88-1485 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council C �//�' CANARV - DEPARTMENT GJ'.r�(yj'� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �;0 �O Counci Resolution q� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �tSGL'�`cD; i r,at in ac�orranc.e v��?th �hapt�r 6� of the Aamini�zr��i�f� �c�a;: and Minnesot� Stat��te �hapter 429, the Co�.ancil cf the City �f Saint �aui does herehy fix: the 1 1 tr� d�y c�� ��taber 19�8 at 7 p.m., as �he date on v�+h?ch the C�unci? w�il hU�d � Public �-i�earing in the Cit� Council Chambers, S�int Paui, Minnesota, to consider the ievel of stre�i an� alley maintenance to h� performea in th� City of Saint Paul in 19�a and the cosis to be charge� a�ainst the benefitted property, a�d the City Clerk �� hereby direct?ci to puk�lish n�tice of this H�aring purs�ant to M;nnesota St�tute Chapter 4?y ar�c� the Gepartment of Finance is hereby directed �u maii notices to affected pr�perti�s i� dccordance with saF� Chapter 4'?9. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Publi� Works (AJS) �� In Favor Goswitz � Rettman O Scheibel A gai n s t BY ,s.;,;�., Donald E. Nygaard, Dir c Wilson SCP � 3 '�88 Form Ap oved by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date `�, Certified a_ by Council S tar BY g}. I blpprov by YI or te _ Ju 1 5 � ' Ap ove by Ma r r Sub 'ssion to Council , Pi�.���� S��f-' � � 198 � �'��1 f��b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 11th day of October 1988 at 7 p.m. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers,City Hall and Court House,Saint Paul,Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1989 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefitted property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I-DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS Descri�tion: Class I service will be performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west,Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Pro�osed 1989 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Class I service will be assessed at a rate of .01 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II-OUTLYING COMMERQAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS DescripHon• Class II service will be performed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue,West Seventh Street,East Seventh Street,Rice Street,Payne Avenue,Arcade Street,Summit Avenue,Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works,900 City Hall Annex. Proposed 1989 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 18 times per season. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,will be done on an "as-needed"basis. �<��TO � 2 ��-/y�..� Proposed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be ttivo assessment rates,one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be 2.07 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be .94 per assessable foot. CLASS III-ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Descri�tion• Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Pro�osed 1989 Level of Service: Residential streets,including oiled,paved and intermediate streets,would receive thorough cleaning each spring which would indude sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work would be done on an "as-needed"basis. Approximately 150 miles of oiled streets would receive a sand sealcoat and approximately 20 miles of paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves would be picked up from these streets. Also hazardous sidewalks will be replaced based on the current sidewalk condition survey. Pro�osed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets,we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate would be 1.50 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be .94 per assessable foot. . �I.ASS IV-ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS DescripHon• Class IV service would be performed on all oiled,paved and intermediate type alleys within the Ciry. Proposed 1989 Level of Service: All oiled,paved and intermediate alleys would receive a thorough cleaning each spring. Efforts would be made to complete the cleaning by June 15th. All routine maintenance,including patching and repair of the alley surface,would be performed on an "as-needed"basis. Pro�osed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .75 per assessable foot for commercial property and .49 per assessable foot for residential property. � ��'ati/ro. � 3 j,��-��� CLASS V AND VI-UNIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descri�tion: Class V and VI service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unimproved,we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way,the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1989 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading,placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets is .�57 per assessable foot for commercial property and .38 per assessable foot for residenrial property. The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is .29 per assessable foot for commercial property and .19 per assessable foot for residential property. ������. � � 4 eF�1��-S 1989 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Financing Assessments(1) Aids 2 General Fund Summer $9,608,582(3) $7,462,000 $1,666,146 $480,436 Bridge 667,693 0 667,693 0 Winter 3,275,274 0 0 3,275,274 TOTAL $13,551,549 $7,462,000 $2,333,839 $3,755,710 (1) $.94 per assessable foot for residential property paid with 1989 Property Tax (2) Municipal State Aid - $1,412,295 Trunk Highway Aid - 298,700 County Aid - 387,244 Recoverables (sewer connection repairs,utility cut repairs) - 235,600 (3) Includes Repayment of General Fund Cash Advance - 542,500