88-1581 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council y/�, BLUERV - MAPORTMENT Flle NO. �" �/��/ C uncil Resolution ;�` - ,���, Presented By �y7.-�'.✓,��Gf `.`._�Y' Referred To ' Committee: Date 7 �d! ��d Out of Committee By Date WI-�EtEAS, The Ma.yor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there axe available for appropriation revenue in excess of tl�ose estimated in the 1988 Budget; and V11�TEREAS, The Ma,yor recormyends the following changes to the 1988 Eudg+et: Current Amended Financing Plan: gud�t Chan ge Budget 436 - Special Projects Police 34115 - Folice Responsive services 9890-40000-Undesignated F�uid Ba,lance -0- 11 879 11 879 --------- --i----- --t------- Spending Plan: -0- 11,879 11,879 436 - Special Projects Police 34115 - Folice Responsive services 0122-400i00- Part Time Not Certified -0- 5,000 5,000 0851-40000- Radio Equipment 6,000 6,879 12,879 6,000 11,879 17,879 Net Change -0- RE.50LVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 Budget. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Ppl i GP SPT1tP.mY�r '7'1�$$ Lon� In Favor Goswitz �I�r?�/���'L�'�2.�.� �tetemae Scheibel �__ A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson �� 2 ? � Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P� -s b Council Se tar BY By e— /Appro by Mavor. — ��� �� /,�77![�_ Appro y Mayor for Sub ouncil gy By PI�IiSHEB �t C � 1968 `` +, . . 5 ��i���� � � � N°. 013051 � � Pblice DEPARTMENT -_ - - - - - - 'i�hil Ssnders � - CANTACT NAl� 292-� PAONB � 0�.�(Yf , DATE � ASSI�N I�DIiBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) SEP 1 Q �988 1 Department Director � Maqor (or �3��'�as������� $ Finance and 1�Ianagement Services Director � City Clerk r�1 �1� � _ or __,;�_ A i r-�23'��#A_�^-a�nd Pers. Ct@. _ City Attoxriey � (�,�p Ch,fn�i 1 � TOTAL NUKBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 � (Clip all locations for signature.) VHAT �1ILL BE ACHIEVED B�' TAKING ACTIOti OIQ �IE ATTACHBD MATSRIAIS? (Purpose/Rstionale) ; The St. Paul Pblice Departrnent v�ll use the fvnds for a � Technician (5,QOa.00), ' and ttye � o� an Intelligent T1 �mic�tions S'q�tem(�6,8?9.00). COSTJBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI�IPATED: �f�E��ED � � Buageta�y �et outi�nea o� t�e attached C1�uncil Re�alution. S�p � � 1988 N1AYpR'S OFFj�E FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY N[MBER CHAR�ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans$ction: $11,879.00 Activity Number: 341].5 Fund.ing Source: q� - $peCial Projeets - PoliCe . Gounci! Research Center TTAC ,NTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1. Cbuncil R,�olution. SEP 2 01988 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES �Yes _No Rules. Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? X Yes �No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEP/IRTMENT REVIEW • CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X�Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes %No Insurance �required? Insurance sufficient? _Yas _No _Yes gNo Insurance attached? � , . _--- . __ _._. _.____.._------ r� � �____ � GITY OF SAINT PAUL . ��u�a iaan °1° ��; OFFICF OF 'rAE CITY COIINCIL � Committee Report Finance. Management. & Personnel Committee November 14, 1988 1 . Approval of minutes of November 7 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of City Treasurer's Report regarding Continued discussion Pension Issues. at 11/18 Cmte. meetin€ 3. Resolution 88-1726 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved adding $32,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Historic Preservation Commission. (Referred from Council October 27, laid over November 7) 4. 1 - amenc�g��,1F98g,}a�d9et and :`- -l�pproved - ..l.T.. ac�k.�n� $l1���9, to;tMe Financing and Spending Plans - ,� �� fo�" Spec i����f�ra�'ects Po 1 i ce Respons i ve Serv i ces. (R��~ed���ounc i i September 29) 5. Resolution 88-1728 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved as amended adding $42,500 to the Financing and 5pending Plans for Public Health Division. (Referred from Council October 27) 6. Resolution 88-1743 - Recommending the City Negotiator Laid over indefinitely negotiate a cap of 95 percent of the Mayor's salary for (substitute resolutior ' any City position and freeze salaries which supersede will be on 11/28 the 95 percent cap. (Referred from Council November 1) Cmte. agenda.) 7. Resolution 88-1676 - changing the rate of pay for Approved Public Heaith Nurse III in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council October 20) , 8. Resolution 88-1723 - approving the 1988-1989 agreement Approved between the City and Classified Confidential Emptoyees Association. (Referred from Council October 27) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�,.a