88-1605 WH17E ,- CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICIl / GANARY - OEPARTM�ENT ///A y BLUE - MAYOR - Flle NO. ��«� Council solution /"' � w � Presented By Referred To �%�=��:-�-U /'� Committee: Date �� �`�—�� '� ��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council af the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following load limits for the bridges designated, and the Department of Public Works is directed to properly post each bridge location. Mn/DOT Bridge No. Bridge Location Maximum Allowable Sign Type Gross Wgt. in Tons Single Combination � Vehicle Vehicle 90402 Raymond Ave. over BN &M.T. RR's. R 12-1 B 10 16 92236 Western Ave. over BN RR R 12-1 B 1 1 20 COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Public Works AW/9-13-88 Goswitz [n Favor � Long � Rettman a __ Against BY -- Scheibel Donald E. Nygaard, Dire Sonnen {��+T {� Wi1SOn Vt+l 2 � R788 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d Pas ed uncil Secret BY �/ By� Approv :Vlayor. Date Approv y M or f ission to Council B _ CT2 � � Ptl1LISl�EB 0 C T 2 � 19$8 '. ���—�Q-�����/ ��on �,,, - o,►.�..�,m �►,�� - -no�ia �gaara 9-i�►-8s > �fi�1� S#iEE�"` �.Q 0�0 0:1 ooNrncr�soN . . :. . �w��roR�r�m T�acy Moe �� ., . � �Fa� � : Public Works-Bridge 292-b.316, , �� �,�, �� . -F�— Cit3�Cnua�{� : Th�p�ed beds pecmissi�le�ould be redi�ced on i�e fioliow�,}�iclge� , _ WESTERN Il�tf.BR.N0. 9�236�01 t �or�pei~singb vehicte,Z��ot�per aombine�m�vehicie and RIIYMQ�AYE.BR.N0.90402 tio 10�ons per single vehick, l6 tons per oombi�ion vehicla �1N�1�U�Pp�U►)or Reject(R)) COUIICIL RESEIIRCN IEPO�T: � .. . PIANtMNfl.Ca//881011 . � . . CIV�SERVICE COMMI8810N OA7E MI DATE OItT � . . IW�.Y3T. � . . � �..PFId�IE NO. . . -. � � ZOMf10 QOYM16810N � � ISD E2.S 3Ci100L BOARD _ . � � . � . . � - ��.SMFF� - � - C�FiTER WMMt8810N . � COMPLETE A3 IS - . . ADD'L NiC�.AOOEDw. QCIiTA�T �_ .. OONBfR41Rtf � . . . . . ' . _ . � . _ AD�9.MF0. . . _�lAqCADDED.R . . aBTWICT�ql - +�.D(PLANATION: � . . . . . ���.� . SEP 191988 NfA _ �MAYQR'S OFFICE : �«�i����r�.o�,�,�.�,►c�.w►�.w�.�.��: � ltfir�des#r'ayed ePPrmcima�ly 3/8"of the structurai timber deck o�the IMest�rn Ave Br�e IVa 92236. t�eAerioratian o�the sEeei strirger at#he>ReNmand lqr�. Br�ge Na 94442 as rtreesured in the t988 s�uel, . brid�a i�ret�ion re�)ted in reratirg the bridga tu brrer poe�ect�ed�. _ Botl�bridpes h�e bee�t rera�edand�po�ed laeds are required _ ��ro�.�a�.►eao,�.�x.►: _ t: - . The We�rn Ave. Br�dge t�as a concrete slab over wood planks. ;ti wouid nat be c�st effecti�re to replece tfie w�oad plardcs in the roedway. � Reyauxid Ave.Brid�s is sd�eduled for replacemer►t in a�rao�imet,ely ons yeer,so repeirs ars not we�rente�ior d�e existttq structur'e. Until the new br'k�qe is oper�,laMrer'posted loed 1fmlts a�'e requfre0. +�oNe.au�a�afls�.:wti.�..ha Ta wnomr. . .. .. , : - _ . The City af Seir�t Paui shou�d post bridpes thet ers restricted with wei�1r�t�T)-i� ��a�yn the �ublic of the steuctures se�e capeci#y. e earc enter - SEP 2 2�1�88 u�,�: . � � . Repeir demeged or deterioreted Wili maintein present bed No�eonaider�edtxist members a�f tMidge structnre. limits. effecti�re�especiallY -for Ray�tror�dAv�z Br. ' . No.9�142�with e n�r rep�eoement Dridpe �f( , Ifi�101lt ti11B Nsre�r�p�►�rs: , t.oad timi#ak�ns�ve been po�,ed which ere oonsidered the safe ca�eci#y o�the bridg� - uau►��s: _ _ The Ciiy is liable far tt�e seifsty d tbe publ�while usinp the�ridDe. The ae�a cepeciiy should be pos�ed.so�eh�tes thet ara too AeaNy a�d may denro�e the strtxGx�e can u�e al�err�e rou�e�. � � � �o�-t-,� �� - G���.,1. / ���6�, � ' d 12. 10/15/88 FINAL ORDER: Installation of 50 decorative Approved lights on both sides of SELBY AVENUE from 221 , 3-0 feet east of Dale Street to Grotto Street and both sides of DALE STREET from 116.38 feet north of Selby Avenue (east side) and 110 feet north of Selby Avenue (west sidp) to 110 feet south of Selby Avenue (west side) and 172.5 feet south of Selby Avenue (east side) to be known as the SELBY AVENUE REVITALIZATION PROJECT N0. 1. 13. 10/25/88 FINAL ORDER: The operating costs for the Approved above standard street lighting system for the 3-0 SELBY AVENUE REVITALIZATION PROJECT N0. 1 for the year 1989. 14. RESOLUTION 88-1567 - Requesting the County to Approved restrict parking of motor vehicles on the 3-0 west side of MC KNIGHT ROAD from Conway to Minnehaha. (Referred to Committee 9/27/88) . 15. RESOLUTION 88-1583 - Amez�ding the 1988 Approved as amended Capital Improvement Budget and adding 2-1 $700,000 to the KITTSON STREET E. SEVENTH to Rettman LAFAYETTE PROJECT. (Referred to Committee Voted No 9/29/88). 16. RESOLUTION 88-1604 - Authorizing an Approved agreement, 4�88014, with the City of Maplewood 3-0 and Ramsey County for the reconstruction of Old McKnight Rd. between Maryland and Ivy Avenues. (Referred to Committee by Council on 10/4/88) . 17• RESOLUTION 88-1605 - Approving load limits Approved for RAYMOND AVENUE over BN & M.T. RR's and 3-0 WESTERii'��4i�£iNUE over BN RR bridges. (Referred As Amended to .Committee by Council on 10/4/88). 18. RESOLUTION 88-1606 - Authorizing release of Approved temporary sewer easement no longer required 3-0 by the Department of Public Works for property located at the southwest corner of SUBURBAN and White Bear Avenue. (Referred to Committee by Council on 10/4/88) . 19. RESOLUTION 88-1615 - Amending the 1988 Long Approved Range CIB budget to include the 1988 alley 2-1 contract. (Referred to Committee by Council Rettman on 10/6/88) . Voted No 20. RESOLiJTION 88-1616 - Amending the 1987 and Laid Over In 1988 CIB budget by transferring funds from Committee one SHEPARD ROAD pro�ect to another Shepard to 10-26-88 Road pro�ect. (Referred to Committee by Council on 10/6/88). 3