88-1649 WM{TF� r C'�TV C�ERK COUIICII � PINK - �.INANCE �ITY OF SAINT PAUL CAN,ARV - DEPARTMENT / BI.UE - MAVOR File �O• Council Resolution � �1A ; �.,,__; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � �'NE��A�, The Counc�.il of ihe City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Cha��ter �,2 of tl�e Administrative Code ar�� f�llowing the public hearing held or� �er�tember 2�; 1987, d?d adopt a Resoiut��n estabiishin� th� level of� Street and :�i iey Maintenance �ervice to be �erformed in the �ity c�f Sai�� Pau1, an� fih� estimate� arr;ount �f service charges to be levied against benefitted praperty, the work to be perfc�rmed �n 1988, and tne eharges �� ne co?lected with the r�egular taxes in 1 a89; and WHERE,�S, Tne DepartmPnt of Pubi�c Works has performed the approved street �nd �1?ey maintenance work: a�d submi±ted its report t�qet�er witr� th� totai c�st �f street and allev maintenance in the amount of $1�,��12,��i 5; and WHEREAS, The C�ty Ccuncil ��termane� that the City shall pay the sum of $5,735,2U� of the �tre�t ar;r� aliey mainter��n�ce �osts fr�m� Municipai � State Aid ($ 1 , �6�,736), Trunk Highway M�inienartce Aid ($276,000}, Cour�ty Aid �$3�7,244), Miscellaneous Receipts ($�12,632), General Fund ($3,6�0,592), and tr�e remainir�a amaunt of $7,277,4? 1 shall be assessed against benefitte� properties, and further resolved that a Fublic Hearing v�as raela in tre Co!�nc�l Chambers on Octaber ! t, t988, fc�r the purpc�se c�f adoptin� the service �narge4 agains� all benefitted praperties; and Page 1 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays v��►ona Public Works (AJS) Long in Favor � coswitz �� Rettman �be1�� Against BY Sonnen Donald E. Nyga�ax'd� Di Wilson Form Appr d by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— By Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approv d b�/Ma r f Sub ' sion to Council � By WHIT€ �- CITV CLERK - �_ Cee�" T�) PINK - iINANCE C I TY O F �A I NT PA U L Council ///��/:� BLUERV- MAVORTMENT File NO.� ^/v�• - Council Resolution Pcesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERE:A�, The Council of the Cit�f c�f Saint Pau1 did h�ld a Public Hearing on c�ctober 1 t , 198°, for this purc�ose, and, hav�ng heard ail interested parties, �oes hereby adopt tr�e fol?owing service charges in ar_cc�rdance with Chaqter 14 of the City Ghar�ter an� said Cha�ter �2 af thP Administr�tiue Code, r��w, therefure, k�e it RESOL��EU, i hat the Council af the Cit�,� of Saint Pdul does hereby adopt �nd levyt the followinG serviee charges as special assessment against benefittea prtaperties; C1ass ! - �►�wrtc�wn - $2.95 per assessabie foot Class �I - O��tlyinG Commercial and Art�rial Streets - C.c���mercf�l �rnperty - �2.03 per asses�ab�e fo�t Residentiai Praperty - $ .�2 per assessable fo�t Ciass i i i - ,�11 t�esia�r��ial Str�e�e s - Commercial PrQperty - $ 1 ,47 per assessable foot Residentiai Property - $ .92 per assessabie foot Ciass !v` - Ail C�iled arid Pave�i Alleys - Cammerciai �r�,��rty - $ .73 per ass�ssable faot �esidentiai Pr�perty - $ .48 per assessable foot Page 2 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays vimond Publi� Woxks (AJS) Lo� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman B �he1�� Against y sonnen DoTiald E. Nygaaxd� Direetar Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by \�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY C �C'0:✓i a,% WHITC€ ,-�I7V �LERK ^O�nCl� / CA�JARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L `' �{C�/ BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. �u • �.�� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Class l� - Unimproved Street� - rommercidi �rc�perty - $ .56 per assessabie foot Resiaential Property - $ .37 per� assessable foo� Class i�fi - Unimproved Alleys - Cc�mmerci�l Praperty - $ .28 per �ssessable faot Residential Praperty - $ . 19 per assessabie foat and be it F I NALLY RESOL VEG, That the C i ty C 1 erK i s hereby d i rected to transm i t a cert�fied c�py c�f �.his Resol��tion ta the Ramsey Co!_�nty AuaiCor so th�t tn� service charq�s le�iec� h�r�ir� si-�all i�e exzended an the property tax lists �f the Co��nty �and cailected in 198� alany with current taxes, and said service char�es to be ��yable ir� a single ins�aliment. Page 3 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Publ3.e WOr'ks (AJS) �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�6e;net _ Against BY ��. Donald E. Nygaard, Dire�tor Wilson OCt � � 1�8 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e �t�y ncil Sec ry BY gy. U � A►ppro 6 1A vor: a _�C� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY ��:+�� _ '. � ' ��'—en `��Dri °�,�°" ����°„°,�° °"�� GREEi�i1 SHEET wo. 0 02 6 0 8 � - =• M�. J. Carchedi CONTACT PERSON � DEPARTMEM'DIRECTOR �v,rar��oR nesierArrr�. � Christine Rozek '`�1°" — �g��� —�«E� �cr . coar�c�r �ra. NUMBER FOR - - ROUTING euooer oir�croa Finance & �t. 298-5056 °RD�R: — ���Y — ou . Rer�wal of a C1ass B Gambling'Location License by Lexi-Front, Inc. DBA Gabe's By The Park, 991 N. Lexington Rvenue. Hearin Date: 10-11-88 RECbAIAIElIDA1WN8:(APWoee(�)a Rs�t(R)) C�ltrCil RESEARCM R�T: PlA4F11N0 OOIdMI$SION CIVIL 3ERVICE CUMI.ItSSION . DAIE MI DATE OUT ANALYST � PFIONE NO. � . � . DDNII�p COMMISSION � ISD 82S�3CHOOL BOARD . . � . . . BTAFF ... � . CHARTER COMMAISSION - - f�APLETE AS IS ��ADDL INFO.ADOEDt � RETD TO CONTA�T � . CONBTTTUENT � . . . . . . . _ _fai AD01 NiPO. _FEEOBMXC ADDED• DIS7'RICT COIMCIL ' ir EXPLANATtOPI: . . � . . . � . . . SUPPCRT9�Y�Fi1CM CQtNJCIL OBJEC'TNE7 . � � �. � . � ... . . . . � � � � . �/71AiN10 M001�1,IlltlEr OPPORTIINITY(VUhO.What,UV119(1.Wfl18/8,Why): Gabe's liquor license and other supporting licenses were approved for renewal at the October 4, 1988 City Council mee�ing. Gabe's gamblinq location license was not approved at that time, at the request of Kiki Sonnen. Relevant Information: �3j +T�ie renewa f under di scuss i on here i s a gambl i ng 1 ocati on 1 j cense for � the period 2-01-88 to 1-31-89; 2) Gabe's received a 3 day suspension (2-8-88 thru 2-10-88) C.F. 88-I04 :; , '° �R"�'«•��Aegal gambling activities at the bar; 3) Shop Pond Gang ran a pulltab booth at Gabe's until Jur�e 13, 1988, when renewal of their organization's license was denied by the State because , of the gambling violations at Gabe's. No charitable gambling can be held at Gabe's until June, 1989. GOt19C0U�IClS 4NA+st.WMn,ena To wnan): , . � d�� �� �3 I �,�►„�s: : � oct �l, 19�� _ � v�� i1�/ l��" _ � ,y f � -��,�� „�,►,���: �„���: 1. li the Council ResearcM ar�iyst deterrrtines that the Green Sheet .co�tains information sufficient to meet Council-determined standards, he/she checks"Complete As Is" _ 2. If the Council Research analyst has knowledge of additionaf pertinent irtformation, eomplaints, or controversy regarding an issue, he/she checks "Additional Infortnation Adt�d,° swmmarizes that information under "Explanation," and attaches any supporting docurrrents. A c�opy of these � documents must be sent irrunedia#ely to the cor�tac# person who P�ePared the gree�sheet 3. If c:ertain data is missing, the Council Research analyst checks "Return .for Additional IMormation" and retums the Green Sheet to the Contact Person, requesting specific information on a °Request for Additional Ir�form�tion° shee#. The Council Research ar�yst checks the appropriate box(es) on ft�e °RequesC''form arxl lis�s specific da#a, ex�ples, or definitions needed far each. - 4. The Council Researc��r an8�yst atxl administration:collect any pertinent "Constituent Feedback" such as sumfiaries of phone calls, letters, etc. from councilrrtembers' �s and the Information and Complairtts Office. if_such information is available, the Council Research anayst summarizes it under°Ex�anation" and chedss "Constituent Feedbadc Added". INRfATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY WHO initiated the problem, issue, or opportunity that this project/request is related to? WHAT is the problem, issue, or opportunity? WHEN did the pr�lem, issue, or oppc�rtuniry originate? How bng has it been known? WHERf is the problem, issue, or opportunity located? WHY does it oonstitute a problem, issue, or opportunity for the Citg► of St. Paul and its «titiztizens? It is not necessary to use complete sentences. Begin answeFS to each of these quesaons with verbs wherever po�sible. _ JUSTIFICATION Examples: cost savings, pcaductivity improveme�ts, preventative maintenance, energy conservation, risk maRagemer�i, Pcivate sector job creatpn; tax base expansion,. ha►sir� c�portunities, self- reliance. indude �st/benefit in#�mtation, induding net preserrt values or leng:h of paybadc period, if known. CONSEQUEMCES What negative effects.migtat this project produc� (e:g.;traf#ic delays, noiss, tax irxx:renase)?To whorn? When? For how long? ALTERNATtVES List ttte crther options «�nnsiderred. Specify their advantages/strengths under PR�S ar�d tMeir _ disadvantages/wesknesses under CONS. H1�1'ORY/PRECEDENTS How does this compars w�th haiv con�parable•actions have historically been sccomptished in 3airrt Paul? In other ju�ns? Does this txeak "trad'�ion"or anY legat precede�ts? LEGAL tSSUES Is any legistation required? How do legal issues affect altematives? PERFOpMANCE HRSTORY OF 3PONSORING f#RM/ORGANI�ATiON/PRfNCIP�AL3 _ How weN has the requesting organization us� funds before? Have they trret their objectives? S'tayed within budget? What is the reputation of the priricipals? i STAKEHOLDEaS l For non-routine issues; list the various persons/groups (i.e., stakeFrolders) who are taking positions on the issue. Indicate: • whether they favor (+), oppose (-), or are neutral (o) to its passage; • whether they will (Yss) or witl not (No) testiiy. • �se (?) ff unsure what their positions are. Summarize in incomplete sentenc�s or phrases, beginnirx,�with verbs. HOW PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED State obj�ctives in both qi�antity and time (e.g., increase low•ineome housing by 15% by '90.) Specity the "indicator" that wiU be rrrneasured (e.g., number ofi bw-income fiousing permits) and the measurement goal for each.of the first two years{e.g., 10� permits„first year; 1400,secand yearj: E�ALUATION RESPOMS[BiLiTY List the person respot�sible tor:measuring and reporting the program's performance in the Quarterty Performat�ce Report. / � s , . : . f f��1�✓ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ��'�� Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the Ilth day of October 1988 at 7 p.m.in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers,City Hall and Court House,Saint Paul,Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1988 and to ratify the cost of such service to be chazged against benefitted property in accordance with Chapter b2 of the Administrative Code. The particulaz service has been performed and the estimated costs as proposed by� the Department of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I-DOWN'1'OWN OR LOOP TREETS Descri�tion• Class I service has been performed on all downtown or loop streets with the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west,Eleventh Street � on the north and Broadway on the east. 1988 Level of Services: The downtown streets have been swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,has been performed on an as-needed basis. Assessmen� All Class I service will be assessed at a rat�of 2.95 per assessable foot. CGASS iI-OLTTLYINC t:OM�,VIERQAL�ND ART�RiAi.STRFFTS Description• Class II service has been performed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major azteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and,in most cases,have business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical exaznples would be as follows: University Avenue,Snelling Avenue,West Seventh Street,East Seventh Street,Rice Street, Payne Avenue,Arcade Street,Summit Avenue,Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Deparhnent of Public Works,900 City Hall Annex. 1988 Level of Services: The Class II stTeets have been swept or cleaned approximately 18 times per season. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,has been done on an as-needed basis. . �, ` _... / ` , ' � 2 ��" 1 ��°1 Assessment• � Under Class II service there aze two assessment rates,one commercial and one residential. The commercial property iate is 2.0 er assessable foot and the residential property rate is .�92,per assessable foot. CLASS TII-ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS � DescripHom � Class IIZ service has been performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. 1988 Level of Services: � Residential streets,including oiled streets,paved streets and intermediate sireets have received a thorough cleaning which induded sweeping and flushing. - PaEching and repairing has been on an as-needed basis;approximately 150 miles of oiled streets received a sand sealcoat and approximately 20 miles of paved streets received a chipseal coat. In the fall streets will be swept and leaves will be picked up. Assessmen� Under Class III service there are two assessment rates;one residential and one � commercial. The residential property rate is .92 per assessable foot and the commercial proper#y rate is 1.47 per assessable foot. .CLASS IV-ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�tion• Class IV service has been performed on all oiled,paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. ' 1988 Level of Services: All oiled,paved and intermediate alleys have been swept during the season. AII routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of the alley surfaces,has been performed on an as-needed basis. Assessment: Under Class IV service, there are two assessment rates; one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate is .73 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is .48 per assessable foot. � � �'-���� '9 <c°^i'°� .. . . „ 3 . CLASS V AI�TD VI-UNIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS DescripHon: Class V and VI service has been performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unimproved we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for � one reason or another. They are plaited City rights-of-way;however,the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor ltave there been any assessments levied. There are approximately 80 miles of unimproved streets and � 100 miles of unimproved alleys in the City. Because they are City rights-of-way,the , City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work on them to reduce any hazards or potential hazards. 1988 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching, minor blading,placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to , make them passable and reduce hazards. Assessment: Under Class V and VI service there are two assessment rates for each class;one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate is .56 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is .37 per assessable foot on unimproved streets. The commercial properiy rate is .28 per assessable foot,and the residential property rate is .19 per assessable foot on unimproved alleys. . . � . , . . , 4 1988 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES F�R STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Fin� ,Assessments Ai 1 General Fun Summer $9,225,524(2) $7,277,411 $1,431,898 $516,215 - Bridge 612,714 0 612,714 0 Winter 3,174,377 0 0 3,174,377 TOTAL $13,012,615 $7,277,411 $2,044,612 $3,690,592 � (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,168,736 Trunk Highway Aid - 276,000 County Aid - 387,244 Misc.Receipts - 212,632 (2) Includes Repayment of General Fund Cash Advance 542,500 Points of Information Residential property on corner lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot. . Residential properties on outlying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed at the residential rate(�.92 per front foot),commercial properties on residential streets would be assessed at 1.47 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property tax statement in 1989. QUESTIONS: If you have questions about street maintenance or your assessment,please call these numbers: ASSESSMENTS -298-5125 (Please refer to your Property I.D.#) STREET CLEANING OR REPAIR REQUESTS-298-4321 or 292-f�600 ._.�.. ,o. ._ . . . _ . , , _ . _ _ , _ . _ ..�.._. �.... ,.�.. ,,. .. . _ . . �� xt�s���F �` ..1i4�,..�x-,�,.a#'ItCOIMq�[t� - T�' ��`�„'.,, ,�°"�s.'�`-` �_�¢�rp . , ,_ t ;`�- � a��° �_ ""_..,���.�"� ��-.�,-°,.�"r�- �T NO�U��lI ' ' � ._ . . -,- �- � _ .. ��_E. * � � GREEN SHE T .� :� � - ��, . � - ..Y� `_ S-Y9=8S :�: . ,�. � . .a co►�r� �:�, _ _:�r�� °r ��ta��sr�rty � , •` ..si: -3 T } ABSIGN -`^�� -� ��-�— �� - Allen J. ShCtkB� "` nWrs�R FoN. vwiwc�a ww�nr se�sp �� �+ cm c�ac.. - .�,;��. ;x«r . - �� t���"' .,� .s:� w,, RO�tt�'� �16-�'y �'.+ � PubLic Works -�` :.292-6676 *��-`' oRC�a: - _. _ " - -CRV ATTORf�Y �x�...r SUBJECT iPTI /RECUEST: . � , :. � - �<� . ,�. _ (1) Set date o� Pub�i.c Heariag for ratification of 1988 street/alley m�.in�enance�cttargea .to be aasessed�"agsinst benef'itted praperty and Resolution ratif�ing ch�arges.(Attacti. .A,B;C)� ,; (2) Set da�te ot''Pablic Hearing to� conaider the lev+el of' street�alley maiatenaace sereices .to ' be perfos�ed,in;1989 and tls amount oY aervices charges� to be aasessed a�ga3ast beaetitted � praperty aad;�Resolution authorizing street/alley maintenance. (Attachmants D,$,F) � .� � RECOAr1EtIQA?IOIIi:U�Pp�+tN��MMQ{R)l COUI�Ipt.RESEANCM NEPQRT: - . . KA1rr10 OOIAAIIMION �CML SMVICE COAMINel01k' 3�`�.DATE IN- � ��P DATE O!!i ANIItYST ' . ..s� /1101�E t1�---. d-'�� ���.�' _� "' �,°�� _ � . -� 'Y.���`�k�''� a�:. . mqllqCa11M11N10N �p.;.�':�''ISD!06!ClqOl BOAIID .';�� ' ac�rt,.. � .:.��y� '�'�..��. � .�.:. *.��:.�` ., " - �. � . . . . .� ST�`° '. s ` ���.'r,=;�GU1RTlRCOAN�ION :�.. '^`,�_ <_'.00�IRFTE'Aili {„'f�yA0D1.IM/O.ADDEDi. � . FORAOOlINRO{ i�.' - LL>4.; � , . . . . . ...,�. �� _ : ' ' �-r - . DISIIMCT0011NCt. 'x�"..-...� :"-�., . . �,�� ` _ _ _ - �y;. . -f . ��' r _ . al1PP'ONI�YIIlIIQt00H17C40a1lGT1Vl4' ':'�'�� `� ,4, ..��"� �}(�j �� ���. .:3r . "T` . "krtir cL "' ...aa► . . �� �,r �a:. � . p'�..: �kY'a- . } - �. i �, ` � � �'34 + � //�1. 'R� 'Aa.��- `r b �C�������i, ��.aBpy+„ ��-� �.��I'���.�l�lf � ��i'l� p c� / ,., .. . " 4 ! T � � ,y�;n .i� � � `�,� f,�y � ��,.' �. .. :.,��s �. �€;r!�4ro 5 �'s y' r i, t...' �o.0 j � �E� �f a� C� ' ����.�����i_Q� ����'� k� k"�*rYc ^� 9.cs � °t.-1 . ,f� �,.. .. �,` .,�-�'�'!�����,��F,Fry."!' r.E � - -- : s �-• x+,�,.,' .4 _ .... ..- ... , . .. , �.�, ... . :`"�� „.. . ,� ;:,�,�` ..:�APtf};iV����t�f�:�SEi�V�CES � �' `��-:= .�,.. .:��, ;�i r� uurunw MoKw.�u.orrowru�un twno.wnu v� wi+.ro,vw�r� . , .� ._ ,;. �u w� �::r.t y' •'(r _ Y;•=F�c� .✓°�'�rea�`"i`.�.,x�'�=`L " ' .�j�y,-�M��3' '�"�ia�.a`'�� y,,• ,,p' .. : c � � .. � ,;s�, .« ...', ' ' .�... k.�y�� .�c.^� y`;,.,,f ;;dY/.Yit,�;iwr�'E.,'�i"y'"°zc���T u.-'..e. � . - �^ °� . . .,. 'S .._ • . -:''3� �"'! This will ratif�r the _1988'Program and allow f'or cvllectioa of monies �or 31�adiag th�e Program�r� .; . _ � - . � < __�° .t °:,.T���.µ,..;A:.y�� ...rt�r _ _ �-� a _ b ,z.� 7.a�s .-_--.r +^£� =�� • � ' � i.'�: ' ' '� ti . . . ,., � .k.�.. r ,.,�.y . _ . C ,. ... _... , . :. :' ,.. �^ . *. Th3s will authorize street ma,intenance for 1 ;�` � ; 989 at basica]1,y the same lev�el'as 1988. ` �: �a ` . ^c i., ��* "'i":y��,�� ,-�,�. ,�' �w -a'.M a�'� "-' r�Y _' . ' � .+Mr �°'�y��r' �,.. - x a°��.�m^� ,��'"°�' �" 1.�. 1 .''{ �' ... ..m n � �: � ....aw. ., .., _ . . . .-�-• ` . _, .�� „_ .� ..,. :� -. � , . .� . �:�, --<Cosn�sfi=�Ras�aYch Center -��>»�..�: � -�-�� . ,. . - 3 ,, -� .. �usn�c�„oN ccowe.�.ea.�e�.m.�...�► - - -�. -A. � �' .v. ,.,;;��" . ,--- . • - �,�'�P":;�„>�..� =Y �. �� - .��� ..��.�=�Q.-0 6 t°8�..�� _ REC � �,y �..� .- w� c� �: �,r.. .�- + _ E[�/�;`.•� �r „�:.. � -� ,` ;, a-�s f �, �„�# _.v.- � �;�, Annual Budget Procedure ry -r +^ ' r .F s���k�� � /�.� �f ,,. ,. _:�.�'xP'�r+��s - � �~�� -��. � ,���"�a►s�°.�.� "�= � {(/:�� �,,.. R A�/� � . � �� . :u ,,.�+.. fi}'K'.'P.��� F•-+4 ,3`$ Lf - '�� V��,�!T�� „? �� 8a i �Y �`-3�'°"'`r�'ja��� .z,'� �/--'��. �'� �.'�y"� # � � �:� � . . . 3td� :C '�� �' th� 1 V��• '��.•�tF7f'. .- . .- . . 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'� �_�' - ( . . . . . ,,�_ . --. ',:.,.� . . a,e �.:i�:�.__. ��-. ::n .� �er . . � e,f s _ ,'. ..,3 .. " :w , � � . .., . , . x-- r : , - . .. , , • ... . . . . � - � � r,; . i . . � .. . . . . �� , .. � . - _ `t,: . _ ,� � . � .. . � . � . � . . � .. ��� a 7�+ "a . . . . .. . . . . _ . . . � . r,.r. - � . .. . � .. . . . � . � �^ � ' .. MISTORY/PIIECEDENTS: Standard Operating Procedure � � . � . � .. . . � .. � � � '°{ . LEC3Al ISSUEB: - �f��` ��� - _. ��^��„ � �:.�°�,� ,:d ,. , 4 -�Yh �.S�h {���� R;��•, '-� � • xi4 ' � � :'; �YtnM. � .. v.�i+r � M M.�'-4- . . . .. �°+ti�QY a*�+G . - _'-'�^w� ,. . . �'r . s��qw�,��:p ..} . . . . �r�,.;;-t-��n��...� �_� � ..... ... . '.'1'. •p.a,.-M. -.._ -.. . ��� � �P � '� i.. . . :.. :�: � . . �� t" �� "��v.wd+� �. : ,�,�� . A . . ':r�tF... . . $��..r� . . 'r_ .. �a:vex,.�� �-Y ...,a..3,°m^d a ' . � � � � �� � Council Fii�No.;$$-1484;-$Y�er'J.Coswitz-- `_ -` , �' , WI�ER�AS;The City Gounci�,�pur�cuant to Chapter�88•saf.the.,tl�dmsx�istrative Cvde did hold a<publie�hea�fng on �eptember E9, 19&2, in ti�City Coun¢il Clzambers for fhe gurpose of-"�stak�lishing the level of street and alley maintenance to be pe�formed in the Gity of Saint Pa�i and the amount of serviee charges to be ievied ag�iast benefitted property;and- WHEBEAS,Ttie Department of Pubiic Worlcs did p+erfe3rm'the 1988�treet and alley maint�nance services in a maxuier as set forEh,and;approved by the Cit� Couneil and.described in•the report of the De�art�qient of'�'ublic Works;and WHER.EAS; Pursuant,tq 'Cliapter 62 of the fldministratfve Cqde;' the � Departmex�t of.Pub�ic Worlc�has submitted tp the,Departx►�enL Af Finance and Mana��ne�t Serv�ces a r�o.rt showing the tc�tal co$t of st�eet maintenance to be $13,012,615, a copy of suc�i report has heretofore been delivered to the �ity Council;now,therefare,be it � RESOi.�IED,That the City Shail pa3*$5;735;204 of the cost of streets and ailey maintenance�by�sing Municipal StaLe Aid ($1,168,736), Trunk Higkway- Aid ($276,000),County Aid($387,244);iVlisceIlaneous Receipts($212;832�,General Fund ($3,690,59�;and be it further . �tESOL�7ED,:That $7,277,4-1T shall be assessed against.benefitted p.roperty aacording to the following rates: _ Ciass I— Downtown—�2.95 per assessabie fo�t Class II— OutlyingC�mmercial and Art�rial$treets— Commercial Prqperty-$2.03 per assessable foot: Residential Property- $ .92 per assessable toot Class III—All Residential Streets— . , .Commercial Properky.-,$`1,47 per asseSsable foot ,-,;.. `.rEi;esic�ential,Property— $_.92 per ass�ssable�oot Class IV—A21 Oiled anil Paved Alleys— Gomx�ercial Prn�sertq—$ .73 per assessable foot Residential Pro�serty= $ .48 per assessable foot � Class V- Unimproved Aileys-:; : ' Commereial Property--$ .56 per assessable foot Residential Propertg-- $ .73 pei assessable foot Class�lI--Unimproved Alle�s— - Coinmei�cial Property�-$ .28�per assessafile foot Residential Property— $ .19 per assessable foot AND BE IT�UR1'HEA BES�LVED,That a Public�Hearing shall be held in , the Councii Champers of the Citp`of Saint Paui at 7 p.m.'on tihe l lth day of .. . .. : OctoD r 19�'fbr'tk�e,�itiirpbse''of`adopti�tg se e r � r erties ar e�C0i2e�t`editaEt�5ahi�iti�Ahner`��otlip�i�2aY property'taxes inl'1989,� '; ' and'tfie Ci�y Clerk is'heteby'directed to publish"notice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Cfiapter 429,_8nd the Department of FinanFe is hereby directed I to�ail natices in accor.dattsee with said Ehapter 429. ' . Adopted by the Couneil,September 13, 1988. Approved September 15, 1988. - ' (September 24, I988) . � �4�, y �._�'� ��' H`� +r` -' �+ . �`T� t .a'l; y,t t .t "�'�V.��1.' y +:'a% .� '�i., N � f � } ' � y,-' ��, �. ;� � a � .r r,�.r ''�� {� ]��� ,a�ax5'�'y+f�x'°`x�'"�'��✓ ���a :� , A ,r"'!� F � �*� � a�� � `��'• � � ��f���._.' *�, i # n�t ;��g��; � S - r �,,s - 'v �1- u �►����:� _ .�. ���� £ t��Cit ` �� � � ��K " '�� ��i„fl� � �.s + ,Y � ; � � , > 3ewei bf�,�f s��3�dt�i�ist�8ah�an,�� � fi�� 3 N!d �r� aa<I�cf�t3�:. lk��d�suc# �e�� ` �.� �; ���r���e���'Gt���'�!`�� ,s�{�v� e � _� -� ,:;� '"� ��ia's` ctrm�ed��r�:d t�e- �t��'�``�r s - ��ep�xt t�� , k�ar�as�a���` _ '� . . �,� .,. �{ s� � _ ����'�9�� ' �.x s t, - -r a „ � � � � _ , 4� : _ � t � y, � �h�s bcen" �"e� alI dOa�F23LOVR� tu` *$���;�e ' � '�td ' .I�e 1�$�le�rard o�the soc��ttc#�� � �' hg` �`�t�i� y��. d��dway on;t2t+e tast., '� Y ��,� `".: y�,, �'�R'� �, b .:. :: ". ��- £ �' �„ � � q�'�i3M�!$�E��,S�1SV�}3�1 kliW� �T4'���T�3�S j��BIIi���"�!�' .'1+Y ' ;�r��.�ktl rnutine n�i� tiu�s�dx���a'��� ' ; ' �t�a's°�ee�i laerior`r�i �trt�n�s-need�d i.��d ,�� �<:; � .. � � . � ,, __ .: ;, .� '`1�'�'��►�e W�11'�.'asBeSSt�d`�►t�l x&'t@�#'�9:'i j��a�Sef�`��3� f y °"`4 �.i ���-QY�TL:7€I�G�U.�Y[��;,llN�? _ ,. ��,z � < '. ,��; �� � � �`' � , ` �.. 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Y � � Yft � k 1a('. ;%Z�:Yf ..�. ��' r. i" �i6+S `�� Y � ^ �_�q�,� . �'^'�l�+���� �� `Y t.��� �4 _i''� ���y.y�' Y���� •'� 6 ".`^�� � `��� � � �� Y 6 g _{ �ctR 1i s-- ��y .a� .+' '9`- s,,��tiZ1ea.'�`. ��,w`�' $��.�ke ��.r 4 �� " t{ �r t ,�fia�W .�. `�� �Jt��C�F.::� �,�� ��'.�� . -.� c�i � � },. > t, _�3 �:. -.i. _ • � -?$�' _ '�."�- , ,Y .a `� _ ��c t . . +�•.. .. �� ),'•.. / .:,�� /.�-y 1 1... / ` one;e�asom n}��ppt.T��r,�Y��,.'�.�p{�tted:�ity,r}ghts�;f;zvay;,howeve;,tt�e a,b,ut�ing residents"have never pekitioned for t�heir improvement nor have tMere been any assessments'levied.There are approximtely 8Q miles of unimproved streets and ` 100 miles of unimproved alleys in the City.Because they are City rights-of,way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance � work on them to reduce any hazards or potential hazards. 1988 Level of Services:: : . ,, .� ., The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching," minor blading,placing of crushed rock and'other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduc�hazards. ° Assessment: Under Class'V and VI service there are two assessment rates'for each class; one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate is $.56 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is $.37 per assessable foot on unimproved streets.The commercial property rate is$.28 per assessable foot,and the residential property rate is$.19 per assessable foot on unimpro�ed alleys. 1988 PROPOSED�EXPENDITURES FOR STR.EET MAINTENANCE Financing General Spending Assessments Aids(1) Fund Summer $9,225,524(2) . $7,277,411 $1,431,898 $516,215 Bridge 612,714 0 . 612,714 0 Winter 3,174,377 0 0 3,174,377 : TOTAL $13,012,615 $?,277,411 $2,044,612 $3,690,592 (1) Municipal State Aid......`:... ...,....$1,168,736 Trunk Highway Aid.....:.... ...... 276;000 County Aid,...... ... ....... ........ 387,244 Misc. Receipts........... .......... '212,632 (2) Includes Repayment of General Fund Cash Advance...............". 542,500 Points of Information Residential property on corner lots will'only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot.' ftesidential properties on outlying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed at the residential rate ($.92 per front foot), corrimercial properties on + residential streets would be assessed at$1.47 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property ta�c statement in 1989. QUESTIONS: - If you have questions about stxeet maintenance or your assessment, please call these numbers: ' ASSESSMENT5-298-5125(Please refer to your Property I.D.#)� STREET CLEANING OR REPAIR REQUESTS—298-4321 or 292-6600 (September 24,'1988) ` ��= I b� �a�a�Mtp � __,��,., ,;�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�' '='- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� �; 9 a � �� Q? %,+� ,.� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ��'an„im�•��,�.�� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER M11YOR October 24, 1988 Mr. Lou McKenna Director of Property Taxation Room 126, City Hall Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are certified copies of St. Paul City Council assessment and tax levy resolutions as follows: 1. Resolution 88-1649 - adopting service charges for the 1988 Street and Alley maintenance program. 2. Resolution 88-1690 - approving the 1989 Housing and Redevelopment budget and tax levy. 3. Resolution 88-1693 - adopting the tax levy for the 1989 City Budget. ely, ��O A rt B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th Attachments � � k i � � �� � � � �a �. .� . r� � � ' 1 } J'� .� � x i£ f�/ %:�f k Y�; � ,. },' r � c�, � 1 �. � . 3'2� S �t.�f! t + a �. ��C 1 '�_�i r $k�� f � i �� �� n'Y ` I � C 1 f y .�{ f ��-=a'w �� 1. �;. A: <.,t l 'f , p ..r s t ft� �,��4 X ��s?' 1 e � ��� I .,.i��t^. ,4 x .;.�, ° . �t I � Y �t t '�s: � � � v'd � �..',r /d� - � :"..i ��+� � t I .'° r �.{:1y ��1 � fii� ?`• '�j ',t t�. y J� �� `?S ( � .l ; �` �'�. �r - t . � , � �'�d h � � � 1 : �� � N ��� "` �� �f �. r 1 � `' s� x j / . '�+"^�� . � _ t� -r - � �� t �.��ri��1i'� � , , _ f � . � � ,� �.. }.�t i � ',� � ' .. _ �� � . �, '.,� � �, •� . � ' r � � � _ 1 I - � , ah 'ri � � . � � � "�:� ;1`� � - � � �, .. ,� ,� � , r � ' ��-�; . � ..� .., ' . �)': ;-' ;'�_� .......� � . _ r. . , ' , p ., .�:` .. _ � -�. �� ��,� '����r���� � � - , . . �1 1 � � i �. . �,�� � h . � i 1�' _ e £:�.. � .. � .. ' :t.� Yi J�� '.I ` 'l, � . _ , `J ...Y. � >� " �� . � l�� i � ��l`� � . .. , . . `�' .. -� ,,s .. t:. . . , ., .. .. . , + . . ., :' ,. .. , . , , r , � . �.� , �. -r. � . . -, � . . , , '� , . � ���., . ;r� '.� \ a i n' . � , . . .;?.. 1 x�. At ' . ... :.. . / .. 3 .��Y�� �M��� ���'����ry � � , F . ,.i ' .�ifL'il�lr{.\�i � . . , G , F / , � - , �,� �, D�� c�f ��,� t�rk�r -; �, ; ,��. �� :600�,.,�,i:ry.�1.��� = � ��� F �: � � , � , t ;; }� � f7 ,�r� T k t � Ii-� ,� a r' F� � .. ' _�,� �; ynt�iC` �e'v�;�� ���-.+� �'�''�: r��`yr �e'.�;�i _ , , oi . cx�s �it�f�g .�o �..+4�ICSe���� a���g€ C� � � - .p�'ag�c� �9`.;�e�ep�m���� sca� �. tti� ��.��� t�r�i�tc�i�ie �`' . }� ..� �!YI��! t,• 4.._ )1 c'�t`.i±c�''c�f ,�l� 40'�t1A , . • Al� !",'ttl� ' f t�9ar# .f�li��3,c�•to 4�c �1� t�t1�t •1�a��''�I�rr3�iq r�,�Sb�'.:'�1� `1���'�. ' ': � , . , , �-. � �' _ _ ` � � � 1.. :��s�w �� �'7 s,�c� �. W. � ' . '�. yB; .K. �� 31'��i:1 . . � ; '`� � , " �1��" � F. 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RF�E��ED October 7, 1988 ��r I 1 1988 City Clerk C�T�C�E'�K City of �t.Paul Court House St.Paul, T�1n. 55102 Notice of Appeal Prope�ty ID ��11�-28�22�41--0013 Gentlemen, Hav�ng just rece��wed proposed 1988 street and/or alley maintenance se�va�ce cha�ges, tfi�:s wi11 serve as notice of appeal to the $122,OQ charge� , As �ay p�opexty �s land locked, I have no �rontage on any city st�eet �.�.d �rm approxi:mately �our hundxed feet �xo� 1�ia,�land �d��th a 12 �'oot ea�e�anent ta �et to my property, no c�'ty ut�l.�'t�es o� any� ki'nd, T feel thi� charge i� excessive and is actually �.n additional ox double ch��geon top of prop��tyo�aners charges ri�rlio do �iav�e ��ontage on 1'�a�land Rd. Ma.iland Rd. is an unia�proved dead end road which T have no�� frontage on with tfie exception of the 12' easement, i feel T should be cliaTged �or the 12 ' easement and noth�ng else, Please rep�y. S�ncerely, �'���.�-.--� E,K, Thamas 2190 1�ailand Rd. �t.P�.ul, �'in.� 5511g 738�2202 HM. 488�6644 TnTK, cc :C1exk Q� D�:stx�:ct Court Tom D�'amond,�o�.ncil�an 'I �r . .i�., . � Y �'.`. $ .t.},_. 1 _ ..J 'x��P ,�..� � � � '"�� '� TEL: BUS. 226-3000 *f '� t,��'�„C''� RES.633-1867 ,''�" �; �< �� � �� �,* g THE DO�R OF HOPE, Inc. 341 DAYTON AVENUE � � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � t, � '•�� r ��,.,, Rev.A. D.Hartmark, President �������� October 11, 1988 Saint Paul Public Works 218 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re. : Proposed 1988 5treet and'/or Alley Maintenance charges We are in disagreement with your proposed charges for street and alley maintenance services for 1988. In the first place, we have no alley. And in the second place, you closed the North/South street that used to run by our property, Uirginia 5treet. This has caused us a lot of inconvenience, since it technically leaves us only one street, Dayton Avenue, for approach and egress. We do not feel that it is fair that we should be charged by the same standards as those who have both the conveniences as those mentioned above, that is, both alley and frontage and long—side streets. Respectfully, ADH/a A. D. Hartmark A neX,i.g�.oub, cha�wtab.e.e, non-p�ws.i� angan.i,zcLti.an. . �� ���1��� NOTICE 1988 Street Maintenance Service Charge Recommended for Rati�ication, Public Hearing far 1988 Service Charge, and Proposed Service Charge rates for 1989 PURPOSE To notify property owners of an official public hearing before the City Council. The hearing is about two OF THI S matters: NOTICE �� qpproval of recommended service charge rates for 1988 street and alley maintenance services. 2) Proposal of service charge rates and service levels for 1989 street and alley maintenance. PUBLIC TIME: 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, October 11, 1988. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg HEARING Blvd, Written and oral statements wiA be considered by the Council at this hearing. SERVlCE Your 1988 service charge wiil be the amount approved by the City Council at the public hearing. The rates CHARGE shown below are the amounts recommended to the City Council for ratification. A Iist of the proposed 1NFORMATION service charges f�r all properties is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 218 City Hall. SERVICE Most Saint Paul homes are Class il or III Residential property. Example: a 40' Class III Residential lot with CHARGE no alley would be charged 40 feet X $0.92 per foot, or $36.80, for 1988 service. However, the charge RATES would be $37.00, because to simplify billing we are rounding off all amounts to the nearest dollar. Corner residential lots are not charged for long-side str�et_9r IQn�g-side alle�fronta�e. Commercial property includes all apartment buildings of four or more uni . ll residential townhomes and condominiums will be billed for , at least 20' of Class III street frontage, or $18.00. � ___-- SERVICE CHARGES PER FOOT AND SERVICE LEVELS Class Descripfion 1988 Rate 1989 Rate Service Level* (Recommended) (Proposed J Class I Downtown Streets $2.95 $3.01 Flush 5 times/week, sweep 3 times/week Class N Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property $2.03 $2,07 Flush and sweep ap�roximately Residential Property $0.92 $0.94 18 times a year Class 111 All Residential S#reets Flush and sweep each spring and fall Commercial Froperty $1.47 $1.50 Oiled sfreets — sand seal every 3 years Residential Property $0.92 $0.94 Paved streets chip seal every 10 years Class !V All Oiled and Paved Alleys Flush and sweep each spring Commercial Property $0.73 $0.75 Oiled alleys — sand seal every 3 years Residential Property $0.48 $0.49 Paved alleys — chip seal every 10 years Class V Unimproved Streets Commercial Property $0.56 $0.57 Patch, blade, and place crushed rock Residential Property $0.37 $0.38 (primarily on a complaint basis) Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property $0.28 $0.29 Pafch, blade, and place crushed rock Residential Property $0.19 $0.19 (primarily on a complaint basis) *All roufine non-winfer mainfenance, including patching and repairing, is done whenever necessary for all Classes You wifl receive a postcard showing the approved amount withrn fwo weeks of the hearing. This wilf allow yow to pay your ratified service charge if you do not wish to have it appear on your statement of property tax payable in 1989. � � a,lJi� GtC�.,�%i�G� ,. °`� �'�� �� � �J� �� � .�"a ��e� vne-� ��. C�rr�� e�-e�_.�z�� ��� ,� .� c�*-� �� p��'.�'°e . .,� �� - �l � ,��� �'�a'�" �� � . . _ �'!2� �� ' � ��-�`�� .�� � �� � �n - C��ic� Q✓'GC2�1/1�� 0 , ��:I�La� , D'-� i� �"r'v''ti' Oc' , .� �� .�a-�2� � J � o-c� a��,�� .�,c�b °y`Q`�� � �O a�...���i�� � ��� �� U . � � �� . � ;.� .,�-��.� � ��, . , �� -�'��� . �- ��-- z �� � ��� � ��'_.c.� ' ,�. d d � �1,�,-�c.� I, 02� �3 , c,� , � l�', � �e,�� ` ? . 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Paul , Inc . for Review of 1988- 1989 Street and/or Alley PETITION Maintenance Service Charges Petitioner -------------------------------- TO THE DISTRICT COURT: Petitioner hereby presents this Petition and alleges: 1 . The above-named Petitioner is the lessee of property located, valued and taxed in Ramsey County Minnesota, located at 214 Fourth Street East , Union Depot Building, Saint Paul , Minnesota. The property is further identified as Property ID #05-28-22-22-0009 . A copy of the proposed 1988 Street and/or Alley Maintenance Service Charge is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 2 . Petitioner further alleqes as follows : (a) That the proposed assessment for 1988 and 1989 for street maintenance is partial , unfair and unequal ; (b) Petitioner is not the sole party responsible for taxes and assessments on the above-described property. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays order of this Court : 1 . Determining the validity of its claims, defenses and objections to the assessment ; and • ` , 2 . Reducing the assessment service charqe on the property. Dated: ,�dV� �i , 1988 J n G. Hoeschl r, Lic. #45810 torney for Petitioner Hoeschler & Ecklund, P.A. W-1390 First National Bank Building St . Paul , MN 55101 ( 612 ) 291-4800 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) John G. Hoeschler, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the attorney for the Petitioner in the above entitled matter; and that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief . Att ney for Petitioner Subscriy�ed and sworn to b fore me ��,, �.�..�..�,,r...,.� t h i s �� day o f .�l'.�/��� Z� , � 19 8 8� A%rn C. �irusl.^.ca �'� � �r* �dOTA74Y PUBLIC•M11INNESOTA i;' �// �� � HENfJEPIN COUNTY /i �� ! {u r�ii�ton Ernires AP81L 8, 19S2 Notary Pub11c '�""''"� Drafted by: Hoeschler & Ecklund, P.A. R£C��VFQ W-1390 First National Bank Building /�/ St . Paul , MN 55101 ���21988 C/ly���R Servicepof one co �Y� �of the attached Petition is hereBy admitted this �r-day of y w'V— , , 1988 . CITY L K By -�t.�y City Clerk -2- �. EXHIBIT A ` ' -� PROPOSED i988 STREET AND/OR ALLEY MAINTENANCE SERVICE CHARGES � Properiy ID� os-2a-22-2z-000g Frontage 30o . 00 ,bo� .00 , 362 .00 , Property address � eo KELLOGG e�vo E Class � , > > Recommended amount g 3 , 7 2 6 .o 0 COST OF Your street or alley maintenance service charge represents about one-halt the cost of these services by SERVICES the Public Works Department. The City of Saint Paul is paying the other half from State, City, and County funds. The City's General Fund budget iinances the cost ot winter street maintenance. APPEAL You may appeal this service charge to,.the_.D�i trict Court. You must first file a notice stating the �rounds for your appeal with the City Clerk within�r20 days of the order�adopting the assessment. You must also � � �� file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days ot filing with the City Clerk�NOTE: Failure to file the notices within the specified times forever prohibits an appeal from the service charge. � ----�. `�, ; 1\ ,,; ...._....___ . ...... . . . .. . . .. . . . _.-•-- . � ��, Please note that Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be C� made, even if the charge is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments will be refunded. NEED TO If you have questions about your service cha�ge, your sVeet or alley irontage,or street or alley maintenance, CALL US? please call these numbers: SERVICE CHARGE QUESTIONS 298-5125 (Please refer to your Property lD.#.) STREET CLEANING OR REPAIR REQUESTS 298-4321 or 292-6600 City staff will be available to answer any last-minute questions on your assessment or your street maintenance in City Council Chambers from 6:30-7:00 P.M.on October 11,the same day as the hearing CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIRST CLASS 218 CITY HALL SAINT PAUI., MN 55102 PRESORTED MAIL U.S.POSTAGE CITY OF ST.PAUL � � SAINT PAUL • � � ' PUBLIC WORKS � - - • � = +� �* ** CAR-RT SORT *" CR11 C 0 CONTINENTA C . VISION 214 kTH ST E - UNION DEPOT ST PAUL , MN 55101 �. r � ��r-� .. -r ,ra r v. : n ,. ,m ;r,.,K a.v .��i�±t�d�"t�,&.a 5�R'F'�FC�. z.�^ 'v"� � a:"s-^5:` ,. 7^ � x r - 1 � RC 3�w, l' M Pk vs� � t,.a: e.r t{ �, � e; 'S k 3� '� � x `i ' .�, t ��. 1 �" � � �3 � 1 y�..��;.? G} w� . �'� .p ,� l .`''�'�.+�' s :y��'a`�" + .w/ ��,- � i r . � y sl.�,: � .. � x a 4£,�'' �- �5+,/Y,� f � �^, .. � � h;i� �t� Y �r �` �"� o t� � �r � 4- s:t 'a�. a� t.���t� e.. 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J � L�, � J.' �� �3 �' � z _ �` '� .2� "" :. .� . r t � 'fr r 1���e s. � z� �7 y � ,.t k f' - + .}` 1 . � '.. � F ,` y } ` �, .f+�''�'�'� ! �.. . ,n Y'�`1 �j . ,y�- , �. - �� �_ '�' � �� ,� ' aF ,� 2 M '� f:� �a :` t ._ 9�� �'Y ? �.�, . � /: ' � .: \. � �' ! ' 1 � }� i>; � �� , `�... '_.. a. _ .. ..,.�, r.�.��:. , < . _ _ _ . .'f ._..... .x� .3�_'�.�. .��.. r�.�Y�....,::�, _ t„� .U+�.�.: _ _. . ._ _ ,�.r�.�` � � Jeffrey M. and Linda J. Gorton 1188 McLean Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 October 11, 1988 Mr. Al Olson RECEIVED St. Paul City Clerk 15 W. Kel logg Blvd. Room 3 s 6 OCT 181988 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 CITY CLERK Dear Mr. Olson: I appeal the assessment for street maintenance for the property with property ID Number of 33-29-22-44-0073 . This property is not within 50 feet of any public street or alley, and there should be no assessment assigned `to it. Mr. Tom Sawyer of the assessors office indicated this assessment was in error - no assessment is due on this landlocked parcel. o s uly, 1 Jeffrey M. Gorton cc: Clerk of District Court . �� . � � ���- � ���-� -- _ _ _ _______ ._ � � ��--�! z..� _ _ _ _- --_ ___ _ _ �� - - -�'-f'.�-�?-�?�_���____� _��� �- ' ' � -� �z �-- . - - -----��----1�-Tl=-�----°� ---d�----�-�--��-=-��- --------_- -- �-���-�"rr-�-���G�- ---�.r��-�-�.-,�' -----���--��-_ ��l'�_ ___ _- - -- --- ------------------------ � ---___--� - °�-��-7�_ _ ��?,__���__ :�fr�s_.�-�1�__ ----�.a�- �-___�-�_��Q _�-�_z�_�.r��'__����----- � �- --���11�--���5�_-��?_�!/_���----.�-�� - . ---�_G.�'C__�.�'?a _ �____G'f-�--%Y-�-_--����r�_Q --�-�-�-.�� ----�-,C�--L-�-_----�/�_L_t.�__ -��c,�1��1��. --���=-�.-�---�1�z� ,---� � � � -�-t--�-,/�-��-.�2�--------- - �_�- L� �--� ��f�-__ _ -,�---U_. �,cl� �/.S'_� !L___-- - ----- --- MR.L.0.HANSON ----_ _ -----------------------------..----- 1620 SNERWOOD AVE. . SAINT PAUL,MN.55106 ------- --- •_--._.-------------— �����{�------------- — — —--- ------- �-irsr4—�r-���----- --- lil i�t � ----------------------------- -- _ -----��--�.��----------- --- —_� -- — - - - � -- , y . ____.___e__:�r_ • - - .��5 � ___• � � - -- ------ _ ''�-- , '' . - , �� -. _ �` , , . ' . . . t , � - - � .. � ' . . , . � .�,r q .. _._.__ t.`. � . . -"_ . .----i----- _, -_ °�` .._ "\ � �'R .. . _ . . -�.�y-_.� � � . . � . .. . ` , --�-'- ' . _ -"�i_-. _ _'� . . „Y"_" . , . ' , . .. , � r . 1 � � i�� " I J��I october 11, 1988 RECEIVED City Clerk OCT 141988 City of St. Paul 218 city �11 CITY CLERK St. Paul, MLV 55102 Dear City Clerk, This letter is �'appeal against paying the street/alle�'maintenance service charge of $112.00 at the address of $97 Marshall Avenue. The service charge is too high and is not in �budget. I have no access to ��� allei�- so I do not use it. Also, there are a few abandoned houses on m�' block. Who will be paying the service charges for those lots? SincereLir�, v <�t�t� -J' ��-�-1'-�►�--} Steve Nielsen 897 Marsha.11 Ave. St. Paul, ML�TT 55104 ........... ... .. ..... . . .. . . .. ... .... J.. . .. . . ... .... . .. . . . � � ' Y J � * � PROPOSED 1988 STREET AND/OR ALLEY MA/NTENANCE SERV/CE CHARGES Property ID# 35-29-23-34-0088 Frontage $0 .00 , 80 . 00 , Properfy address a9� MARSHAIL AvE Class 2 , 4 , Rec�mmended amo��n! i $� � 2 . o o � COST OF Your street or alley maintenance service charge represents about one-half the cost of these services by SERVICES the Public Works Department, The City of Saint Paul is paying the other half from State, City. and County funds. The City's General Fund budget finances the cost of winter street maintenar,ce. APPEAL You may appeal this service charge to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for your appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days af the order adopting the assessi�ent. You must also • -� �`- fiie the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days of filing with the Gity Clerk. NOTE: �,ti��t�} . � �i�� Failure to file the notices within the specified times forever prohibits an appeal from the service charge, _�ti, Please note that Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be made, even if the charge is under appeal. �f the appeal is successful, the payments will be refunded. NEED TO If you have questions about your service charge, your street or alley frontage, or street or alley maintenance, CALL US? piease call these numbers: SERVICE CHARGE QUESTIONS 298-5125 (Please refer to your Property I.D.�.) STREET CLEANING OR REPAIR REQUESTS 298-4321 or 292-6600 City staff will be available to answer any last-minute questions on your assessment or your street maintenance in City Council Chambers from 6:30-7:00 P.M.on October 11.the same day as the hearing. CITY OF SAINT PAUL i FIRr ST GLAS� 218 CITY HALL SAINT PAUI, MN 55102 ' NRESORTEC i �JIAIL U.S. POSTAGE CITY OF ST. PAUL / .�w �� f � 4 d� SAI NT PAU L :�r - �� � � � - ` :. P�JBLIC WORKS ` � � - . �° a- , � - * '� * *" CAR-RT SORT * * CR29 STEVEN E . NIELSEN 897 MARSHALL AVE ST PAUL , MN 55104 � � � Y � � � � � . � � � o � �r � � � � Q � �C 6 �� � '.t� � � � � � � � � � � \ h � � � � �� „o �� `�� � `� � � �., � ��� � � � � � � � �� � � � � � r � � � � � � �� a � � � Z � � � � � � � � � � � �n � `p � . � � � � J \ �., � � � ° �° � �, � ` �c, � �� � � � � � � � �; � s � � `� � � "t� � � �` S °° � Q �, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � `r � � J W � c� a `�\. � � � �. � � � � v � � �� � � e� � c � p � - .\ � � G� � � j � � � \ � � � � � � � ., r . _�� ��� ���;� _ RECEIVED OCT 2'71988 ocT 2s, i9ss CMTY CLERK COOK CROSSING HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 87 COOK AVE WEST ST. PAUL, MN. 55117 T0: ST. PAUL CITY CLERK ' CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT COOK CROSSING HOMEOWNERS ASSOC WOULD LIKE TO APPEAL THE 1988 STREET AND ALLEY MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT OF $108.00 APPROVED ON OCTOBER 11. THE GROUNDS FOR THIS APPEAL IS SIMPLE; WE FEEL THE ASSESSMENT DOES NOT REFLECT THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE INDIVIDUAL TOWNHOME UNITS WITHIN THE PROPERTY DEFINED BY PROPERTY ID 30-29-22-23-0014. COOK CROSSING HOMEOWNERS ASSOC CONSISTS OF 4 TOWNHOMES, NAMELY: 81,83,85,87 COOK AVE AND THE COMMON YARD PROPERTY. EACH UNIT IS ASSESSED $18.00 FOR STREET MAINTENANCE( CONSIDERED 20 FEET OF CLASS 3 FRONTAGE). THE COMMON PROPERTY IS BILLED AS IF THE INDIVIDUAL UNITS DID NOT EXIST, AND IS CHARGED FOR THE ENTIRE FRONTAGE OF THE YARD; 78 FEET STREET, 75 FEET ALLEY. WE THEREFORE PROPOSE THAT THE ASSOCIATION SHOULD BE ASSESSED FOR $108.00 MINUS THE $72.00 ALREADY ASSESSED TO THE UNITS WITHIN. THIS WOULD MAKE THE 1988 STREET/ALLEY SERVICE CHARGE $36.00. IF THIS APPEAL IS APPROVED, WE WOULD LIKE THE RECORDS TO REFLECT OUR SITUATION SO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS WILL BE MADE CORRECTLY. COOK CROSSING HOMEOWNERS ASSOC � � �. C�-�r�..���{��,- --- 1�.:�����`�_nS�''�- PRESI ENT SECRETARY ��� ' L-���=�=-- ��'`�°��5�:1�1_C�►-L_��� �4 � %a��C ICE PRESIDENT TREASURER RAMSEY COUNTY ����T �oG� . DISTRICT COURT 4�� ,, �� 12t5 Court House,St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ''` ����r"- (612)298-5211 : _ _ �► -. - � JOSEPH E.GOCKOWSKI -- �7 � Court Administrator �SFy G0� RECEIVED o�tobe r t 3, �9s$ ��T 191988 �ITY CLERK Mr. L. 0. Hanson 1620 Sherwood Avenue, East Saint Paul , Minnesota 55106 Re: Street/Alley Maintenance Assessment Dea r Mr. Hanson: Your Appeal letter has been received by this office on �ctober 14, 1988 , Un- fortunately, we cannot accept it without a filing fee of We are required by law to collect the filing fee before we can accept your Appeal letter and schedule the matter for a hearing. We realize that this fee may be more than the assessment, however, this fee is set by taw and we are not atlowed to waive it. If you decide to pursue your Appeal, please return your letter with a check or money order for the amount indicated above, and you witl be notified of a file number and the matter will be scheduled for hearing. If you have a complaint regarding street/alley maintenance, we suggest you call the St. Paul Public Works Department - Street Repair Department at 298-4321 . Sincerely, J. E. GOCKOWSKI DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR B , rbara F. Andert-Deputy cc: City Clerk Encl . RAMSEY COUNTY ��-/��l9 ����T �oG . DISTRICT COURT 4�� �,, ��� 1215 Court House,St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 / '` /�����r� (612)298-5211 � � JOSEPH E.GOCKOWSKI '� _ Court Administrator '�`SEy GO�� RECEIVED octobe r �3, �988 OCT 19 1988 CITY CLERK Steve Nielsen 897 Marshall Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 Re: Street/Alley Maintenance Assessment Dear Mr. Nielsen: Your Appeal letter has been received by this office on October 14, 1988 . Un- fortunately, we cannot accept it without a filing fee of 2.00 We are required by law to collect the filing fee before we can accept your Appeal letter and schedule the matter for a hearing. We realize that this fee may be more than the assessment, however, this fee is set by law and we are not allowed to waive it. If you decide to pursue your Appeal , please return your letter with a check or m�ney order for the amount indicated above, and you will be notified of a file number and the matter wi 11 be scheduled for hearing. If you have a complaint regarding street/alley maintenance, we suggest you call the St. Paul Public Works Department - Street Repair Department at 298-4321 . Sincerely, ' J. E. GOCKOWSKI DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR B , a ra . e rt- eputy cc: City Clerk Encl . RAMSEY COUNTY ��.�T �oG� , DISTRICT COURT 4�� � ��� ,��� 1215 Court House,St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �-•••Y (612)298-5211 __ � _ � JOSEPH E.GOCKOWSKI �'�JS - QO� Court Administrator FY G RECEIVED octobe r �3, �988 OCT 19 1988 CI?Y CLE�� Ms. Jenny Charles 2173 Nortonia Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55119 Re: Street/Alley Maintenance Assessment Dear Ms. Charles: Your Appeal letter has been received by this office on October 14, 1988 Un- fortunately, we cannot accept it without a filing fee of $62.00 We are required by law to collect the fiting fee before we can accept your Appeal letter and schedule the matter for a hearing. We realize that this fee may be more than the assessment, however, this fee is set by law and we are not allowed to waive it. If you decide to pursue your Appeal , please return your letter with a check or money order for the amount indicated above, and you will be notified of a file number and the matter will be scheduled for hearing. If you have a complaint regarding street/alley maintenance, we suggest you call the St. Paul Public Works Department - Street Repair Department at 298-432� . Sincerely, J. E. GOCKOWSKI DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR B ' bara F, ert-Deputy cc: City Clerk Encl . _ RAMSEY COUNTY ��'�G � g ��T �o DISTRICT COURT `�'�� G'��► 4 ,��, �� ,.� ,�:•.. 1215 Court House,St. Paul,Minnesota 55102 �����'`� (612)298-5211 '�" _ � JOSEPH E.GOCKOWSKI �9�S O�� Court Administrator EY G RECEIVED Octobe r �3, �988 OCT 191988 CITY CL�(�K Mr. Donald W. Kamish 769 Brookline Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55119 Re: Street/Alley Maintenance Assessment Dear Mr. Kamish: Your Appeal letter has been received by this office on October 17, 1988 Un- fortunately, we cannot accept it without a filing fee of 2.00 We are required by law to collect the filing fee before we can accept your Appeal letter and schedule the matter for a hearing. We realize that this fee may be more than the assessment, however, this fee is set by law and we are not allowed to waive it. If you decide to pursue your Appeal , please return your letter with a check or money order for the amount indicated above, and you will be notified of a file number and the matter wi 11 be scheduled for hearing. If you have a complaint regarding street/alley maintenance, we suggest you call the St. Paul Public Works Department - Street Repair Department at 298-432� . Sincerely , J . E. GOCKOWSKI DISTRICT COURT ADMINISTRATOR B � • ��: ,_ bara , de t-Deputy cc: City Clerk Encl .