88-1668 - �\
�I /
File No. 18539
Voting In the Matter of improving the following streets with a bituminous pavin I ,
Ward concrete curb and gutter, concrete outwalks and driveway �,
6 aprons, boulevard restoration and a street lighting syst�m:
*Case Avenue from Kennard Avenue to White Bear A�venue
Flandrau Street from York Avenue to Ames Avenue I
Sims Avenue from Flandrau STreet to White Bear Avenue
Ames Place from Flandrau Street to White Bear venue
Ames Avenue from Flandrau Street to White Bear venue
Ames Avenue from Flandrau Street to Hazelwood S reet
Mechanic Avenue from Van Dyke Street to cul—de—sac ,!
*Since Case Avenue is a Municipal State Aid Route no stre t
assessment will be levied.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above im I rovement, and
having considered said report,hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimat d cost thereof
is$933,000 , financed by assessments $272,500, Minnesota Departme t of
Transportation Municipal State Aid $160,000, 1989 Capital Improvement
Bonds $280,500 and State and Federal Grants $220,000.
2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th day of December 988 ,at
nine �XH�o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the Cit of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Ch ter,stating the
time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ' �,�
YeasDimond Nays
Goswitz Certifie s ed by Council Secretary
Long �
Re t tma.n In Favor B
-£,e�tei��ei �
Sonnen Against
Wilson �CT ± � 8
pU�.ISNEB 0 T 2 � 1988
Pt�lS4tE8 "$G�! -� 5 1988
� ' �I
• ��� /(O�
� i
PROJ ECT N0. 89-5-8052 (P-8039, 1�8039) -i
Report Prepared September 23, 1988
Neighborhood Informational Meeting - �,
Publ ic Wo�ks Committee Meeting - Novembe� 30, 1988 �
Pubiic Hea�ing - December 13, 1988
PrQj ect ,
The proposed proJect includes oonstruction of storm sewer, water and �ewer
serv ice connecti ons and reoonnections, street improveme�rts, tree pl anti ng
and a "bent straw" sty le I ighti ng system i n part of the Bel t L i ne 5ewer
System. The area is generai ly bounded by Ames, Hazelwood, York an� Van
Dy ke. �
Refer to attached Vicinity Map and Site Map for p�oJect location and
proposed i mprovements.
The pr-oJect is proposed for oonstructton in 1989. �
InTtTatinq Action �,
The proJect was initiated by the Publ ic works Depariment as pa�t ofi the
Combi ned Sewer Separation P�ograrn.
,��jstina Conditions �
The proJect ares is p�esently served by a combined sewer system. Du�ing
perlods of moderate to heavy rai�fal I , there have been reports of wer
backups i nto basements and surface f I oodi ng p�obl ems. To sol ve h i s
probl em, nex storm sewers w 11 I be requi red. �
Except fcr Mechani c, Ames east of Hazel wood, a�d Ames PI ace, the street i n
the area have an ot I ed surface and are in poor conditton. Curb exi st� on
segments of Ames, Ames Place, and Mechanic; hor�rever, attempts madq to
sai vage ol d curb when reconstrucfiing road surfaces have been unsucoessful
in the past. Therefore, we a�e proposi ng to remove ext sti ng curb end
co n st r u ct new cur b a nd gutte� on a I 1 neri str eets. A I I ne++ st�eets r+i I � be
constructed to 32 feet wide except for Case. Case from Kennard to Mt�ite
Bear is a Municipai State Aid (MSA) Street having approximately 1 ,OOO,ADT
and, therefore, w 1 I I be constructed to 34 feet r+ ide ( imtti ng parki ng on�the
south side oniy. � " �
Boulevards a�e in poor condition
where no curb �exi sts. Boul evards al�iong
Mechanic, segments of Ames, and Ames Place are i� gene�ally good condit�on.
-1- �
• , • -, , • II / //�/��
��/V v
Trees exi st ai ong al I boul evards and w ithin easement a�eas. Trees va y i n
size from relatively recently pianted ash varying in size from �n_gn
. diameter to large, mature elm as large as 24"-36" in diameter.
The maJor i ty of the proJect area i s resi denti al ; therefa-e, onl y mo rate
resi denti al traf f ic exi sts. The maJor thoroughfare of Wh f te Bear an the
ooi lector of Case handl e the bul k of the traff tc.
Utii ities, i.e. , water, gas, electric, and telepho�e, exist in the prvJect
neTghborhood. Any upgrading of uti I ities Mould be coordlnated wit�h the
utillty oompanies during proJect oo�struction.
ProRosed Imorovements
1 . Storm Sewer
Storm sewer will be oonstructed on: I
Ames - White Bear to West of Jessamine I
FI andrau - York to Ames
Sims - Flandrau to White Bear I
Case - Fiandrau to White Bear
LaCrosse (Unimpraved) - Fland�au West to easement I
Easement (vest of Flandrau) - laCrosse (Unimproved) to CNW
Ra i I road I
South S i de Ra i i road R i ght of-MZty - Mech an i c to FI andrau
A drainageway and deteM-ion pond (dry pond) wii i be constructed south
of the pl ayf iel d area i n Sackett Park, north of the rai I road trac�CS.
The exi sti ng combi ned sewers i n the proJect area w i ( I remai�n as
sanitary sewers.
Due to age, location under existing structures, and deteriorated
condition, an exi sti ng tunnei west of FI andrau - Case to LaCr�sse,
w i I I be abandoned. '
2. Streets
New streets, including conc�ete curb and gutter, bituminous surfating,
concrete outxalks and driveway ap�ons and boulevard restora�tTon
consi sti ng of soddi ng adJ acent to resi denti ai areas and
soddi ng/seedt ng adJacent to commerct ai and open spnoe areas M i, I be
constructed on:
Case - Kennard to White Bear 34� wide
Fiandrau - York to Ames 32� wide
S i ms - F I andr au to W h i te Bear 3 2' w i de
Ames Place - Flandrau to White Bear 32�� wide
Ames - Flandrau to White Bear � 32� wide
Ames - FI and�au to Hazel wood �r�� 32� v+ide
Mechanic - Van Dyke to cul-de-sac 32' wide I
, . , . . I
� ,
Case 1 s a Muni ci pal State A1 d (MSA) Str-eet and w i I 1 be construct d to
N�A standards oonststing of 34� width, curb and gutter with bit�inous
surface with parking r estricted on the south side.
The remai nI ng resi denti al st�eets w i I I consi st of w idths as �,noted
above, curb and gutter rvith aggregate base a�d bltuminous surf ac�.
3. Boul evard Trees
Boul evard trees are proposed to be p�otected dur 1 ng construclti on.
Trees wtl I be required to be removed for storm sexer piping along
un i mproved LaCrosse r i ght�of-way and easement to Sackett Pa rk w e�t of
FI andrau. Trees M i I 1 al so be removed for construction of the po�►d.
Additional trees w il i be pl anted in boui evard and easement are�s as
needed to reforest the area.
4. L i,ghtl nQ
A new energy ef f ici ent sodi um vapor I ighti ng system w i I 1 be i nsta�i l ed.
Orders and fundi ng are based on "bent straw" sty le i ighti ng.
�,j ternates j
To do nothing would be inconsistent Mith the City�s commitment to im�rove
existing oiled streets, �nd to sepa�ate the oombined sewers. Constru�ting
sewers w ithout street i mprovements has not been ef fect i ve 1 n th e pe s�-, i n
that the exi sti�g oi 1 ed streets are not capabi e of w ithstandt n� the
oonstruction activity necessary to construct the sewers, and merely reistore
the trench areas. Improving. the roadways in conJunction Nith 5ewer
construction w 11 I save ti me, money, and i ncorneni ence 1 ater.
Case could be constructed to a 40� width which would result in no parking
restrictions and permit parking on both sides of the street. '
EI imination of the pondi ng area woul d requi re a slgni f icant amouht of
additlonal pi pt ng north of Ames and west to Hazel►rood at a I arge i ncr�ease
i n co st.
�sttive e�enef 1ts
- -
W ith the compi etion of the City� s sewer proJect, the chance of ewer
backups i nto baseme�s and surf ace f 1 ood i ng w 11 I be reduced, and, �fter
rai nl eader di soonnections, sewer backups i nto basements r i I I be el imin�ted.
General Improvement of the publ ic�right�-of-way in oonJunction rrith si�reet
constructi on w i 1 I enhance and add qual ity to the neighborhood. S�Ireet •
oi I ing Noul d be ei iminated on new bituminous roadways. Lighti ng Iw i i I
improve the safety of the neighborhood. �
. . . � . � �������'
Adverse Effects ! -
Normai probl ems associ ated w ith construction, such as noi se, dus�i- and
general dt sruption such as pn�ki ng bans K t I I be present.
Tree removal for ponding area and along untmproved LaCrosse.
��ci al Consi derations '
Extra construction effort rril I be needed to minimize incarnenienoe tb the
area resi dents.
Constructton activity w111 need to be coordinated with Ames Elemeltrhary
School schedul e and Sackett Park programs. I
Due to MSA req u i rements, w i th a street w t dth of 34 feet, parki ng w i� I be
restricted to one side on Case.
,Ijme Schedule
Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 1989 �nd be complet�d by .
October, 1989.
C�±c± E�tTmates I �
Sewer E 700,000
Pav i ng E 803,000 j
L ighti ng S 130.000
Total 51 ,633,000
�,stTmated FTnanctna
Assessments� 3 272,500
S� S 60,000 I
MnDOT (MSA) S 160,000
1989 CIB S 540,500
State Grants S 300,000
Federai Grants E 3.�
Totai 51 ,633,000
*Note: 1) For areas not previousl•y assessed, assessment rates arle as
fol lows:
Stor-m Sewer, Resi derrti al S 0..03/SF I
Sta-m Sewer, Commerci al/I ndustr i al � S 0.075/SF
Resi denti al Street Pav ing ''�� 519.00/Front Foot I
"BeM- Strav" Sty le Lighting S 2.00/Front Foot j
2) Sinoe Case is an MSA route, no street assessme� wtii be lev�ted.
. . ��iG��'
Souroe of Addt ti ona i I nformati on
For additto�al information, o�ntact: i
Gene�al Tan Kuhfei d (292-6216)
D i ck Sob i ech, Toi tz, Kt ng, Duvai (, Anderson
a�d Associates, Inc. (292-4557)
Lighting Mike Klassen (292-6293)
Summarv and Recommendation
The Department of Pubi ic Works feel s that thTs is a necessar�y and
worthwhile proJect, and the Enginee�ing recommendation is for approvai of
the orde�.
. -
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Publ ic 1�brks 292-6276 , o�R: — c��Trow�� lrhi t,be in.Cit Cl krs Q�f.fce o
� . _ � ater `fhan naon,� M�on aq` October 0, 1 8, ust e on
' Ho1x1'�a Pu#�1ic Hearing for the �U4ND1tAU/CASE CSSP Pttfl.�ECT AREA. ABenda for ober 18, 19�8
` Ffle No.'s 18359, 18530-7 and RFI.NDRCASE
nou�:�ya►ore c�1 a�(R)) ca�c�nES�►�cr�eePOaFr _.
. - PLMN�Ki OOM+tl8810N CML 9ERVICE COA�WS�OIi � DATE MI . DATE OtR � �ANALYBT � . � , � Plf01E N0. � � �
, . aCMNB QO�M�BION � qD!ffi BCHOOL BOAAD . � � � . - . . . . � . . . _ . � .
14 sra� crwireA� oo��s�s �oen.�+o.�oo�* nerv ro oa+r�r co►�smuFxr
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o�snncr couNC� - «ex�.n��nor+:
iu�voms w�aot�+c�.oe�rnrer .
- 8ettsr neighborhoods. - _
. �nu►na�ta�.er��ue.t�ro��urrr�,w�,wn�,,wn.Fr,�>: < .
The Sewer ,Separation Program has. been approved- thrcwgh fihe 'Capitai Impro�re� � Budget (CIB) -
Process. _ ,
�uart�cw�t�o�t��adruq�.,�l: _ ; .
� Th'is wiil reduce combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi River during rain .
� ca�eau� wn�+..oa ro wno��: _ . < : , .. ,
Thts is part of the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination �yrstem ( PDES} Permit.
Not proceeding with this wark may result ir� penalties.
.. .. . .
. Krn�wi►�nres: �os cows
ouncil Re�earch Center
N/A : O C�' U�s 1�88
Th.is is the fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer 5eparation Program. Many simi ar pra}ects
,. h d . been a r ed. ,
��axs: , .
N/A . �