88-1441 WHI.7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /y� )//` CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �✓ - • • �/ BLUE - MAVOR 1 , uncil Resolution , -�� .���� 1 ' Presented -- c �� Referred To � , �:./ Cammittee: Date �''f' �� Out of Committee By Date 4+TEIEREAS, '�he Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul� does certify that there are available �for appropriation total revenue� in exc��s of thos� estimated in the 1988 budget; and b•�i�RE1�15, Council Fil` 27751U, adoptea October 1, 1981, did establish certain S�cial I'und �olicies; and 6VHEREAS, `Phe Mayor recom�7ends that th� following additions be made to the 1988 budget: FINAI�CTNG C Amendecl r'und �10. Activity iVames & Nos. Bu�d� Chan es Budyet 2�0 Traffic Maint.-L�rojects -0- 6100 6100 12005-7299 `i'ran�f�r In - General ��'und ilet Change 6100 5PENDI�IG PL��i 2�0 Traffic Maint.-Projects 12005-0�339 -0- 6100 6100 O'cher Shop r�quipment etc. �7�t Change 610U ivow, ther`fnre, b� it i2E50LVEA, that the City Cauncil adopts the a�aove additions to the 1988 budget. AP�ROVED BY COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Diu�ond [n Favor Gnswitz �� LoiZg y� Against BY Retti�n � Scheibel ��ilson SOr►nen �� Form p oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary C� �i(, , BY � • �� By l ! tApproved by {Vlavor: Date App Mayor for miss'on to ncil By BY �' � WHJjE — CI TY CLERfl��:. . . . � . e '� � ' :. _.. . ....._- . . . � f � . . G I T Y O F ,,��I 1,1�'T PA U L �Council ` � . f � 1��/ PA4K INA4JCE � � .CANARV —�EP0.RTMtNT - �.BIUE — N/AVOR � _ � / - � _ . . FLiQ �NO. ` �=�� ( �- i . • • _ _ � � ouncil �ol�tio �� ., , � . _ .�� �_. tJ� .�t-- , � � .-� � . , Presented y ;:'.,:' �,�'•°'�"`� ..-, Referred �o -�f`` '' � �--, `�' '� � "�-��`�• Committee: Date � � 1' � ` Out of Committee By Date ' 1�• '!M� �ot� p� � �etL�► �ti.0?.l o� t�t �c v! !M t� � 9�t« lw�t� �dlor �ttf� tM� th�r a� a�t�labl� �ot ap@�+�pt3a�w Eetal s�w�r �u000r o! tlrorn a�Ri�sR� 3u tat 14i� l�ti an� '� 1N��a Oo�KI ri�1 277'i1�D� a�op!'�A OM'�ob�t t, ]�16�t� d3+d �lia�A �lsl �rd <+r'" r' ��rst a�! �.- � M�� � �t t�oo��as tirt � �ullati�g aiditiao� b� Go tl� 1� bol�at�t . �. � �" � � � �,,, ��aA:l.ita►�..�,..s..��. .� �. T' �AA �aattic �L�ot.-�l�c+a��cts *�t- 61AE? � �i2Q0► 12�OC3-�?2!9 lt�d�e In - G�s'ri l�a�3 �, �, t�r 61a0 ,►�� _._..�..,�� . �0 � �it�[iQ �aisl.��to�t►j�cts . y, 2�Ot'�6-0� -#�- 67ALt 6�iQ ._. t�ri��t Mr� ���t �a. t�i0�f - � � � � �i �f � �t �1 �` ti'�I! �� �+ 1 idOQ�i tMl! �N ��Zp� '�'i0 '� 1� � � s�r 'r� - (� � . 4`' _, COUNCILMEN '� Requested by Department of: -- Yeas , Nays � ��a [n Favor � �`� t.olll�i ts i } :i' T , � , �, ' ��± �f t. �.:�/ � ;��€ , ,����-�.� Against BY ` �b�l f ; i.,,� . � �� • ' ` Form Approved by City Attorney � :Adopte�;�Y.'Council;r. Qate - „ ., , .... . ..�v .-.�� � - , ..:;.,: .r... � ..�,� �..4 " .. . ' .. . . . , . . � . � . Certified Passed by Gouneil Secretary ��:.��st � _ BY ` �� �'' By '^ ` ..` A►pproved by iNavor: Date ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ; BY By . �,n�,� �� �S�/��� _"� ' . : ���1` �►.O t����2 . �� - , . �_����,�,. , � � $ �b� � ��� : � : � _ - �Chairx Fin�nr-o . ; at�t: � . . . . �.. � � . ..'� .. . .CfTYATTORNEV � . . . . . , . :: Amer�i Che 1988 b�x�g�t fo� TraEgic Maint.e�ice Projects.Tncrease �he epending authority of availabl:e funds a.n the Ticaffi� special funds 2+�0 account to-purchase hydraulic tools.ar�d _ powex �it €or: a traffi� mainCenance sign truck. - , , ` }: 1�:(#ovbw N):a�tR?) , COI�NCI�M�ffAaCN aEPOtir: : � .. RAIlIMK�OOIir18910N:. �� � �... ..CMt BERVICE�SIQN � nATE ni � � DAtE ottT : �� NML.YBT � . . ��� � . P410NE'NC. ��. �� . � '��. . � .. � ZOlNK�Cp�8810N � . . 180�Y6 8p100L BOAHD� � ' . . .. .. . .. - . .. - - `� . . �ll��SFAFF� � . � , �� f?1AqTFR QOAAM18810N : . � �COMPL£TE AB� � �-ADD AVFO..AD�W +��'{b ����� . . .._L3 OISTNICTfbUNOA. � ' . . . � - ,: � " . ., . ,. i , �� 8U�P0lITS YNpp7 fXMllipL.OiiE'fIVE? � � . . . � . . +cs-. '°w`"""i��p � AU G 1 i 1�$' �U� 18198a ITY ��'������ � _ MAYOR'S 4FFICE rrrM,ria.eos�e��e.orro�rn,Nrt,i�.wn.e.v�.v�a�.+nmrr. T+a inQrove the abili�y�of trlaffic sign cr�s to install acxl maintain t�affic signs. The � . pawer. tools will replace.hanjd tools. It r�ill enab3s.crew� ta work mare efficient�.y anrl be more pnoc]uctive. The .tools ,'�ill :equip an add�tit�a�l �sign t�ck anr� c��ew t� da•vork on pavingr brid� and ssw�er de�our signin9.1,nro7ects. : . ' _ , +ub'�IRICI�tICit�.Adtir+o.r.-flr�t: , . . :,, . . , l , . - _ &x�get �ocedure: Thfs �rchas� will result in �C �avirtgs ar�d f,ncreas�d p�ac�uctivity, by decreaeing the tiu� neceasary for sign instaliations. . ; _ �� • _ _ ,. . t�owe�ui�t lw�.wn«,..�a ro wao�:� — . - - . • " � . Council Research Center . - . � . ��A Il�1� �'�._�� : AUG 1� t� _ - . , euaoEr�'tn� - �:�►,�: � : � . : . � _ N/A �rr�n�oairs: _ � ' Routirie a�iriiatra��.�v�a actic�ri. _ , �.w��ue�: . � . -. N/A . . , . ' . � ����7/ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��ti . ;_;,'��j ��� OFFICE OF TI3F CITY COU�TCIL Cammittee Report F:i�ance, Mana�eme�t, & Personnel Committee. September 19, 1988 1. H�,proval of minutes of September 12 meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 88-1339 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved as amended adding $400,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Property Management Fund-City Hall Annex. (Referred from Council August 16, laid over September 12) '• 3. Resolution 88-1286 - amending the 1988 budgEt by Approved as amend�ed adding $20,000 to the Financing and Spending�Pians for Tuition Reimbursement Program. (kzferred from Council August 25, laid over September 1 4. Re so l ut i on.-�;�-"f��� � .ar�a�d.i ng t�e #�$88 budg�t by ��,�,,m adding �,1� the Fin��ing �nd 5pending Plans �'or �'�raf�f°i�*-'�t�tena�ice p�jects. (Referred from n �`�"��er 1 , laid over September 12) 5. Discussion of Mayor's recommendations and Finance Resolution 88-1520 Committee's recommendations for sewer rates. approved as •amended 6. Appearance of Mary Jane Rachner regarding Fire • Department personnel/human rights. � 7. Adjourn. CITY HALL SEVENT'H FLOOR SAINT'PAUL, MINNESOTA SSt02 ��s