88-1536 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council /�/' J CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1/y.�/��(_ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� Q �A , Coun 'l Resolution ;,�� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by Ordinance No. 17498 approved October 9, 1987 initiated a moratorium for one year on the granting of permits for helipads and heliports pending completion of studies of possible amendments to the City's zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, section three of the ordinance provides for extension of the ordinance beyond October 7, 1988 by resolution in the event such extension is required to complete said studies and/or amend the zoning code; and WHEREAS, it is apparent that the studies of the Planning Commission and deliberations of the City Council to consider amendments to the zoning code will require additional time; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council extends the restrictions enacted by Ordinance No. 17498 prohibiting the issuance of any permit to establish a helipad or heliport for a period of one (1) year, or until the completion of studies and deliberations of the Planning Commission and City Council , and the enactment of new regulations if deemed appropriate, whichever occurs first. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond De artment Plannirig & conomic Develo Lo� In Favor coswitz � Rettman sche;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson SEP 2 � � Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya Council , t By ss� np tapprove IVlavor: Date � 8 ��ti8 Apprqv y M o for Su 'ssion to Co�cil BY _ 1`---� B � ,�y��-c��� , Pt��.�v;�€� ,_ ;�. �s l9$_— ' Y ��i�G/�� , �' „ , r . ' . � i � - • N° �13727 � PED DEPARTMENT � . - - - - - - ' CONTACT NAME PHONE �� DATE , ASSIGN NUMBER FOR xOtJTING ORDER: {See reverse side.) . � _ Departmant Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and M�nagement Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 1 p8qa�-�-�Rl�tZ{� � City Attorney _ TOTAL NtJMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL B� ACHIEVED B� TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED 1�SAT�RIALS? �Purpose/Rationale) ; .. � Tfie moratorium on fieli�orts and helipads and the option to lift the moratorium in I-1 districts wYll 6e extended for one year. RECEIVED COST/BENEFIT. BUD�ETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTiCIPATED: SEP a� 1988 N/A fll!A�°OR'S OFFICE FINANCING S�URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CRBDITED: Council Research Center. (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,400.) S E P 1 4 T988 Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: N�A �gUn��� Research Cente� °. �TTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.> S�P �� 1988 . 1. 10 conies !�!emorandum on Moratorium 2. 10 cooies Dr�ft City Council Resolution - Moratorium extension 3. 1O copies Qraft Citv Council Resolution - Option to lift moratorium' �DPiINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Y�s No Rules., Regulations, Proeedures; or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEX REVIEW� X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution req�ired? Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficierit? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance attachedT � . - ..y �r�-��� � � :�°: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: September 7, 1988 T0: Mayor George Latimer and City Council Members >'? FROM: Peggy Reicher . ,�'''�_..,_--� RE: He ���� liports and Helipads Moratorium Attached for your consideration are two draft resolutions concerning heliports and helipads. The first resolution extends the moratoriwn on issuing permits for heliports and helipads for one year beyond its current expiration date of October 9, 1988. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 17498 provides for the extension of the moratorium by resolution for up to eighteen months in the event that Planning Commission studies and City Council deliberations on appropriate regulations are not completed prior to the expiration date cited above. The second resolution continues the option of repealing the moratorium on heliports and helipads in I-1 districts during the one year moratorium extension, provided specified steps and conditions are followed. For instance, if the Condor Corporation's special condition use permit (discussed below) is approved, this resolution allows the Council to lift the moratorium in I-1 zoning districts, provides review procedures for any other heliport permit applications in I-1 districts, and maintains the moratorium in I-2 districts. The City Council adopted such an option for the current moratorium by Council File 88-1138 on July 18, 1988. Planning staff has been working on the heliport issue on two fronts. Staff has participated with the Metropolitan Council in their regional study of heliports. A preliminary inventory of helicopters and heliports and forecasts of future operations has been completed. A draft model heliport ordinance is expected to be completed in November, 1988. Staff has hired Edwards and Kelcey as its consultant to review Condor Corporation's special condition use permit application for a heliport at University and Cleveland The city should gain additional insight into the issues surrounding heliports from its consultants during this review. Staff will use the Metropolitan Council studies and insight from the Condor Corporation review to draft heliport zoning amendments. . . � + , ��f/�"'✓' Mayor George Latimer and City Council Members September 7, 1988 Page Two At present we anticipate that the schedule for review and action on the heliport studies to be as follows: 1. Zoning Committee review and action on Condor permit 9/29/88 2. Planning Commission review and action on Condor 10/7/88 permit 3. Zoning Committee review and recommendation on 12/15/88 proposed heliport zoning amendment. 4. Planning Commission sends out proposed heliport 12/23/88 amendment for public review and sets public hearing date 5. Planning Commission public hearing 2/24/89 6. Zoning Committee review and recommendation 3/2/89 7. Planning Commission final review and recommendation 3/10/89 8. City Council action 4/20/89 Based on the schedule, I believe that an extension of the moratorium and the option to lift the moratorium in I-1 districts is appropriate. Please contact Roger Ryan, Extension 3382, if you have any questions. PAR:rm Attachment