99-296C��I��l`�!� Presented By: Referred To: coun��i File # 99 - a96 Green Sheet# 64980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNE50TA Program grant for the period from Iq Committee:Date: iment nas neen awaraen a ivunnesota auto 1 nen rrevennon 1,1999 through June 30, 2000 in the amount of $27,960, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will use the grant money for intelligence, evidence, and 5 surveillance equipment to reduce theft of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and 6 7 S 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WAEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriafion fands in escess of those estimated in the 1999 bndget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addirion be made to the 1999 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 3400 -State Direct Grantsin Aid 0 27,960 27,960 > > SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental-Vehicles 029& - Investigations 0389 - Other Misc Supplies 0 15,000 15,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 960 960 e e 29 TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOL'VED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $27,960 30 for the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 31 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the 32 changes to the 1999 budget. 33 34 Requested by Dep�x�ment of: � Approval Recommended i �� �� r"` Adoprio Certified by By: �� Approved by May� By: � autotheftprevhd99 Form� ro ed by City B3'� (1 /�./A A/� CounciL• Adopted by CounciL•Date: � ' \ � 1a �� / . : C." g9-�.9� DEPAR7MEN7lOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepaztment ais�99 GREEN SHEET No. 64980 C NT CTPER N& NONE INITIAUDATE INmAUDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 nmYExrunEeron_ 5 cauxa� MUST E ON CAI7NCIL AGENDA 87 (DA7E Z � �s p1�AiiORNEY �' �CIERK L.� L�i � � F��^^�w�SFRVICFS � v p�rv�m.w�SFAV/ACCiG L�� Li� � -� NpYON(ORRSSIST ' 1 r� u TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (GIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710NREQUESTED Sigiatures requested on the attached Council Resolu6on to accept a grant for $27,960 from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program. RECOMMENDATON AppfoV6 (A) Of RBjBCt (R) PERSONAL SEftVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSYJERTXE FOLLOWING �UESS10N5: i. Has Mis person/firtn ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION vES nl0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Does iFiis persoNfirtn possess a skill not norcnatly possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targetetl ventlon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �AIHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� Theft of Hazley Davidson Motorcycles increased 13.5% in 1996. A grant from the State of Minnesota to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent will help reduce theft of these motorcycles. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ya�. .��v � �c� ar 6BVC.�'0.T°3 <.c,. , i^ti.. =`" Reduction in Hazley Davidson motorcycle the$s through Pro-Active investigations. €'4�aa"9 �s � P�a3o� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None PISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , _ Loss of grant money and opportunity to further reduce thefts of Hazley Davidson motorcycles in the city of St. Paul. �usa� ��seasch G�n2er TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 27 ,960.00 WST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO State ofMinnesota FUNDMG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 3�{16O FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) No match required autotheftp2vhdgs99 /���:��i�7.i���J Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Srant A�plication qa-ZaG N TE: This "Attacliment C" form shouId be used if possible. If duplicafed, no ctiinge in formnt Fci(1 be accepted (no deletioas or port(ons oI or rearrangements) S�CTIOI�I 1: APPLICff1VT INFO.RMf1TION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County ❑ City � Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit❑ I�Iame of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department . Agency Address: 100 East llth Sereet City: Saint Paul Cottnty: Ramsey State: T� ziP� 55101 Fede a! Identification Number: Total MATPP BudQet Request• 41=6005521 27,-460 . - Project Title, if applicable: Motoxc cle Theft and Recover Pto'ect Geographical Area Appiicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city or other) Cit of Saint Pau2 located within Ramse Count Other Agencies Participating in the Project confirmation by all entities) (If a multi-agency projec[, attach letters of Form AT:OI Rev. 3/98 -1- ag-�.q� SeCtiOn 2: Certification/Signatures - I acknowledge [ha[ I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact gerson for all aspects of the grant) �- Sergeant Brook T. Schaub (N.4 ME) ����---�� /�/a/,y (SIGNATLIl?E) (DAT.E) 292=3692 Telephone Number (I7irector's) Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Rl�owa� �«Q�,sT -- (NAME) 292=6522 Fax Number (Director's) �i h �- � �� I z%�/9f T , (SIGIVATU.RE) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a forma( agreement} Chief William K. Finney (NAME) t (SLGNATURE) (DA TE) (DATE} Form AT:O1 -Z- Qaaq� SeCtiotz 3. Current and Proposed Aulo T/:ef1 Preventio�: Respoi:sibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current effoRs undectaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check alt activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CLfRRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FLJI�TDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors [nsurancelndustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E�forts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Tecm Other CrinlcAnalvsis _ IdentiFy Trends & Methods Develop Pro£iles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education & Awaret:ess Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Adve�tising Campaigns Other Trainirtp Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecu[ors Other PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) o-- x X x x Form AT-01 -3 SECTIOI� 5. Sfatement of Need and Current Staff 99 -a9 � Part A: Tn the City of Saint Paul, over the last four+ years, 42% of the motorcycles stolen were Harley Davidsons. These motorcyctes are razely recovered. The approximate cost of each motorcycle is $16,000 and increasing. o-- The demand for Harley's outweigh the supply, therefore creating this market for theft. The SPPA proposes to attempt to eliminate the illegitimate market in stoIen and reconstructed Harley I?avidson motorcycles. This two tiered approach will enable the Aepartment to proactively break the pattern by identifying core groups of individuals involved in the theft of the motorcycles. Further, it wili create an environment where those knowingly operating or purchasing Harley Dayidson's with stolen component parts will realize that the anonymity of using after market frames to biend with stolen parts will no lon�er go undetected. 1997 Statistical Data Attached Part B: Two Sergeant Investigators FTE at 30 years for �54,157 each Fringe rate for sworn personnel is 33.056% for $52,206 Total SPPD Personnei Exgenditures $221,117 C��I��l`�!� Presented By: Referred To: coun��i File # 99 - a96 Green Sheet# 64980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNE50TA Program grant for the period from Iq Committee:Date: iment nas neen awaraen a ivunnesota auto 1 nen rrevennon 1,1999 through June 30, 2000 in the amount of $27,960, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will use the grant money for intelligence, evidence, and 5 surveillance equipment to reduce theft of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and 6 7 S 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WAEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriafion fands in escess of those estimated in the 1999 bndget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addirion be made to the 1999 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 3400 -State Direct Grantsin Aid 0 27,960 27,960 > > SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental-Vehicles 029& - Investigations 0389 - Other Misc Supplies 0 15,000 15,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 960 960 e e 29 TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOL'VED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $27,960 30 for the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 31 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the 32 changes to the 1999 budget. 33 34 Requested by Dep�x�ment of: � Approval Recommended i �� �� r"` Adoprio Certified by By: �� Approved by May� By: � autotheftprevhd99 Form� ro ed by City B3'� (1 /�./A A/� CounciL• Adopted by CounciL•Date: � ' \ � 1a �� / . : C." g9-�.9� DEPAR7MEN7lOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepaztment ais�99 GREEN SHEET No. 64980 C NT CTPER N& NONE INITIAUDATE INmAUDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 nmYExrunEeron_ 5 cauxa� MUST E ON CAI7NCIL AGENDA 87 (DA7E Z � �s p1�AiiORNEY �' �CIERK L.� L�i � � F��^^�w�SFRVICFS � v p�rv�m.w�SFAV/ACCiG L�� Li� � -� NpYON(ORRSSIST ' 1 r� u TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (GIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710NREQUESTED Sigiatures requested on the attached Council Resolu6on to accept a grant for $27,960 from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program. RECOMMENDATON AppfoV6 (A) Of RBjBCt (R) PERSONAL SEftVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSYJERTXE FOLLOWING �UESS10N5: i. Has Mis person/firtn ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION vES nl0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Does iFiis persoNfirtn possess a skill not norcnatly possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targetetl ventlon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �AIHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� Theft of Hazley Davidson Motorcycles increased 13.5% in 1996. A grant from the State of Minnesota to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent will help reduce theft of these motorcycles. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ya�. .��v � �c� ar 6BVC.�'0.T°3 <.c,. , i^ti.. =`" Reduction in Hazley Davidson motorcycle the$s through Pro-Active investigations. €'4�aa"9 �s � P�a3o� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None PISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , _ Loss of grant money and opportunity to further reduce thefts of Hazley Davidson motorcycles in the city of St. Paul. �usa� ��seasch G�n2er TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 27 ,960.00 WST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO State ofMinnesota FUNDMG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 3�{16O FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) No match required autotheftp2vhdgs99 /���:��i�7.i���J Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Srant A�plication qa-ZaG N TE: This "Attacliment C" form shouId be used if possible. If duplicafed, no ctiinge in formnt Fci(1 be accepted (no deletioas or port(ons oI or rearrangements) S�CTIOI�I 1: APPLICff1VT INFO.RMf1TION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County ❑ City � Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit❑ I�Iame of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department . Agency Address: 100 East llth Sereet City: Saint Paul Cottnty: Ramsey State: T� ziP� 55101 Fede a! Identification Number: Total MATPP BudQet Request• 41=6005521 27,-460 . - Project Title, if applicable: Motoxc cle Theft and Recover Pto'ect Geographical Area Appiicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city or other) Cit of Saint Pau2 located within Ramse Count Other Agencies Participating in the Project confirmation by all entities) (If a multi-agency projec[, attach letters of Form AT:OI Rev. 3/98 -1- ag-�.q� SeCtiOn 2: Certification/Signatures - I acknowledge [ha[ I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact gerson for all aspects of the grant) �- Sergeant Brook T. Schaub (N.4 ME) ����---�� /�/a/,y (SIGNATLIl?E) (DAT.E) 292=3692 Telephone Number (I7irector's) Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Rl�owa� �«Q�,sT -- (NAME) 292=6522 Fax Number (Director's) �i h �- � �� I z%�/9f T , (SIGIVATU.RE) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a forma( agreement} Chief William K. Finney (NAME) t (SLGNATURE) (DA TE) (DATE} Form AT:O1 -Z- Qaaq� SeCtiotz 3. Current and Proposed Aulo T/:ef1 Preventio�: Respoi:sibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current effoRs undectaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check alt activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CLfRRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FLJI�TDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors [nsurancelndustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E�forts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Tecm Other CrinlcAnalvsis _ IdentiFy Trends & Methods Develop Pro£iles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education & Awaret:ess Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Adve�tising Campaigns Other Trainirtp Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecu[ors Other PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) o-- x X x x Form AT-01 -3 SECTIOI� 5. Sfatement of Need and Current Staff 99 -a9 � Part A: Tn the City of Saint Paul, over the last four+ years, 42% of the motorcycles stolen were Harley Davidsons. These motorcyctes are razely recovered. The approximate cost of each motorcycle is $16,000 and increasing. o-- The demand for Harley's outweigh the supply, therefore creating this market for theft. The SPPA proposes to attempt to eliminate the illegitimate market in stoIen and reconstructed Harley I?avidson motorcycles. This two tiered approach will enable the Aepartment to proactively break the pattern by identifying core groups of individuals involved in the theft of the motorcycles. Further, it wili create an environment where those knowingly operating or purchasing Harley Dayidson's with stolen component parts will realize that the anonymity of using after market frames to biend with stolen parts will no lon�er go undetected. 1997 Statistical Data Attached Part B: Two Sergeant Investigators FTE at 30 years for �54,157 each Fringe rate for sworn personnel is 33.056% for $52,206 Total SPPD Personnei Exgenditures $221,117 C��I��l`�!� Presented By: Referred To: coun��i File # 99 - a96 Green Sheet# 64980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNE50TA Program grant for the period from Iq Committee:Date: iment nas neen awaraen a ivunnesota auto 1 nen rrevennon 1,1999 through June 30, 2000 in the amount of $27,960, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department will use the grant money for intelligence, evidence, and 5 surveillance equipment to reduce theft of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and 6 7 S 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WAEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriafion fands in escess of those estimated in the 1999 bndget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addirion be made to the 1999 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 3400 -State Direct Grantsin Aid 0 27,960 27,960 > > SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police Special Projects 34160 - Auto Theft Grants 0141- Overtime 0283 - Rental-Vehicles 029& - Investigations 0389 - Other Misc Supplies 0 15,000 15,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 960 960 e e 29 TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOL'VED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $27,960 30 for the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 31 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the 32 changes to the 1999 budget. 33 34 Requested by Dep�x�ment of: � Approval Recommended i �� �� r"` Adoprio Certified by By: �� Approved by May� By: � autotheftprevhd99 Form� ro ed by City B3'� (1 /�./A A/� CounciL• Adopted by CounciL•Date: � ' \ � 1a �� / . : C." g9-�.9� DEPAR7MEN7lOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepaztment ais�99 GREEN SHEET No. 64980 C NT CTPER N& NONE INITIAUDATE INmAUDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 nmYExrunEeron_ 5 cauxa� MUST E ON CAI7NCIL AGENDA 87 (DA7E Z � �s p1�AiiORNEY �' �CIERK L.� L�i � � F��^^�w�SFRVICFS � v p�rv�m.w�SFAV/ACCiG L�� Li� � -� NpYON(ORRSSIST ' 1 r� u TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (GIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710NREQUESTED Sigiatures requested on the attached Council Resolu6on to accept a grant for $27,960 from the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program. RECOMMENDATON AppfoV6 (A) Of RBjBCt (R) PERSONAL SEftVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSYJERTXE FOLLOWING �UESS10N5: i. Has Mis person/firtn ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION vES nl0 CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Does iFiis persoNfirtn possess a skill not norcnatly possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targetetl ventlon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �AIHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� Theft of Hazley Davidson Motorcycles increased 13.5% in 1996. A grant from the State of Minnesota to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent will help reduce theft of these motorcycles. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ya�. .��v � �c� ar 6BVC.�'0.T°3 <.c,. , i^ti.. =`" Reduction in Hazley Davidson motorcycle the$s through Pro-Active investigations. €'4�aa"9 �s � P�a3o� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None PISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , _ Loss of grant money and opportunity to further reduce thefts of Hazley Davidson motorcycles in the city of St. Paul. �usa� ��seasch G�n2er TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 27 ,960.00 WST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO State ofMinnesota FUNDMG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 3�{16O FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) No match required autotheftp2vhdgs99 /���:��i�7.i���J Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Srant A�plication qa-ZaG N TE: This "Attacliment C" form shouId be used if possible. If duplicafed, no ctiinge in formnt Fci(1 be accepted (no deletioas or port(ons oI or rearrangements) S�CTIOI�I 1: APPLICff1VT INFO.RMf1TION Type of Governmental Agency or Organization: State � County ❑ City � Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit❑ I�Iame of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department . Agency Address: 100 East llth Sereet City: Saint Paul Cottnty: Ramsey State: T� ziP� 55101 Fede a! Identification Number: Total MATPP BudQet Request• 41=6005521 27,-460 . - Project Title, if applicable: Motoxc cle Theft and Recover Pto'ect Geographical Area Appiicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city or other) Cit of Saint Pau2 located within Ramse Count Other Agencies Participating in the Project confirmation by all entities) (If a multi-agency projec[, attach letters of Form AT:OI Rev. 3/98 -1- ag-�.q� SeCtiOn 2: Certification/Signatures - I acknowledge [ha[ I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and correct. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact gerson for all aspects of the grant) �- Sergeant Brook T. Schaub (N.4 ME) ����---�� /�/a/,y (SIGNATLIl?E) (DAT.E) 292=3692 Telephone Number (I7irector's) Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Rl�owa� �«Q�,sT -- (NAME) 292=6522 Fax Number (Director's) �i h �- � �� I z%�/9f T , (SIGIVATU.RE) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a forma( agreement} Chief William K. Finney (NAME) t (SLGNATURE) (DA TE) (DATE} Form AT:O1 -Z- Qaaq� SeCtiotz 3. Current and Proposed Aulo T/:ef1 Preventio�: Respoi:sibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current effoRs undectaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. Check alt activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CLfRRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT ACTIVITIES (NOT MATPP FLJI�TDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors [nsurancelndustry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E�forts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Tecm Other CrinlcAnalvsis _ IdentiFy Trends & Methods Develop Pro£iles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education & Awaret:ess Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Adve�tising Campaigns Other Trainirtp Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecu[ors Other PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) o-- x X x x Form AT-01 -3 SECTIOI� 5. Sfatement of Need and Current Staff 99 -a9 � Part A: Tn the City of Saint Paul, over the last four+ years, 42% of the motorcycles stolen were Harley Davidsons. These motorcyctes are razely recovered. The approximate cost of each motorcycle is $16,000 and increasing. o-- The demand for Harley's outweigh the supply, therefore creating this market for theft. The SPPA proposes to attempt to eliminate the illegitimate market in stoIen and reconstructed Harley I?avidson motorcycles. This two tiered approach will enable the Aepartment to proactively break the pattern by identifying core groups of individuals involved in the theft of the motorcycles. Further, it wili create an environment where those knowingly operating or purchasing Harley Dayidson's with stolen component parts will realize that the anonymity of using after market frames to biend with stolen parts will no lon�er go undetected. 1997 Statistical Data Attached Part B: Two Sergeant Investigators FTE at 30 years for �54,157 each Fringe rate for sworn personnel is 33.056% for $52,206 Total SPPD Personnei Exgenditures $221,117