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ciTV oF sr. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. y —
FINAL ORDER /_�,/'�'�
BY l�k'"�Gr� .�_..�.-���✓'�
File No. 1$S2a
Voting In the Matter of
.2 i�proviag Ir�iae /1�enna betweea Saxsit Avenae aad
Plesaant �veane (inclnda�s upper Ir�iae A�enue betxeea Sussit aad
Pleasaat aad lover Irving A�enae b�tweea �:ase� Street and
Pleasaat Afeane) D� gr:diag and paving� constrnctins cnrb and
gutter, uev catch hasins, nex dri�erays, a gre�� lantara style
lighting s�rstea�, new retaining valls and doing all other Nort
nccessary aad incidental to satd projtct. This project is to be
kAONII as tae Irvina Avt�us Asea Street Pa�fng and Lighting
Project. ,_ _
o vE,�
� ► �i ��� .
r �I r �.��,�,�.
under Preliminary Order ��� ���� approved ��°?`���
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate -
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�� �� �
�o . ,3 ��
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeasl?f�nd Nays
COS�fts Certified Passed by Council Secretary
tltt� In Favor By
$pap�$ Against
yilt� Mayor
OI�aMY►TOR , . ' oME�nn+q� o��E cOM�.R�o �± �+� `�' " `
Pub l i c Works i o 8-11-88 V���c� �� 1�. Q 0�
00�� ; u�,ws►�nr ow�croA w►ren ion�erMm
Pa u 1 S t. �� � s�a�o�arr�o�c�oa �crnm a.�m
Martin � � �,�
Pub} i c works �292-62$0 0�: �,n.���� _2-�o�uau�1 Rese.=�rc3�--_
� b a ,on.or f 2� , =
: fmprove IRV INE RVENU� �etween�Summi t i4ai�nue and Pl easant Avenue (i'nci udes .Upper i ruic�e �avenu�
between Sur�imit Avenue and Pl�eas�nt arn� Lower trw.ine Avenue be�we�n Ramsey and Pleasant) by
grading artd paYing, constructing curb-and gutter, new catch b,asins, new driveways, a new
storm sewer �ystem, a lantern style light�ng system, new retai��irig ; watl's, storm and �sanitary
ne�:c���af«�r�>> . , .
. . e _
Puw�r+a� c�senv��a+ o��� a�e our ►ar r�au� . d��a�.1 �
mHrc+o oor.�ssa�+ , �ezs sc►aa ea�no
A sr� c�areA ca�aN ��ns�s �ooL�r•o:rooEO+� a�ro m carr�:c cc�strn�tr
_ T_ _roA roa�wFO. _��ooeo*
81��POrtrs wrrCM cOt�+C�cae,IECnvE4
Safe� �d better nelghborhoods. � .
�IU�a�rno�t,Er..�M�E�roetwrtr�w►n.w►w�.wran,wn.re.wn,�►: . .
� Yhe project area is presently served by a combined s�r system. Quring periods of moderate to
heavy rainfall , storm water and sanitary sewag� con�ine .#o flow. over a d�version stfucture and
"ou"ttet .�o= the Mississippi R�ve�; TF�ere. Fiave be8n problems' in the pro�ect area with overland
: ,,_ ��orm water fTow and itow f.ran.undergrcund spr.in�s. ,Ttie existing .o.iled roadway is in pi�or. .
� condit�on. P�rtions of existing retaining watls 3n the .area are irt poor condition. �
State and federal agencies require tF�at combined sewer o�rerflows to `tfie R-iyer be el imiriated.
= Construction of separate storm and sanitary sewers wil} eliminate these overftaws. Grad#ng
� ar�d.`p�ving and construction of concrete curb and-gutter wi l l el imin�te �overl��td flow and' "
di��ect the storai water to the proposed storm se�rer. system. New retaining waTls.wil� replace
w�l1s which are in poor condition. Lanterri style lighting wili impro�e lighting and safety� �
of neighboc#�ood. Proposed underground drainag� sys��m will reduce ftaw frarr springs.
. ` � p�.r;wo.�;.i�e-rs�w�: _. - , : . -
' Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, tempora�y eliminatio�. of
aecess, inconvenience and general disrupt.ion wilt be pr'e�ent. Area property owrters-wi(T incur
; _ _ storm sewer assessment of $.03/sq. ft. (residential) and;$.o75lsq. ft. {commgrcial): P�roperty
- ownets abutting the street improvement will be "assessec� $�9.00/ft. for the st�eet imprave�ent
- and.�$5:Ot1I�t: for the lantern sty�e light:ing. . _
w.�Enw►mES: _ � _ , . =vnos c�s _ -
Do nothing. Combined sewer overflow
:;wi1} c�nt:tnue. - � ..
Con�truct gt:o►`m sewer only Storm water will not flow
_ to catch b�sins tf:s�t�et .
is not reconstructed.
ConsZste�nt r�ith ci,ty's CSSP Program.
, Not appl a�cabie:. _
, . � . � ,6��
� . � ��-��
Preliminary Report Prepared - August 15, 1988
Improve IRVINE AVENUE between Summit Avenue and Pleasant Avenue
(includes upper Irvine Avenue between Summit and Pleasant and lower
Irvine Avenue between Ramsey Street and Pleasant Avenue) (City Project
No. 89-P-8028) by grading and paving, constructing curb and gutter, new
catch basins, new driveways, a new storm sewer system (S-8027), a
lantern style lighting system (V-8028), new retaining walls (B-1159),
storm and sanitary sewer and water service connections, and doing all
other work necessary and incidental to said project.
This project was initiated by the Department of Public Works and
approved by the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) process.
Irvine Avenue is an oiled roadway with a combined sewer. The roadway is
divided by a limestone slope wall. Upper Irvine Avenue, between Summit
and Pleasant varies in height over lower Irvine Avenue from 12' to 32'.
The limits of lower Irvine Avenue are Ramsey Street to Pleasant. The
existing upper and lower roadway widths vary between 10' and 18'. The
right-of-way is 66' wide. Both roadways presently carry two way
� traffic. An existing crossover island located midway between Summit and
Pleasant allows for access between upper and lower Irvine. Upper and
lower Irvine also join at Pleasant Avenue. See Attachment#1 for
locations. Parking is currently banned on the north side of upper Inrine
between Pleasant and the crossover area. Traffic counts are low. There
is some existing sidewalk at various locations. There are many existing
trees located in the slope wall area and north and south of the existing
roadway. From what can be determined from existing records, the
limestone slope wall in the median area was constructed around 1887 and
for the most part is in fairly good condition. The wall is in poor condition
in the section from Western to 600' east. There is also an existing
limestone wall located on the north side of upper Irvine from Pleasant to
200' west which is in poor condition. Irvine Avenue is a border of the
Historic Hill Preservation District.
The proposed Irvine Avenue improvements are part of the 1989 Combined
Sewer Separation Program. Storm sewer will be constructed on upper and
lower Irvine Avenue and outlet into an existing storm sewer stub located
north of Pleasant Avenue (see Attachment#1). Storm sewer will also be
constructed on the Western Avenue right of way . This sectaon wiA senre �
as an outlet for a portion of the Goodrich-Western watershed which is
currentty scheduled to be completed in 1992.
The existing oiled roadway will be removed and replaced with a
bituminous surfaced roadway with concrete curb and gutter. The proposed
widths of the upper and lower roadways vary between 14' and 20'.
Underground subgrade drains will be installed to reduce the groundwater
problems in the area. Ornamental lantern style lighting will be
constructed on the inside edge of the upper and lower roadways. Retaining
walls will be constructed in the median area from Westem to 600' east
and on the north side of upper Irvine from Pleasant to 200' west See
attachments for the proposed construction and typical sections.
An information meeting was held on April 28, 1988 with all of the
abutting property owners being notified. At this meeting it was decided
to form a design task force to discuss design issues. The Public Works
Department has met with the design task force 4 times to data to discuss
the project details and the following issues have been the major point of
There is an existing system of overhead utilities and utility poles
' located in the slope wall area between upper and lower Irvine.
Northern States Power (NSP) Company, US West (formerly
Northwestern Bell), and Continental Cablevision have facilities
located on the poles. The residents want all of the overhead utilities
converted to a underground system and all of the existing utility poles
NSP has given a rough estimate of$300,000 to convert their
facilities to an underground system. Additional costs include the cost
to the individual property owner to convert to an underground service
(roughly $500 to $2,000+ for each service) and an additional monthly
charge of $3.00 for underground service. NSP's position is that they
will convert their facilities to underground if some other party pays
the costs.
US West is planning to place their mainline system underground at no
cost to the City or the properry owners, but the services to the
individual properties would still be overhead. Cost to the property
owners for burial of overhead service would be roughly $500.
� � � 1��
, Continental Cablevision has given a rough estimate of$100,000 to �f'�'-7'��
bury their facilities. Continental Cablevision is not willing to pay for
any of the costs to bury their facilities. There would be additional
costs to the property owner for burial of services similar to US West.
Public Works position is that burial of the overhead facilities is not
necessary. City policies and agreements with the utility companies
state that the utility companies cannot be forced to pay the cost of
utility relocation if it is not necessary. The residents want the
utilities buried but don't want to pay any of the costs. An assessment
per front foot just to bury the mainline facilities will be roughly $95
per front foot. The total estimated cost for complete utility burial to
a property with 60' of front footage would be $5,700 for mainline
utility burial plus roughly $1,500 for burial of services plus the
monthly charge of$ 3.00 for NSP underground service. Public Works
recommendation is that the overhead utilities remain in place. If the
overhead facility is converted to an underground system, the abutting
properties should be assessed for the entire cost of the conversion.
The City of St. Paul Fire Marshall has reviewed the project area and
has stated that parking should be banned on both sides of upper and
lower Irvine Avenue at all locations where the wid#h of the roadway
is less than 20'. At locations where the width is 20', parking can be
provided on one side of the roadway. This will guarantee adequate
� access for all fire and emergency vehicles to the properties abutting
Irvine Avenue. A portion of the residents feel parking should be
allowed on all of Irvine.
It is proposed to keep the existing two way traffic pattern on both
upper and lower Irvine Avenue. The proposed roadway width is
generally 16' but varies between 14' and 20' at some locations (see
Attachment#3). Where feasible, the roadway was widened to 20 feet
at locations where parking is necessary and the roadway could be
widened for little additional expense. It was not possible to widen to
20' at all locations where parking may be necessary. To provide
parking on all of Irvine, it would be necessary to reconstruct the
median slope wall along the entire length of Irvine Avenue to provide
enough width to construct 20' wide roadways on both upper and lower
Irvine. The estimated cost to reconstruct the entire length of walls
would be roughly $800,000 above the estimated $470,000 for the
walls proposed to be reconstructed. Where a 14' wide roadway is
proposed, restrictions caused by the location of the existing
limestone slope wall, retaining walls on private property, and
buildings located near the property line necessitate narrowing of the
roadway to 14' wide. In areas where the proposed roadway is 14' and
16' wide, a mountable curb will be constructed on one side of the
roadway to provide additional width (boulevard area) to allow for
passing of oncoming vehicles.
Public Works recommendation is the roadway be constructed to the
widths shown on Attachment#3 and parking be banned at all locations
where the roadway width is less than 20 feet.
The residents have proposed that brick gutters be constructed on
upper and lower Inrine, similar to the treatment in the Irvine Park
Heritage Preservation District.
Public Works' position is that some type of brick gutter can be
installed as part of the project if the abutting properties are
assessed the full cost of the installation. One scheme which would
involve inlay of brick in the gutter section of a standard concrete curb
and gutter would add approximately$95,000 to the cost of the
project. This works out to an assessment of$22.00 per front foot for
the brick gutter installation. The residents want the brick gutters
included in the project but do not want to pay any of the costs. For
this reason Public Works is not including brick gutters in the proposed
Immediately northwest of the crossover area, there is an existing dirt
area located on private property (see Attachment#1) which is used
for 180 degree turns. For example, a vehicle traveling easterly on
upper Irvine swings into the turnaround area enabling the vehicle to
turn through the crossover area and proceed westerly on lower Inrine.
The residents want this turnaround included in the proposed
improvement. The residents feel that the tumaround is necessary,
especially in the winter, where snow on the roadway makes it
difficult to gain ac:cess to lower Irvine from Ramsey or Pleasant.
Public Works feels the turnaround is a convenience rather than a
necessity. Inclusion of the turnaround in the project would
necessitate acquisition of a portion of the private property abutting
Irvine in the crossover area. The affected property owner is planning
to develop the property and does not want to lose the portion of their
property necessary (20' by 20') for a tumaround. The design of the
proposed crossover will enable a vehicle to make the 180 degree turn,
although it will be less convenient and may require putting larger
cars into reverse to enable the 180 degree turn to be made. Public
. . ro5�"
, � � ���%�'�
, Works recommendation �s the crossover area be constructed as
proposed, with no additional right-of-way acquisition.
On the inside edge of the existing upper irvine Avenue there is an
existing double cabie guardrail. The residents want this guardraii
reused or if another type of guardraii is installed, they warrt a type of
guardrail that is more esthetic than the standard type of guardrail
which is used throughout the city.
Public Works is proposing to salvage and reuse the existing double
cable guardrail as much as possible. At some locations where the
difference in eleva�on between the upper and lower roadways
necessitate a higher strength guardrail, we are proposing to install a
standard steel plate beam guardrail with a self-weathering steel
plate beam. The self-weathering plate beam has the same finish as
the standard bent straw light standard. The plate beam guardrail �
meets the necessary structural standards for guardrail, is fairly
inexpensive, and spare parts for maintenance are kept in stock by the
Bridge Maintenance Section. Installation of a non-standard, more
esthetic guardrail would increase initial costs and maintenance costs.
Use of a non-standard guardrail will also increase the potential
liability to the City because the use of that type of guardrail is not
standard practice.
All of the existing trees and brush will be removed in the area of the
proposed retaining wall in the median area between Ramsey and 600'
east. Extensive tree and brush removals will be necessary in the area
of the retaining wall construction on the north side of the roadway
near Pleasant. There will be some tree removals in the median area
near the crossover, and some tree removals along the outside edges of
the upper and Iower roadways along the length of the project. The
residents are not opposed to the tree removals as long as they are
replaced with other plantings.
Public Works will work with the residents and the Parks and
Recreation Division to come up with a landscaping plan for the area.
The majority of the plantings wiil be installed in the areas where
there have been tree removals. The extent and costs of any additional
landscaping proposed by Public Works would be comparable to the
work being done on other Combined Sewer Separation Projects.
Diversion of sanitary sewage from this area to the Mississippi River will
be eliminated. The new bituminous surfacing and concrete�curb and gutter ,
will improve drainage and the riding surface. Maintenance costs will be
reduced and the appearance of the street will be greatly improved. The
underground subdrain will reduce the water problems caused by springs in
the area. New retaining walls will replace deteriorated walls in the area.
The new lantern style street lighting will improve the appearance and
safety of the neighborhood.
Upper and lower Irvine will be closed to through traffic during
construction but local and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at
all times. Dust and noise in the area will be higher than normal. There
will be substantial tree and brush removals in the area of the retaining
wall construction.
Construction is scheduled to begin around April 1, 1989 and be completed
around October 1, 1989.
Construction $240,000
Engineering and Inspection 49.000
Construction $339,000
Engineering and Inspection 62.000
$401 ,000
Construction $400,000
Engineering and Inspection 70.000
Construction $ 60,000
Engineering and Inspection 11 .000
$ 71 ,000
PROJECTTOTAL $1 ,231 ,000
, . • C����i�'`" -�'
Assessments $ 80,000
1989 CIB 199,000
SSSC 10.000
Assessments $ 20,000
State & Federal Grants & Loans 225,000
SSSC 156.000
$401 ,000
1989 CIB �470.000
Assessments $ 18,000
1989 C I B 53.000
$ 71 ,000
PROJECT TOTAL $1 ,231 ,000
Area property owners will incur storm sewer assessment of $.03 /sq. ft.
(residential) and $.075/sq. ft. (commercial). Property owners abutting
the street improvement will be assessed $19.00/ft. for the street
improvement and $5.00 /ft. for the lantern style lighting.
Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water connections that are requested
will be assessed at the actual cost. The estimated cost for a water
service is $2,000.00, $1,500.00 for a sanitary service connection, and
$1,000.00 for a storm sewer connection.
For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St. Martin,
at 292-6280.
The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and
worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval
of the project.
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� ' . ` ' i � - � ° � �'-r _ 10ELl.Q �� SUMMIT RND RRMSEy O
• , ' ' I RV l N E 1-4-1 l.L`,ST1�.E�,`�' pAV I N C,— AR@ Nti K►��pA�. 3rA'rE A�D SME.eT'3�
1RV�NE ANp P�.tHSO.NT /1Q.E NpT,
City Planning Ward 4�2
RECEIVED District Planning Council 8,
Dear Property Owner:
� SEP 2 31988 File No. 18528 and
To decide on whether to improve IRVINE AVENUE between Summit Avenue
P U R PO S E and Pleasant Avenue by grading and paving, constructing curb and
gutter, driveway aprons, a new retaining wall, and a lantern-style
lighting system.
A�1D .
Also, to install a new storm sewer to serve the area bounded
LO C A TIO N by Kellogg Boulevard, Pleasant Avenue, Ramsey Street, and
Summit Avenue.
Thursday, October 13, 1988, at 9:00 A.M.
H EA RIN G City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House
Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council
will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full
City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you
may have to this meeting on Wednesday, September 28, 1988, in
- Court House at 9:00 A.M.
If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will
FIN A N CIN G be assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The
e�timatPd acsess�nen�:s f.or this proiect are as follows:
for Grading and Paving $289,000
Lighting ' 71,000
Retaining Wall 470,000
for Storm Sewer 401,000
Assessments $ 118,000
1989 Capital Improvement Budget 722,000
Storm Sewer System Charge 166,000
Federal and State Grants and Loans 225,000
Street Paving Assessment: $19.00 per assessable foot
The first 150 feet on the long side of residential corner lots
will not be assessed provided that the short side has been
assessed under the paving of oiled-streets program.
Should you request a new storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer
connection or water connection, it will be assessed at actual
cost per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan
to develop soon, we suggest that you request that we construct
these connections at this time.
Senior Citizens may defer their assessments until the property is
sold. We will send further details at the time for the
ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for
To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply
with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts)
must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building ' s
rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an
underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of
your building. Some apartments, commercial and industrial
buildings will require a separate storm sewer connection and you
should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the
property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to
have it installed later. For more information, call the Sewer
Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292-6247
(commercial property) .
Notice sent September 23 , 1988 ,
By the Valuation and
Assessment Division
Department of Finance
and Management Services
Saint Aanl _ Minncentn SS1A7
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1. That �he said rep6rt and �he same i§ hereb a'
alternatives,and that the estimated c�t thereof is pp�� �� �
Assessments $98,0�: 1985�C`apital Improvement Bonds; �#299;ODQ �d�: ,:
Sewer System Charge 310,Q00:
Z• That a publfe hearing be.had on said improvemeat on the 13th
Qetober�Y988 at 9:00 0' ' , in the Cou�ci�ChaYnb�ers�T�#"f���
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File No. 16528
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Adopted by the Council August 25,1988. '
AP}�roved August 25, 1988. . . 1
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�Council File No.88-1411—'BY Roger J.-Gosanty- # -
In the Matter of improving Irvine`Avenue between�Sumaiit Aveaue'and
Pleasant Avenue(includes upper irvine•Aveaue betweea gua�sm;t aad pl�saut
and lower Irvina Aveaue betw►e�
' inndfaj aad pa�iat. coas �► Street and P3MS�at Av�nue) by.
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Preliminary Report Prepared - August 15, 1988
Revised - September 20, 1988
Public Hearing - October 13,1988
Improve IRVINE AVENUE between Summit Avenue and Pleasant Avenue
(includes upper Irvine Avenue between Summit and Pleasant and lower
Irvine Avenue between Ramsey Street and Pleasant Avenue) (City Project
No. 89-P-8028) by grading and paving, constructing curb and gutter, new
catch basins, new driveways, a new storm sewer system (S-8027), a
lantern style lighting system (V-8028), new retaining walls (B-1159),
storm and sanitary sewer and water service connections, and doing all
other work necessary and incidental to said project.
This project was initiated by the Department of Public Works and
approved by the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) process as part of the
Sewer Separation and Street Paving Program. The retaining wall project
was approved as a separate project.
Irvine Avenue is an oiled roadway with a combined sewer. There is some
existing granite block located in the driveways on the north side of upper
Irvine. The roadway is divided by a limestone slope wall. Upper Irvine
Avenue, between Summit and Pleasant varies in height over lower Irvine
Avenue from 12' to 32'. The limits of lower Irvine Avenue are Ramsey
Street to Pleasant. The existing upper and lower roadway widths vary
between 10' and 18'. The right-of-way is 66' wide. Both roadways
presently carry two way traffic. An existing crossover island located
midway between Summit and Pleasant allows for access between upper
and lower Irvine. Upper and lower Irvine also join at Pleasant Avenue.
See Attachment #1 for locations. Parking is currently banned on the north
side of upper Irvine between Pleasant and the crossover area. Traffic
counts are low. There is some existing sidewalk at various locations.
There are many existing trees located in the slope wall area and north and
south of the existing roadway. From what can be determined from
existing records, the limestone slope wall in the median area was
constructed around 1887 and for the most part is in fairly good condition.
The wall is in poor condition in the section from Western to 600' east. A
90' long section of this wall washed out in 1978 and has been replaced
with a timber wall. There is also an existing limestone wall located on
the north side of upper Irvine from Pleasant to 200' west which is in poor
condition. Irvine Avenue is a border of the Historic Hill Preservation
The proposed Irvine Avenue improvements are part of the 1989 Combined
Sewer and Street Paving (CSSP) Program. Storm sewer will be
constructed on upper and lower Irvine Avenue and outlet into an existing
storm sewer stub located north of Pleasant Avenue (see Attachment #1).
Storm sewer will also be constructed on the Western Avenue right of way
This section will serve as an outlet for a portion of the Goodrich-Western
watershed which is currently scheduled to be completed in 1992.
The existing oiled roadway will be removed and replaced with a
bituminous surfaced roadway with concrete curb and gutter. The existing
granite block will be made available to the abutting property owner for
use in driveway aprons. The proposed widths of the upper and lower
roadways vary between 14' and 20'. Underground subgrade drains will be
installed to reduce the groundwater problems in the area. Ornamental
lantern style lighting will be constructed on the inside edge of the upper
and lower roadways. Keystone type retaining walls are proposed to be
constructed in the median area from Western to 600' east, in the
crossover area and on the north side of upper Irvine from Pleasant to 200'
west. See attachments for the proposed construction and typical sections.
The proposed improvement of Irvine has been reviewed by the St. Paul
Heritage Preservation Commission and the approved Resolution is
attached. On this type of project, the recommendations of the Heritage
Preservation Commission are advisory only.
An information meeting was held on April 28, 1988 with all of the
abutting property owners being notified. At this meeting it was decided
to form a design task force to discuss design issues. The Public Works
Department has met with the design task force 6 times to date to discuss
the project details and the following issues have been the major point of
There is an existing system of overhead utilities and utility poles
located in the slope wall area between upper and lower Inrine.
Northern States Power (NSP) Company, US West (formerly
Northwestern Bell), and Continental Cablevision have facilities
located on the poles. The residents want all of the overhead utilities
converted to a underground system and all of the existing utility poles
NSP has given a rough estimate of $300,000 to convert their
facilities to an underground system. Additional costs include the cost
to the individual property owner to convert to an underground service
(roughly $500 to $2,000+ for each service) and an additional monthly
charge of $3.00 for underground service. NSP's position is that they
will convert their facilities to underground if some other party pays
the costs.
US West is planning to place their mainline system underground at no
cost to the City or the property owners, but the services to the
individual properties would still be overhead. Cost to the property
owners for burial of overhead service would be roughly $500.
Continental Cablevision has given a rough estimate of$100,000 to
bury their facilities. Continental Cablevision is not willing to pay for
any of the costs to bury their facilities. There would be additional
costs to the property owner for burial of senrices similar to US West.
Public Works position is that burial of the overhead facilities is not
necessary. City policies and agreements with the utility companies
state that the utility companies cannot be forced to pay the cost of
utility relocation if it is not necessary. The residents want the
utilities buried but don't want to pay any of the costs. An assessment
per front foot just to bury the mainline facilities will be roughly $95
per front foot. The total estimated cost for complete utility burial to
a property with 60' of front footage would be $5,700 for mainline
utility burial plus roughly $1,500 for burial of services plus the
monthly charge of $ 3.00 for NSP underground service. Public Works
recommendation is that the overhead utilities remain in place. If the
overhead facility is converted to an underground system, the abutting
properties should be assessed for the entire cost of the conversion.
The Heritage Preservation Commission has recommended that the
utility facilities be converted to an underground system on the
condition that the City, the utility companies and the abutting
property owners find a mutually acceptable way to pay for the
The Bridge Engineering Division has inspected the existing limestone
walls along Irvine Avenue and is recommending that the median slope
wall from Western to 600' east and the existing limestone wall on the
north side of Irvine from Pleasant to 200' west be replaced in
conjunction with the sewer and paving project. Replacement of the
walls in the future would necessitate substantial removals of the
roadway improvements being proposed.
Public Works is proposing to replace the walls with a "Keystone"
brand retaining wall system. This system consists of a wall
constructed with precast concrete modules which are stacked and
interlocked with fiberglass pins. A geogrid tieback system is also
placed behind the wall. The face of the wall will have a fractured
rock appearance with a gray color. The Keystone wall system is a
vertical wall and cannot be constructed at a slope similar to the
existing wall. The total estimated cost of the wall as proposed is
The residents have questioned the need to replace the walls as
proposed. They feel the walls should be repaired or if necessary
replaced with a new retaining wall which matches the original
limestone wall in slope, composition design and appearance. They
also feel the Keystone wall will not maintain the character of the
street and will conflict with the existing sections of limestone wall
which will remain in place.
The Heritage Preservation Commission has recommended that the
walls be replaced to the original slope, composition, design and
appearance. They also have requested that State Historic
Preservation Office review the wall and render a opinion on the wall's
historic significance. We are expecting that the opinion will be
received before the Public Works Committee Meeting on September
28, 1988.
It is possible to construct a geogrid reinforced slope wall with a
limestone facing. When completed, this wall would look very similar
to the existing limestone wall. Due to the additional geogrid,
excavation, and cost and quantity of limestone facing, this type of
wall would cost approximately $240,000 more than the Keystone wall
being proposed. If the entire amount of the additional cost were
assessed to the abutting property owners, the front foot assessment
would be $57.00 per front foot.
Public Works feels the proposed Keystone wall is cost effective,
aesthetic and practical for this project. The additional costs for a
limestone wall in this case are not justified.
If the Keystone retaining wall is constructed, a fence which will
prevent a person from accidentally falling from the top of the wall
wili be necessary (see Attachment #2 for location). Public Works is
proposing to install a 42 inch high black vinyl coated chain link fence.
on top of the Keystone wall. The estimated cost of the fence is
$10,000. This fence will have a non-climbable chain with square
posts, rails and caps. If the limestone slope wall is constructed, no
fencing is necessary.
The residents want a ornamental type railing installed if the Keystone
retaining wall is constructed. This railing would be similar to the
railings installed on Mississippi River Blvd. over the past few years.
The estimated cost for the ornamental railing is $42,000. The
assessment per front foot for the additional $32,000 cost for the
ornamental railing would be approximately $7.50 per front foot.
The Heritage Presenration Commission has recommended that the
ornamental type railing be installed if the Keystone type wall is used.
Public Works feels that the vinyl coated chin link fence is adequate
for this project. Any additional costs for a ornamental railing should
be assessed to the abutting properties.
The City of St. Paul Fire Marshall has reviewed the project area and
has stated that parking should be banned on both sides of upper and
lower Irvine Avenue at all locations where the width of the roadway
is less than 20'. At locations where the width is 20', parking can be
provided on one side of the roadway. This will guarantee adequate
access for all fire and emergency vehicles to the properties abutting
Irvine Avenue. A portion of the residents feel parking should be
allowed on all of Irvine.
It is proposed to keep the existing two way traffic pattern on both
upper and lower Irvine•Avenue. The proposed roadway width is
generally 16' but varies between 14' and 20' at some locations (see
Attachment#3). Where feasible, the roadway was widened to 20 feet
at locations where parking is necessary and the roadway could be
widened for little additional expense. It was not possible to widen to
20' at all locations where parking may be necessary. To provide
parking on all of Irvine, it would be necessary to reconstruct the
median slope wall along the entire length of Irvine Avenue to provide
enough width to construct 20' wide roadways on both upper and lower
Irvine. The estimated cost to reconstruct the entire length of walls
would be roughly $800,000 above the estimated $470,000 for the
walls proposed to be reconstructed. Where a 14' wide roadway is
proposed, restrictions caused by the Iocation of the existing
limestone slope wall, retaining walls on private property, and
buildings located near the property line necessitate narrowing of the
roadway to 14' wide. In areas where the proposed roadway is 14' and
16' wide, a mountable curb will be constructed on one side of the
roadway to provide additional width (boulevard area) to allow for
passing of oncoming vehicles.
There is enough width available to reconstruct Western Avenue
between and Summit and upper Irvine to 20' wide. Because of the 9%
vertical grade in this section, the higher amount of traffic, poor sight
distances, and number of existing driveways, Public Works is
proposing to ban parking on both sides of the roadway on Western
between Summit and upper Irvine.
Public Works recommendation is the roadway be constructed to the
widths shown on Attachment #3 and parking be banned on Western
between Summit and upper Irvine and at all other locations where the
roadway width is less than 20 feet.
The residents have proposed that some type of brick gutters be
constructed on upper and lower Irvine, similar to the treatment in the
Irvine Park Heritage Preservation District.
Public Works' position is that some type of brick gutter can be
installed as part of the project if the abutting properties are
assessed the full cost of the installation. One scheme which would
involve inlay of brick in the gutter section of a standard concrete curb
and gutter would add approximately $95,000 to the cost of the
project. This works out to an assessment of $22.50 per front foot for
the brick gutter installation. The residents want the brick gutters
included in the project but do not want to pay any of the costs. For
this reason Public Works is not including brick gutters in the proposed
Immediately northwest of the crossover area, there is an existing dirt
area located on private property (see Attachment#1) which is used
for 180 degree turns. For example, a vehicle traveling easterly on
upper Irvine swings into the turnaround area enabling the vehicle to
turn through the crossover area and proceed westerly on lower Irvine.
The residents want this turnaround included in the proposed
improvement. The residents feel that the turnaround is necessary,
especially in the winter, where snow on the roadway makes it
difficult to gain access to lower Irvine from Ramsey or Pleasant.
Public Works feels the turnaround is a convenience rather than a
necessity. inclusion of the turnaround in the project would
necessitate acquisition of a portion of the private property abutting
Irvine in the crossover area. The affected property owner is planning
to develop the property and does not want to lose the portion of their
property necessary (20' by 20') for a turnaround. The design of the
proposed crossover will enable a vehicle to make the 180 degree turn,
although it will be less convenient and may require putting larger
cars into reverse to enable the 180 degree turn to be made. Public
Works' recommendation is the crossover area be constructed as
proposed, with no additional right-of-way acquisition.
On the inside edge of the existing upper Irvine Avenue there is an
existing double cable guardrail. The residents want this guardrail
reused or if another type of guardrail is installed, they want a type of
guardrail that is more esthetic than the standard type of guardrail
which is used throughout the city.
Public Works is proposing to salvage and reuse the existing double
cable guardrail as much as possible. At some locations where the
difference in elevation between the upper and lower roadways
necessitate a higher strength guardrail, we are proposing to install a
standard steel plate beam guardrail with a self-weathering steel
plate beam. See Attachment #1 for locations. The self-weathering
plate beam has the same finish as the standard bent straw light
standard. The plate beam guardrail meets the necessary structural
standards for guardrail, is fairly inexpensive, and spare parts for
maintenance are kept in stock by the Bridge Maintenance Section.
Installation of a non-standard, more esthetic guardrail would
increase initial costs and maintenance costs. Use of a non-standard
guardrail will also increase the potential liability to the City because
the use of that type of guardrail is not standard practice.
All of the existing trees and brush will be removed in the area of the
proposed retaining wall in the median area between Western and 600'
east. Extensive tree and brush removals will be necessary in the area
of the retaining wall construction on the north side of the roadway
near Pleasant. There will be some tree removals in the median area
near the crossover, and some tree removals along the outside edges of
the upper and lower roadways along the length of the project. The
residents are not opposed to the tree removals as long as they are
replaced with other plantings.
Public Works will work with the residents and the Parks and
Recreation Division to come up with a landscaping plan for the area.
The Parks and Recreation Division has reviewed the preliminary plans
for the project and has determined that approximately $20,000 to
$25,000 of planting will be necessary on this project. The majority
of the plantings will be installed in the areas where there have been
tree removals. There would some additional landscaping that would
be comparable to the work being done on other Combined Sewer
Separation Projects. The planting would be completed under a
separate contract administered by the Parks and Recreation Division.
After the street, sewer and retaining wall design plans are
completed, Public Works and the Parks and Recreation Division will
meet with the residents and determine a final landscaping plan. If the
residents and the City do not agree on the details, extent or final cost
of the landscaping, a separate Order on the landscaping plan will be
sent to the City Council for approval.
Diversion of combined sewer overflow from this area to the Mississippi
River will be eliminated. The new bituminous surfacing and concrete curb
and gutter will improve drainage and the riding surface. Maintenance
costs will be reduced and the appearance of the street will be greatly
improved. The underground subdrain will reduce the water problems
caused by springs in the area. New retaining walls will replace
deteriorated walls in the area. The new lantern style street lighting will
improve the appearance and safety of the neighborhood.
Upper and lower Irvine will be closed to through traffic during
construction but local and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at
all times. Dust and noise in the area will be higher than normal. There
will be substantial tree and brush removals in the area of the retaining
wall construction.
Construction is scheduled to begin around April 1, 1989 and be completed
around October 1 , 1989.
Construction $240,000
Engineering and Inspection 49.000
Construction $339,000
Engineering and inspection 62.000
$401 ,000
Construction $400,000
Engineering and Inspection 70.000
Construction $ 60,000
Engineering and Inspection 11 .000
$ 71 ,000
PROJECT TOTAL $1 ,231 ,000
Assessments $ 80,000
1989 CIB 199,000
SSSC 10.000
Assessments $ 20,000
State & Federal Grants & Loans 225,000
SSSC 156.000
$401 ,000
1989 CIB $470.000
Assessments $ 18,000
1989 C I B 53.000
$ 71 ,000
PROJECT TOTAL $1 ,231 ,000
Area property owners will incur storm sewer assessment of $.03 /sq. ft.
(residential) and $.075 /sq. ft. (commercial). Property owners abutting
the street improvement will be assessed $19.00 /ft. for the street
improvement and $5.00 /ft. for the lantern style lighting. '
Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water connections that are requested
will be assessed at the actual cost. The estimated cost for a water
service is $2,000.00, $1,500.00 for a sanitary service connection, and
$1 ,000.00 for a storm sewer connection.
Estimated costs of additional items being requested by the residents is
summarized below. Also shown is the assessment per front foot if the
entire cost of the additional items if they were assessed to the abutting
properties. There are no other funding sources available within the
current program for the additional items.
LIMESTONE WALL 240,000 57.00
BRICK GUTTERS 95,000 22.50
TOTAL $767,000 $182.00
For additional information, contact the Project Engineer Paul St. Martin,
at 292-6280.
The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and
worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval
of the project as proposed.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald E. Nygaard
Director of Public Works
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DATE September 8, 1988
WHEREAS, the Saiat Paul Heritage Preservation Commission is authorized by Section 73.07 .
(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to review and make recommendations concerning all �
city activity to change the nature or appearance of a heritage preservation site; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Department of Public Works is proposing to change Irvine
Aveaue between Summit Avenue and Pleasant Avenue (includcs upper Irvine Avenue
between Summit Avenue and Pleasant Avenue and lower Irvine Avenue between Ramsey
Street and Pleasant Avenue), within and along the boundary of the Historic Hill Heritage
Preservation District, by grading and paving, and by constructing curb and gutter, new
catch basins, ncw driveways, a new storm sewer system, a lantern style lighting system, new
retaining walls with chain link fencing, and storm and sanitary scwer and water service
. connections; and
WHEREAS, the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District Guidelines for Design Review
includes the following:
1. Section C. IX. Landscaping states that "cyclone fence should not be used" and calls for
presezvation of "traditional street furniture of the area, such as early twentieth
century lamp posts or granite curbs"; and
2. Section D. Restoration and Rehabilitation states, "All work should be of a character
and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the... environment," and goes
on to call for repair rather than replacement whenever possible; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, based upon evidence
presented at their September 8, 1988, meeting, made the following findings of fact:
1. Irvine Avenue is currently an oiled roadway with a combined sewer and with an
' unknown amount of underlying and adjacent historic pavers, and the proposed
bituminous surface roadway with concrete curb and gutter and new storm sewer
system is consistent with the guidelines;
2. The existing limestone retaining walls along Irvine are distinguishing features of the
environment and should be repaired rather than replaced;
3. The existing wood retaining wall between upper and lower Irvine just east of Western
Avenue, which replaced the original limestone retaining wall after a washout, should
be replaced with a new retaining wall which matches the original limestone wall in
slope, composition, design, and appearance;
4. The proposed lantern style lighting system will match the early twentieth century lamp
posts in the Hill District;
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Pagc Two
5. The existing double cable guard rail will be rcused as much as possible; the proposed
self-weathering steel guard rail, to be used at some locations where the difference in
elevation beiween the upper and lower roadways necessitates a higher strength guard
rail, is consistent with the guidelines; and '
6. Utility lines along Irvine, many of which have been added in the last few years and
serve more than th� ad jacent property, are not consistent with the historic character
and quality of the area and should be buried; '
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission Finds
the proposal to improve Irvine Avenue between Summit Avenue and Pleasant Avenue by
grading and paving and by constructing curb and gutter, new catch basins, new driveways,
a new storm sewer system, a lantern style lighting system, and storm and sanitary sewer
and water service connections to be consistent with the unique aesthetics and character of
the Historic Hill District and with the Hill District Guidelines for Design Review; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends
' that the existing limestone retaining walls along Irvine be rcpaired rather than replaced,
that any nccessary fencing associated with reiaining wall repair or reconstruction be
historically appropriate and not chain link, and that the eaisting wood retaining wall
between Upper and Lower Irvine just east of Western Avenue be replaced with a new
retaining wall which matches the original limestone wall in slope, composition, design and
appearance; and
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Hezitage Preservation Commission recommends that
existing gzanite sewer blocking and existing ezposed historic paving materials in driveway
conncctions be preserved and that any underlying historic paving materials discovered in
the removal of the oiled roadway surface be handled in a manner consistent with the
recommendation of HPC staff; and
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends that
utility lines along Irvine be buried on the condition that the utilities, city, and abutting
property owners find a mutually acceptable way to pay for the conversion; and
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Heritage Preservaiion Commission's comments and
recommendations on this matter be transmitted to the City Council and the Department of
Public Works for their consideration.