88-1611 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 C ��l� CAMARr -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �� BLUE -�-MAVOR File NO. " • Or indnce Ordinance N 0. � - Presented By • � V Referred To � � ' u�'�� � • Committee: Date �� ��� �° Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Noise Regulations" by modifying the notice require- ments of applications for variances and further providing for newspaper publication as a means of notice. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . z�,� That Chapter �9ff of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended in Section 293. 11(d) (1 ) by striking and deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: (d) Notice. (1 ) The division shall notify by mail all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the source of the proposed variance , measured from the property line of the noise source. If the division finds however that more than one hundred fifty (150) property owners are within two hundred (200) feet of noise source, it may in its discretion send no more than one hundred fifty (150) notices to sucr� property owners as it determines will be most affected by the noise source. Further, if more than one hundred fifty (150) property owners are determined to be affected, the division shall cause to be published in news;oa�ers of general circulation a notice whose contents s�all be in conformance with this chapter and in a form customarily used for governmental an- nouncements. The division may, if feasible , place COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond " �� In Favor Goswitz ��� B Sc6eibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF' SAINT PAUL Council / �C'ANARY.-DEPARTMENT //f BLUE +MAVOR File �0. � ��T// • Or indnce Ordinance N 0. ���P��_ Presented By ��,�,. ��C� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��---�e�i�e--}�--�;�.��}- -����.�-�1��--ax-e��- �e^�,�-�- rn�ki��rr�,-e-a�rt�-��--�e-�f�fee�-arrel-�e--�-�=a�t-��� f'g'E��-d�q�s-7''-"�''r'-'_�.-�s-�pzrssa'9�;�pTrrerotr�.—arnd-�e��t����r. the notice in com�►unity newspapers serving the area. The division shall also notify the City Councilmember(s) and District Planning Council(s) whose areas are affected. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Aelie�w� � Scheibel Against By Sonnen Wilson ��pp ��V z � lWO Form A oved y Cit tt ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa b C nc'1 S tar BY By Appro by Mayor: D e ^ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Ptl9lIS�1� D t� � 1988 , ��-�/�J�fr/� �� . . . . , �n..� � � ���N ��� �. o / 7/ 7/ . c. - . �• d � . O L� (.� ■ ` ' • ' Ri �} .Sannen � ' 9/23 88 _ *e�eo" o��r oir�cro� rNra+ta+�er�wn , Mv�l 0'Rourke �� _ �a nw�oe�err�oia�cron �«rr a�wc: ���/� No. R011nwci eaoc�r flw�cron . �it Cuuncil. -` 2.98-5378. - �R: —cm�„�r � — Amendmeat,:e to No3$e Ordinance that. .ease notif�cation: requirements aad add the cost of natification onto the variance fee. - : �f��ovs G►)a�kp�tR):1 GOUqCN..nEEEARpt�Rie . e�n�co�wassicw qvi�s�r+v�ce oo�ission onTE� n��ouf arw.rsr Pr+owE No. �o�wo�n �su e�sc►ao�eww� BfAFF . . . . . . CHAHTER t�MMMMS910N � .. �COMPLEIE AS IS . . . �ADO'L INFQ.ADDED* .. . . (rd1D TO CANfA�'T. C�!l8TRU6ff- ' . MM � _ron MDt r�s�o _r��c�ooEO* °ierwcr oot�+cw �ocruw�riaa: B�R+�oma vwnai caa+c�oe,e�rivev Neighborhoods �vMoas�.M�.ornorrruwir tvw+o.wn.c.wi,en.w�,.►e.�r): - ' . Notification to property owners within 350' of large geographic projec�s .�hich require :variances are .time.consu�ng`and expensive. . . .�rwa►s�t�.�aerrrrpis.�>: . _ , _ , ; , - Notification to affected property owners and residents wili be improved. - Cost,.to general €und of npti�ication will be Xedt�ced. ' , `'C9�IWIMR vYn�r►..r+a Tc vVhorf�?i . . . . , _ ._ - Council Research C�nter - City saves money. . - More people will be informed of variance request. . StP 2� �g88 �c�aMy►rnres: raos :" ooNs Status quo ---- C�ty costs incr�esse. . Staff 3s �ver�orked. �� __ �r��rrs: City Council has amended Noise Ordiaance in past. �:eo+u�s: . , Unkno�n ` . ,/ , . . . ���/�y � : Members: ��(p�� y +:';; � Janice Rettman, chair 'i` -=:, CITY OF �AINT P�.UL Bill Wilson ��,.�=t� ., :��, _I;.7:; OFFICE OI' '1`HE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: November 3, 1988 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, November 2, 1988, at 1:00 p.m. 1. Due to the lateness of Council Members, the minutes of October 19, 1988 were not discussed. They will not be reproduced but will appear as a line item on the next agenda. 2. City Council Agenda 8/25/88, Item No. 30: Resolution - 88-1408 - Requesting the Administration to review the report and recommendations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon commission and any information available through the Attorney General's Task Force on Violence Against Women. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) (Preliminary drafts to be reviewed.) Preliminary draft reviewed for additions and followup, and final preliminary draft will be readied by December 7, 1988 for formal review and submittion to the City Council. 3. City Council Agenda 10/13/88, Item No. 18: Resolution - 88-1656 - Supporting . the' allocation of adequate levels of federal funding for the purpose of providing retirement programs to benefit the dedicated Community Action Employees of America. (FOR ACTION.) (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee at Bill Wilson's request.) Laid over at Bill Wilson's request. 4. City Council Agenda 10/6/88, Item No. 18: Resolution - 88-1617 - Whereby the Saint Paul Board of Health designates the City of Saint Paul as its fiscal agent, and authorizing proper City officials to contract on its behalf with the State Department of Health. Terry Sullivan to draft appropriate resolutions or ordinances to address the intent expressed by Council Members. Draft will be available November 30, 1988. S. Health Merger--Update. Jim 0'Leary presented the update. See minutes for details. 6. City CounciZ Agenda 10/6/88, Item No. 6: First Readi�g - 8$-1611 - An ordinance amending Chapter 293 of the Legislative Code pertaining to noise regulations by modifying notice requirements of applications for variances and providing for newspaper publication. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES CTTI' HALL . AINT PAUL, MIN ESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 � g �0 46 � _ � � a . COMMITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee November 3, 1988 Page Two , _ -��,. C'�$�ES�=� (La��`�v��',�`��nBer ?� ig88•w�:�t3�a�ri��re�tie�'e";'�e�t�Ed�t����y be P��s�tS.� =��1 ed fQx ��Ya�it'"""�`th a�; on 4-0 vote. Amendment: Add back in at the end of (d) (1) the following language: The division shall also notify the city councilmember(s) and district planning council(s) whose areas are a . 7. City Council Agenda 10/6/88, Item No. 23: Resolution - 88-1622 - Setting fee for processing noise variance application. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) (Laid over to November 2, 1988 so that Councilmember Sonnen may be present.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 9/20/88, Item No. 8: Resolution - 88-1515 - Foregoing any and all interest in developing a first class park on property described as Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Saint Paul Park Acre Lots in Newport, Minnesota, conveyed by Gordon and May Bailey, and agreeing with Washington County that Newport, Minnesota should be the owner of said property. (FOR ACTION.) (Laid over to October 19, 1988, at the request of the Division of Parks and Recreation.) (Laid over to November 2, 1988 for work-up by City Attorney.) Update by Jack Perovich, Washington County, on December 7, 1988. NOTE: There will be no Community and Human .Services Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 1988. The next scheduled Community and Human Services Comnittee meeting will be on Wednesday, November 30, 1988, at 1:00 p.m. cc: Ed Starr �l Olson . . � ;,..� '. ;. , ������/ � J'��" / CITY OF SAiNT PAUL • „�°�,r, ou;�,� 3`0 '���� OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTO-RNEY �; �. /�7 � iiii�tiiii �" `/��y '`>.m '`--i-� „:" EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '!°,'fi���'� �D I� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 `rVj:f, IV/ �/j `� � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER U V\ cti MAYOR � Cj�- �,� ��"'���� �� '� , \� ,�s;: � S;Y� � September 6 , 1988 -�% �''a���� ��;�F�'� �; �r D�jt S E P 0 61988► �. COUNCILMEM8ER r�� KlKI SONPJEt� S Council Member Kiki Sonnen ��'�: Seventh Floor /j�;_ �--��n �b j ��i��� t City Hall Dear Council Member Sonnen: In response to your request, please find attached a draft ordi- nance amending the notification requirements in Chapter 2g3. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which deals with noise regu- lation variance . I discussed this matter with Molly O'Rourke as your written communication with this office posed the question as to whether or not the discretion of the Health Division could be brought into play. I agreed that I would confer with Frank Staffenson concerning this matter, which I did, and you will see that the draft incorporates a balancing of interests in the notifi- cation process . �\�The draft ordinance reduces the area for notice to 200 feet , v but at the same time makes it mandatory for the Health Division to send out at least 150 mailed notices to the extent there are that many parties affected by the variance requested. If, based on the Health Division' s estimation that there are more than 150 notices to be mailed, then the Division would have to place ads in newspapers of general circulation in order to contact other persons who may be affected. The Health Division may as an act of discretion utilize community newspapers , assuming they are going to press at the time. � Also enclosed is a resolution which will authorize the Health gDivision to exact its costs of giving notice whether it is done either by mail or publication. If you wish to discuss either of these items , please do not hesitate to contact me. Y�r��s-. ulY� _, , r �:.- r� � �. ,; , �� � �� ��. ,;_. � PAUL F .�McCLOSKEY Rssistant City Attorney� PFM:cg Encl . cc : Molly O' Rourke Frank Staffenson