88-1449 WMITE - C�TV CLERK J COVIICII /�� PINK - FINAN.CE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR �� FIIe NO. � Council Res tion o�, o �s Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, THE Council of the City of Saint Paul has recognized in its goals a need for a new statement of policy to guide continuing development and improvement of housing in the City; WHEREAS, THE City must, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 473.858 and 473.859, include a housing element in its Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, b�tt� tt�� Council and Planning Commission have determined that the present Comprehensive Plan housing element adopted in 1980 is out of date; and WHEREAS, a process has been developed which provides for City Council, Planning Commission, Administration, and broad community participation in development of a new housing plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of St. Paul initiates the preparation of a new Housing Plan for amendment to the Comprehensive Plan by the process outlined in The I�ousing Plan: Organization and Process dated August 24, 1988 and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � ��;�� Against By Sonnen Wilson SEP – 6 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s d ouncil , eta BY ,�.�l...[.t.,Q �- . By / - 7 1988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve� Mav ;�Da�i� — By ' � B3' PU�1.lSNE� ���P 1 '7 1988 . ; • � �� ��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL HOUSING PLAI�: ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS � I. ORGANIZATION CITY COUNCIL HOUSING PLAN COMMITTEE Members: City Council members; (Co-chair persons of the Planning Commission Housing Plan Committee to serve in a liaison role) Function: The City Council Housing Plan Committee will hold hearings in the first phase of the process with intergovernmental representatives involved for a broad review of housing in Saint Paul; will transmit their findings and priority issues to the Planning Commission Task Force for attention in development of the Housing Plan; and will provide input and direction to the strategies developed by the Housing Plan Task Force of the Planning Commission through review and comment on each. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REPRESENTATIVES , Members: Representatives of the U.S. Congress,the Minnesota legislature,the Metropolitan Council,and Ramsey County Function: This group will participate with the City Council Housing Plan Committee in a broad review of housing in the City and identification of critical issues in the first phase of the planning process. Thereafter,they can be called upon as appropriate for help with the resolution of particular issues. They will provide input from other perspectives and help obtain needed commitment to recommend actions at other governmental levels. 1 Housing Plan: Organization and Process : � ���.�y PLANNING COMMISSION HOUSING PLAN TASK FORCE Members: Planning Commission members Function: A special task force of the Planning Commission will develop alternative strategies for each of the major issues identified,drawing upon expertise and interest in the community through workshops or focus groups on particular issues. It will develop a series of issues papers that analyze the major policy issues,evaluate alternative strategies,and present tentative conclusions. After review and comment on these papers by the Housing Committee of the City Council,the Task Force will synthesize all the issue papers into a draft housing plan for recommendation to the full Planning Commission. , PLANNING COMMISSION , Function: The job of the Planning Commission is to recommend a plan to the Mayor and City Council including appropriate policy responses to the issues identified in the first phases of the process. The Commission must also ensure that policy established in the new Housing Plan is integrated with other city policy,and see that there is broad community participation and review of the plan. HOUSING MANAGEMENT GROUP Members: Key management people from city agencies that deal with housing and will be responsible for much of the work of implementing plan recommendations. � Function: This group will help to make sure that strategy proposals considered are realistic,that information needed by participants is available,that action possibilities they are aware of are considered,and that their agencies are prepared to implement plan recommendaiions. 2 Housing Plan: Organization and Process . , . ���� II. PROCESS . . Phase I: ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENT SITUATION --A series of hearings will be held by the City Council Housing Plan Committee with the participation of intergovernmental representatives. Each hearing will focus on a broad subject area and provide for input from persons representing a variety of housing interests and concerns. Phase II: ISSUE PRIORITIES,ESTABLISHING THE SCOPE OF THE PLAN --The City Council Housing Plan Committee will develop its conclusions of important findings and priority issues for a new housing plan from the information presented and transmit these in the form of a scoping report to the Planning - Commission. � --The Planning Commission will release the scoping report of the City Council Committee for community review,and schedule a public hearing for comment on the priority issues for a new Housing Plan. --Following the public hearing,the Planning Commission Task Force will draft a recommended Agenda for the new plan and forward this to the City Council Housing Plan Committee for adoption. Phase III: ANALYSIS OF ISSUES AND STRATEGY ALTERNATIVES —The Planning Commission's Housing Plan Task Force will oversee research and analysis for each major issue and identify the important strategy alternatives to be considered. —The Planning Commission's Housing Task Force will consult with community representatives who have special interest,experience,or expertise relevant to particular issues. 3 Housing Plan: Organization and Process _ � �: � � �'�`���- ( Phase III,cont'd) --The Task Force will produce a series of issue papers that analyze the major policy questions identified in the agenda,evaluate alternative strategies,and set forth tentative conclusions. --Each issue paper will be submitted to the City Council Housing Plan Committee who will review the papers and respond with comments and further direction to the Planning Commission Task Force.Each issue paper will also be submitted to the Mayor for his information and review/comment. Phase IV: SYNTHESIS OF STRATEGY AND COMPLETION OF THE PLAN —The Housing Plan Task Force will produce a draft Housing Plan,synthesizing.the issues and strategies discussed in Phase III and integrating the comments and direciions recommended by the City Council Housing Plan Committee.The draft Plan will be transmitted to the full Planning Commission. --The Planning Commission will issue a draft Plan,schedule a public hearing,and encourage broad community review. --With any revisions indicated by the community review completed,a plan will be recommended by the Planning Commission to the Mayor and City Council. --The Mayor will review the final draft Plan recommended by the Planning Commission and submit his own comments and recommendations to the City Council for its consideration. ` --The Housing Plan Committee of the City Council will review the final draft Plan and will submit comments and recommendations as a part of the full City Council's deliberations. —The Council Economic Development and Housing Committee will review the plan and recommend to the Council. --The Metropolitan Council and adjacent communities will be given an opportunity to review the plan. 4 Housing Plan: Organization and Process _ ,� � ' ��j� ( Phase IV,conE'd) --The City Council,with any further consideration and revision it finds appropriate, will approve by resolution the new Housing Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan,replacing the Housing Plan of 1980. --The City Council will submit the resolution approving the new Housing Plan to the Mayor for review and action. � 5 Housing Plan: Organization and Process v� .� O ��.� �`�.r �' �`s' V�'p vv � � � �`��. ?`��' `s's `�� � �><.;,, j �p ::,.,:, � >::... c� ``'.�` cn � � �j�� cn '� ��'�. ��'�'�, V �� ��'' � O a'' C=a ��p � P�c' � ,� �O P _ �� bA ��' �� �'�� � �� � .� �'.r� 4�� � .�v. � �v� � � � :. � �� r � : � . ��� ��, � �`��- ��� � �`'� ., � o� `�s � � ... � � w `��� �j �.�� . 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