88-1538 M�HITE - CITV CLER�K - PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �j CANARV�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 1 j � BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. �+ /�� Council Resolution �a� Presented By �-✓!� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESaLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby recommend to the Commissioner of Transportation, as Agent �or the City, that a contract be awarded to Gienwood Bridge, inc. the apparent lowest responsibie bidder, in the amount of $2,1 15,651.38, for the construction of the RAYMOND AVENUE BRIDGE N0. 62546 to repiace existing Bridge No. 90402 City, Public Works Project Nos. 8-10518, S-8019 and P-8033; State Project No. S.P. 164-020-58, and the proper City afficers are authorized and directed to execute award approval and a construction contract with Glenwood Bridge, I r�c. See attached Mn/DOT 30144B Clerk/Administrator's Certificate. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Deparfinent of: Dimond Pu�lic Works AW/mp,9-7-88 Goswitz � In Favor r Long a � �. B Sche bel -- Against Y Dona1�E. Nygaar , D rect Sonnen 1� �P 2 z �8 Form Approved by City Attor Adop�ea�iylCouncil: Date Certified Pas d by Council cre BY By Approv Mavor. Date _L SLP Approve y May Submi ion to Coun '1 ' \) v!.-� By� - - .. Pl�i.iS�f.D '�,�..� ; ._ ��� o�M�6rt a►�.�rtu��o o�re c�erEu �y ����� Revin Nelson 9-7-88 �RE�N .�H�ET NO.Q Q 19 8 O ooNr�►cr� 3 ��a+��Mm � q �a�r s�avr�s o�oa 5 cm a.E� lH1MBER FOR a e � COMfACT . � - CONiACE NO. � �Q . BUDOET qRECTOR � �� .� • � � � Public Works Brid 292-63i4� o�n; — 6 Council � g 2 �TM^TT�+�EY 7 Public WorJ�s-BZ'i. . e, Resolution to recoffiend award of contract to Glenwood Bridge, Inc. for ¢onstruction of the RAYMOND AVENUE BRIDGE. Glenwood Bridge, Inc. submitted the apparent low bid in the amount of $2,115,651.38. R�:OIMENDA?wMB:(�PP�(A)a R�(RI I CA�MiqL RFSfJ►RCN:RErOtrr: - PLANf�IN�OOAIA193pN CNIL SERVK:E COIMIIS3WN DATE IN DATE OUT , ANM.YST . . � PI10NE�P10. . � ; � . . ZGfMlfi COMMIISSION �826 8Cli00l BOARD � . . . . . . . . � .gT� . . . � �{qq7�p(p��ggpry. . . COMPLETE AS 18 ADDi MIFO.ADDED* � . RETD-TO COPITA�T COMBTITUENT . . . � � � � � � . - _� � _FOR ADD'L NJfO. _F�D6�CK ADOED• . DIB'T1MCT COUNCL . •�EXPLANATIpI: . . � � . � �9UPBOqTB MMCN COUNGL OBIECTIVE4 � . . . . .. � � � . . . . � . To maintain a safe and adequate transportation system in zhe City. �nunw onoe«r,�,opro�+TUrrr�wno.wr+a�.vin�,wh.�:wnr): The existing bridge is in poor structural condition and is poorly aligned with the approaching xoadway. _ ,�,sn,cnra+cco.veena�.�awrwpee.�m): . : ,. , : The attached Resolution is required by the Minnesota Department of Transportation to award a construction contract. 00�1lNIClB(YNrt:Wl�sn.end To Wlnm)i 'If approved, the Contractor m$y .begin-coastructibn. Council R�search Center S E P 0�1988 _ `�,�,�►,�: � � � . None. , �tror+rivn�o�rs: None.. �u.�: None. � h1n/DOT 30I448 .(Rev. II-76) � � - . � � . ,/. CLERK / ADM I 1� I STRATOR ' S CERT I F I.CATE��'/��d � URBAN PROJECT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) REFERENCE (S.P. 164-020-58 . ) ss ( City of Saint Paul � � � � Albert B. Olson , the duly appointed, qualified and ac:t i ng C i ty C I erk/l��ksc#�� of the C i ty of saint Paul , and State of t�innesota, do hereby certify that a regular , meeting of the City Council of the Clty ot saint Paul heid on the day of , 19 ;°the following'named'contractors See attached list. subn�itted btds for the furnishing of all labor, tools, mater(als and equipnent necessa�y for the construction of the wo�k prbvided fo� under pians and specifi- cations for that improvement on �Ymond Ave. ; otherwise known as S'.P. No. 164-020-50 � �,�CRP 0088(062) � �ocated between Hampden anr� 0_�7��iles North of Enerrtv Park Drive being approximately 4,650 mlles in lengtfi. The bid of Glenwood Bridge, Inc. ln the amount of � 2,115,651.35 appeared to be •the lowest b(d received, subJect to final audit, and on motion by Councilman and seconded by Counciiman , it was voted by said City Council to recor►mend to the Commissioner of Transportation, as Agent for said City, that: , (sa i d contract be awarded to the I owest respons i b l e b i dder).�xf�t�a�gx�t�x���� � ��xx����x Attest: . (ty C I erk 1�3Ri�tf*�����3#� Cha i rman, C i ty Counc i i I�J TESTlMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of , �9 C i ty C I erk �'t�§���#'� Recommendation: _. � � Oistrict State Aid Engineer � - � � � � � ��-i�3� Ravmond Ave Bridge Bids Glenwood Bridge Co.......................................$2,115,651.38 Progressive Contractors Inc..........................$2,179,120.06 Lametti and Sons.............................................$2,211,669.10 Lunda Const. Co..............................................$2,223,486.79 Johnson Brothers............................................$2,225,220.57 Edward Kramer & Sons...................................$2,239,884.23 Arcon Const. Co...............................................$2,265,268.55 Park Const. Co.................................................$2,279,039.98 Cyco n................................................................$2,299,979.90 C. S. McCrossen..............................................$2,348,916.00 M. G. Asseiford................................................$2,369,688.30 D. H. Blattner & Sons......................................$2,378,732.10 Richard Knudson............................................$2,561,245.20