Council Res ution '�-,,��
� -- _
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application (ID #49529) for a Second Hand Dealer
Motor Vehicle Parts License by Steven Feig DBA North
Central Mopar at 843 East 7th Street be and the same
is hereby approved with the following stipulations:
1) No dismantling of vehicles
2) No exterior storage of parts or cars
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE:
Yeas Nays
Lo� [n Favor
Gaswitz -�,
��;� A gai n s t BY
SEP 1 � 1988 Form Appr ved by City orn
Adopted by Council: Date ' ��/Z��
Ceriified Pa.s d y Council Se a By
A►pprove y Navor: e _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By BY ,
Pi�.�S�lE� �'_� �' � 1�88
Tq1 . . aat N+rrMtec o�'►g cawN.!'�. �����Z
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Mr. d. Carchedi ����` ��� �.����:2 6
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_ . Chri stine Rozek �+ —
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,�,���o. AounMC �aREC,�
� . oR��t: — �,T,,,��„ —�—. °
� � Applic�tion>for a Second: Hand Dealer hbtow Vehic'te. Rarts License
" D -10- Meari n Date•
�,�or�t�wv�+:tM o►�a c�r� � �aePO�1r: _ . �;";
�a►+wr+�q�ow c�v�sEav��ori o��a�1 0��our �wuvsr �ao.
� . � ZOrN�6 COMASSION . IBO E�SCMOOL BOARD � - . � .. . . � � . .� - �
' STAFF.� � . � � . . CYUR'TE.ft OOAM�M8810N � . . � � GOI�IPI,ElE AS 1.4 � � ADDL q�PO.�A00ED� . t1E7'D TO bOMil�7' . .. CONSTRtB17., � . .
. . . . . . . . � _ . � �FOR ADDt M/FO. . _F�0lAqC A09�•- -.
9�T�IIWCIL . *D(PUti0.710N: �. . . . . . � .
_ ._ .8�lOR�t'WHICN COUWCL 061EC71VE7 � � ... � . . . . � . . . . � � � . � � � . � . . � . . �� �
Counoil �esearch Center,
. S�P 011988
».,�►�w.�+o.�r,,..�.a..o�r�u�.r,► .,�.,�.w�.w�: _
S.teven feig, D8A North_Central Pbpar requests Counci1: approval :of �his
a{�l.i.catian far a Second Hand D�a1er Miot�r Vehiele P�rts License at
_ . 843 E., 7th Street. �
��:�.�r. � .
All 'fees and applications have been su�mit�ed. A11 required depar�nts ``
have approved this application - Zoning (with stipulations) , Fire, Po1ice
.. and Lic�nsi ng. 45 day not�ces t�re serrt to �roperty o�mers wi thi n � .
200 feet of the establisFunent. -
C0�8lwMt wnN+.and To w�am} : , , •, ., , . . '
- If Council approval�==is given, 5teven f�ig wi11 be able to se11 used
auto parts at 843 E. 7th Street. �
�s�w►nMCS: . . pnos . cdrs _ �
STIPULATIaNS: i) No dismantling of vehict`es
� 2) No exterior st rage of par�s or cars
�1r�u es1l�s: : .-
� _� . a�a3o (��-/�a?
. ,
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant � Vel'1 �(�C� _ Home Address �(� 33 �� A-t�, N�j
�^ -� — T"r�d!t
Rusiness Name �0� t�G1�1�� �0��ome Phone �J 7/r g�� 3 7
Business Address � `�13 �� �n1 �� Type of License(s)
Business Phone �� 1'r 7331 � !'1� � Y�1� " ��f'Ir (JP�.� �a�
Public Hearing Date (� �� License I.D. �{ ��J�� y
at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers,
3rd f.loor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t � �C� 3�7�„>
llate Notice Sen • Dealer 4� �J '/4'
to Applicant - /�
� ��ederal I'irearms 4� �/�
Public He��ring
A proved Not A roved ►
Biag I & D � � �� l,v � S`�"(�l.t G. t on,5
�� � — 1.�o d�svr�ars-41� +�c� cr�' ueh►ci�-
- Y�O tX rl C�'" IZty 2�
Health Divn. � ' �
� �
Fire Dept. � � n��,l! D�,
i Q� �r) I
1 �
Police Dept.
1 ��1 � � �1�=
License Divn. �
� �� � ; urc__
City Attorney r,Q� �
jZ� �i� ,
Date Received:
Site Plan � �0 � O �(
To Council RPSearch U j v
Lease or Letter � � �'jh ate
from Landlord 0�
. ��-�yo�
� � � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL
�ese statement foTma are issued in d�glicate. Plesse aasMer all questiaas !tii].ly aad
complete�y. This applicstion is thoraugb]y ebecked. Any laleilicaLioa vill be esuse
for denial.
Date 5 July 19 88
1. Application for Secondhand P�lotor Vehicle Parts Dealer (yi���� (p�t�
2. Name of applicant _ Steven Theodore Feiq
3• If applicant is/haa been a msrried female, list maiden name
b. Da�e of birth �7 Auaust 1950 Age 37 Place o! birth �tinneapolis
5. Are you a citizen of the United Statee Y_es Rativ�e XXX_X 1�ta,turalized `_
6• Are yau a registered voter _Yes Where Fridley, P�1N
7. Rome arddreas ��33 68th Aveni�P NE. Fridlev, P�IN 55432 Aome telepho�e 571-8813
. Present business a,ddreaa $43 East Seventh Street Buainess telep6coe 771-7331
`_. .
9. Including your present businesa/employme�, What bnsiness/eanloymeat ha�e yoa
followed !or the past live years.
Business/F�ployment Address
�dORTH CENTRAL t�OPAR - Owner E 7th; also 3175 Ryan Lane, Little Canada
Satellite Industries
253_enium Lane, Plymouth, MN .
_ _ MAXTt•111M PFRFORP�A�J . SALES - Owner 4422 Wentworth Avenue, Mpls, MN
10. Married �JO IP ans�+er is "yes", list name and addresa af spause
11. ?iave you ever been arrested !or an otfeaae that has resulted in a convictioo! Yes
It ansa�er ia "yes", list dates o! arreats, where, chargea, comrictio�s sod —
Dste o! arrest _Z/27/71 19 71 �there St Louis Park, P�N
�pg� warrant: failure to display current license plates
���N Ye s SffirrEl/CE pa i d f i ne ($?)
Date of arrest _9/18 19 76 Where Pfiinneapolis
C'HARGr 3 warrants for petty traffic charges (specifics not on record) .
CoNVICTI0i7 Yes S�� paid fine ($?)
12. List the names and addresses (if married, name o! sponse also) of all persans,
corporations, partnerships, associationa o�r organizations r�ich in a�r �r have: ,
a. A mortgage interest in the ].icansed premise,
b. A security iaterest in the licensed premises, licenae, oz it�rnishings of the
lic�nsed premise, non --
c. A promissory note tor funds loaned !or the aperation of the licensed premise
or the pnrchase o! 'the license, none
d. Finaacially contributed to the chase of the premise or the license it-
self non�
e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either tiaancisl or otherwise
in the licensed premise or the licenae itself,
Attach � copy hereto of any and all documents referred to in this a!lidavit.
Copy of Lease attached
Since I don't know an on who lives in St Pau1 , I chose these references. .
1?. Give names and addresse� otgicvo persons, residents of St. Paul, Minneso�s, vho
can give iat'ormation coacerning you.
AAt� �s
Robert Amick 581 Fox Hill Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317
David Greskovics 1709 207th Avenue �dE, Cedar, MN 55011
14. Addresa of pre�ises !or �+hich License ar Permit is made
Address $43 East 7th Street Zone classificaLio� B3
15. Between s+hat cross streets ArradP_ Minnehaha Which aide of street Pdnrth
16. Na�ne under ahich this business xill be conducted NORTH CENTRAL P10PAR
17. Buaiuess Lelephone manber ��1-7331
1�. Attach to thia application, a detailed description of the design, locstion, and
square Pootage o! the premises to be licensed
Copy of site plan furnished by Lessor attached
19. ?re premises no�+ occupied no What business H� long
PJOTE: Premises were forr�erly licensed as BI-RITE AUTO PARTS, a Secondhand Motor
Vehicle Parts Dealer; who is now at 924 Arcade.
. �����°�
, � 2C. List license which you currently hold, or former�y held, or mey have an intere
� in
General Business License, City of Little Canada, 1987, for iVORTH CENTRAL
_ �10PAR, an auto repair facility, 3175 Ryan Lane
21. Have any of the licenses liated by you in No, 20 ever beea sevoked. Yes
No XXXXXX. If anarer is "yes", list dates snd reasons: -
22. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in arLy ot.her b�usiness or busineaa premiaes.
IZ ansWer is "yes", list business, businese address and telephone number.`_
23. If business is incorporated, give date oS incorporation 19
and attach copy of Articles ot Incarporation and minutes of firat meeting.
2�+. List all ofPicers of the corporation giving their names, otYice beld, hame
add`ress, and home and business telephone numbers:
NONE --- Sole proprietorship
25. If business is partnership, list pnrtner(s) address and telephooe rn�bers:
Name __ NO�JE Address Te],,ito,
26. Is there ar�yone else who will have an interest in this buai�as or premiaes4
If answer is "yes", give name, hame address, telephone n�bers a�i in xhst
maaner is their intereat:
27. Are you goin�t to operate this busi�sa peraonally �� i2 aot, Mho �ril7, operste
A� Hane address �el.Ao.
Are y�u going to have a Mat�a�er or assistsat in this business? I! aas�rer is �
"yes", give nac�e and ho:ne address and home teltphone number: NO
Na� Home address Z�e1.No.
29. Has ar;yone yau have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? Zf
answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, vhere, charges, comric-
tions and sentence
30. I Steven T. Feig understand this premise mey be in-
spected by the police, fire, health and other city otYicials at a�r and aII
times when the business is in operation.
State of �linnesota) '
County of Ramsey )
��T�ve N �e i being first du�y sw�rn, deposes and s�ys upon
oath that he has read foregoing statement bearing his signature and lmoars the
contents thereof, and that the same ia true oP his own l�o�+ledge except as to those
matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be-
lieves them to be true. � �
Subscribed and svora to betoxe me
Signature of Appli t
this .��, day of 19�
Notary Pub , ���s��nty, Minne,sota
My ec�ission expires ppq�
� ,wv aueuc-�ra
MY Cq�MYI.ExP1RES A110.21.19D1
� . � ��—�.�a 7
843 East 7th Street
St Paul , t�N 55106 5 July 1988
City of St Paul
License Division
Room 203
City Hall 55102
Dear License Division,
This is the cover letter for r�y application for a Second Hand Motor Vehicle Parts
Dealer license. Here I will amplify data where the rather cramped application does
not allow sufficient space. The application's item number will precede the data.
#11 I have attached an up-to-date copy of my arrest record. While I do not re-
call the specifics of the 1971 and 1976 incidents clearly, I do recall the
1985 charges: Parking Over 72 Hrs; Expired Meter; Parking Over 2 Hrs. between
8:00 AM and 6:00 PM; for which I paid a $65 total fine. PJone of my traffic
�` convictions has ever involved alcohol .
#12 The Lease employed by the Lessor is a "form" lease, not written specifically
for my premises. This explains the almost grotesque amount of blacking out
of irrelevant verbiage.
#13 Since I have lived in Minneapolis most of my life, I have not formed any
relationships with the denizens of St Paul . Please do not hold this against
me! I have known the two individuals listed in excess of twenty years.
#19 The premises were vacant when I signed the lease. I am currently in the
process of moving in and setting up.
I chose St Paul for my location primarily due to my perception of its city govern-
ment being both sane and cooperative with small businesses, in vivid contrast with
Minneapolis. I hope this application will proceed expeditiously; and, toward that
end, I will call the relevant Departments to arrange inspection times as early as
I look forward to prospering in St Paul .
J���v ' ''1 �-�J�,G•�
Steven Feig
Owne r
• l�`���'�4�
�� T�� � " LT� �ZT� �OUN�ZL
� City C1.erk 1 �ARI�t� NO`�Z�� RECEIVED
386 City Hal _. .,.�. }..i r-t t- L ��V�.L�V L't
` AUG 0 31988
�'�� N�. 49529
Dear Property Owner:
Application for a Second Hand Dealer Diotor Vehicle Parts
���=(;�fi Steven Feig DBA North Central Mopar
�Q�2,�=�� 843 E. 7th Street
September 15, 1988 9:00 a.a
ffEAR .�L L- Citp CaunciL Chambers, 3rd floo� Cit� Sa1L — Court House
By Licanse. and parmit Divisian, Deaartment of Finaace and
NO��� ��fi `iaaagement Servicas, :tao� 203 Citp Hall — Coun House,
Saiat Pau1, Mianesata
Tfiis date may be cha.nged Grithout the cons�nt and./or �cuoc�ledge o£ the
License and Permi� Division. Z� is suggested t:�at you ca11 the City
Clerk.' s Of�ice at Z98-4231 ii you T�i.sh confir�aation.