88-1568 WHITE - CITV GLERK COURCII PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT // BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. f Cou ' Resolution !!a� '; � r � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the `I'ort Liability Fund 09070-511-000 , to : 1 . State Farm Insurance Company the sum of $1 , 758 .50 in full settlement of its claim of damages sustained on or about July 8 , 1987 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on October 19 , 1987. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor s�.. Rettman (�. B scne;n�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson SEP 2 7 �988 Form Appr ved by Ci A o e � Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�ss d ouncil e BY By, Approv Mavor. Date L �C'T `1' �g88 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � Pir��.r:o;��� �� ; � 198 �� ����' _ � � � �l° Oi274i Citv Attornev DEPARTI�NT • Debra J,, Be�nard CONTACT NAl�lE 2 9 8-5121 PAONE � Sente�nber. 13� 1988 DATE ASSIGN NIIMBER FCfR ROIITIN� -0RDER: (See reverse side.) ,_ Department Director „_ l�iayor (or Assistaat) _ Finance and Management Services Director _ City Clerk ,_ Budget Director , _ _ City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA�ES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACflIEeED BY, TARING ACTION ON T�iE ATTACHED MATE�IAIS1 (Purpose/Rationale) , On July 8, 1987, a Saint Paul police vehicle driven by Officer Michael Garvey passed a vehicle that struck him while making a left turn. This vehicle was owned and' driven by John Hustings and it was totaled in th8 amount of $3, 717.00 fo which his insurance campany, State Farm, reim- bursed him less his deductible. Weare making a compromise settlement with State Farm in the amount of $1 , 758.50. , COSTjBEi�EFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTIC�IPATED: N/A ��uncii Research Center StP 15 i�8 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NOMBER CHARGED Q� CREDITED: (Maqor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transaction: $1 , 758.50 Actinity Nwnber: Funding Source: 09070 ATTACH?�ENTS: (List and number all attachments.) Resolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Araendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DE�'ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ,�,Yes _No Counci�. resolution required? Resolution required? �Yes _No _,Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached?