88-1628 WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COIII�CII CANARV — DEPAR7MENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L BIUE — MAVOR File �O. � /��� Council Resolution � � . ,�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #13717) for the transfer of a General Repair Garage License issued to Irving Schrader DBA Rich's Radiator Co. at 675 No. Snelling, be and the same is hereby transfered to Dan J. Cooper DBA Protech Auto at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � .--Bi�eed� �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Q _�e1ef� __ Against BY sonnen �il�� ��'� n tg8v Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date _ /,� Certified - •s d y ouncil S retar By � .�7 l30 By ��+F ♦ • �T'-1l�`y 1988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council t�pprov d by Mavor: Date _ By �QV^@„?":A�'e� . �i.. � iJVH � � . , ' C�dd �jt7�0 DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �_� ��Y /_� �I��Cb` INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant� _ Home Address �J��" 3Y(�. 1'-1U • S-�L • �Q-C:W fc r1 �.Ji .. Rusiness Name �� ��,-� Home Phone i.�� - I a� 3 Business Address (Q� ,-�j ��, �n�� ��n �-tU Type of License(s) �aJl��„yG�l�- ,�t a Business Phone �� ' �CQ � �( � Public Hearing Date (�f� � License I.D. 4i ( 3'11� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �Q(� 3�'S llate l��tice Sent; Dealer 4� � I� to Applicant Federal Firearms �E � �1 Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � �I 2� , �� � Health Divn. � ` � � � � i Fire Dept. i � � i I oZ(� � (� i � Yolice Dept. �' 1 I d � License Divn. � ) � aa ' �� City Attorney � �a1 , Uk Date Received: � Site Plan `�} Io�� ��� To Council Research � �1 � � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord D �015 � g� ���? ��;� � � � ���/�.�� . - - crr�r oF sT. pavz DEPA�I�VT �' FIl'�AftCE AIiD M(ANA�R 3ffitVICES LIGE[PSE AAD P'IIt1rQ'P DI4I5IAi . -� �', . f�- These statement foTms are issued in` dizp].i�cate. Plwe aasuer all qnestioai ttiilly aad completely. This applicstion ia thorough�y ebecked. Aay taLification will be esyse for denial. � �� �y � 19 rr i. Application ror ('T�.an ��1 -�2eD � ;c (I+ioense) (Permit) 2. Aame of applicsnt � �p� 3. IP applicant is/has been a mnrried Pemale, list maidea nme /(��rf� b. Date of birth ` ' � �cC_ �s�l0 Ag4� Plsce of birth �%. �c�J � 5. Are you n citizen of the United States �/L S Nstiv�e _ Paturauzed _ 7--- ____�� 6• Are you a regiatered voter C} �lhere _ 7. Home addreas 3 c ! (��_�.� /U�w Q y � , 8ame telapho�ne�?��1� �. Present business sddress _(�,���v ���(f,� a Hn�iness tal�pbone����� 9. Iacluding your present business/employme�, �st bnsiness 1 followed for the five �� �� �� � P� Years. Business/F�ploymeat Addzess C�. l I � ��� U �i V��$,j(u G l 10. Married f�� If answer is ',vea", list name and address o? spouse ) I1. ?�tave yau ever been arrested !or an oftense that has resulted in a coovictionTi�O Ir ans�+er ia yes", list dates of arrests, rrhere, chargea, coavietioe� a�d seateoces. Date of arrest 19�_ y,�� (�1AFGE q � / CONVIG'PION � Date o:' arrest 19 where CHARG�' / G' CONV ICTZOiI S�� L . . . ��;,���' �� 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name ot sponse slso) of all person�, � . corporations, partnerships, aasocistiona ar organizations wbich in a�r riay have; a. A mortgage interest in the 1.icensed premise, ��{ l� ,5�1 fA�+��C b. A serurity inte est in tbe licq�ed�remise ���cenae, cor �iahings � the Sl-�-�^�- �r�-►�,SY/y so�, l�k�f�+e ��j ���� �i�"`J� S r 5 T Y4.��� licensed psemise, 1. �' 3 - I��. - � wY� Coo. /b �r w �I ��. , c. A pramissory note for Punds l�d tor tbe o�peration ot � licensed premiae or the pnrchase ot'the license, d. Finaacially contributed to the purchase oP tbe premise or the license it- se1F - e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either finattcial or otherwise in the licenaed premise or the licenae itaelf, Attach a copy hereto of any and all docwnenta referred to in this atYidavit. 1?. Give names and addresses oP two persons, resideata o! St. Psul, Minnesots, Nho ccn give information coacerning you. AAI� p�g . l� - rj1 c.z 1�/q ,�- �Q�,�� . � �3 5�8 (.��s�r� �v-� v()�t 14. Addreaa o! premises for i+hich License or Permit is made � '` Addreas Zone claasificstion 15. Bet�een What croas streets�j�p0.. � t�- ��0.��7c.*�.-� Which side o! streetWe . 16. fta�ae under vhich this busineas� r�rill be conducted ���� ��;�� 17. Busiuess talephone n�nber ��7 �5�� � 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description oP the design, location, aad square footage of the premises to be licensed i9. are cremises now occupied 2 What businesa+`,C�c F`o�p1;�('Hov► loag'_"7 Qa�S � � � � � � ��i��� •L '� � 20. List license which yau currently hold, or former�y held, or mey have an intere ' in ) / � 21. Have a of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been nvoked. Yes Na '.�I . Zf answer is "yes", list d tes snd reasona: � � �i 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�y type in any o�her businesa or businesa premises. I.° answer is "yes", list business, busi s ad snd telephone number._ � ' 23. If business is incorporated, give da�e of incorporation - 19� and attach capy oP Articles of Incorporation and minutes o first meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation giving their nam�es, of?ice held, heme a8dress, and home and business telephone nu�bers: , S '� "— w `� �� �� 7�ch. (�3 -��a� — �� �a.t� � U�c. �' J7�_ � < <Q c� �i,�- � -,� � �- - i �s-7 � ( � - Pa.� �y-��- a �. - 25. If business is partnership, list r(s) sddress and te]�ephvne nem�bers: � dresa �e1.Ao. , �_ -- ___ 26. Ia then a�yone else vho wi l have an i�erest in this business or premises4 If answer ia "yes", give name, home addreas, telephoe�e a�bera and in vbst manner ia their intexst: 27. Are you goin� to opernte this bns ea" peraonal�y �/� i! nat, who �rill vperate it: �— p� o�e addresa 1�e1.Ho. . . I /��/ �_,�� ♦ v \✓ J �Y ' Are you going to have a Ma.na�er or asaistant in this business? It ans�rer is "yes", give name and hoae address and home telephone number: Name Home address 1.No. `_ 29. Has ar�yone you have nanKd in questioas 22 throu�h 2� ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list of person, dates of arres�, where, charges, comric- tions ar�d senteace 30. I �.�, S. �p�a �2..� understand this premise ma�y be ia- spected by the police, f re, health and other city ofYicials at a�r and all ti�s when the bnsiness is in operation. State of �ti.nneaota) )SS County of Ramsey ) being lirst du�y sworn, deposes and s�ys upo�a oath that he has read the Poregoing statement beariag his signatwre aad lcso+rs the c�tents tbereoP, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters t:�erein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and svora to be?oze me Signature of Applicsnt this day oP 1? Notary Puhlic, Ramsey County, Minnesota '�[y ca�ission expires p . � G�.—/�� . o„n�„� -� .,: ., : . C���t�t S�#��rt �. Q�219� Mr. J. CarchEdi �+ ca�rr ox�oA w,ror���um: Kris Sehweinler-�nHorn ' �wn _ �i���►«, �"�«� �*. �. �c►ur�ao ��► �.Counci l Research f i na nce & �. . �Q8-,5Q5b ., o��: � «n�� —. Applicatior� to transfer a General Repair Garage L�cense. Notificatian S�nt: 10-22-88 Hearing Date: 0-6-88' ��s:p+vvro�e cN a�la1) _` �ne�oar: r�,�►r�nrt��esa�+ c�n�s�r+v�co�issroN w��� o��our nrw.vsr A�or�No. � �IIMIfJJ OOMN�i18810N - - - ISD 628 9CFIOOL BOARD . � . �. . . . . . � . . 9TAFF ... . � �CFNR7EF CQMhMBSION� ,.�PIETE AS IS - . . �. /IDDL NFO.ADDED* RET�TO CCNfA�T .. HR .�.- � . .. � , . . � � - . . __FOR ADDt IMb. ___�MDW . . DIBTRICf COUNCII �'.-, . � - � � - �- . . � . *E7�171NilTION: � � . . . . � � 8UI'OtRB MRiICH COIbiCIL O6AECTIVE? �� � . � � �. � . � - - . -� . . � . .� . . . . : � . . .. .. � MfM1M9�IIO�LI�MN�.O//OR7UMTY(Who.WAH4 Nlhen.Whsrs.MIIlyyc . Dan J. Cooper DBA Protech Auto requests Council approva1 of his appl'ica��i�on ' � to transfer the General Repair Garage License currently is�ued ta ` ' ' Irv�ng Schrader at 675 No. Snelling, _ _ . , � j . �� �����'w�el:..� ,: .. .'. .. : . .. ... :.. . . ... .�' .-. ., . . : . .-- � . . . . ..`. �.. .�... - . c. '.. ,. � . _ ..,; �. ' .�_. / . .. . . . . . . .. � . � . � .. . - All applications and fees have been submitted. A11 requ�red departments have reviewed and approved th,i� appliGation. _ ' O011WQl1lN�PNMit Wira:�nd To Wtam): • -. If Council approval is not rece�ved, 1 icense wial remain rritt� the currerrt , license holder, Irving 5chrader. ` ._ . _ K...�w►�a: _ :__ . �os . - c� . . r.s^,'r`�'y; �. ' . Cour ,� �,. �.� ..nt _ . S t r �`71988 � �+��: ' �,r , . _ � %G��� �.�: