November 18, 1988 Meetings. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE �88-1719 - Amending Chapter 109 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code entitled "Affirmative Action Advisory Committee" . to provide for the staggering of the terms of the membership. (Referred to the Rules & Policy Committee 10/27/88) • COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL � 3. RESOLUTION 4�88-1794 - Requesting the Mayor to submit to Council in a timely fashion a written statement setting forth support or non- support of ordinances or resolutions and. that said request not be construed as to limit powers conferred upon the Mayor to approve or veto items. (Referred to the Rules & Policy Committee 11/15/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER TO JANUARY 6, 1989 4• �)I�1�� ".,�1 r �"" ...� �'��`, .�.�.�.,.�. ,�+�� . � (��IIUI��H'JCe ��'�'" �cy ` � ts a � 3�tif.ti9b+�f"t. '{ �Q ��'tee 1�� ,�>� S 5. ORDINANCE #88-621 - Amending Chapter 111 of the Administrative Code • pertaining to Ethical Practices Board by changing the name from Election Board to Ethical Practices Board. (Referred to th.e Rules & Policy Committee 11/17/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER TO JANUARY 6, 1989 6. ORDINANCE #88-623 - Amending Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics for City officials and employees. (Referred to the Rules & Policy Committee 11/17/88) COMMITTEE RECOI�tENDED LAYOVER TO JANUARY 6, 1989 7. DISCUSSION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER E-29 - Pertaining to guidelines and procedures for Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. (Referred to . R & P Committee 8/25/88; Heard in R & P Committee 9/2/88, 10/7/88 and 11/4/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER TO JANUARY 6, 1989 • 8. Discussion of City Council's Data Practices, Guidelines & Procedures, including discussion of Citi2en Service complainant status (with. Bob . Kessler) and Councilmembers' records retention schedule (with Gerry Strathman) NO ACTION REQUIRED � ' 9. Update on Neighborhood Empowerment Project . NO ACTION REQUIRED