88-1565 WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLflC1I �Ir/'. PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L IJ`G� GANARV - DEPARTMENT y y � BLUE - MAVOR � � File NO. �� o uncil Resolution ��, � �`� Presented By R o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, A criminal complaint has been brought against Saint Paul Police Officer Stephen Rollins for intent to evade motor vehicle taxes; and WHEREAS, said complaint arose in the City of Saint Paul and is therefore in the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the , City Attorney; and WHEREAS, The City., Attorney' s Office cannot undertake the prosecution of said complaint by reason of potential conflict; and WHEREAS, The City Council has by virtue of City Charter Section 5 . 02 the authority to retain a special prosecutor at the request of the City Attorney and further has the authority to fix or set the compensation to be paid, now; therefore be it RESOLVED, That Thomas R. Hughes is hereby appointed to be the special prosecutor for said complaint against Stephen Rollins, and; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the fee for such services be $85 . 00 per hour. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b partment of: Yeas Nays Dimond � City rney �� [n Favor � xecc� � B sche;n�i _ Against Y Sonnen �Ison SEP L T ��� Form A ved by C' y t e Adopted by Council: Date Ceriified Va s d y ouncil et By sy� Approv d. y � or: Da �CT w � ���8_ Approvefi.bx May or Subm'1�sion to Council , B '��V�� ` C`��v � ��:r---. !`-��-'....�` p�4S�E�l ' l l :; 1988 � _ . � . , . G��.-��,s" : .. �� o�273z City Attorney DEPARTI�NT - � Jerr� Hendrickson CONTACT NAl� 4 2 71 PHONE � Septeniber 13, 19 DATE ASSIGN A'�MBER FOR HOUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) Department Director � . 1 Mayor ('or Assistant) ' ? Finance and Man�gament Services Director � City Clerk _ Badget Director _ Citp -Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES! 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) , tiHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING �ACTIflN ON THE ATT�4CHED MATEitIALS9 (Purpose/Rationale) . The City Attorney' s Office has a potential conflict of interest �.n prosecuting the case of State vs. Stephen Rollins, a City employee. This resolution will authorize the appointment of special counsel for the case. � R�'C{c����£Q COST�BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSOi�]N$L IMPACTS ANTICIPATEDc ' �EP 1 ` 1988 No F.T.E. Employee. , ' �'''�YO�`'� �fi�1�� FINANCING 30URCE AN� BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: 001-09 073-0218 (Mayo�'s signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transaction:` $1,417.25 Activity Nwnber: 09073 Fuading Source: Ger�eral Fund Budget ATTAC NTS: (List and number all attachments.> Council Research Center 1. Couneil Resolution �EP 16 �988 ADIYI�NISTRATIVE PRQCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? .' _Yes No If yes,. are they or timetable attached? � DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ?�Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? x,_,Yes _No _Yes ,�No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes: X No �Yes �No Insurance attached?