88-1643 WHITE - CITV CIERK COUflCIl Gr�// LL3
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. pd e�� /
uncil Resolution ������`
l � �`,
Presented By
Refer d To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED; That application (ID #30056) for a Class A Gambling License
by the Rice Street Athletic Club at 1079 Rice Street, be
and the same is hereby approved/�-ed-.
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department oE:
�� In Favor
Rettman B
Sc6eibel �__ A gai n s t Y
'�1 p
�.3U i � t ����3 Form App ved by Cit Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date .
Certified Pa: e C uncil Secr ry BY �
t�ppro by 1Aavor: Date ^ "`�'� � � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�t,�s,s� ;,�.� ��� � � .� �9��
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INT�,RDF.PARThiF.1�TAL REVIEW GHECKLIST Appn ro essed/Received by
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant � � ( Home Acldress �� O� �p11�T �7UL
Rusiness Name ��� �� ��L� C'u„b Home Phone
Pusiness Address ���q ��C.e, Sj{-��•t. Type of License(s) ����. C,QS' 14
Business Phone �,a,M bl�hu + ���.TlOM1 C...Y1�Q NG.(,�
Public Hearing Date �� �( gg License I.D. 4i ��D,r�p
at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Ch bers,
3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t N��
llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� N 1/4
to Applicant � 30 �
rederal Pi.rearms �� � �►
Public Hearing
A roved Not A roved
Bldg I & D �
�u�q' ,
Health Divn.
N �q- '
Fire Dept. i N I� I
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Police Dept. I
8���[� n '�.
License Divn. !
�I�'�� ��
City Attorney _-)
q � �' ��
Date Received:
Site Plan � ��',' n � �(/
To Council P.esearch �1 O
Lease or Letter e Date
from Landlord '{ �� ��
� City of Saint Paul ' ��O S �
. ' Department of Finance and Management Secvices
� . Llcense and Pertnit Divisio� ` �r�,���l�
Z03 City Hail • (�`�
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5058
_,_ a � � _ : : � � ' '' Date t �"r 19— "
Code No. Title of License �1 a
From �°� t�To � 1� 1�_,�,
�3q e �S � - �, ���� G�.�� �, ��. a����,� � h
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� (�r,jj�� ' ApplleantlCompany Name
,°° . /� 7q
�,�� S�reef
100 Busln�ss Name
�oo S � ` �AGc.�, �n �JS��7
Bualnesa Addnss Phaw No.
100 Mait to Address Phons NO.
. ,00 � W r �� 1 G rt� �'l a-F h Q,�-
1 C� a, ��Ont �L��
100 AtanaqsHGwner•Home Addrosa , Pha�e No.
4098 Applicatlon Fee �
2. 50 . - S� �T"'► I,� ./ 'I 1� s���7
Fieceived the Sum of 100 I � Lt
`7 VQ'�� Manayer/Owner-City,Stste 3 Zip Cada
� . :
� ° .. . 100 . Total 100
license InspeCtor � By: 1 ' •� Signaturo ot Applicant
Bond• .
' Company Name - Policy No. Expintian Oat� - -
Company Name Policy No. Expiratia�Oate
Minnesota State Identiflcation No. Social Security No
Vehicle Information: �
S�nal Number aN Number
THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application for Iicense wili either be granted or rejected sub�ect to the provisions of the zoning �
ordinancs and complstlon of the inspections by the Healih. Fire.Zoninq and/or Ucenae Inspectors.
� �
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� •""'° � Charitable Gamblin Control Board
:•:�,o,��%-'``�•. 9 FOR BOARD USE ONLY
i '':� Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Building
1821 Unive�sity Avenue �C°�"�N�`
_ St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3383 �p
- - - (6121642-0555
` �� ' CHECK#
= A. Type or print in ink.
f B. Take completed application to local governing body,obtain signature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1
� copy and sends original to the above address with a check.
C. Incomplete applications will be returned.
� Type of AppliCation:
;{�►Class A — Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs)
;_ ❑Class B — Fee S 50.00(Raffles,Paddtewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs) Makechsckspayableto:
� ❑Class C — Fee S 50.00(Bingo only) MinnesotaCharitaWsGambYngControl8oard
� ❑Class D — Fee S 25.00(Raffles only)
� ❑Ye's�No 1. Is this application for a renewal? If yes,give complete license number � - 0 - 0
f ;(�7Yes ONo 2. If this is not an application for a renewal,has or anization been licensed by the Board before7 If yes,give base
' license number(middle five digits) 00�9�
� X�IYesONo 3. Have Internal Controls been submitied previously?If no,please attach copy.
4. Applicant(Official,legal name of organization) 5. Business Address of Organization
� Itice St. �'�;:_.l�.�ic �Zub ud. County " �tcad y
� 6. City,State,Zip 7. County 8,, By�siness Phone Number
;` Roseville� r inresota 5,�112 i�a;,;3e.• 1�1c �89-211�
� - 9. Type of organization: �Fraternal ❑Veterans ❑Religious`� Other nonprofit"
� 'If organization is an"other nonprofit"organization,answer questions 10 through 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonproftt"organizations
must document its tax-exempt status.
� X�lYes�No 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonprofit organizationT If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and
; book number: 117`- Attach copy of certificate. Chartez Nts:�ber
� XS]Yes❑No 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary of State?
� :�Yes�No 12. Are articles filed with the Countyl
� :�]]Yes�No 13. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or Federal income tax?If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of
� Reve�ue declaring exemption or copy of 990 or 990T.
❑YefL'7No 14. Has license ever been denied,suspended or revoked?If yes,check all that a ly:
� 0 Denied ❑Suspended ❑Revoked Give date:
15. Number of active members 16. Number of years in existence Note: If less than four years,attach
F �� evidence of three years
�' �� �4 yca::s existence.
� 17. Name of Chief Executive Officer 18. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues
� of the organization.
� Geo��e ::rar:.i?in.=,'�r J~res �io�im.an
Title Title
Presi�.:�nt Tr�=asur�r
�{ Business Phone Number Business Phone Number
i �62� � �.L�;-::'' : � .;?�' � :�,3�;-����0
� 19. Name of establishment where gambling will be 20. Street address Inot P.O. Box Number)
� conducted
i ,.�
' 21. City,Stste,Zip 22. County(where gambling premises is located)
'1_. �"._ _, iI�Z;�::3:. ,... ......'.,;�::;
� CG-0001-02(8/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body
- � ` , ��'���0�3
Gambling License Application Page 2
Type of Application: ❑Class A ❑Class B ❑Ciass C ❑Class D
:QYes❑No 23. Is gambling premises located within city limits?
%�Yes�No 24. Are all gambling activities conducted at the premises listed in #19 of this application? If not,complete a separate
application for each premises(except raffles)as a separate license is required for each premises.
�YeaQNo 25. Does organization own the gambling premises?If no,attach copy of the lease with terms of at least one year.
❑Yeg�No 26. Does the organization lease the entire premises?If no,attach a sketch of 27. Amount of MoMhl Rent
the premises indicating what portion is being leased.A lease and sketch $ 1?;.�0 aer sa3si�a
is not required for Class D applications.
;�}Yes�No 28. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this license?If yes,give days and times of bingo occasions:
Days Timesn (1
-. .�z.. �•� /�'J� ���i• l.J Z�I�V ?�a:•
%�3Yes❑No 29. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond required by Minnesota Statutes 349.20 been obtained?Attach copy of bond. �'•
30. Insurance Company Name 31. Bo�d Number
c��,'�.i.:',1 1Jr-... �ii, - �JJ$L:: l�O•
32. Lessor Name 33 Address 34. City,State,Zip
� :i��__, .::�,_ I:_•�::tiv ,r.�n;: C 1��:; inc ?rt'; -:; � ,•,, " i , '
:l.'. ,. C�.��. il�. �i:e ..-uls ::�I• Ji�• �uLliy -�i'.i:• :1.LI
35. Gambling Manager Name 36: Address 37. City,State,Zip
. j"?i�7.;. �..3ii,�_::: �.1�� . ��.3iI'� _,'•J�:• J�• �3U1+ L'..�ii• r��?17
38. Gambling Manager Business Phone 39. Date gambling manager became
( `, ., � C.;,•)_j j^;; member of organization: �� yeg�� � .�
By my signature below,local law enforcement office�s or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,
at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or
By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank reco�ds of the General Gambling Bank Account
whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law.
OATH '� Yn possassion o£ the �i�f o�
I hereby declare that: S t. Paul. .
1. I have read this application and all info�mation submitted to the Board;.
2. All information submitted is true, accurate and complete;
3. All other required information has been fully disclosed _
4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization;
5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted;
� 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree,
if licensed,to abide b those laws and rules, includin amendments thereto.
40. Official,Legal Name of Organization 41. S' ture(must be signed by Chief Executive Officer)
c1C.-^r Ji:. .i:�i1L�:�iC j�1L1J X � '
Title of Signer Date -� '
..: ,,_,�i ,^1:` `,/'�/,'�/`%"
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with
notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the board, wiil
become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted belowl,unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed
which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control
. Board within 30 da s of the below noted date.
42. Name of City or County(Local Governing Body) If site is located within a township,item 43 must be completed,in
addition to the county signature.
Signature of person receiving application 43. Name of Township
Title Date received(30 day period Signature of person receiving appfication
begins from this datel
44. Name of Person delivering application ta Local Goveming Body Title
CG-0001-02 (8/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Gover�ing Body
, ,• , Cic;� oi Sainc Paui /���(i�./� f(�
. r. Depar�menc oc �inance and Managemenc Ser�ices (• d�
' Division of License and Permic Regisc:ation
1. Fu11 and complete name of organizacion �hich is applying for licensa
Rice St. Athletic Club
2. Address where games will be held 1079 Rice St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55117
- Yumcer Screec City Zip
3. Name of manager signing this aopLicazion wna wi12 conduc�, ooerace znd aanage
Gambling Games William Hafner Dace aE Birta 1/10/30
(a) Length of ti.me manager has been me�ber oi acplicaac organizzcion 33 years
4. Address cf Manager 102 Front Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55117
Number Stre�c Cic;✓ Zio
5. Day, dates, and hours this applicaci.ca is cor Sunday 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.�.
6. Is the applicant or organizacion organized under the ?aws o= c�.e Stace o= ;LN? Yes
7. Date a= incorporac=�n October 19, 1954
8. Dace whea registered with the Stacz ot :�anesoca October 19, 1954
9. Hew long has organizacion beea. f.a exiscance? 33 Years
-� _ .
10. Hew I.ong has organizacion bee^. in. exisceace in St. 2aui? 33 Years
11. Whac is the purpose of the o;gan=zation? To promote athletic activities in the
North End area of St. Paul and to reward worthy and needy students with scholarships.
I2. Officers of aopiicant or3anizzc'_oa
Name George Kramlinger y�e James Hoffman
Address 60 W. Hoyt Ave. St. Paul, MN. :�ddrzss 38 W. Rise Ave. St. Paul, MN.
Title President DOB � �f-.a�a.3� T�=_� �'rea��xer 763 2/14/42
Name Flilliam Hafner Yame David Bauer
Address 102 Frorit:AYe. St. Paul 3dd_ass 2896 N.W. 14th St. New Brighton
Title V. President DOB 1/10/30 �<;,_z Secretary �p3 3/25/45
13. Give names oi oiiicers, or an;r oc�e- �ersons a�o ?a== �or s�r:'_cas _c :�e or3a�:=ac:on.
tiame No paid officers Yame
• Address ada=°a;
Ticie -=-= -
(,:c�ac^ sepa:�ca �;a�- -. _ �c�-=-_..=- ..-_=- •
� � : � ��-i��
, 1'4. AC.cached hereco is a lisc of names and addresses ot all members oi che organizacion.
15. In whose cusccdy will organizacion's records be kept?
Name James Hoffman Address 38 W. Rose Ave St.� Paul
I6. .�Persons vho vill be conducting, assisting in� conduccing, or operacing �he games:
Yame William Hafner Date oc BirLh 1/10/30
Address 102 Front Ave. St. Paul
Name oc Spouse Does Not apply not active Dace of 3irzh
Daces vhen suc:: oerson arill conducc, assisc; or operace
Name Daniel Weyandt Date oi Birth 2////53
:�ddress 982 W. County Road B. Roseville, Minn. 55112
Nane o= Spouse Mary Jean Weyandt Dace of flirth 12/23/53
DaLes :zen suca �erson s�i�I concLCC, ass'_sc, er ape:ate As required
17. Have ;rou reae a^c do �ou�c�aarau¢a1.� understand che orovisions oE a�1 lavs, ordinances,
aad re�ulac:or.s `ove�j::;. cae operac'_or, af C�:ar:tab_e Gambiin� �d325� Yes
18. Attac::ed here=� •�a c:�e :o-= �ur..ished 5�� c!�.e C�cq o� St. Paui is a Financ=al Report
whici ?ce�i�es �?: :ecei:cs, e=�enses, aad d;s�ursemencs o= c:^.e anoL�canc organizac:.on
' as we:'_ as a_? e,�ar.'_�ac_oas .no ia�r_ _e=__-�e� :*szas :or tze �recac':g calendar �ear
crhic^ �as bee:� s:3^.e�, �;��a_red, and ve;:�=ea Sv �Y Spannaus
580 Grand Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55102 �
�ec=es� '
crho is c:�e Accountant o= c:�e aeo licaac Or;anizat'_on.
' �aa32 J: �i:_.:_
19. Oper2co: OL ��2�_325 '+Rt��4 ;zames �.__ �8 18:�1:
tJame North End Improvement Club Inc.
B�siness nddress 1079 Rice St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55117
Home :�ddress Does not apply
2�. .�IIlOt1IIC OL rer.c 7dL� JV d70�_�.3IIC l��?JS�.i_3C.CL1 :OL �_.^.0 O: C:'.8 �zall; SD2C�L;� dIIlOt1T1C
pafd �er '•-hour se��:�n $ 135.00
The roceeds o: cne , anes will be disbursed aicer deduccing prize Iayouc costs"an
21. , p 3
' ' opera�ing ex�enses ior che colloving purposes and uses:
To pramote athletic activiteis in the North End area of St. Paul and to grant
scholarships to needy and worthy students.
2Z_ Has the pra�ises where c;�e gzmes ara co be held been certified Eor occupanc}• by che
Cicy o� Saiac Paut? Yes
23. has your oc3ar.:.zac'_on ��Lad cedera'_ ,:ora 9°0—T'. YeS I,: ansver is ves, please ac�acn
a copy vi c5 c;,is aool=cac:on. Lc ansc:ar is ao , e:c�lain ahy:
Any changes desirec �•T �;:e a�ol=ca�c :ssociat{on ma� be zade onl:r wicit c�e conser.� o� �ie
Ci�y Cc+unc=L. �
Rice St. Athletic Club Inc.
Date September 19, 1988 By: �'y,�.�'[��. �: �J� . s. L..�
Mana3ar in cnarae at game
C � rr � _ �' ':;�,�i ~ �` :n _ — ^. — ;� cn
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. BINGO LEASE /�1C/� ��� ��
, � � . .
THIS AGREEMENT made this /y � day of ,r,(-^/����3��?� 19 ,f'�', by and
between the North End Improvement Club, Inc. , party of the first
part, Lessor, and the �/f�" sr. /��i�',I�=Tie t�Lv,Q party of
the second part. lessee.
� WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, in consideration
of the rents and convenants hereinafter men�ioned, does hereby demise ,
lease, and let, unto the said party ot the second part, and the said
party af the second part does hereby hire and take from the said party
of the first part the follawing described gremises , situated in the
Gounty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota , viz :
'.�he upstairs portion of the premises at �.079 Rice St�eet, Stv Paul ,
Minnesota th�t is used for F�ingo.
The parties mutually agree to the following covenants :
(1) The lessee shall pay � ,�,�v,�d��m T/�i.vP��=/vl- � ��� ���
f.or eaeh four hour session on Sv,rloat� ' s starting at 1v � �R�'
(2) The lessee shall carry sufficient liability and property
damage insurance to protect lessor froc� any liability or
property damage claims arising o�t of the use of the premises
by lessee. Evidence of this caverage must be filed with
� lessor.
(3) The lessee shall comply with all the la�,�s concer��ing the
operation of bingo in the City of St. Paul and State of
Minnesota. Faiiure to do so shall terminate this Iease
immediately by lessor.
(4) The lessee shall provide to the lessor a list of officers
for their organization and their bingo license number.
(5) This lease shall run until S�/ei•�`/�J/d�h' :��, /1��
(6) Reasonable care shall be exercised by the lessee for care
' of the premises during the lessee ' s period of rental . The
lessee alsq agrees to abide by the house rules as posted
in the bingo office.
bated: September 19, 1988
Rice st. Athletic club North En prov�ment Club, Inc.
BY ��/-�.u� � - �`��-��2GL BY
I ts Vice President I ts v'ee ��s�c�er1 f
Its �ylqn.rra ��ecre-� ('4
. ' o��e aa[utr� u�ue ccrretip: _ ���`����.
w. . ' ;
Mr. J. Carche�di . ���� � �3: Q�Z�.8 4,
� - - . � � � . � O�Y{�,.B+T DIIIEC'i'OR. �. .. .. . . . � 9�N►,AOR!�+A�I����� � � .�r.;
Christine Rozek : �Foa �.w��� ��c�
. °°� ��°. , Rounna � �� . �Coancil �esearch -
Fi ' . .,; " :, �9 .. 5Q5fi .' oRO�: _ j, �R�, — .:.
_ Ap#rl���ion for a Class A .Gaanbl i ng Li cens�.
Notification Date: 9-30-88 Hearin Date: 10-11-88 . �
q�b�ao�►,wMS:Uvw���►)o►as�c+(�y i ceiw+c�nESeancH n�tr: : - = �'
r��wwo oo�w�eioN cnn�seawce cornnasaion a►�w o��our �rsr r►+ot+�wo:
��a� �n ris scNOO�eo,�ao .
. _.
.. - , �STAFF. � �� p�iTER f�MF118810N OadP1.ETE AS IS.� � ��- AOD7.WFO.ADDED* . � fiETD 70 CONT/�'� pp�g� - �
_ - . - � - . . . . _ � _�FOFi MD4 MIRO:�:' �_h�0l�1d(�ADO��*..
. 016R�Cf OOUNCL. . . . .. . . . . .
��*Ef�1�1NA11DN: � . - .
' .BUPPOftfS MIIYCl1..00NWCC GRIECTME7 . � . .. .. . . - . . . . . . � . � � '..
��a�N�il �������� Contor�
� ��� @���� _.. .
' .tn�o:+�oM.fIR e.t�;o�von,t�rtx S�.wn�.wn.n.wna�..w�1: : • , �: . -
Mr. Wili�am Hafner, on beha�tf of the Rice Street Athl`etic Club, �eq�ests Cour�iT
a�roval of 'his application for a Class A Gambling License at 10?9 _Rice S�reet.
Bi ngo s�ss 3 ons wi 11 be hel d� on Sur�days, between the,hours af 7::UO FM and 1;1:`�Q PM.
Rroc�ds fran the bingo sessions wi11 be�used to prc�te '�tfi]etac activi��es in
tf�e NortF� End area of St. Paul . ' �
AIifMlQ�01�(CcevBene�1.:/�dr�r�MlO�:�l; ,. , ,. , . `� - .
All fees and applicat�rons have been submitted. �l�1 10� �antributia�tis are'eurrei►t.
The Rice Street Athlet#c Club was rec�ently approved for renewal of its �tbti�g ;
license. by the St. Patt� City Council o� August 16, 198�8, at 90Q Rjce Stre�t ��he
_ ha�1 at 900 Rice Street �as b�en so1d; the R�ce Stre.et` Athletic C'�ub;deci� ��
c#ange locations. They are required to go through the entixe rtew appiica�i�r� prQCess
for a change of locat�on.
' ilOM�lvI�IC�MI1NR'YNler+:�nd Td Whom)i :. '
If Counci.l approval is given, the Rice ��reet Athletic Club_will spansor a
weekly bing� session a�. 1079 Rice Street. �;.
a. , . : Pnoa , r�s ' . :-
:� �a�+u.�sues: . . . .