88-1453 WNITE - CITV CLERK L PINK - FINANCE ClJU�ICIl G CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL � / BLUE - MAYOR F�le NO.----�I _/��� � ouncil Reso�ution ; � I 15 . Presented B � Referred To Committee: date ��—d � Out of Committee By T�ate ' WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to increase pub�ic knowledge and understanding of city gover�ment and to furthelr the city's policies, goals and work plans by means of public service programming which is telecast on Municipal Channel 1�; and WHEREAS, such programming should be developed and co�►duct�d in an orderly fashion and according to recognized and consis�tent policies - and procedures; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the attached "Municipal Channel 18s Operating Policies and Procedures" are adopted to govern all p ogramming on Municipal Channel 18, and be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, that these operating policies a d procedures supersede in total those adopted as Council Resol tion 86-406, dated April 3, 1986. I i COUNCILMEN Requested by Depart�hent of: Yeas $� Nays ����,� � Finance & Manage ent Serv� es �a ��w�r� In Favor Scheibel I ? Sonnen �—_ Against BY ���kaNO Wilson �+ �� : V�+! � � i�8 Form pprove y � A ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e ouncil Secr ry BY _� B}, r A►pprov �Navor. Da � -�� c " �U Appr e by Mayor for Submissi C ncil By �IISl1�8 NOV ° 5 l98_8 � �� , � . . . � ��-�y�3 NiUNICIPAL CF[ANNEL 18: OPERATING POLICIES and PROCEDURES Prepared by the Department of Finance and Management Services Eugene A. Sc]uller, Director Division of Citywide Information Services Office of Cable Communications and Council Research Cable Productions Gerald Strathman, Council Research Director August 9, 1988 For further information, contact: Ms. Jeanne Bedard, Video Production Specialist Office of Cable Communications 901 Commerce Buildinq Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � ^ ' r � �� � . � �-/y.� Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 2 of 10 TABLE of CONTENTS I. Channel Identification II. Mission Statement and Goals III. Programming Guidelines IV. Materials Retention V. Public Access to Materials VI. Shared Use Agreement A. Channel Time B. Provision of Technical Assistance C. Publicity VII. Scheduling Policies and Procedures A. Scheduling Responsibilities B. Regularly-scheduled Programming C. Removal of Programming D. Emergency Programming I. Channel Identification - Channel Name: Saint Paul Municipal Channel 18 - Channel Logo/Slogan: HANNEL II. Mission Statement and Goals The purpose of Municipal Cable Channel 18 (referred to in this document as "the channel") is to increase the accessibility of City's elected officials and staff to the citizens of Saint Paul and to further the City's policies, goals, and work plan. Specific goals for the channel are: CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ` Y y � . : . • . l�tc. ��-145-3 Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Prooedures August 9, 1988 Page 3 of 10 -To increase public awareness and understanding of: the structure and functions of Saint Paul City government; City services, resources, and activities; and issues under discussion; -To stimulate citizen participation in City decision-making processes; -To increase communications between City residents and their government; -To produce programming of increasing quality and effectiveness; -To inform, to the extent possible within resources available, viewers about events and issues taking place in Saint Paul which are of interest to and relevant to City concerns; and -To evaluate the effectiveness of cable technology as a delivery system for information about the City of Saint Paul. III. Proqramminq Guidelines -All programming on the channel will be consistent with the above mission statement. -No programming falling into any of the following categories will be shown on the channel (see Appendix A for definitions) : a) commercial advertising b) lottery information c) obscene, indecent, or a defamatory matter d) advertising by or on behalf of legally qualified candidates for public office. -Responsibility for program content lies with the unit or individual originating the program. -Programming on the channel will depict people in a manner CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES . � . . , , �i1c�-/�.53 Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 4 of 10 which does not discriminate or foster discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion or ancestry, familial status, age, disability, marital status or status with regard to public assistance, and is consistent with the City's human rights ordinance. -Programming on the channel will not incorporate any copyrighted items unless written permission has been obtained prior to cablecasting of the material. IV. Materials Retention All materials produced for the channel, whether in text, video, or audio format, shall be considered public documents and shall be retained and handled in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 138.17 and 138.225. Audio or video source material (i.e. "raw footage" that is edited into a final format) need not be retained. V. Public Access to Materials All video and audio tapes and video text materials that are retained by the City in accordance with Section IV above shall be made available for public inspection on City premises upon request. When a request is received, materials will be made available within a reasonable amount of time, but no later than five (5) business days after receipt of the request. If inembers of the public wish copies of City tapes, the City may assess reasonable charges to cover the cost of time and materials. VI. Shared IIse Agreement A. Channel Time 1. The Office of Cable Communications and Council Research Cable Productions will share cablecast hours, with the programming schedule to be approved by Manager, Citywide Information Services Division. 2. Hours may be traded. CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES . ' ` /� ^�r� . � ' . �V _ /�V� Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 5 of 10 B. Provision ot Technical Assistance 1. Council Research Cable Productions will provide technical assistance to the City Council in the production of Council and Committee meetings and special programming as needed. 2. The Office of Cable Communications will provide technical support as needed within resources available, to City departments and offices wishing to prepare materials for the channel. 3. Personnel from the Office of Cable Communications may be asked to assist Council Research Cable Productions at the request of the Manager of Citywide Information Services. Personnel from Council Research Cable Productions may be asked to assist the Office of Cable Communications at the request of the Director of Council Research. 4. Depending on availability, equipment may be made available by the office of Cable Communications to Council Research Cable Productions and vice versa at the discretion of the appropriate video specialist. Each office shall be responsible for replacement/repair of parts lost or damaged through neglect or misuse. C. Publicity 1. The Office of Cable Communications and Council Research Cable Productions will share the cost of those publicity items which promote both departmental and Council programming, including production and distribution costs of said publicity. 2 . Each office may choose to produce, distribute and pay for publicity featuring its own programming. 3 . The cost of publicity promoting the channel in a general way will be equally shared by both offices. CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES . ` � � . . - , . ��-�u�-� Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 6 of 10 VII. Schedulinq Policies and Procedures A. schedulinq Responsibilities Legislative scheduling will be managed by Council Research Cable Productions and Departmental scheduling will be managed by the Office of Cable Communications. 1. Monthly schedules are due by the 14th of each month. 2. Weekly changes/updates must be made by: a) 10:00 a.m. Tuesday before affected week for delivery to St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch. b) 10:00 a.m. Thursday before affected week for delivery of playback logs to Continental. 3 . Daily changes in the schedule will be decided jointly by the Lead Video Production Specialist in the Office of Cable Communications and the Lead Video Production Specialist in Council Research Cable Productions. These changes should be reflected on the channel videotext. Videotext changes originated by the Office of Cable Communications are the responsibility of the Lead Video Production Specialist in the Office of Cable Communications. Videotext changes originated by Council Research Cable Productions are the responsibility of the Lead Video Production Specialist in Council Research Cable Productions. B. Reqularly-scheduled Proqramminq Regularly scheduled spots will be given to: 1. Pre-recorded program series of five (5) or more programs of which at least two are completed at time of scheduled initial airing. 2. Live program series with plans and production schedules for three (3) or more programs. CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES . � ` ' p' . . � �/ ✓ Ad ��/� � Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 7 of 10 C. Removal of Proqramminq Programs shall be removed from the schedule if they: 1. Are in a regularly scheduled spot, but no new segments are produced for two (2) consecutive scheduled spots, or they 2. Contain untimely or incorrect information, or they 3 . Do not meet technical standards requiring a clear audio and video signal. D. Emerqency Proqramminq 1. Procedure: Emergency scheduling (defined as programming of extreme significance to viewers and whose significance is time-dependent) must be arranged through the Office of Cable Communications, which may choose to: a. bump scheduled programming (with notification of change given to program producer along with rescheduling of the bumped program) . b. trade time slots among programs. c. schedule during available time slots. 2 . Guidelines for emergency scheduling are as follows: a. Emergency program must meet channel programming guidelines (section III, above) . b. Emergency program must have approval of the Mayor's Office (Administration Branch origin) or City Council President (Legislative Branch origin) . CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES . N . ��-,�� Mwnicipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Prooedures August 9, 1988 Page 8 of 10 APPENDIB A: DEFINITIONS A. Commercial Advertising: Any advertising material designed to promote the sale of products or services not generated by the City. B. Lottery Information: Any advertisement of or information concerning any gift enterprises, a similar scheme offering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or chance, or any list of prizes drawn or awarded by means of any such lottery, gift, enterprise, or scheme. C. Obscene or Indecent Matter: A program is obscene when, to the average person applying contemporary community standards, the program taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest; the program depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct, that is, patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated or patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions, or lewd exhibition of the genitals; and the program taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. D. Defamatory Matter: Defamatory matter is anything which exposes a person or a group, corporation, class or association to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation or disgrace in society, or injury to his or its business or occupation and any other matter which renders an individual issuing defamatory matter subject to liability for damages within the laws of the state of Minnesota. E. Legally Qualified Candidate for Public Office: A legally qualified candidate is: 1. Any person who: a. Has publicly announced his or her intention to run for nomination or office; b. Is qualified under the applicable local, State or CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES + r . • � � r�iX/�� d'd Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 9 of 10 Federal law to hold the office for which he or she is a candidate; and, c. Has met the qualifications set forth in either subparagraphs (2) , (3) or (4) , below. 2. A person seeking election to any public office including that of President or Vice President of the United States, or nomination for any public office except that of President or Vice President, by means of a primary, general or special election, shall be considered a legally qualified candidate if, in addition to meeting the criteria set forth in subpara�graph (1) above, that person: a. Has qualified for a place on the ballot, or b. Has publicly committed himself or herself to seeking election by the write-in method and is eligible under applicable law to be voted for by sticker, by writing in his or her name on the ballot or by other method, and makes a substantial showing that he or she is a bona fide candidate for nomination or office. 3. A person seeking nomination to any public office except that of President or Vice President of the United States by means of a convention, caucus or similar procedure, shall be considered a legally qualified candidate if, that person makes a substantial showing that he or she is a bona fide candidate for such nomination: Except, that no person shall be considered a legally qualified candidate for nomination by the means set forth in this paragraph prior to 90 days before the beginning of the convention, caucus or similar procedure in which he or she seeks nomination. 4. A person seeking nomination for the office of President or Vice President of the United States shall be considered a legally qualified candidate only in those States or territories (or the District of Columbia) in CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES , ,, y , ������ Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures August 9, 1988 Page 10 of 10 which: a. He or she, or proposed delegates on his or her behalf, have qualified for the primary or Presidential preference ballot in that State, territory or the District of Columbia, or b. He or she has made a substantial showing of bona fide candidacy for such nomination in that State, territory or the District of Columbia. CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES �,� ` ' on.r rre�e�m w►te cartiet�n ._ . _. G�� �;% _ / t " _� �m/$8 . : f'� _ g#rl : �' r�o.t�0 � 2 , o�rrr waECroA r �r" �u„�c,n ron�ss�rur� ' i� �C�tiT3► HBLtP'� . ��EA FOR Fr�wace a�s�+vices o�+ecran �cmr cc�.E�ac ROti�Ki �r�oa _ i�ance � M�m��C:�s�� 2ss-4s8s a�: — — _ - . : _,::-- RECEIVED �- . evision of Channel 18 Operation Policies and Procedures. AU G 1 '_ 1988 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR F FiNANCE (1�pprwa{A)a Rsject(Fi)) COtNOqL 11�El1RCN RBrORT: .. .. .�.PLA111N0 001/A18010N CNIL 8ERV�CE f�8310N DATE IN. . � DATE OUT� . �...� . �. � � PFIOIYE Na -�. . � � . 204pW�OOA�M6810N IBD 626�FIOOL BOARD � . . . . . � . . � -. .BTAFF. . .. CWIR7ER lbAM�1pN �. . WMPLETE�AS IB � _ �i-AOD'l�O.ADOED�' .__ 74�L���. _��• � . �� ��,,�: RE�EIVE� - . ..�,�,��, _ � : AU G 1 N 1988 . . �ITY:�A�'�`��4���:°� � REC�rvEo ..�►,�,r.�.���,�.�►�:�.�,.,�.��: U G 1 � 198g Previous polici�s (CR 86-908) were not clearly enough written and inc.luded administrative details not aPPropriate -to couricil policy`.. : iV1AY0R'S OFfiGE . RECEli/ED . _.: ;���oweww:�eMr�oe.:�: . : _ . .._ , AU G 2 � 19$$ ��►�-YC1�"S G;F�G� �� . ��.v�,:.�,arow�,o�,r. : , ,. �n $r. , . , , AUG 2 � 19$$ �:,�►,�.: � � -- —--- — — _— =_ _ Y. � 0��. o., � o � • GEORGE LATIMER , ,,,,�„ro � I � ����� MA YOR . . - I � � � MtTORY/Pl�i1'i: • � `�s� R9 G�-�s c,�.ti2 c��Ue�� ' �- k s� I � � � �� �� ��� c /2 S� � � � �`Y . °�� v� � ���;� ��� ����. � �� � � t � � ��� � � ��,��y� Members: � Kiki Sonnen, chair CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger Goswitz ;iiisii'�ii ' � � OI'FICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Bab Long .�- •��• Staff: Joe Hannasch, Research KIK( SONNEN , . Donna Sanders, Secretary Councilmember Agenda Date: Friday, October 7, 1988 Jane McPeak, Attorney MOLLY O'ROURKE Legisiative Aide Rules and Policy Commi�tee Report l. Approval of minutes of the September 2, 1988 Meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. RESOLUTION 4�88-1406 - amending Administrative Code Appendix A-14 pertaining to announcement of co�ittee vacancies created by resignation or death and establishing maximum number of terms for , coarmittee service. (Referred to R & P Committee 8/25/88, .laid over in Committee from 9/2/88. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION CONTAINING AMENDMENTS 3. RESOLUTION ��88-1451 - An ordinance amending Section 3.01.8 of the City Charter pertaining to Mayoral appointments with Council approval of members to City boards, commissions and other advisory bodies. (Referred to R & P Committee 9/6/88 - Charter Commission recommends approval) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. RESOLUTION 4�88-1443 - Reconfirming the authority of the City Attorney's Office to negotiate and settle all claims not to exceed $1,000 without necessity of Council resolution. (Referred to R & P Committee 9/1/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH A VOTE OF 2 TO 1 5. RESOL�UT��:�$5-1453 - Adopting Municipal Channel 18 Ogerating Policies and Proced�res to supersede C.F. 86-408 adopted April 3, 1986. (Referred to R � P Committee 9/6/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDMENT TO PAGE 7 OF 10 OF OPERATING POI.ICIES �AND PROCEDIIRES 6. ORDINANCE 4�88-621 - Amending Chapter 111 of the Administrative Code • pertaining to the Ethical Practices Board by changing the name from Election Board to Ethical Practices Board, by including reports and statements filed under Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code as items to be reviewed by the Board by allowing the Board to make recommendations regarding the City's code of ethics, by allowing citizens to file complaints with the Board for alleged violations of Chapter 29 of the Legislative Code and Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code, and by adding an intent section stating the manner in which this chapter should be interpreted and applied by the Board. (Referred to Committee 5/3/88, laid over in committee from 6/3/88, 8/S/88 and 9/2/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE CONTAINING AMENDMENTS CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ' PAUL, MINNESOT� 55102 , Fi12i298-S378 sa.�vaa � � . � ��/�� Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Procedures October 7, 1988 Page 7 , 1. Are in a regularly scheduled spot, but no new segments are produced for two (2) consecutive ' � scheduled spots, or they 2. - Contain untimely or incorrect information, or they 3. Do not meet technical standards requiring a clear audio and video signal. D. Emerqenay Proqramminq 1. Procedure: Emergency scheduling (defined as programming of extreme significance to viewers and whose significance is time-dependent) must be arranged through the Office of Cable Communications, which may choose to: . a. bump scheduled programming (with notification of change given to program producer along with rescheduling of the bumped program) . b. trade time slots among programs. c. schedule during available time slots. 2. Guidelines for emergency scheduling are as follows: a. Emergency program must meet channel programming guidelines (section III, above) . b. Emergency program must have approval of the Mayor or, in his/her absence, the Deputy Mayor (Administration Branch origin) or City Council President c�, in his/her �bsen�e, the City C�uncil Vice Presiden� (Legislative Branch origin) . CHANNEL 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURE5