88-1663 �� �
P r� b
FINAL ORDER ., �,--�
By �,�~ , � L.%¢�1�--��'`�
File No. lES3A-I
Voting In the Matter of e�astrnctiag sanitar�, �,os�w and satar ser�ic� co�a�ctions,
Ward if s�qusated bT tlre prog�srt1r +wrQes, fos t� a�bissg ses�:r �aratisa pso�sct
� �o�ra u the Clsv�laad/Partlsud Ar�a Stor� Sa�r aad 8trest la�in� �t
L3.Shtins Proj�et.
under Preliminary Order o° ��/T approved ���`� ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard ail persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date OCT 1 31988
Yeas D�� Nays
����" Certified ed b Council Secretary
���a In Favor By
s�r►��1 � OCT 1 $ �88
� Against
y��II Mayor
��a aK x�� ;, �� 1988
� ��_.�1 � �
, , �� '�
7. 10/3/88 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets: Approved
(see next page for listing) . To be known as 4-0
8. IO/13/88 FINAL ORDER: Constructing sanitary, storm Apgrov�ed
and water service connections, if requested 4-0
by the property owner, for the combined sewer
separation project known as the
9. 10/15/88 VACATION: Petition of SAINT PAUL COMPANIES Approved
to -vacate part of W. Sixth Street, W. Seventh 3-0
Place, Mayall alley and the air rights in
part of W. Sixth Street for a skyway for the
purpose of constructing - a new St. Paul
Companies building in downtown Saint Paul.
10. 10/25/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT: for the following Approved
(9) Above Standard Street Lighting Projects 3-0
for the year 1988:
� A. Ford-Cleveland Area
B. Selby-Western Area
C. Lowertown Area
D. Grand East I Area
E. North Wabasha Area
F. Grand Avenue West Area
G. Grand Avenue East II Area
H. Smith Avenue Area
I. Wabasha-5th-6th Area
(for the months of November and December, 1988) .
11. 10/15/88 FINAL ORDER: For the operating costs for the Approved
Above Standard Street Lighting Systems in the 3-0
following areas for the year 1989:
A. Lowertown Area
B. Grand Avenue West Area
C. Selby-Western Area
D. Ford-Cleveland Area
E. Grand East I Area
F. Grand East II Area
G. Wabasha Area
H. Smith Avenue Area
I. Wabasha-Sth-6th Area
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rs�.n�x��r�`i�°'. �s
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Councii File No.88-1416—By Roger�.Gasvr�tz- � '
. in the Matter of constructing sanitary.starzt►and water aervit�+p�eetfpo��
� if rcquested by the Prdj�tE�'�ri�ii��ai�?���t��ii�s�.ps+�
� kaown as the ClevelandJPortiaiid.� Sto�an_3iea►er a�8�i�t Psvia��d
Lighting Project in Votmg Ward 4 • . .��_o' :.� � •;
T'h�C 1 of the City oL S,�in;Pa�, tt}ng� ed th� :
upo,n °t�1+e;`�c��,�n1�r�i�i�i�iient� a�"���,�S�,sa�� `�°
resoIv,�:� : � , 3 �' �.�
L '1'�iat �tTie said�report and thej sgme .�s ,hei+eby�: =�T� �.�ct .�.,
�I�er�a�.is1r,es. and that tl�:.e$y,i�pqat�d.��q�,;, �� an
�'C��K3r.�S$�S&]�A811�S•"�9�1��$a!6 . � �� ;r� ;�,„Y x. 'i � -
2. That a.g#i��,c-heaiing-be h#�d;R1��fid_�P��c � �
�etn,.�.,�19�9$-,�QO Q'C�� i, 1�#v,��+.�WiT�C��.�:�bil�, �. � :
``Hl�ii a�d'Coui�t ?�tise u ag in C`i�y�i�sint Fn
� �,�^r r py. �..
.,.��'�# �ptice of said gu�blic hearin�be 5�tvpp.�o t�, . �
� �er pYOVided bY.t�te��'a.ost� .. ���� a � �v.��;,
• the nature of the unprovement and the�atal cost thereb �
_ � _ - -�rr�. r„ ,•
File No. I8530-1 _ -
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Council File No.8g-,�l��-�'B?q$.er�;��awitz-� t . .&L ,: X m��. .�3�
In the Matter of coA�tf'u�t#i��:s�'tta�r:star�4`arid_�vi�#er sef�i�r�cdti�. �'�
ii requested by.the property o�ner;tar the'ceimbi�ed astper�p�atie���E �?
� known as the Cieveland/Portland �lrea�Stonn �e�eer•:and����eet=3pa�ri�g':� _>
Lighting Projeet in V�t��Ward.l. _ .
3'he Council af the Citg of Saint,Pau1:#YBVing r�eeitret}the�p6�9oi th��a�+or '
upon the above improvement; and hav�r�g cons'rdered'sAid i�e�, ��E+ebY ` `"
resolves: .
1. That the said report and�the s�me`;is 'hereb�y: a��vov�lt w��"��cs'""
aiternatives, and that the estfma'ted' cost thereo# is .per_:cvn�iection ".
financed by assessments. Connections are asgessed at cost. ` '; ` "
2. That a public hearing be had on �aid u' �rqyemerif�on th�e, � �.
. • ' ock a,�n ��the Coun�l.ChBmbers�o���t,X ._
all and Court House Bw #,�e Gity of.�a;nt:Paul ., , �
� 3. That notice of said public hear�t}g.:�e-giv+�n �o=th�e�ar:�ns arid��.the .:`
; manner provided by the Charter,gtaSi3�g tAe tipse>ar�d:place o#.h�E► �'-
the nature of the improvement and the�tatal cqet;•therec�t as.b9ti�ate�
File No. 18530-1 - - - � °
Adopted by the Council August 25, 1986 ;-: - - ' '
AppY`oro'ed'Atignst 25,'_l98$.`, � •'� . - �
(September 3 IO 1988) , -