88-1436 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK C.INK -.�FINANCE COURCII DG CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L /{ /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• "' `� `/ � .Council Resolution '� �,� Presented By ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subds. 1 and 4 and Resolution of the Saint Paul Charter Commission , the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby designates November 8, 1988 as the date for a special election to place before the electorate of the City of Saint Paul the issue of whether or not the Charter of the City of Saint Paul should be amended to read as follows : "Charter Section 8.01. Initiative, referendum and recall. The people shall have the right to propose ordinances, to require ordinances to be submitted to a vote, and to recall elective officials by processes known respectively as initiative, referendum and recall. The foregoing shall not apP1y to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in emplo�ment, education, ho— using, up blic accommodation or ublic services based —r--r— — —r— —t—� on race, creed, religion, sex, color, national origin, famiTlial status, age, disabili� marital status, status with regard to ublic assistance, or sexual ori ntation. — COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman �6e1�� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � �' ��-'°' P-f�'`� �/zy/—r �� gy, tapproved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . _ ���i �.� . Charter Section 8 . 04 . Initiative. Any ordinance may be proposed by a petition which shall state at the head of each page or attached thereto the exact text of the ordinance sought to be proposed. If the council fails to enact the ordinance without change within sixty (6�!) days after the filing of the petition with the city clerk, it shall be placed on the ballot at the next general election in the city which occurs on or after the 120th day from the filing of the petition with the city clerk. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance vote in its favor , it shall become effective imm ediately. The foregoing shall not apply to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing, pu—bl c accommodation or publ c services based on race, creed, religion, sex, color, national orig�n, familial �1 T• � �� status, age, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientat n. Charter Section 8. 05. Referendum. Any ordinance or resolution passed pursuant to subdivisions ( 5 ) or (6 ) of Section 6. �13. 3 of this Charter may be subjected to referendum by a petition filed within forty = five ( 45 ) days after its publication. The petition shall state, at the head of each page or in an attached paper, a description of the ordinance or resolution involved. Any ordinance or resolution upon which a petition is filed , other than an emergency ordinance, shall be suspended in its operation as soon as the petition is found sufficient. If the ordinance or resolution is not thereafter entirely repealed, it shall be placed on the ballot at the next election, or at a special election called for that purpose , as the council shall determine. The ordinance or resolution shall not become operative until a m ajority of those voting on the ordinance or resolution vote in its favor. If a petition is filed against an em ergency ordinance, the ordinance shall remain in effect, but shall be placed on the ballot at the next election or a special election called for that purpose, and shall be repealed if a majority of those voting on the ordinance vote to repeal it. 2 ��Z��PI� M�MITE - C�TV CLERK P4NK -•FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �I CANARV - DEPARTMENT y�"'/�3 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � V Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The foregoing shall not apply to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing� , ublic accommodation or ublic services based on race, creed, religion, sex, color, �T�i � ���T T T� national origin, familial status, age, disabilit� marital status , status with re ard to ublic ---,---- ----- ------ ---- --�-- -- �----- assistance, or sexual orientation." and, be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 4, the Council hereby adopts the following language for the ballot for the November 8, 1988 special election: Shall Sections 8.�1 , 8.�4 and 8.�5 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be am ended so as to rem ove from the processes of initiative and referendum an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodation or public services based on race, creed, religion, sex , color , national origin, familial status , age, disability, m arital status , status with regard to public assistance or sexual orientation. YES [ ] NO [ ] COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswit�/ Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �� /� / AUG 3 a �9$8 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas- d by Council Secretary BY '�Cl''k2 i4` �'�'�G�!��- ��z�/fJp} By - " '� t#pprove Mavor: Date _ � — 1 ��pp Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� $y — BY ��.as��� s�_� 10 �98a . .�, ��_,��s� �..�.. SAINT PAUL C R COMMISSION ; , `��, E � ,1 , , c � ' __�..� , SAINT PAUL, �,. MINNESOTA 55102 � RECEIVED August 18 , 1988 AUG 18 1988 CITY CLERK Rlbert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find a Resolution adopted by the Saint Paul Charter Commission at its meeting today and which proposes amend- ments to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 8 . 01 , 8 . 04 and 8.05 to the electorate at the November 8 , 1988 general election. Please place it on the next available City Council agenda. Thank you. Yours truly, �� � � � � . Raymond W. Faricy, Jr. , Pres� Saint Paul Charter Commission za � �- / � /�-�f° .. . ��--�-- RESOLUTION OF THE SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS, at its regularly scheduled meetings on May 26, 1988 and June 23, 1988, the Saint Paul Charter Com mission received testimony from the public and discussed proposing to the voters at the general election on November 8, 1988, amendm ents to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 8.01, 8. 04 and 8. 05; and WHEREAS, the Commission is persuaded by testimony received that in the past the processes of initiative and referendum have been used almost exclusively to deny protection against discrimination and in contravention to City policy as expressed in Section 183.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; no w, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 41�.12, Subds. 1 and 4, the Saint Paul Charter Commission hereby transmits the attached amendm ents to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 8.01, 8.P14 and 8.05 to the Council for the City of Saint Paul for inclusion on the ballot at the general election to be held on November 8 , 1988; and , be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Charter Commission hereby recommends the following language for the ballot to the Council of the City of Saint Paul : Shall Sections 8.01 , 8.014 and 8.05 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be amended so as to remove from the processes of initiative and referendum an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodation or public services based on race, creed , religion, sex , color , national origin , familial status , age , disability, marital status , status with regard to public assistance or sexual orientation. YES [ ] NO [ ] 1 , + L , - G�-�-/y�� Charter Section 8.�J1. Initiative, referendum and recall . The people shall have the right to propose ordinances, to require ordinances to be submitted to a vote, and to recall elective officials by processes known respectively as initiative , referendum and recall. The foregoing sha11 not aPPly to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodat.ion or public services based on race, creed, re�on, sex, color, national or,igin, familial status, age, disability, ma tir al status, status with regard to publi—'c assi ts ance, or sexual- or ntation. Charter Section 8. 04. Initiative. Any ordinance may be proposed by a petition which shall state at the head of each page or attached thereto the exact text of the ordinance sought to be proposed. If the council fails to enact the ordinance without change within sixty (60) days after the filing of the petition with the city clerk, it shall be placed on the ballot at the next general election in the city which occurs on or after the 120th day from the filing of the petition with the city clerk. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance vote in its favor , it shall become effective immediately. The foregoing shall not aPPly to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discr mination in employment, education, housing, public accommodation or ublic services based on race, creed, religion, sex, color, national origin familT status, age' disability, marital status, status with regard to pub c assistance, or sexual orie-' nt t on. — — — Charter Section 8. 05. Referendum. Any ordinance or resolution passed pursuant to subdivisions (5) or (6) of Section 6.03.3 of this Charter may be subjected to referendum by a petition filed within forty=five (45) days after its publication. The petition shall state, at the head of each page or in an attached paper , a description of the ordinance or resolution involved. Any ordinance or resolution upon which a petition is filed , other than an emergency ordinance, shall be suspended in its operation as soon as the petition is found sufficient. If the ordinance or resolution is not thereafter entirely repealed , it shall be placed on the ballot at the next election, or at a special election called for that purpose , as the council shall determine. The ordinance or resolution shall not becom e operative until a majority of those voting on the ordinance or resolution vote in its favor. 2 . .� � ��=�-�y�� If a petition is filed against an emergency ordinance, the ordinance shall remain in effect , but shall be placed on the ballot at the next election or a special election called for that purpose, and shall be repealed if a majority of those voting on the ordinance vote to repeal it. The foregoing shall not apply to an ordinance or ordinances which prohibit discrimination in employment, education, housing, public accommodation or public services based on race, creed, religTi n sex, color, national origin, famil al status, age disability, marital status, status with rega�d to public assistance, or sexual orientation. — — 3 .;�� � ' � �� /h�-� � -__~~ :� � . �_ :_.� �y �-: CITY OB' S�INT PAUL ` ��_ y�' . ::�.�-��• � - .,,. ��- .:ill I�.� �a a iV.�Q� i.ali� � CQ�./il ' _._ .. .r=�+��. • • � _.;'� �"i' • ....- . • ' _ _� �.C�� ° . . . • . . _ _. -«o�.;r„�-.;. �an�mi�tee Repart - -�=�.` -�: . __._ �::...._ �ance e t & P rso eI �ommi��ee. ���Y �� ���� _ � � .�..—_...._ .; ._ _ . . -- -_��.�- - _ August� 29, .1988• � ' . . . 1.� App�oval of min�tes of ineetings held August. 8 a I5. Approyed FI NANCE b MANAG MENT . . . �,�_' • 2. Resolution 88-1303 - amending the I988 Capitai Appro�ved as..�t�� � . Imprcveme�t Budget by transferring $241,020 for structurai repair of the Riverview Bcanch Library. iReferred from Council August 9, laid ove� in Committee August 22) � 3. Resolution 88-1339 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid ov�er to Septe�tber I2 addi�g $400,000 to the Financing 3 Spending Plans for • ` � " Property Management Fund-City Hall Annex. iReferred � from Council August lb) � • 4.� Resolution 88-1349 - approving the sale of tax Approvecl_a,s amended forfeited lands as� tisted. (Referred from Eouncil •� ` August 16) � PERSONNEL ` .� . . 5. 0 i scuss i on of po 1 i - -`-�� -"""- cy regarding budge�ary in�act of La3d over to tem�ber IZ. reciassifications ��- --���-- 6. Resalution 88-1305 - changing the rate of pay for Laid .over to Sep�ember I2 . Environmental Health Technicia� Supervisor from - c� Grade 38 to Grade 40 of the Technical Standard - - Ranges in the 5alary Plan and Rates. of Compensation .� � Resofution. (Referred from Councii August 9, laid over in Committee Augusfi 22) 7. Appearance of Frank L. Loss on' behalf of the St. Paul Discusseci Police Retirement Association concerning pension benefits. . ___ _ _ _ ,_ ___.. _.._ : ---._.. . _ � _... _..,._.._-----.,._._...,_. :\dditional Item $• � i�'$8-1436 - adopting valid language Approved ' ming-to City Charter Section 8.01, 8.44 • and 8.OS to be submitt,ed to the el�tc�,�b at the November 8, 1988, general e�ec�'ion. . • � r i C� �'�- SEVENTH FLOOtt S�1INT PAUL.MINNESOT�1 SSIaZ -�,a�... . . . , . .s 3. -���- _' '_—_—_._____—__—__.