88-1560 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANAqV - OEPARTMENT COUflCll BIUE -MAYOR L+11e NO. �_��D C 1 /l - � • 0/ N�Z nce O dinance 1�)�. Q sented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council , having been conducted on February 18, 1988 and April 28, 1988 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recomnendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 13, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 561 Whitall being more particularly described as Lot 4, Block 1, Edmund Rice lst Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to B-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� Nays _o�- , �ij Planning d Economic Deve ment [n Favor Rettman s�n.�bei � Against BY � Sonnen �—�oN'� w�iso� Adopted by Council: Date VCI 13 1988 Form Appro d y City Attor Certified Pas e unci Se t BY � By _ � Appro by Mayor: Date r�T 1 8 �� Approve y Ma r Sub ' sion to Council � Y _ (�T ��3i9� O li 1 �� �'' �.=._---- � �cS — ���6 � \ a, �a � � � L rn � . � � a w � • o va,i o � w � � � � .,� � � z � _ � � o � c.' � � O R1 N z � � ; m u M c � 0 �/� .r 0 �i/ +, Q � ! •r v � I i � r^ V � W N d a � �.., � o a� � E u, � � s. � � � � M ~ � Ei dN' O � N J (Y., � a c d. J � .a 1. Gl ]G F- 2 �' -� � cn s a. E w � v � � u. F'— � +-� � Z UO � = r6 N >- r z +� . � c o � ~ � ___.___._.___ ___� c� � CJ U M i ! . . ' _ . DC�C�', ; � � � t'''� � �� F'� �� �,. '�`r:�E, � � i � L . ... ���� �� �� � c�''� t��� �j II c� ��y � � w� �� � � r� co�;,, , . - B Y���� ,�.� r� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I . . . . Albert. B.. Olson. . ...... . ... . . . .. . . . , .City Clerk o€ the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 88-1560 compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. .. . . ,�tober.l3: . . . . . . . . , ,19 88. . . October 18, and approwed by the Mayor. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .... . . . . .. .. 19... .. . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNES� my hand and the seal of tne City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . , 18th. . . _„ day of ., ,November. . . , . ,,A.D. 19 88 . . . . . . . . L.�.���?r�. . � ��:-;:`.d`r/ . . . . . . . .. _ _' City Clerk. ,�i . , ��i�" �-- . ._ •��. �. /� . 1 � _ - i G� /J �,� �_Q�r p � /`S�� �3 �, �,(� �Ct�-�'"� ._._...�,"_ ._:,,._..rt__....� ,�.-� . ���;..-:�:: - r WHITE - G17V CLERK COLL[1C1� � PINK - FIN�CNCE CANARV - OEVARTMENT G I TY 'OF SA I NT PA U L olUE -MAVOR File N0. � �D . O��iZ n`, Ordinance N�. -.���� Presented By � � �� \ � � Re#erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code C''� pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps � thereof. �� � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the � Legislative Code, James Laughlin duly petitioned to rezone 561 Whitall Street � located on the north side between Jessie and Edgerton from RM-2 to I-1 for the :� purpose of operating a contractor's office; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on November 23, 1987 as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the tota� contiguous property within one year precedi�g the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on January 7, 1988 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be denied; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its _ meeting held on January 15, 1988 and recommended that the City Council deny the petition; and WHEREAS, Notices of a public hearing before the City Council on the said petition were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and COUNCILMFN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Drew Niwsia in Favor Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnsn Tedesco Wilaon � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , � WMITE - GITV CLERK OINK - FIN�NCE G I'TY �O F SA I NT YA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��j� BIUE -MAVOR File N O. -�✓�✓O • • . O/ wZ nCe O dinance N0. _���� Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council , having been conducted on �February 18, 1988 and April 28, 1988 where all interested persons were heard, C'� .and the Council having considered all the facts and recorr�nendations concerning :� the petition; now, therefore, �� � � �THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 13, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 561 Whitall being more particularly described as Lot 4, Block 1, Edmund Rice lst Addition be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to B-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��� Nays Requested by Department of: • _w�. � Planning d Economic Deve ment In Favor Rettman s�ne�b.i � Against BY sonnen �dese��^�d�� Wilson ���� � 3 198$ Form Approv d y City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e unci Se t BY � sy _ _ . _ I Appro by Mayor: Date Appr v y Ma r Sub ' sion to Council ♦ Y - ' �,�;,�s�'� �C T ". � 1.___—_- � • �`y�atr p� ' . ����po ;`.•' : � � �� � ' CITY OF AINT PAUL � � . • '� ��= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEtiT � 7� {_�� � " DIVISION OF PLAVtiItiG �?' � 25 West Fourth SheN.Saint Pwl,Min�esota 55102 ' ,••• �'' 612-22&32"0 GEORGE UTIMER � MAYOR �pril 28, 1988 Council President James Scheibel and Kembers of the City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10228 - James Laughlin City Council Hearing: April 28, 1988 Dear President Scheibel and Council Members: The applicant's initial request to rezone this parcel from RM-2 to I-1 was reviewed by the Zoning Committee and Planning Commission. On January 7, 1988 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 1 to deny the rezoning based on staff report findings. On January 15, 1988 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's re�ommendation 18 to 2. Subsequently, the applicant has decided to� put a 176 square foot office on the second floor of the structure with the remainder of the building being used for storage of equipment and supplies. The of�ice will ser�e as a satellite off�ce L"or his eiectrical contractor' s business. S�nce � cont�actor' s office �aith ,�r.door storage is first permitted in the 3-_ �onir.� dis�r�c�, the app��can� :s asking the Council to consider rezonir.g �o B-? �^s�2ad of i-i. The District 5 Planning Council has reviewed Kr. Laug�in's revised request a�� �:oted to support rezoning the parcel to B-� . P�anr.ing staff evaluated this reques� ar.d has made the foliowing findings : 1. The applicant operates an elec�ricai business in 5t. Paul and inter.ds to use this structure for a secondary office and indoor storage. A contractor's office with indoor storage is first permitted in a B-2 zoning district. �. The existing unfinished state of tne building poses a health and safety threat to the immediate neighborhood. � . . �. . �. � ���---��6� File #10228 ' � Page 'hio 3. The parcel in question abuts residential uses to the north and west � and industrial uses on the south and east. The topography of the area forms a natural break between the existing residential and industrial uses with the land to the south and east being considerably lower in elevation than the parcel in question. To extend industrial uses into the residential area is inappropriate. 4. The B-2 Community Business District is more restrictive than the I-1 district and the types of uses permitted the district are more compatible with the adjacent residential uses. 5. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. Rezoning this parcel to B-2 would allow a problem building to be improved and would buffer the residential area from the more intense nonresidential uses. 6. If the rezoning is approved, the applicant m�st _request a zoning s,.,��r variance for setback requirements. In a B-2�,� structures must be set back 10 feet from ad�oining residentially zoned lots. The structure is setback 8 feet from the west property line and 3 feet from the north property line. As well, the applicant must improve the site to current city standards. Based on the above staff findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-2 to B-2. Sincerely, �.p �ti[.�¢,� Lisa J . Freese Planner II L;F:rm Attachments �����° � ZONING COlQiITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10228 1. APPLICANT: James F. Laughlin DATE OF HEARING: 1/07/88 2. CIASSIFICATION: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 3. LOCATION: 561 Whitall Street (North side between Jessie and Edgerton) 4. PIANNING DISTRICT: 5 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1, Edaund Rice lst Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 12/17/87 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. �Q�: To permit indoor storage for an electrical contractor business. B. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on November 23, 1987; 8 parcels eligible, b parcels required� 6 parcels signed. C. LOT SIZE: The parcel is 132 feet in depth with a 44 foot frontage on Whitall for a total lot area of approximately 5,800 square feet. � - _ - _ _ -_ _ - - _ - � D. EXISTING LAND USE: The garage-like structure on the property is currently � vacant. The structure's last lrnown use was residential. An unfinished addition in the rear was begun illegally in 1986. E. SURROUNDING IAND USE: North and West: Residential. RM-2 East and South: Industrial, I-1 F. ZONING HISTORY: Prior to 1975 the property was zoned for °light industrial." G. FINDINGS: 1. According to property valuation records a 26' by 40' structure was noved onto this lot in the late 1970's, but a moving permit was not issued. The property is_taxed_as_commercial, but there is no record of its.use prior to 1983V From • . ' .. „ ' ' ' • `/'/- CJ� ✓���V . File �t10228 Page T�o 6. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to saintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incoapatible land uses. S�hile the buffering between existing incompatible uses in this area is not adequate. rezoning this property would not iaprove the situation. The site is small and the building is not set back adequately from the property line, so very little space between this property and th� adjacent properties is available for buffering. In addition� one of the city•s industrial policy strategies is to increase the co�ercial and industrial lead supply, but it stipulates that such parcels should be sufficiently resoved from resfdentlal land uses so as to not adversely affect them. Given the close proxisity of this site to a residential area� rezoning it vould not oeet the intent of this strategy. This rezoning application is not in conforaance with the Coaprehensive Ylan. H. �TAFF ANALYSIS: In the near future little potential exists for residential development of the site. The existing structure is an eyesore, so rezoning and the subsequent improvements planned by the applicant vould provide i�ediate iaproveaent. In sddition. contractor storage is a reasonable use of the existfng building. This requires a choice to be aade between isnediate iQprovement of the site or long term goals for the area. Staff reco�ends following the long term goals of the Comprehensive Plan. I. STAFF RECOI�4�iENDATION; Based on staff findings 1 through 6, staff recommends denial of the rezoning from RM-2 to I-1. i � ' ' i I • • �,' , • � � �l � a • � � . . . � . _ . . • • � . . C. • � . • • ��� . . . . u, . c��� cv • � .n � . . . . , � , � . . � • � ' ��rs c�. . , � � , ,, , . , , �i�"i ` . c�.i�s . . . � � . . . �n � � � . � : � o� � �� � � �� �� � i t'� �'.�, / `, ' � el • • • �� • • � • • �1 • � � � � �i i �i � • � ��� �' � � � ° a �o - o . v . . � �� � .. I� --- _ _� . -- -�...�._ . 1 . —�— .^.�.��.. — � : -..s�� '".M-� -- �'•.�i ,�� ; : �- = �_ �� ■ � i i i��� � /�-- ii �..��..�.�.�� ��� , - ��.� � ■ ��-_ - �� ��� ���' � ��� � ■ / � �� • t„ ;.:` , . . �a ����� Y �� ���� � � � � � � ; S�Q 1 a N°_ �113726 '�/ D$PARTMENT r7�a ����T � T : PHONE � DATE . ASSIGN �UltBER FOR 80UTING.OBDER: (See reverse side.) Department Director/P1 dR111 nq Adm1 ni St 3 �yor (or Assistant) _ Finance aad Managea�ent Ssrvices Direct r � City Clerk Budget Director � Council Research � City Attorney _, TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATtJRE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHl�T i�1ILL BE ACHIBVED B� TARIN6 ACTION ON THL ATTACHED MATERIALSY (PurposeJRationale) ; Ardinance implements City Council action of 4/28/88.qrantinq a rezoning from RM-2 to B-2 for the -property Tocated a 561 4lhiteall Street. Rezonino°was reauested in order to operate a contratorFs office in an existina building. . C9STlBENEFIT. BIIDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPl4fiED: - • ---;;�, REC�!i�ED SEP 1 �� 1988 MA�(OR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET_ AGTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor•s signature not required if under $10.000.) Total Amoutit of TransSction: Activity Number: Fundiag 3ource: � Councit Research Center ATTACHMENTSi (List and number all attachments.) - SEP 191988 1. Ordinance 2. Staff report 3. Map ADI�IIN23TRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures� or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution xequired? Reso�ution required? _Yes _No < . .: :�. _Yes _No Insurance required?. - Insurance sufficient? _Xes �No Yes No Insurance attached? .' t ` i. , �;TO OSE THE GREEN SHEE�: „ . '. ' ' � . ,. ..V ,..;�r .The GREBN SHEBT �ias. thrse ��s . , - 1. to •assis� ��,�ti� �cc�eats � �;'at�aring req���rad aigaatures; 2. to l�rief t�a tts�ria�ers of documents ,pt;.�►e impacts of approval; 3. tc► he.Ip enst�te that n�cessary suppo��tg mstarials are ptepsred and, if required, ° attached. . ; - , Providing complete information under the lis�sd: headings snal�lss revie�rers to mske decisions on the documents and aliminates fo12�r-up contacta that, may delay eaecution. Balox is the p�eferred �Qg�ING for the fiva �sst frequent ty�rs� of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes au;tlio�ited budget exist�) 1. Outsida Agency 4. �ayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Fittsnce Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finsttce Accounting Note: If a �ONTRACT amount is less than .$1D,000, the Ziayor•s $ignature is not required, if the department director signs. A con�ract must als�ays ba �igned by the outside agencq before routin$ through City offices. ADMINISTRA'�IVL� ORbE� (Bu�get Revision) . , ADM��tATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity l�anager � � � �1 � In�.tiating Department � 2. DQpartment Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director . 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director . 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk � � 6. Chief Accountant, Financa a3td Maaagiaagt. Services , COUIdCIL RESOLUTI�N �Budgat Amendmeat/Grant Acc�ptan�e) �OONCIL RESOLtTTION (all others) 1. Department Dfrector 2. Dapartment Director 2. Budget Dir�ctor • 2. City At�orney 3. City Attorney 3. ,tsayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mg�t. . aud Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accouatant. Finsnce and lqanagsmant Saxvicas The COST/BENFFI�. B"ODGETAIt�. At�D PS�SOL�NEL I�RAC� heading provid�s �pace to explain the cost/benefit aspect� of the dacisiott. Cost�s and benefits.relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special F�mds) and to brosd�r fiaancial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or.ot�er grQukps �sffected bq� the"a�tion). The per-sonnel-��.aepact is_a .description of change or_shift of Full-Tfine Equivalent (FTE� positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROC� section must be completed to indicate Mhether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulatians, or resource propos�als �are - necessary �for implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes. the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedura� must be attached. SUPPORTING M�iTERIALS. In the �TTACHMENTS sactton, identify all sttachments. If the Green Sheet is �rell done, no lettsr of transmit�l nead be included (unle�s signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of . Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require Citq Gouncil resolutions include contractual relationships arith other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumptfon of liability by City, or granting by �City of indemnificatian; agreements with state ar.federal governraent under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. .�. �t �7r .K c .rF y x c3 � . '"; t r� 3- �f'^ e�t�,� i� 4a ;+'ST x �x ' �� i r : i r �l � ' �, �� +� a $� 1 a ,/ ,3'-. ,� >�.�'� �., t _� � ' �� `� s'� � - 1 ; ��� +'a 6` i�ty� � t yt��#r �� � F` �F �f � ;,� � ',t 2 �+ i 5 r �„M...�:� �'�.V�j,�.,' , l:: !� / 1 {}1�� r�` y .� ::4 � -' �. � a�'�. •,1., �r � „ o.., " � ' JY - � ,4�. '� t it 1 �� . �'�r"`. _ ��— ' ��w� b �� � Y � � t _ t � l � ..( �. 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' . .,. . . . , . . ..i.: �' -�. � . �. 1 � � t;y , ( U i i � ,. . . ., ,. . .. , � . i .. � ! . , .. . � � . . . .._i J�. `, ` � / �,�� � � � �r� �;�` / R�y CtT! pP '+ � ���...6 ,♦±�± \� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ��„�����„ � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �m '��� �� � �v' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 iss• 612-22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED February 8, 1988 FEB 16 1988 Albert Olson, City Clerk CITY CLERK Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10228 - James Laughlin City Council Hearing: February 18, 1988 PURPOSE: To rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to allow an existing structure to be finished and used for indoor storage by an electrical business. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Deny (16-2) . ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Deny (6-1) . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny. SUPPORT: 1 letter received. OPPOSITION: None. Dear Sir: On January 7, 1988 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 1 to deny the rezoning based on staff findings. On January 15, 3.988 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation 18 to 2. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 18, 1988. Please notify me by February 17, 1988 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ;�� � �,�� L�sa J. Freese Planner II LTF:rm Attachments � ` � �� city of saint paul planning comrnission res�olution f�e number 88-01 �te January 15, 1988 WHEREAS, James F. Laughlin, file #10228, has petitioned to rezone 561 Whitall Street situated on the north side between Jessie and Edgerton from RM-2 to I-1 for the purpose of permitting indoor storage for an electrical contractor business; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on January 7, 1988, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. According to property valuation records, a 26' by 40' structure was moved onto this lot in the late 1970's, but a moving permit was not issued. The property is taxed as commercial, but there is no record of its use prior to 1983. From 1983 to 1985 the garage was used as a residence. In 1986, the previous owner began construction of a 26' by 30' addition on the north end of the existing structure. Construction was stopped by the City. 2. The applicant recently purchased this property and proposes to finish the � addition to the existing structure. He plans to use the building as storage for his electrical business. Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies without office or workshop facilities on premise is first permitted in an I-1 zoning district. If there was also a contractor's office located here, this use would be first permitted in a B-2 zoning district. 3. In an I-1 zone that abuts non-industrial district, a setback equal to a minimum of one and one-half times the height of the building is required. The required setback is approximately 15' from the west and north lot lines. The incomplete addition is only 3' from the north lot line; to use this existing structure for industrial storage would require a variance. (continued) moved by Christenson 5econded by Zieman in favor �— agaitist — File #10228 Page Two 4. The topography of the area forms a natural break between the existing industrial and residential districts. The land to the south and east is considerably lower in elevation than the parcel in question. The elevation of this parcel is similar the adjacent residential area. The topography of the area isolates the parcel from the ad�acent I-1 district, so the rezoning does not appear to be merely a logical extension of the district. 5. The District 5 Plan identifies improving the existing �ousing stock as one of its major goals. Rezoning this parcel will encourage industrial encroachment in a residential area the district has identified as a "residential improvement area." 6. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. While the buffering between existing incompatible uses in this area is not adequate, rezoning this property would not improve the situation. The site is small and the building is not set back adequately from the property line, so very little space between this property and the ad�acent properties is � available for buffering. In addition, one of the city's industrial policy i strategies is to increase the commercial and industrial land supply, but it stipulates that such parcels should be sufficiently removed from residential Iand uses so as to not adversely sffect them. Given the close proximity of this site to a residential area, rezoning it would not meet the intent of this strategy. This rezoning application is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of James F. Laughlin to rezone property at 561 Whitall Street more particularly described as Lot 4, Block 1, Edmund Rice lst Addition from a RM-2 zoning classification to a I-1 zoning classification is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that rezoning property located at 561 Whitall Street from RM-2 to I-1 be denied. � � � � � � �'�r�� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COI�iITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA ON JANUARY 7� 1988 S T: Mmes. Morton� Tracy and Zieman; Messrs. Christenson, Levy� Neid and Repke of the Zoning Co�ittee; Mr. Segal� Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Building Inspection and Design Division; Ms. Freese, Ms. Murray and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning Division staff. �S NT: Mr. Ferderer. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. James Lau�,hlin (#10228) : A Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 for property located at 561 Whitall Street to allow the existing structure to be finished and used for storage by an electrical contractor. Ms. Freese showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial. She stated that District 5 requested a layover. Brett Laughlin, 2013 Thure Avenue, stated that it was his intent to use the building for storage of electrical equipment and also for storage of antique cars. He said that he would like to complete the existing illegal addition. Mr. Christenson asked if the applicant owned the lot and if he uses it. Mr. Laughlin replied that his father owns the lot and does use it. Mr. Neid asked for the locatian of Mr. Laughlin's electrical business office. Mr. Laughlin said 980 North Dale Street. Mr. Neid asked Mr. Laughlin if he would be willing to locate the business office at this site so the property could be used as a B-2 or B-3 use. Mr. Laughlin replied that there is not enough space for both an office and a storage facility. Mr. Neid questioned the number of square feet inside the building. Mr. Laughlin replied that there are 1800 square feet including the addition. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing. Mr. Neid made a motion to recommend denial of the rezoning to I-1 based on staff findings. Mr. Repke seconded the motion which passed on a roll call vote of 6-1 (Levy) . Submitted by: Approved by: C� �,��-�e,. Y�'t - Lisa Freese G dys Morton, Chairman ' ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10228 1. APPLICANT: James F. Laughlin DATE OF HEARING: 1/07/88 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 3. LOCATION: 561 Whitall Street (North side between Jessie and Edgerton) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1� Edmund Rice lst Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: b4.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 12/17/87 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. PURPOSE: To permit indoor storage for an electrical contractor business. B. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on November 23, 1987; 8 parcels eligible, 6 parcels required, 6 parcels signed. C. LOT SIZE: The parcel is 132 feet in depth with a 44 foot frontage on Whitall for a total lot area of approximately 5,800 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND USE: The garage-like structure on the property is currently vacant. The structure's last known use was residential. An unfinished addition in the rear was begun illegally in 1986. E. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North and West: Residential, RM-2 East and South: Industrial, I-1 F. ZONING HISTORY: Prior to 1975 the property was zoned for "light industrial." G. FINDINGS: . ��- �u-�� File #10228 � Page Two 6. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. While the buffering between existing incompatible uses in this area is not adequate� rezoning this property would not improve the situation. The site is small and the building is not set back adequately from the property line, so very little space between this property and the ad,jacent properties is available for buffering. In addition, one of the city's industrial policy strategies is to increase the commercial and industrial land supply, but it stipulates that such parcels should be suff�cientZy removed from residential Iand uses so as to not adverselp affect them. Given the close proximity of this site to a residential area, rezoning it would not meet the intent of this strategy. This rezoning application is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. H. �TAFF ANALYSIS: In the near future little potential exists for residential development of the site. The existing structure is an eyesore, so rezoning and the subsequent improvements planned by the applicant would provide immediate improvement. In addition, contractor storage is a reasonable use of the existing building. This requires a choice to be made between immediate improvement of the site or long term goals for the area. Staff recommends following the long term goals of the Comprehensive Plan. I. STAFF RECONII�iENDATION: Based on staff findings l through 6, staff recommends denial of the rezoning from RM-2 to I-1. PETITION TO AMEND ZOMING CODE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # �OZZg �������� Application Fee $ ���J ��—/�( .— OCT 2� 1987 Tentative Hearing �ate ��N�NG Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �tO� 20 19 87 c/o Zoning Office, 11D0 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Minnesota Statutes, James F, Laughlin , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to : rezone the following described property: z : _. _ �, _ _. �. S�reet Address. 56� i�.�.�.� ;�t. P�-. ,M�sata . _ -•�. . . _�=--� :, Legal Description: �t 4, Block 1 F�iund Riae lst from a residential� {�rVl--Z Zoning District to a caYm�rcial �- � —'... Zoning District � for the purpose of finish building Subscribed and sworn o By: � before me this �01 da of C'���r 19� Title. ��' �� a. P age 1 of 3 Notary Public * 4080 ,�`�. PAMELA A. �IUPPERT 2/$5 �"p'{� N07ARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY ��� My Comm.Expires Mar. 11, 1993 1r o � - �. � � � ��- ti��G CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING : We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: : 1 . A copy of the P et i t i on of �Ct.�►-'� JaQnes F. Laughlin name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezonin;; and we hereby co�ser� to �t�e rezoning of the property described in the Petition of James F. Laughlin to a District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE � l ��Np zt� /�e.��N ,�,. w�es� �' �d r�� v�,,c� r oln,-.1 13 , � /S'7 l—�-.3 � t�� �.� � � S� d �.,, Q ,�a ���'�2-�—�� � �� 7 1 Echnund Ri�' i�u.0 �/, ,�3x b !���z. / �,, � �7 l � `�U-nG� R�G. � � 6'e r-a.!d �v--n,d : � -�� Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. P age 2 of 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Jaanes F. Laughlin , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of 1 pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for - - - none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petition; t�at this ca�s�r�t was s;gre� 5y each o` said owr�ers in ihe �resence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � y � � v�°�- 1918 Wellesley Ave. Address 489-1303 �� 698-0482 Telephone Number Subscribed nd sworn to efore me thisaa� day of pPr , 19�5� , Q�L� Notary Public ,,w�n,u� e nnnnnnnnnn^M^nn'^nn'v�nnnni` ���� P�� �� � L � � ����iT � � �� r�, � �� � � ��i,��sora � ,���,�- , ,-,, �lrl l � J �V. �.� My Cem�r. ev,;,�rea�<"a. ii, 1993 � ti vW�NVV W�/`�'Y�nNVVw�M;wwwv�r Approved as to form - Feb. 85 Page 3 of 3 Planning Department � � � � � - ��6 � STATE OF MINNES�TA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) __�� r _, being first duly sworn, deposes and stat s that he is the rson who circul ed the within petition and consent, consisting of � pages; that a fiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition whi h is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for _______ none of the Qarties described above has purchased or is purchas�n property from petitioner contiguous to the above described properiy wit�in ��e �?) y°ar of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��"`" `� �.c�Q�'�i 1918 Wellesley Avenue Address St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 �a...� 1� <in, Ede�r�c (612) 698-0482 � '-�8°� - 13d"� Telephone Number Subscribed nd sworn �o before l�� me this�3� day of ��er�'� -- �- --- --�. Notary Publtc ■ r ,��... PAMELA A. hURr'ERT �-�j"�k N07ARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA RAMSEY�OUNTY �•` My Comm. Expires Mar.11.1993 x +� 1 Ap�roved as to form - Feb. 85 Page � of � ��� Planning Department u � � . . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONIN6 We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A copy of the Petition of �� �^= ' nam of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be es�ab':is�ed �:pon City Council �e�roval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the reza�iny of the FropErty �escribed in th2 Petition of v�,•-. � ' to a District. name of etitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SI ATURE DATE Sti on's Ad . to the 'It•vin City Auto & � 11-23-87 Cit of St. aul in the Mili Parts Inc Sta of esota E 1 of Vac alle ad' and t 13 a so all of vac lley ad' and Lots 1 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. P age 2 of � ., • . . • • ���/�' �� � � �� � �o 1��� /o Z�� � �,-� ti..-v ��� . �� , � t �..�t �...�1 ; o� ��� � � �..�- . . . , , �i�.�.� . _ . . 6 9 3 /�L.�,�.a��, . � p�,l �!�. s s„� . �.�.- �i s � . _._. ZONING FtLE ��:� . �p��r�� Q p[��D�r� District Five Planning Council 1075 Arcade Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-5234 December 29, 1987 Zoning Committee St. Paul Planning Commission City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Commissioners : The District Five Planning Council, upon recommendation of the Land Use/Zoning Committee, took action on the following items at the District Council meeting on december 15, 1987 . - A motion to approve the application for a Non Conforming Use Permit at 1084 Earl Street to allow for storage addition was appraved contingent upon Zoning staff approval . - A motion was approved to request a delay on the application to rezone 561 Whitall from RM-2 to I-1 to allow for a storage garage. The council felt that a solution could be sought that would not require rezoning residential land to industrial if the proposed use would qualify as a B-2 or B-3 zone. 'ncere y, /� ( Ra M dorski, Cha ' r erson District Five Planning Council Z����1�� �� �� I0228 ` . �. .� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING COMMITTEE OF SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION T0 PTOperty Owners within 350 feet; Repcesentatives of Planning District 5 APPUCANT JAMES LAUGHLIN To rezone from R�"-2 to I-1 to allow existing structure PURPOSE to be finished and used for stqr�ge by an electrical contractor. LOCATlON 561 �lhitall Street (P�orthside between Jessie and Edgerton) Of PROPERTY Legal Descripcion: On file TIME Of HEARIN6 Thursday, �anuary 7, 1987 3:30 p.M. ► PLACE Of HEARIN6 City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hal1�St.pavt 1. You may attend hearing and testify - HOW TO PARTICIPATE 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to the Zoning Committee� 2S West Fourth Street, St.Paul, Mn. 55102. ANYQUESTIONS Call the Zoning office at 298-4154 (Lisa Freese) or call your district council representative (. 774-5234 ) w�th the £ollowing information: Zoning File No. 10228 Zoning File Name LAUGHLIN ` *iailing Date 12-24-87 • . ��-,�.,�--� � . ' r ITIZEN PAR ICIPA I DIS RI S �M{wtfJ �4 .O.r � i � � � r � _ .. . Y ) ■O w �w�Q+b� +c � \ t � O � \ R ♦ 3 � � w »EE� t r. r 12 . � *, �. � r..,.� .�s � �� s 5 ��.,.,� ,. � 6 � �. P. � •4D • s .Q.• :• E � .� � ° ��. � �� ~ � Y � � � ,, = 11 s � ,,p ,.�,,, � ,..� �'4�dr � .«sw w4 ( �' � y� � i.M , w f = � �v � N V' � � f M A f � � ,,.�.�.. � � R 4 . � ` : r s = � E �« � .r �r. � a � � �,�,., .� ; `�+�, ... .� '� � . . .,.. .� _ .b ' � � �'� �� w ` 1W�1 rE F .� / n`� i� + +�Y ' �+ C w� � � ; • �, � � n n.n .�c � �`!� �, �'�,s p � 3 a ,� � + • + �,�ow i ��. 14 �,.�. ,� 9 �,�; � � �� „ � ,�,� 1 ,� ...a,w� .t t �.% � F p C ,, '' � � �, � � ` � � � x 4 � . � a � � � � � � ..o� w�w. ro •�` �«,•• as � � A a , p o ,00 � �... � � F ...., � A � ��Q i! + , � / � ��� � w�-ar .R � . � '" tono� �o ` �a F '; , � � P / j \ r � � � �+ J � _� ...r���' �I . o fmo �om �mo'ur 1 W. CI7IZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRIC7S 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST �IDE 4.DAY ' F 6.NORTH END . 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH 10.COMO 11 .HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14.GROVELANO-MACALESTER 15.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWNTOWN • • � � � , � �/ I s � � � � 't . � ' � . , . * � � . • � _ ' �� � . • C• ' R� • • ��i:7 . . . . � u, • . � • ��� �� • • • • • ! . � . • � ��� � • . � � � � �� \� : �! , .� i" :� , I► � • � � ` . a.i�/ � � � - � . � • � �7 � . � • ,� 0� � . • _ � • fi Ot7 a �. ��� � � � � � . . . �� . . . . . � � � : „■,�, , o � •� ' � � ' ' - . c:� �i � ■°o. t:� ��o • � o � . � �� � . '� .. I� --�������• 1 - � � —�— • — i � � i i��� ���� - i ��� i . : i....r� .� j • •N�- i i w��� ��'G :..�.■�' 1 .Mi�-'- ��"" ■ .�_ _-/' • � �...���"i i � i _ �����- '�'���i i � '�'��: i _���� ♦ � � � � �, -- � � � � � - � o, t•a v , , • .■� _ • c•� . • � • • p �s !� �■r.� • • l�i • . � ' 1Nd�dA A aad08 9NINNV�d �ftt/d 1NIbS 'ON dbW �dialsnorvi � •� � HlaON ,00a =„i :3��r�s �vi�a3wwo� v � . S ���wv� 3�dil�nw 0 �� L � 3ida � 'ON 3�1� Jl11Wb►� OM1 ls�alsro JNINNb1d - Il11WtJ� 3N0 � � - ��� 3sodand �la3doad 1�3rens � �adoNnos l�ialsio 9NINOZ — — aN3J3� 1Nd�l�dd`d . Iv��� v-1� �v r �' ' y �� � '� � � �/ ST. PAUL CITY COUNCiI. PUB�IC HEARING � NOTICE � � ZONING - �J�O �� Q�t�G ��°� 0� �.�'�� <c, G T0: Property owners within 350 feet; FILE N . G�0228 Representatives of Planning District 5. -- PAGE PURPOSE To rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to allow existing structure to be finished and used for stroage by an electrical contractor. LOCATION 561 Whitall Street (Northside between Jessie and Edgerton) PETITIONER JAMES LAUGHLIN H E A R I N� Thursday, February 18, 1988 9:00 A.�1. . • Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Lisa Freese) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Notice sent 2_5_gg ��? ��. �: � .. . . � i- . - , - - ��:� . . , : , . - : , . NOTtCE DF PUBLI4'�tHEt��I�l - � � ,:� � ������,.-_ A petitien ha�ag baea fi�bed requesting tlrat t}�e Zoni� Ordinanae Qt�b�eCi�y-;� of St.Paul bea��:�. g ;:; between Jessie andtEc�e�o�.T4� .ou� � ' ,will h ar g�fiised�t�e-� th d8V of Apn2,-�9$�_a�'���� m �li�"�tici�l Chambers�n th 3rd#1oor.of�i`�y-A'a� � . '�im ,arid laee th+e Caun�f f `, � i�r&bnSF,ana 8TI ob�ectiorLS an�l,,raecommendaEioris xe�att`v� to:t�ie.`,,: proposed amendxrient, . . . . ,_ .., ,, 3]a#,�� �.., . . 3�:1�$. - • .. . _. _ .AL$ERT B:OL�O�T:CiL��lerl€:. � ,: , .., ,, .; . . - f�rf12, 19�): . , �,' _ t.. . , .. - :. ., � , ,_ ,. ,� . � 1 . �.�c��`,`^� Y � ��,� e ,, �s � , � � t4 3e .a�c '� ' Srw+�S„>�`� N� t..�`.,� � ,�?. � �c., . �° .a,°f" � }'��R�"n-.. �`,�. , . ' `� r�..` .A?ka,. ,,.'� Y{'1t' ,,f,.N"'�'�r}M #°. .�` 3 ` '�i� y � - *�_- _ �k�y X f, y' _ J� �• �r .L. }i.G y 4 �.✓ �s s� 4 s� �y 3� x "`*� ° y �: r :'y�' �,� .� y�, 3et 'S'eC����i���, ,e� q. k ..� i' �'' >.�.�• �' _- � �, r-;�euRl� ,�' Y�j°'k :'"'� � •.�� �r,g �� '�'�nu e , . -t+ t . �� . :: ... ,y�� �.. ; ` . �� r�.y�,, i���< . � . .- � "t ��`"V"; . '::`�-'� 3wk�> � �� ��.�., -. �, . �^�' '� Y'Yats .'a x�+'�"..�'� 'y`2 a �,�.� �` t�'tr�t # . ' . �. •�, . 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' . r - �� } �� .� a�.«� ..: � : fr p a r,• � .. s �..� EI ' "+� �1�." {'�iJ..�� ,� � , a4£� ���- ` t � � � k.. �; � :J. � a.�a n; �� F' .:. 4 . . _. , : . . . �.� y?.�� «F.• Y; t��a 'y��y"r �.�.xi''.4:. . . . ��.,�.V M�SY 3:ir tn l:� ;:a�n' �. . ..Y��:, � k. ''':'�. � � ��4 4 . / ST. PAUL CITY COUNCII. PUBI.IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING - T0: Property owners within 350 feet; FIL E N 0 10228 Representatives of Planning District 5. � PAGE PURPOSE To rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to allow existing structure to be finished and used for stroage by an electrical contractor. LOCATION 561 Whitall Street (Northside between Jessie and Edgerton) PETITIONER JAMES LAUGHLIN HEARING Thursday, April 14, 1988 9:00 A.<<1. . . Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning z9a-4154 (�;Sa Freese) Contact the Zoning Secti�n of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Notice sent 2_5_gg �� � �� ��`��1? �•+, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ` ___�1 tuu � r� ,�c DIVISION OF PLANNItiG 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Pwl,Minnewta 55/02 1�6� 612-22&3270 GEORGE UITIMER MAYOR April 28, 1988 Council President James Scheibel and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10228 - James Laughlin City Council Hearing: April 28, 1988 Dear President Scheibel and Council Members: The applicant's initial request to rezone this parcel from RM-2 to I-1 was reviewed by the Zoning Committee and Planning Commission. On January 7, 1988 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 1 to deny the rezoning based on staff report findings. On January 15, 1988 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation 18 to 2. Subsequently, the applicant has decided to put a 176 square foot office on the second floor of the structure with the remainder of the building being used for storage of equipment and supplies. The office will serve as a satellite office for his electrical contractor's business. Since a contractor's office with indoor storage is first permitted in the B-2 zoning district, the applicant is asking the Council to consider rezoning to B-2 instead of I-1. The District S Planning Council has reviewed Mr. Lauglin's revised request and voted to support rezoning the parcel to B-2. Planning staff evaluated this request and has made the following findings: 1. The applicant operates an electrical business in St. Paul and intends to use this structure for a secondary office and indoor storage. A contractor's office with indoor storage is first permitted in a B-2 zoning district. 2. The existing unfinished state of the building poses a health and safety threat to the immediate neighborhood. File #10228 Page T�o . 3. The parcel in question abuts residential uses to the north and west and industrial uses on the south and east. The topography of the area forms a natural break between the existing residential and industrial uses with the land to the south and east being considerably lower in elevation than the parcel in question. To extend industrial uses into the residential area is inappropriate. 4. The B-2 Community Business District is more restrictive than the I-1 district and the types of uses permitted the district are more compatible with the adjacent residential uses. 5. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. Rezoning this parcel to B-2 would allow a problem building to be improved and would buffer the residential area from the more intense nonresidential uses. 6. If the rezoning is approved, the applicant must request a zoning variance for setback requirements. In a B-2�'�s�tructures must be set back 10 feet from adjoining residentially zoned lots. The structure is setback 8 feet from the west property line and 3 feet from the north property line. As well, the applicant must improve the site to current city standards. Based on the above staff findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-2 to B-2. Sincerely, O`�G¢a �.�t.ea.�.. Lisa J. Freese Planner II LJF:rm Attachments STEVEN R. RliTZICK 8t ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS A COUNSElORS AT LAW SjE VEN R RUTi1GK aps Gw���11r►ROiEStrONA�kOG. TMOMAS e SCNwAr 17 WE3T EXCMANGE STREET ST. PAUI,MINNESOTA SS102 IMONt d 12-221-1022 TELEX s�10-Sd,3-�7St February 25, 1988 St . Paul City Counsel Members St . Paul City Hall St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 - Dear Counsel Member: - - - Please be advised that the undersigned represents James F. Laughlin in regard to his rezoning request for 561 Whitall Street from RM-2 to I-1 , which has been scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 3 . By this writing, you are advised that Mr . Laughlin has requested that the rezoning now be f�om RM-2 to B2 , which is an entirely different request then was presently befvre you. The structure, as it now exists fits the definition of B2 and we would therefore ask that your due consideration be given to this usage. It is my intention to meet with each of you prior to the hearing to discuss any questions or problems that you may have in regard to this zuning request . Very truly yours , : � STEVErI R". UT7ICKr & ASS�O.CIATES � �\ � , � - ,� , , `,= ._.� � ey R: utzick � A urney at Law � SRR :dj cc: Lisa Freese Pat Ryde ; James F . Laughlin � a4 ! _ i I I I ( I I ' I � � � � I � � � � p E ( � ' i p a � � rt I I j� ( � � � I � � _ �� �- � � � �---- i � __ __ .__-- ___ ._ i 3' �� 2 0C 4 I� J r� _ � T � N . I 6�. � D 0 qa -� j o n � �. � a p � � t� �� � i R o ; � �• �, -- � ; �SS F r--- — (� Q. o s � � c � � � � - . � � .�►r♦ o� ��� ��..��� U 4' �= CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , , y O DIVISION OF PLANNING �� A !-_-� `_�- .,=__v_•_ 1��• �W��VYfY��'�i��!rwq�M�Y��� . 612-22&3270 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR February 8, 1988 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, t�T 55142 RE: Zoning File #10228 - James Laughlin City Council Hearing: February 18, 1988 PURPOSE: To rezone from RM-2 to I-1 to allow an existing structure to be finished and used for indoor storage by an electrical business. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Deny (16-2) . ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Deny (6-1) . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny. SUPPORT: 1 letter received. OPPOSITION: None. Dear Sir: On January 7, 1988 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heariag on this rezoning. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 1 to deny the rezoning based on staff findings. On January 15, 1988 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation 18 to 2. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 18, 1988. Please notify me by February 17, 1988 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, � (,� �it.lJa.2 Lisa J. Freese Planner II IJF:rm Attachments city.of saint pa�d pianning commission re�soh.�tion f�e number 88-�1 �te January 15, 1988 WHEREAS, James F. Laughlin, file #10228. has petitioned to rezone 561 Whitall Street situated on the north side between Jessie and Edgerton from RM-2 to I-1 for the purpose of permitting indoor storage for an electrical contractor business; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on January 7, 1988, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requizements of Section b4.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. According to property valuation records, a 26' by 40' structure was moved onto this lot in the late 1970's, but a moving permit was ndt issued. The property is taxed as commercial, but there is no record of its use prior to 1983. From 1983 to 1985 the garage was used as a residence. In 1986, the previous owner began construction of a 26' by 30' addition on the north end of the existing structure. Construction was stopped by the City. 2. The applicant recently purchased this property and proposes to finish the addition to the existing structure. He plans to use the building as storage for his electrical business. Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies without office or workshop facilities on premise is first permitted in an I-1 zoning district. If there was also a contractor's office located here, this use would be first permitted in a B-2 zoning district. 3. In an I-1 zone that abuts non-industrial district, a setback equal to a minimum of one and one-half times the height of the building is required. The required setback is approximately 15' from the west and north lot lines. The incomplete addition is only 3' from the north lot line; to use this existing structure for industrial storage would require a variance. (continued) moved by Christenson s�econded by Zieman . in fav{or 1- . against- �� - /��(U File #10228 Page Two 4. The topography of the area forms a natural break between the existing industrial and residential districts. The land to the south and east is considerably lower in elevation than the parcel in question. The elevation of this parcel is similar the adjacent residential area. The topography of the area isolates the parcel from the adjacent I-1 district, so the rezoning does not appear to be merely a logical extension of the district. S. The District 5 Plan identifies improving the existing housing stock as one of its major goals. Rezoning this parcel will encourage industrial encroachment in a residential area the district has identified as a °residential improvement area. " 6. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. While the buffering between existing incompatible uses in this area is not adequate, rezoning this property would not improve the situation. The site is small and the building is not set back adequately from the property line, so very little space between this property and the adjacent properties is available for buffering. In addition, one of the city's industrial policy strategies is to increase the commercial and industrial land supply, but it stipulates that such parcels should be sufficiently removed from residential Zand uses so as to not adversely affect them. Given the close proximity of this site to a residential area, rezoning it would not meet the intent of this strategy. This rezoning application is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of James F. Laughlin to rezone property at 561 Whitall Street more particularly described as Lot 4, Block 1, Edmund Rice lst Addition from a RM-2 zoning classification to a I-1 zoning classification is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paui that rezoning property located at 561 Whitall Street from RM-2 to I-1 be denied. MINUTES OF THE ZONING CO[�iITTEE ' CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS� SAINT PAUL� IiINNESOTA ON JANUARY 7� 1988 �RESENT Mmes. Morton, Tracy and Zieman; Iiessrs. Christenson, I.evy� Neid and Repke of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; lis. Lane of the Building Inspection and Design Division; I�s. Freese, lis. Murray and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning Division staff. ABSENT: Mr. Ferderer. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairanan. James Laug�hlin (s�10228) : A Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 for property located at 561 Whitall Street to allow the existing structure to be finished and used for storage by an electrical contractor. Ms. Freese showed slides of the site and reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for denial. She stated that District 5 requested a layover. Brett Laughlin, 2013 Thure Avenue, stated that it was his intent to use the building for storage of electrical equipment and also for storage of antique cars. He said that he would like to complete the existing illegal addition. Mr. Christenson asked if the applicant owned the lot and if he uses it. Mr. Laughlin replied that his father owns the lot and does use it. Mr. Neid asked for the location of Mr. Laughlin's electrical business office. Mr. Laughlin said 980 North Dale Street. Mr. Neid asked Mr. Laughlin if he would be willing to locate the business office at this site so the property could be used as a B-2 or B-3 use. Mr. Laughlin replied that there is not enough space for both an office and a storage facility. l�Ir. Neid questioned the number of square feet inside the building. Mr. Laughlin replied that there are 1800 square feet including the addition. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing. Mr. Neid made a motion to recommend denial of the rezoning to I-1 based on staff findings. Mr. Repke seconded the motion which passed on a roll call vote of 6-1 (Levy) . Submitted by: Approved by: �x� �ti�e. V� - Lisa Freese G dys liorton, Chairman ��'-,�;�� v ZONING COI�iITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10228 1. APPLICANT: James F. Laughlin DATE OF HEARING: 1/07/88 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 3. IACATION: 561 Whitall Street (North side between Jessie and Edgerton) 4. PIANNING DISTRICT: 5 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1, Edmund Rice lst Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 12/17/87 BY: Lisa J, Freese A. URPOS : To permit indoor storage for an electrical contractor business. 8. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on November 23, 1987; 8 parcels eligible� 6 parcels required, 6 parcels signed. C. I.OT SIZE: The parcel is 132 feet in depth with a 44 foot frontage on Whitall for a total lot area of approximately 5,800 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND USE: The garage-like structure on the property is currently vacant. Tfie structure's last known use was residential. An unfinished addition in the rear was begun illegally in 1986. E. SUR.ROiJNDING LAND USE: North and L1p�r• °--' ' - �'�'-,�;�G � ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10228 1. APPLICANT: James F. Laughlin DATE OF HEARING: 1/07/88 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from RM-2 to I-1 3. LOCATION: 561 Whitall Street (North side between Jessie and Edgerton) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 1� Edmund Rice lst Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.400 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 12/17/87 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. URPOS : To permit indoor storage for an electrical contractor business. B. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was declared sufficient by the Planning Division on November 23, 1987; 8 parcels eligible, 6 parcels required, 6 parcels signed. C. LOT SIZE: The parcel is 132 feet in depth with a 44 foot frontage on Whitall for a total lot area of approximately 5,800 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND USE: The garage-like structure on the property is currently vacant, The structure's last known use was residential. An unfinished addition in the rear was begun illegally in 1986. E. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North and West: Residential, RM-2 East and South: Industrial, I-1 F. �ONING HISTORY: Prior to 1975 the property was zoned for "light industrial.° G. FINDINGS: 1. According to property valuation records a 26' by 40' structure was moved onto this lot in the late 1970's, but a moving permit was not issued. The property is taxed as commercial. but there is no record of its use prior to 1983. From 1983 to 1985 the garage was used as a residence. In 1986, the previous�t owner began construction of a 26' by 30' addition on the north end of the existing structure. Construction was stopped by the City. 2. The applicant recently purchased this property and proposes to finish the addition to the existing structure. He plans to use the building as storage for his electrical business. Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies without office or workshop facilities on premise is first permitted in an I-1 zoning district. If there was also a contractor's office located here, this use would be first permitted in a B-2 zoning district. 3. In an I-1 zone that abuts non-industrial district, a setback equal to a minimum of one and one-half times the height of the building is required. The required setback is approximately 15' from the west and north lot lines. The incomplete addition is only 3' from the north lot line; to use this existing structure for izdustrial storage .would require a variance. 4. The topography of the area forms a natural break between the existing industrial and residential districts. The land to the south and east is considerably lower in elevation than the parcel in question. The elevation of this parcel is similar the adjacent residential area. The topography of the area isolates *_he parcel from the adjacent I-1 district� so the rezoning does not appear to be merely a logical extension of the district. � . The District 5 Plan identifies improving the existing housing stock as one of its major goals. Rezoning this parcel will encourage industrial encroachment �� a residential area the district has identified as a "residen�ial improvemen� �rea. " File #10228 Page 'hio 6. Objectives of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan are to maintain and enhance neighborhoods and to create or improve buffering between incompatible land uses. While the buffering between existing incompatible uses in this area is not adequate, rezoning this property would not improve the situation. The site is small and the building is not set back adequately from the property line, so very little space between this property and the adjacent properties is available for buffering. In addition, one of the city's industrial policy strategies is to increase the commercial and industrial land supply, but it stipulates that such parcels should be suffictently removed from resident�al Zand uses so as to not adversely affect them. Given the close proximity of this site to a residential area� rezoning it would not meet the intent of this strategy. This rezoning application is not in conforaance with the Comprehensive Plan. H. �TAFF ANAI,YSIS: In the near future little potential exists for residential development of the site. The existing structure is an eyesore, so rezoning and the subsequent improvements planned by the applicant would provide immediate improvement. In addition, contractor storage is a reasonable use of the existing building. This requires a choice to be made between immediate improvement of the site or long term goals for the area. Staff recommends following the long term goals of the Comprehensive Plan. I. STAFF RECOI�II�SENDATION: Based on staff findings 1 through 6, staff recommends denial of the rezoning from RM-2 to I-1. PETITI�N TO AMEND ZONING CODE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # �C (� �� F�ECE��E� Appl ication Fee S � .���— /� � OCT 2� 19�7 Tent at i ve Hear i ng Date ZONING Number of Lots or Size of Parcel : ________________________________________ TO TNE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �r 20 19 87 c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hali Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.351(5) of the Minnesota Statutes, James F. Laughlin , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address• 561 Whitall, St. P�1, Minnesota Legal Description: � 4, Block 1 Ec�mmd Rice lst from a residential� �rYl—Z Zoning District to a cannercial �-- � — '.. Zoning District for the purpose of finish builc7ing Subscribed and sworn o By: � before me this �_ da of �c�r 19� Title. ��' �� P age 1 of 3 Notary Public ^^^^ ��^:�J�ti•�^•; .ti•:� ,��-, 4080 ,�� P. �� -. - -i � 2/85 �.� �z.:� -_ _- - � �_ _ � ._ � _-_ � 7f WV1N'J'.Vw,.�,,-�•.��.��.v,rv',.^:.";t✓�✓�.�:'.'YJ� �,�-: ,��„� -U , • CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A copy of the Petition of ��-+�►-��e_ J�nes F. Iaughlin name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council aoproval of the rezoning; znd we hereby co�ser:. t� the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of J�nes F. Laughlin to a District. name of petitioner LOT BIOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE � l �a�,��p �, A�,� �,. w��� �� � ' �/g� Fd wt v�,..E , tr aott-+1 Q , /—�3 � A��Q s . .., � •-a 5 �� �—�� 3 �'7 7 1 F.c�nund xioe' ;�u c ,�/, aa b !.�z. , , _ � i � � �o � �� 5�-x.� r►�. Ger-a.�d L v-�,d . � �' Petitions shall not be considered as official7y filed until the lapse of 7 working days af ter a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. P age 2 of 3 STATE aF MINNESOTA) . . SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Janes F. Iaughlin , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of 1 pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed irtanediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for - - - none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petition; that this cans�r�t �vas s:gned by each of said owners in the presence oT this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. _ ,�„� `� ► 1918 Wellesley Ave. Address 489-1303 U'� � 698-0482 Telephone Number Subscribed nd sworn to efore me thisd� day of bC�r , 19�57 1�% , Q��L� Notary Public •M/v��,Vl^M/V�/�'��.1,1,M.4Y^^.ti?:1h�.V�A>• �'=-'_ P�.' � .. !';; o�_:i A > y � �� _�_ Z �s, '�r � � -:�\�: r,.,T�-. _ -.._.. . � -.,'=`� > •w,n.vwtivv�nnv�,nr.tiv.,,,._•,�nr.•�-:v.r. Approved as to form - Feb. 85 Page 3 of 3 Pianning Department �'� - .,�.-��� � STATE• OF MINNESOTA) , : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ___._._� 1 • _, being first duly sworn, deposes and stat s that he is the p rson who circul ed the within petition and consent, consisting of � pages; that a fiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is infcrmed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property wfiich is within 10� feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition whi�_is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for __ none of the aarties described above has purchased or is purchas�n property from petitioner contiguous to the above described property wi�hin cne �1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each �nd all of the parties so described. i �,'„", � 1918 Wellesley Avenue Address St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 ta.�g � �i7. E�et�'ic (612) 698-0482 � '�-+8q - �3d3 Telephone Number Subscribed nd sworn �o before me thisa3� day of ��er�be�; 1�'s-1 -- -�- - - - Notary Publtt .� . PAMELA A. hUPr'ERT � N07AqY a'BLIC—M�NNES07A RAMSEY COUNTY `�-�' My Comm. Ezmres Mar.11,1993 t : Aparoved as to form - Feb. 85 Page �� of ; Planning Department . � . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING - We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total tontiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the f ollowing: . 1 . A copy of the Petition of L+�-�- �'� n of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections through , inclusive of the St. Paul toning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a Oistrict zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be es�ab?ish�� upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezo�iny of the Frop�rty �escribed in the Petition of w�. �- ` to a Oistrict. name of etitioner LOT BLOCK ADOITION REC�tD OWNER SI ATURE DATE S ' n's , to the �� �ty Auto & Ci of St. aul in the Mili Parts Inc 11-23-87 Sta of sota E 1 of Vac all ad' and t 13 a so all of vac lley ad' and Ipts 1 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may Nithdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. P age 2 of �— . `� � � , ;� �" , -�--� �� � �� � , _�J,,L►-�C�.u1� �c-ni�} /��..�C- �c L��j ��.,,_- � � , , , �t�'�Y ..�'/-J C�. .G/L/--`[� V`T zY�2-*�' (�.2'�-�..�...-- ��� Q.�f� . � / Y r 1 i v �_�,..."��.M.�+��-�-�--�/ ,'6 y 3 �`'�+-�a�c-�.n -�-� ��--� ��-. 5 S i i� .�.L-�.u.... � s" ����-- ZONING F�LE .��� ��_.. ,L,''G U C����� Q G°�(��Oo� District Five Plann�ng Council 1075 Arcade Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-5234 December 29 , 1987 Zoning Committee St. Paul Planninq Commission City Hall Annex St. Paul, 1�1 55102 Dear Commissioners : The District Five Planning Council, upon recommendation of the Land Use/Zoning Committee, took action on the following items at the District Council meeting on december i5, 1987 . - A motion to approve the application for a Non Conforming Use Permit at 1084 Earl Street to allow for storage addition was approved contingent upon Zoning staff approval . - A motion was approved to request a delay on the application to rezone 561 Whitall from RM-2 to I-1 to allow for a storage garage. The council felt that a solution could be sought that would not require rezoning residential land to industrial if the proposed use would qualify as a B-2 or B-3 zone. 'ncere y, � � Ra M dorski, Cha 'r rson District Five Planning Council Z��v�i�'��? �ti �� 1oZzg , � ' PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING COMMITTEE OF SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION T� Property Ovners withi� 350 feet; Representatives of Planniag DistTic[ 5 APPUCANT JAMES LAUGHLIN To rezone from Rt�-2 to I-1 to allow existing structure PURPOSE to be finished and used for stor�ge by an electrical contractor. LOCATlON 561 :Jhitall Street (Morthside between Jessie and Edgerton) OF PROPERTY Legal Descripcion: On file TIME Of HEARIN6 Thursday, �anuary 7, 1987 3:30 p.M. � PLACE OF HEARIM6 City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Rall.St.Psul 1. You may attend hearing and testify - HOW TO PARTlCIPATE 2. You may send a lettet Sefore the hearing to the Zoning Committee, 2S �lest Fourth Street, St.Paul, Mn. 55102. ANYQUESTION$ �all che zon�ng office at 298-4154 (�isa Freese) or call your district council representative ( 774-5234 ) with [he follotiring information; Zoning File No. 10228 Zoning File Naa�e LAUGHLIN Mailing Date 12-24-87 �s t �'�7 rl 0 'nd !�— �— �� � - � — 3rd � /CJ _ � Adopted �— �� '-��' � " • Yeas i�TayS : DREt� - NICOSIA �' �J~l0/ RE2'r.�IAN SCHEIBEL �. .. � . . .. ._ . SO��iF:�T . . . � . . kTILS ON WEIDA _ PRESIDENT: i _ - . r t.$.K.�vs..r..w _. . ..•�.eb..:.+rz'.r.`mw�^+.�,.�..M.:,: , ,.h,fl+...ro-Y•.meu'iavr.k..iv.�-.b:;;w., . ':+w�e+s}�)w.- .-. . , 15°,.�Jti7f7MA"'xs..se'�7�-�ia'1e`��5�'G^�� '�`w"�N,�'e'�`i".�Ml�*�iYs�i%!Y++��-�_ ..^+ti+�ppe�. �:. . . . � o'�-�� �..e....�-- WMITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �jG {J.,/ BIUERV- MAVORTMENT File NO. ,J v /,�+ `�' I _ Ordind CG Ordinance 1�0. _ �� �� Presented By / ' '� Referred To �� ' Committee: Date ��� ° ° Out of Committee By Date An interim ordinance restricting new development in the area described as bounded by White Bear Avenue, Third Street , Ruth Street and I-94 pending the completion of studies of possible amendments to the City' s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations , this interim ordinance being adopted pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes , § 462. 355, subd. 4. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . The Saint Paul City Council has initiated a study of that area of the city described as bounded by White Bear Avenue, Third Street , Ruth Street and I-94 for the purpose of deter- mining whether the city' s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regu- lations should be amended, with a special reference given to considering whether the existing multiple family zoning classifi- cations are appropriate or consistent with the adjacent develop- ments that have occurred within that area. The Planning Com- mission of the City of Saint Paul has been requested by the City Council to conduct its study and submit to the Council its findings and conclusions. Section 2. Pending the completion of the studies and the possible adoption of necessary amendments to the city' s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations , not to exceed one year from the date of the adoption of this ordinance , the building official is hereby directed not to issue any building permits for new COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman / scne�t�i . .� � Against BY Sonnen � Wilson /�/ � I. Form Approve y City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ��� BY By �' Approved by Mayor: Date Approve b Mayor for Su mission to Council By BY