99-297� OR�GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT' PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green 5heet # Committee:Date: 99-aqR 51152 -C'.`��] 1 WFEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received from Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps 2 students a contribution of $500 to assist with the removal of graffitti form businesses in the City 3 of Saint Paul, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department wishes to accept this generous contribution, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps students for its contribution of $500. Requested by l�epa�tment of: Police By: by By: Adoption Certified by Councit Secretary: $ Y� � �- �--..,-�`.o�..�r- Approved by yor• Date: ( Q l By: �� ��,� hu6erthnmphrey-99 _ � N� 51152 � DEPAHiMENTADFFICErWUNdL pATE INRIATEO � q 9� POLICE GREEN SHEET . CONTACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT D�REGTOR NITIAVDATE CIN COUNCIL �NiTIkVDATE Meredith Vo land ASSIGN CITYATiORNEY ��� �dT'CLERK MUST BE ON CqUNGR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUMBER FOR O BUWET D�RECTOR O FIN.B MGT. SEflVICES �IR. POUTING ASAP OADEF � MAYOR (OR ASS�ST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Accept a$500 contribution from the Hubert H. Humphrey 3ob Corps students. RECAMMENOATtONS: App�ove (A) or Rejea (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIqNNMIG CpMMIS510N _ CIVIi SERVICE COMMISSION �� H25 IhiS DersonRirm ever woAtetl untler a contrLCf fot Mis tlep3rtmant? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ STAFF 2. Has M�s personitirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ D�STRiCT COURi _ 3. Does this pe�son/Firm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current city employae? SUPP�FiTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTNE'+ YES NO Explaln a�i yes answers on separete aheet anC attaeh to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOFTUNI'rv (Who. What When. Where. Why): Graffiti vandalism has been an ongoing problem in the City of Saint Paul since 1990. The Job Corps students have assisted in removing graffiti from businesses along University Avenue. The students donated the $500 to assist with the anti-graffiti work of the Saint Paul Police Graffiti, Inc. program. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED; Funds would be available for the graffiti program. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFiOVED' NONE �a0u:"�'�f �°��'�c!::�F? =-i:,'1<wY ��R � 6 `�� DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED. �� � `!��e" ' - . ; � We wouldn't have the funds to enhance t'r_ec graffiti program. ` =:_'v � `& ,� , � �����a �� _ _ "� TOTAL AMOUN7 OF THANSACTION S SSOO. OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACT�V4TY NUMBER FIN0.NCIAL INFOflHiATION: (E%PLAIN) � OR�GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT' PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green 5heet # Committee:Date: 99-aqR 51152 -C'.`��] 1 WFEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received from Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps 2 students a contribution of $500 to assist with the removal of graffitti form businesses in the City 3 of Saint Paul, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department wishes to accept this generous contribution, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps students for its contribution of $500. Requested by l�epa�tment of: Police By: by By: Adoption Certified by Councit Secretary: $ Y� � �- �--..,-�`.o�..�r- Approved by yor• Date: ( Q l By: �� ��,� hu6erthnmphrey-99 _ � N� 51152 � DEPAHiMENTADFFICErWUNdL pATE INRIATEO � q 9� POLICE GREEN SHEET . CONTACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT D�REGTOR NITIAVDATE CIN COUNCIL �NiTIkVDATE Meredith Vo land ASSIGN CITYATiORNEY ��� �dT'CLERK MUST BE ON CqUNGR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUMBER FOR O BUWET D�RECTOR O FIN.B MGT. SEflVICES �IR. POUTING ASAP OADEF � MAYOR (OR ASS�ST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Accept a$500 contribution from the Hubert H. Humphrey 3ob Corps students. RECAMMENOATtONS: App�ove (A) or Rejea (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIqNNMIG CpMMIS510N _ CIVIi SERVICE COMMISSION �� H25 IhiS DersonRirm ever woAtetl untler a contrLCf fot Mis tlep3rtmant? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ STAFF 2. Has M�s personitirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ D�STRiCT COURi _ 3. Does this pe�son/Firm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current city employae? SUPP�FiTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTNE'+ YES NO Explaln a�i yes answers on separete aheet anC attaeh to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOFTUNI'rv (Who. What When. Where. Why): Graffiti vandalism has been an ongoing problem in the City of Saint Paul since 1990. The Job Corps students have assisted in removing graffiti from businesses along University Avenue. The students donated the $500 to assist with the anti-graffiti work of the Saint Paul Police Graffiti, Inc. program. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED; Funds would be available for the graffiti program. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFiOVED' NONE �a0u:"�'�f �°��'�c!::�F? =-i:,'1<wY ��R � 6 `�� DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED. �� � `!��e" ' - . ; � We wouldn't have the funds to enhance t'r_ec graffiti program. ` =:_'v � `& ,� , � �����a �� _ _ "� TOTAL AMOUN7 OF THANSACTION S SSOO. OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACT�V4TY NUMBER FIN0.NCIAL INFOflHiATION: (E%PLAIN) � OR�GiNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT' PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green 5heet # Committee:Date: 99-aqR 51152 -C'.`��] 1 WFEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received from Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps 2 students a contribution of $500 to assist with the removal of graffitti form businesses in the City 3 of Saint Paul, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department wishes to accept this generous contribution, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps students for its contribution of $500. Requested by l�epa�tment of: Police By: by By: Adoption Certified by Councit Secretary: $ Y� � �- �--..,-�`.o�..�r- Approved by yor• Date: ( Q l By: �� ��,� hu6erthnmphrey-99 _ � N� 51152 � DEPAHiMENTADFFICErWUNdL pATE INRIATEO � q 9� POLICE GREEN SHEET . CONTACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT D�REGTOR NITIAVDATE CIN COUNCIL �NiTIkVDATE Meredith Vo land ASSIGN CITYATiORNEY ��� �dT'CLERK MUST BE ON CqUNGR AGENDA BY (DATE� NUMBER FOR O BUWET D�RECTOR O FIN.B MGT. SEflVICES �IR. POUTING ASAP OADEF � MAYOR (OR ASS�ST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Accept a$500 contribution from the Hubert H. Humphrey 3ob Corps students. RECAMMENOATtONS: App�ove (A) or Rejea (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIqNNMIG CpMMIS510N _ CIVIi SERVICE COMMISSION �� H25 IhiS DersonRirm ever woAtetl untler a contrLCf fot Mis tlep3rtmant? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO ^ STAFF 2. Has M�s personitirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ D�STRiCT COURi _ 3. Does this pe�son/Firm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current city employae? SUPP�FiTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTNE'+ YES NO Explaln a�i yes answers on separete aheet anC attaeh to green sMeet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOFTUNI'rv (Who. What When. Where. Why): Graffiti vandalism has been an ongoing problem in the City of Saint Paul since 1990. The Job Corps students have assisted in removing graffiti from businesses along University Avenue. The students donated the $500 to assist with the anti-graffiti work of the Saint Paul Police Graffiti, Inc. program. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED; Funds would be available for the graffiti program. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFiOVED' NONE �a0u:"�'�f �°��'�c!::�F? =-i:,'1<wY ��R � 6 `�� DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED. �� � `!��e" ' - . ; � We wouldn't have the funds to enhance t'r_ec graffiti program. ` =:_'v � `& ,� , � �����a �� _ _ "� TOTAL AMOUN7 OF THANSACTION S SSOO. OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACT�V4TY NUMBER FIN0.NCIAL INFOflHiATION: (E%PLAIN)