88-1578 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �'1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. '�� �.' BLUE - MAVOR � , • / Co il Resolution � -�������,, � , Presented y ��� Refe Committee: �. Date ` `'�� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Assistant Stage Technician in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that Section II of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation be amended immediately after "0", by inserting the following: "P The compensation for the class of Assistant Stage Technician shall be $13.36 per hour." FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. // . � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Office of Personnel a abor Relations Goswitz � In Favor Long �� Rettman � _ Against BY sChe��i �"3�Y Sonnen '` `1 o Adopted'Uy l�.ouncil: Date ryDr — 8 �v Form App e City t ney Certified a• ed by Council Secre ry BY � � By � - `� A►pprov 1Aavor: Date '�' � ! �'"" Approved May or ubmi ion to Counc' � B �,! �� N0V 19 �gg8 WMITE - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI�I�CIl CANARV - OEPARTMENT - G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L BLUE .- MAVOR . File NO• '/�/ � 1 ' CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By _, Referred To Committee:--- Date Out of.Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Assistant Stage Technician in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that Section II of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation be amended immediately after "0", by inserting the following: "P The compensation for the class of Assistant Stage Technician shall be $13.36 per hour." FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this re'solution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Office of Personnel a abor Relations Against BY �' r��Y Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY . 1,��-��� r • � � � _N° 013349 � ' Personnel �,p DEPARTMENT • Sher.Yl Le CONTACT NAME x 4221 �t0� � September 8, 1988 • D�TE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR aOUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) " SEP1 �! 1988 .� Department Director 4 l�ayor (or Assistant) , � Finance and Management Services Director � City Cler� ���� �����N�� ' Budget Director _ �City Attorney _ TOTAL N[MBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) WHliT WILL BE ACHIEVE� BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) . ; This resolution establishes the rate of pay for the title of Assistant Stage Technician. The title was pre�►iausly unclassified. This resolutipn is the last step in the process to bring the posi������o the classified service. S E P 1 �, 1988 � COSTJBENEFIT. B���i�Fi�EPERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATLD: . There is no cost to the City. The salary for this title will remain unchan�ed. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CjiARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) � Total Amount of Transgction: Activity l�umber: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.)� , 1. Resolution Council Research Center. 2. Copy for City C]erk $EP 16198$ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES , _Yes _No Rules, Regnlations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution ret�uired? � Resolution requiredY �Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance attached? �� . � ��1�� , 10. Resad�t i�i�'"�„� ^�"�stab 1 i sn i ng tt�r��+et.�.,Qf PaY Appra!ved fo�_ Ass i s't.3Clt Sta�e Techn i c i an i n the°�Sa�ary. P 1 an and Rates of CompeRSation Resolution. �(Referred from Caun�Ci�1 Sep�tember 29) 11. Resolution 88-1579 - establishing the rate of pay Approved for Community Education Clerk - Board of Education in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Reso- lution. (Referred from Council September 29) 12. Discussion of sale of tax forfeited land. Laid over one week 13. Request for advance sick leave by school district Denied due to ` employee. jurisdiction � ��•� CITY OF SBINT PgUL ' '"'��' � OFFICE OF' THE CITY COUNCIL 1aiI1 (tl:tl� � Commi�tee �eport �i�ance, Mana�eme�t, & Personnel Cammittee. OCTOBER 24, 1988 1 . Approval of minutes of October 3 meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 88-1580 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved adding $250,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Civic Center Capital projects. (Referred from Council September 29) 3. Resolution 88-1582 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved adding $550,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for P�blic Works Engineering Fund. tReferred from Council September 29) . 4. Resolution 88-1612 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved .. adding $127,309.83 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Debt Service. (Referred from Council October 6) 5. Resolution 88-1613 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved � adding $1Q,296.32 to the Financing and Spending Plans for General Obiigation Special Assessments. (Referred from Council October 6) 6. Resolution 88-1614 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved as amended transferring $4,923 from General Government Accounts to the Department of Finance and Manage- ment Services Risk Management Division. (Referred from Council October 6) 7. Administrative Order D-9850 - authorizing payment Laid over one week for new employee orientation program to provide muffins. (Referred f�om Council August 18, laid , over October 3) 8. Discussion of policy regarding budgetary impact of Jerry Segal will reclassifications. (Laid over September 12) draft an ordinance 9. Resolution 88-1473 - establishing the rate of pay Approved . in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation � Resolution for Treasury Technician in Grade 31 , ' Sectio� ID2 of the Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council September 8, laid over September 26) (continued) CIIY HALL SEVENZ'H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS IOZ �'* �a