88-1522 � , ��., rS City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. � ��°?A?` FINAL ORDER IN �.r'F � �" ' ,� . �:' �"'.,�-•�.�"".� By '� �,,� -� ��,._ CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 18527 File No. Voting W�td In the Matter of �� Z Condemning and taking fee title in that property located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36 , Township 29 , Range 23 , Ramsey County, Minnesota , for the Dale Street widening between Sherburne and Van Buren Avenues described as follows : Lots 14 thru 16 , Block 2 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson' s Division of St. Paul ; Lots 14 thru 17 , Block 1 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 5 , Stinson ' s Division of St . Paul ; The west 5 feet of Lot 17 and all of Lots 14 thru 16 , Block 2 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 5 , Stinson ` s Division of Saint Paul. Lots 15 thru 17 , 45 and 46 , Block 12 , Smith ' s Subdivision of Block 12 , Stinson ' s Division of St. Paul , Except the south 80 feet , the west 2 feet of Lot 17 , and except the south 80 feet , Lot 16 and all of Lot 15 , Block 1 , Subdivision of Block 13 , Stinson ' s Division of St. Paul. Also , condemning and taking easements in the land necessary for slopes , cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Dale Street as shown on Drawing 2758 , Drawer 2 , on file in Department of Finance and Management Services , Valuation Division , Room 218 City Hall. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be ',, fee simple, absolute and easements as described above; and the City Officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. FURTIiER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that Lhe estate requieed tor thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and tLat the ptoper City officers submit a report to the City Counoil for the parpoae of the Counoil's making an award of damages for the interest��p�d and determination of assessments. if anq, against the benefited property. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �Cr ` � �g88 YeasDimond Nays 6oawits � Certified ssed y Council cre � Long ��t�tt In Favor By Echeibel �� � Against NilsOtlt +c�n 2 � �ne8 Mayor ��!�p C,.��° - 11988 : : c� �-,�-�� � �. �,�� �� ����: ��� �.00�-�os f'ub1;�wor�cs ' . ' 7-25-88 �' n�r�n,►+�r.ou�c,va �,v►ra�,oA�er,�m ,' Paul: St. Martin . �� �.��so�ro►+ 2 cm� : . "� � ` Rou� ' e�a� 3 Be;�t r Re i t te r ' . Pub 1(c Works ` 292-62$.0 °�p- .'� ���Y Must b�_an A,�es�da, q� ox � '+��e 8 _. _, Acqu�re rigtrt-of-w�y and slope easements for future reconsfr4ctiorti of DALE ST�tEET befween University�Avenue and M,inn�ehaha Avsnue. File No. 385�7 , . _-< �+o�thiae+r.uU«Ra.c�ca►► - �Cn. � _ _ ��+*we ca�weiot+ � avu.s�v�co�ase�ar wte n� o��tur uruvsr �+o�No, aorwri oowiw�o� �ez�scrao�eo�wo � t L '.� A.:$btFF. . � � CMMTER 60MMI8910N . . - .COMPLETE AB 18 . AODL���iFO.ApDED� FEI9 TO OONIY�'T _ . � . , . __ . . . _.__'POR ADOi�I�O.: . . �_ �� I(A�O�*. .OIBTNILT COI�L - . � . � � � �r.E7�LAWlT10N: . . � . . . � . .. .. . . � _ . � _'_. �� : lllf�ON78�YMNGIt�INCLG41ECT1VE°9 . � :� � . � . . . . . . ' . . . � . . � . ' Safer at�d better neighborhoods. _ _� +�ar►�ws�wu�o�rrr cv�mo.vw,�e.vvi,a,.wn�re:w�: , �tween Interstate 94 and Sherburne •�venus and betweet� Van �B�ren Avenue ar�d, Co�no Avenue, " , . Date;:Stre�t i.� a;divided roadway with. two.through..#:anvs each wa.y. with }eft. turn lanes; _ :a�rtl some ot� stre�t park i ng. Between :SherbnrRe and Ita�_ �uren, D�le• �treet co�s i s�s �r� � . a-�44' 'wi de und i v i d'ed roadway w i th one th rough 1 ane each way, park i ng on Imtt� s i de�s and nn left turra lanes. Publ ic Works is proposing to acquire ttre right-csf-way and slo�e easements in preparati:on for future widening of Dale 5fireet. , :�- �re�r»eok�danpv.a,A+.u�: � ; . � - TMe; right-of-way acquisi<tion �outd be the fi�st steR i� the eventuaT widening af this _ sectton of Dale Street�.. :A widened street would improve t.raffic: safety and traffic flow. The medtan o� �.he planned roadway would' pro�ic�:.t;eft turn }anes for safer � tdrning mov�ents, provide an opportut�i.ty to. modify the tr�ff%c. pattern in tt�e ne'igh6orhood, and provide an opportuni.ty to beaut[fy tF�e neighborhood by inelusion:of. plantings in tt�e median. " � _ t1l�ili�.,NRriK�ndTO; : " . The prc�pa�ed r i gEtt-of-way acqu i s i t i on w i i 1 requ t re takt ng ,o�.-s ix (6) res r�e�es and seven �7'} br�s inesses. � : ,_ . ,. . . .. : „ � , , ;a�tt�wu�s: - vao� e�s _ flo noth i ng. Saves +�rrey. LeaiFes res tr I ct ipn i n _ , Does not dtspla�e -' ' t.raffic `#low on t3�te � . . < bustnesse� an�# r�sidences Stre�t [setwe� t-9� �d . Como Avenue. widen roadway w.ithin extsttng r%ght-of-wa . Save money. Wi1T not elimtnafe ;traffi Does not displace floa restrict�ons. ,_ businessgs: and resider�es _ _ i+rronr�o�rrs: _ ua��eeufs: . . . ��-'��.,��z LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 14 thru 16, Block 2 , Michel 's Subdivision of Block 4 , Stinson's Division of St. Paul; Lots 14 thru 17, Block 1, Michel 's Subdivision of Block 5, Stinson's Division of St. Paul; The west 5 feet of Lot 17 and all of Lots 14 thru 16, Block 2, Michel 's Subdivision of Block 5, Stinson's Division of Saint Paul. Lots 15 thru 17, 45 and 46, Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division of St. Paul; Except the `� south 80 feet, the west 2 feet of Lot 17, and except the south 80 feet, Lot 16 and all of Lot 15, Block 1, Subdivision of Block 13, Stinson's Division of St. Paul. Also, condemning and taking easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Dale Street as shown on Drawing 2758, Drawer 2, on file in Department of Finance and Management Services, Valuation Division, Room 218 City Hall. . . � . � , ���_��az Condemning and taking fee title in that property located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36 , Township 29 , Range 23 , Ramsey County, Minnesota , for the Dale Street widening between Sherburne and Van Buren Avenues described as follows : Lots 14 thru 16 , Block 2 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson' s Division of St. Paul ; Lots 14 thru 17 , Block 1 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 5 , Stinson' s Division of St. Paul ; The west 5 feet of Lot 17 and all of Lots 14 thru 16 , Block 2 , Michel ' s Subdivision of Block 5 , Stinson ' s Division of Saint Paul. Lots 15 thru 17 , 45 and 46 , Block 12 , Smith ' s Subdivision of Block 12 , Stinson' s Division of St. Paul , Except the south 80 feet , the west 2 feet of Lot 17 , and except the south 80 feet , Lot 16 and all of Lot 15 , Block 1 , Subdivision of Block 13 , Stinson ' s Division of St. Paul. Also , condemning and taking easements in the land necessary for slopes , cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Dale Street as shown on Drawing 2758 , Drawer 2 , on file in Department of Finance and Management Services , Valuation Division , Room 218 City Hall. 1 _ ' , . � � a�. om . a m n � F -p z m � � � � . A � � o --J i� �-- a� �" A m � - x MATCH o uN��FRS�Ty � _THOMAS AVE. �- ° AVE. nD -- ---. - . --,1 � � � ----- Z m � I i �� ------,\ �� � � � `J � \ I , I +A v I m � � m _ :� ; �---_�.---- - I � I °° � � I , � I ,. ��-- --L1 � I io�-.� r•-- , —1 _I---�_ _l.._ _T �:.\ .; u �--�-- _���_ I i, I ; 'id _ , � �� W , ; , � .�. � W � AI � ; ; E_=_t _1_1, \ ; - ��_ _.� L _) ; � � ��_ � ; , ---- --_ ---J _AFONO -------- / u \ _.SNERBURryE — - --�a�. - - - -----�ve. — -- , , _. .__— — --- �0�-H � _T � ; � �� -� , � ,A ��- � m ��� � E-�`�,---- � m � ( � � _L_ , m �1_ _L ; 1_ D _ _ � � u _►� T ; � ��- �T �; � z� _ ��;, � � m�, \ ��1 � I W \1Q`��.\ -��-_-�_--- I W A \ ' . - „I I � • 1 �� , m � -1-- C�1=- _ � _ , �1_ �� -- ---� ''—_9LAIR ------ --J CHARLES m-"I � � AVE. - ' —AGE. o � - ----- ----� ___ - � --�-r � � �_ �: -�_T ___�q� ��- _� o II ��'` � � � E- � � .i � ( p I tr y - _� . � � ; � � �-°- = D a ;� � - -� \� �--- D-C $� _�� �� � ' _ j ( � �—� � • °° .��— m f�.' , io–•� �.-- ' i D i � I � � � A �;� \t� ; � �� � � ( ` � - �--- Z � �i c� ` � I I _ � p m p m O � ( W I A � � � F---�--- � � � X A X f � -_ll�� \ � i L�1_— 1� � t�+l 6i m T J—� \\ � " la l��_ 3 � in ------ - -- � ^�i - --VAN BUREN � � p � m f -- ---- ---- -EDMUNO D ---- - - AVE. � A c� � ; -nc --- --._ATiE. Z - -- \ - ------ m m � m z ---- -- -� --� � o 0 I / r [ o � � � �� � T � �--- � I �� i �) �� m m � r o n ( l \ �\ � � D Z m \ u I � I � I � � �° I � �I, � m � °c_ I � I {-��---- N _��� ;' L�_ i A � _�_�� � ' �_ I m 0 -- ' �� ' u ��— o -�� \ j ��— = I LW--I--A� I _ � F I W I A \\� I I � I o m �' � --L_�� � �� L1_ -�1�.�, __J ��- _ __ _ MINNEHAMA __�_ THOMAS AVE. o ^vE. MATCH .� Z (�-—— N I � � —— 1 :�D z M y � � .� . /�' ��-�.�a� Members: � ` �� CITY OP` SAIN'1' PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - ,,;;�,;;;; Janice Rettman ���i iia�u OFFICI� OF TRI� CiTY COUNUIL Tom Dimond �� ��� Date: September 14, 1988 � Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of September 14, 1988 took the following action: ACTION Hearing Date 1. 9/29/88 VACATION: Petition of James Stolpestad for To Council the vacation of part of the alley in Walsh without Park bounded by Edgcumbe Road, Albion, recommend. Lexington Parkway and Montreal for the purpose of residential development. 2. 9/29/88 VACATION: Petition of the City of St. Paul To Council for the vacation of an abandoned sewer without easement in Block 2, Wildrose Addition recommend. between Fourth and Fremont Streets. Purpose is to clear title. 3. 9/29/88 VACATION: Petition of John Scott, et al To Council for the vacation of the south 4 feet of without . Jessamine Avenue between Kent and Loeb recommend. Street. Purpose is for residential development. 4. 9/20/88 VACATION: Petition of Zane May Operating To Council Partners for the vacation of a sewer without easement in Lot 1, Block 1, Kosy Corner recommend. located in the intersection of University �;,,,�� �:��4rnt�r����end •a¢�ufri�tg To �o�rt��,. 5.�x`"�i�`��"` "_, � property located in"ft�e"'�'� �,,,t�na�ter without �::. of Sectian 3�6, Townsh�ip 29, Range 23, for recamrnaad. Che �dening of D�lci�,. : ,� ��£ET betwe�n Sherburne and Van Buren Avenues. Also condemning anil taking easements in the land necessary for' �le�5es in the grading and paving of Dale Street. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUUR SA1NT PAUL, MINNESO'TA 55102 .��„4e . ��i�a� .� � ' ACTION 6. 9/15/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the To Council STILLWATER/NOKOMIS AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. without recommend. 7. 9/15/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the To Council STILLWATER/NOKOMIS AREA STREET PAVING AND without LIGHTING PROJECT. recommend. 8. 9/15/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: To Council . Condemning and taking a 55-foot permanent without easement between the easterly line of recommend. LAFAYETTE AVENUE and the Westerly line of the permanent easement taken for the Trout Brook Sewer construction. (Bruno Street easement in connection with the Trout Brook Outlet Easement Phase B Pro�ect) . (laid over from 8/31/88) . 9. FINAL ORDER: For the installation• of 42 To Council single globe style decorative lights on without SMITA AVENUE, and recommend. 10. FINAL ORDER: For the operating costs for To Council the Above Standard Lighting System on SMITH without AVENUE, recommend. 11. APPEAL of PAM BURNS to a decision of the To Council Public Works Department denying her request without for a waiver of sewer and water facility recommend. equipment for Lot 3, Block 5, Lewiston Heights 2nd Addition at Douglynn Lane and Winthrop. (Referred to Committee 9/6/88) . 12. RESOLUTION 88-1386 - Approving the To Council appointment by the Mayor of CRAIG WRUCK to without serve as an Alternate on the METROPOLITAN recommend. AIRCRAFT SOUND ABATEMENT COUNCIL, term to Mr. Wruck did not expire August 16, 1990. (Laid over from appear at P.W. Mtg. 8/31/88) . He was notified. , . C ,'-�Y c%� �... � �ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL ��i�a� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION City Planning Ward lll � trict Plannin C unci ll7 File No. 18527 To decide whether to proceed to condemn and take fee title in that P U R PO S E Property located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the Dale Street widening between Sherburne and Van Buren Avenues described as follows: (See attached legal description) G��J� 0 RE�EIVED � � �� 19a� � 0 1� ��Ep c��C.Q G�,� C1,�� ����tK G�� Tuesday, September 20, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a reco�rnnendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, Septembe� 14, 1988, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House :00 A M - Call 298-4513 (Voice or TDD) and refer to the File 4� above. City Q U E S TIO N S staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearinQ. . �- �'��°��" _ _ _ . , _ . . __ _. r - , _ . :. �� . . , _ . ._��:; , . .,� , .., ... :�r : .. .,. ; . . _ . . �, '�. . . . . � . . � �i S•.. . ' l 3'��t�" . . . . .� . .. , � �� �: Cout��+`ile No.8&1351—Hy�ioger J.Goswitz— }�� �' . I[�attes oi c�ing,�pc�taT�ing i+�titlt�i�s,t�at pso�rLF.3oea�ed;in ; thgi�f�iweat,Quartet of Section 3g� Township 29, Ftange 23. R,aAa�ey;Cou�t�;. MiqtieatytII� for tke Dale 3treet widenin� betw�een Sherbura�-at�d�tai1 Hu�n Avelaues,d+e�+�bed as foilows in Vating Ward 2c " I.at� �4 lhru 16, Block 2, Michel's Subdi�is�in.:oi,k37oek�-�,`�f�on's �' Divisirna of St.Paul; -. • . _ Lots 14 thru lfi, .Block 1. Ddichel's�Suhdivisfon�oi$Iack;5. Stinson's Division of�t.•Paul; The west 5 feet of Lot 17 and all oi Lots 14 thr.0.16, Hlock,;Z, b�ichel`s� -� „' Subdivisio�of Block 5, Stinson's Division of Sait�t Paul.. , Lots 15 thr`u 17, 45 and 46, Block 12, 5mith's �wbdivision`of-Bk�cic 1Z,.. Stinson's Division of St.Paul,Except the south BQ,feet,the west 2 feet.of � Lot 17, and except the south 80 feet, Lot 16 and'�If of I�ot 19,HIock'Y; � Subdivision of Blcek 13,Stinson's Division of St.PauL Also,condemning and taking easements in the lanc��necessary for slapes,cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral support fFani subject land ar remainder thereof o�a�ioned by excav�tfons there4f or construction of sto�es m the g;adin and Pav�i$:o�Dale Stree�t as shown on Drawing 2'F58, tlta�ret �."ori �i��i�' Departmeat of'l�t�anc+e and 1V�enagetnent Se�rvices,'Valu�tion Drvi`sibri;'�t;oi�i't� $'�' City Ha1L • The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of fi.he May�ur upoa tbe aboare.:i�nprovement-, and havir� considered said repoxt�� �eb� � resolves: . . . ' 1. Th�t the said report and the tame is herehy sppra�ed�:--wftk, na�. :' aitera��lfves,and that the estimated 2ost thereof is;2,90a's006'td�c�ed bY-"t . 1988`MuniMpal Stat�Aid Funds and Future Municipal:�t�te.�-�'unds..- ' 2. That a public hearing be had on said,improveni�nt on th syc.iit enciber 1@;�at,,9;(1� ' c a.m.,in the COwnCil Cha3m�iersv _ e�Git� ° a ourt House Huilding n the Cit�►of Saint Paul. , . 3. Th&t�i�ofice of said public hearing.be given to the persons a�id 2n t2ae � ��ovi�ied by the Charter��at�ting tbe time and place qi l���ring.. tJ�tis�p!`f,lae�un�rovement and;ttie tota�cost thereof-as estik�ated. . �1e No. 1858�' . _. . ?' Adopte�b�.t�h�.�ot�cil AugtLCt 16, 1988. � '> Ap�rc�ved Au�uat l�.'1988:.; � � (August27; 1488} .