88-1612 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ` CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��//_/2 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��B ��� �� Council Resolution Presented By ����� i� /' -_ i"Referred To -Lf�a'�=e--� Committee: Date �� � � � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Ma.yor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, Adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1988 budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN 960 General Debt Service Fund 89987 - General Debt Arbitrage 1987 Bonds Adopted Financing 1,509,550.00 - 0 - 1,509,550.00 6602 Interest on Investments - 0 - 127,309.83 127,309.83 ------------ ---------- ------------- TOTAL FINANCING 1,509,550.00 127,309.83 1,636,859.83 SPENDING PLAN 960 General Debt Service Fund 89987 - General Debt Arbitrage 1987 Bonds 0537 Operating Transfer Out - 0 - 127,309.83 127,309.83 Other Spending 1,509,550.00 ____0_____ 1,509,550.00 ------------ ------------- TOTAL SPENDING 1,509,550.00 127,309.83 1,636,859.83 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1988 Budget. Approved as to Funding: Approval Recommended: , ��'`'�y'.4� Finance Director Q Bu get D ec or �-�-d'� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance and Management Services I.o� � In Favor � cosw;tz Rettman B /�(j� scne;bei _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson �p N�V - u t�8 Form Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa ed by Cou .il Secretary By- �Zt� By , Appro by Mavor: Dat �� " �y p►ppr e by Mayor for Submi 'on to Council -�us� s�ov � 9 �9aa �,►� ` ��,� �„�� _ - C��—lGf�. Gary R. -Norstreuc� 09/.Ql/88 �� �`��T NO. ����7 2 ColallEr PE�011 o���r ox�ro� 4 wwon roa Shir ley Dav is �Fon :��a nMruoav,r sd�a�c�roR T cm c�wc ��� .,,_��� . c a a r a c r�n o. � euoo�r a,�cron �Cha ir, I*iri. �bt�i�'.� Finence & Mgmt Serv 292-7038. . °�� � «n�,Tcn►�:. -T ty dut�c ._ $ Ghief Acct: F & M S . To budget for the transfer of arbitraged interest earnings from this debt service fund�ta Trust Furid #741 for rebate to the Federal governrt�ent. The Trust Fund will accumulate for five years these excess earniaga and rebate per the requirement of the ,l�$5 Federal Tax Law. 7x)q8:(APProw(A)«Relsct(Rl) t�uNCa.RE�ARCH RlPORT: . . � � W�1NMNq COMp8810M � CML 8ERVICE COMIAIS610N DASE IN � DATE OVf � ANALY3T � . . . � .�PFlONB M0. � � . . � DOINNO COMAIBSION � 19D d�8Gi00.BOARD � . .. _ . � . . � � � �. . .� � • BTAFf � .. . . CFMi1TER Cd+N118610N - � COMPIIcTE AS 13 . � ADDL INFO.AODED* . � AE7'D 77D GOMTA�.'T. .� CONBTTTUEIfl' . � � . - � . . � � _. � _FOR�AQDL 11F0. _FEE081HAC AD�* . � �� — RE�E� �,�►,�.�,,,�, •�,,�,: , .�._ � R�.e�ivE� S�� 71988 : o�icE o�rHE a�t�croR S E P �;3 �988 ��r�,E�vr oF FrNan,cE �A�MENT . , . _ , -�'��'� ���10E - r.r�,.a.eoe���su�,o�o�m,rm►Mmo,vvns�wnen.wr�e.wM►: SEP 2 N 1988 . : _ : _ . -�. ClTY A►�����Elf �a�►„o�l�owe.�.�,�..,�: . _ _ : . ,. ..: „ Required by Federal Law CAII�llylr►t wlnn.and To Nthomk . :.. �° _ „ The a�c3unt being budgeted by this Council Resolution will no longer be available for General Fund fiaancing. > _ _:_.. . ._ _ , �.�nres: . a+uos c�s ` � uncil Research �enter �E P 2 7 i�88 �►�: �.�,�: _ - � i � •� ���� CITY OF SA.INT PAUL �U ' �'''"�"'' � OFFICE OF T33� CITY COUNCIL ::�1� ar.n) � ...._ . � C��-/(��� Commi�tee Report �`i�anc�� l�ana�e�. me�t, � Personnel Committee. OCTnBER 24, 1988 1 . Approvat of minutes of October 3 meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 88-1580 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved adding $250,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Civic Center Capital projects. (Referred from Council September 29) 3. Resolution 88-1582 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved adding $550.000 to the Financing and Spending Ptans for Public Works Engineering Fund. (Referred from Council September 29) , 4. " R�e�o i tt�4vt�=:8fl-1612 - amend i ng the 1988 budget by A��� . �dding��2�7,3�9.83 to the Financing and Spending :Plans for General Debt SErvice. (Referred from C�utrc i 1 Uct�"i�r 6) 5. Resolution 88-1613 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved - adding $10,296.32 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Obligation Special Assessments. (Referred from Councit October 6) 6. Resolution 88-1614 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved as amended transferring $4,923 from General Government Accounts to the Department of Finance and Manage- ment Services Risk Management Division. (Referred from Council October 6) 7. Administrative Order D-9850 - authorizi�g payment Laid over one week for new employee orientation program to provide muffins. (Referred from Council August 18, laid , over October 3) 8. Discussion of policy regarding budgetary impact of Jerry Segal will reclassifications. (l.aid over September 12) draft an ordinance 9. Resolution 88-1473 - establishing the rate of pay Approved , in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation � Resolution for Treasury Technician in Grade 31 , ' Section ID2 of the Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council September 8, laid over September 26) (continued) CITY HALL SEVFSITH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT.�. SSi02 ��a