88-1435 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCIl P ,/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. u � -�•� BI.UE - MAVOR � Council Resolution �� ��; Presented By �� ��—�� � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #32082) for an On Sale Wine (Menu Item Only) applied for by Yang's Restaurant, Inc. DBA Yang's Restaurant at 1676 Suburban Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �J B Scheibel � _-i�_ A gai ns t Y Sonnen � , AUG 3 01988 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Qate _ �/�/� Certified Ya: ed by Council Secretary BY sy, �i/� A►pprove y �Navor: Date :�a7EP " � pW Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By �t1�.iSNE� �i,=�=�1��88 � ! ; • . . . . �"�r� _ . _ . .. . _}' .� .. . . .�, . � . .. .. . DATl.1M�IATlD,�.. .-OARCOIlLlT�. . M���� V��� nV. O� � :.. O V V. . �1"s �• Cdl"C�@dl cOKtACT oEr�Kr oinEC�roR wuvaR�oa�sru�r� Kris Schweir�ler-UanHorrr ��r,� °` +�8��� ��� "°. R«mrx� �� 2 Caunci l Research , or+��n: � «;�,;,,,n�Y — , . _ � , ;:: Application for an On Sale Wine (Menu Item Qnly} � Notification Date: 7-15-88 Hearing Date: 8-30-88 tiw�N:tMv�+(�)a 'fi�1) cot�cK.nESe�acN nevoar: , . . . PLANNINO OOM�ION I�IL SERYK�OOMM6910N DA7E IN � . DATE OU� � MMLYST� . . . . - - � PMONE NO. . . . . � � aDtYNO COAM�ION . . � 16�6?S SCF100L 80ARD � - � ' . . . � . 9TAFf � � � � fxiARTER��1 - . COMPLETE AS IS - � ADDi MIFO.AODED� . � F�TD TO OONTA�T. . . . �ITUEN'f . � . . . . , . . . . , _ . _FOR�AbDLIM'0. . _FEE08ACK�ADOEO�* . DISTRICT COUNCL •E%PLANATION: . � . � � � - . � . &MPOpTS YYMqi.00UNdL OBJECTNE� � , . � . .. . . _ � ,� . � . N1M1/1O�RO�I.E11.NNlf.. (MAw.WhBt.YNMn.W119fe.WhY). Yang's Rest�urant Inc. DBA Yang's Restrauant (Chong Dau Yang, Pres. ) _ :request Council approval of the On SaTe Wine: Licens�������ion at 1676 Suburban Ave. esearch Center J U L 19198$ :. ,�,�,�t�.�.;�>: Ali fees and applications have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved the applica.tion. oo�au�twti+�.wn.�.�a To w�w�: � , _ I If .Council approva] is not received, applicant wi11 not be a�lowed - to serve wirae as a part of their menu. p.�sarn►�nres: . vnos coMS . �oarr�s: �i�Al IB�uES: __ . I -� � , . ... L 1,��a� � ��'/�l,�s' UIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�;RMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE �"� ( �� / �� g$ INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.�pn Processed/Recei ed by Lic Enf Aud � ' ` Applicant �, • Home Address �Cj� �far� �(iUe t�c,lOO�c�' u Rus ine s s Iv'ame � Home Phone �3�- 3 �� , Business Address �(�"t(� S�.bc,�r� �Type of License(s) Qv� SCi„� ��v Business Phone "� � � — ���(� Public Hearing Date (� � License I.D. 4� 3a o�a at 9:OQ a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �j� � ��� llate Nutice Sent; ��--. D ler 4� r 1 [�} to Applicant �/g� r deral I'i.rearms # � n. �PY Public Hearing � DATE II�SPECTIUN REVZEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved Bldg I & D � I � a1 I U � Health Divn. (� ' � a-, � 0 � I �•C,�� �,,., 'l t�t Fire Dept. �-� r � i j < <� I i � Yolice Dept. �1� �I O � 1 I � License Divn. ' �/a, ; ' v City Attorney �` � � � �� Date Received: Site Plan , � �_�_� `� � To Council P.esearch ����,� Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord �Q� � �� �� � : � ,(���-�i�.�-' , Application No. Date Received By CITY OF S7. PAUI., MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IMTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE � ;� ��z�j SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by eact� person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUB�ECT TO REVIEIJ SY THE PUBLIC 1. Appl i cation for (name of 1 i cense) �/�-n1�1 S �ces't"��+�+T ��v 2. �ocated at (address) �676 Su�urba� r'��, S%r pc�r. �'��n. ss�o� 3. Name under whi ch bus i ness wi 1 l be operated �/�-i+l�i�S ��"��- �s�"�a"'t 4. True Plame ���"�' �" A*f� Phane C��Z>7�377/ irst Middle Maiden Last 5. Oate of Bi rth . � a'� S� P1 ace of Bi rth C�"'a Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? �e s • Native vaturalized 7. Home Address 3�'��, Y�r� ����. ���"'� ��• 3�/�t5 Hame Telephone ��t'-� 731�3�7i 8. Including yaur~ present business/employment, what business/empioyment have� you followed for the past five years? Business/EmploXment Address CD�O�Eh c�r�!�hd �PJ'TdPdJ'c�+ r' ���� �,ll���l����� /�U�. Sr��� !"lh �a� 9. Married? y�e S If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. 3�0/ y'BrK ��'�e. ���!h�tr�, �,n. S�'��� � . � : ��-i�.�- 10. �fave you. ever been convic*.�d of any felony, crime or vioiation of arty city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes No � Oate of arrest I9 tdhere Cnarge Convictian Sentence Oate oT arrest 19 Where � Cnarge Conviction Sentence 1'_. Retail 3eer Federal Tax Stamp Retail l.iquor Federal Tax Stamp �Ni11 be used. I / ''I2. Closest 3.2 PTace Churc � ��-/�� School ��rd�L�.�j,�,�_ �'13. Closest intoxicatinq iiquar place. On Sale Off Sale �i�� i�. List the names and residenc�s of tt�ree persons of Ramsey County of qoed moral character, not relateQ to the applicant or financialTy interested in the premises or business , �Nno �nay be rzferred to as to tne applicant's character. �Vame address e,� ylun� ! u'�.�' ��A�v� �e c�`� Q�k./ r��. ��lls rj" e�� ' �L �4c6/ �� e ST.' �' �!h . o�r ���1� �� �� ���,�o�p, ���- S�f'l/wa � /zd r ,S'T �/�; ,�rr,✓ss-i�y I5. Addr�ss or premises for whictt application is made Zone Classif�cat�on Phorte 16. detwe�n what cross stre�ts? '�Jhich side of Street 17. Are premises naw occupieQ? What 8usiness? How l.ong? '_3. �ist licenses whic:t you currentIy hoid, or ror,nerly heid, or may have an int�►-�s� in. i4. Have any oT the 1ic�nses listed by lou in Na. 18 ever been r�voked? Yes Vo I� answer is "yes" , l �s� the dates and r_asons � � r. ' �V V I/��l ~ � + +-. I 20. If business is incorporated, give date of i.ncorporation 19� and attach copy of articles o= Incorporatioa and minutes of first meeting. 21. List all officers� of the corporation, giving their names, offi.ce he.Id, home address and home and business telephone numbers. 22. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. vame Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else wno will have an interest in this business or premises? .�10. 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? YeS. If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant ia this ousiness? '��• If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. ;tame Home Address Phone eL�IY F.AI.ISFICATION OF rLVSWERS GIVEN OR `IATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT� IN DEYIAL. OF THIS a.PPLIC�,TION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belieF. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideratioa, directly, or indirectly, ia connection with the transfer of this license, from aay person by way of 1oan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other t:�an already disclosed in the applicazion waic:� I have herewith submitted. . ^ State of �Sinnesota) /�� � i ) ����,L 2�{ G l 6 �Z2 �'7. Countq of Ramsey ) � (Signature oi plicant) Subscribed and swo to before me this `Lv day of 19 �_�'"� aM�MA ` n � � ��� Count , Kinnesota '���N Ueir���R ;Iotary Public, y � �.�KOra c�;�,r; ; Ky Commission e. e _ a t�i�i Mv� :�.�,�-_�,,', �y . ��1►!/1�1""'N""`+�^nn.,...,,,: .,nnMN.nn,�,t,p,;.S . ��-�y.� MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY �9��4�z-a6, PHONE(6121296-6159 LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY• ST.PAUL,MN 55101 APPLICATION FOR COUNTY OR CITY ON SALE.WINE LICENSE NOT TO EXCEED 14% OF ALCOHOI BY VOLUME EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a corporation,an officer shall execute this application. If a partnership,a partner shall execute this application. If this is a first application attach a copy of the articles of incocporation and by-laws. Applicants Name�IBusiness,Partnership,C orationl Trade Name or DBA ' C i� e,� e�+/�,�' .�.v�. �'I `s C���ese �es�i�7"' Busi ess Add ss Busi ess Ph e Applicar�ts Home Phone ! lo ?(o u �,- 2• ( lo�L )77/-�7 �a ( lo'r2► 73/-37 7 i City County State Zip Code ST• trI ��'»�1 S� i'���9 S�/Olo _ Is this application If a transfer,give name of former owner License period ew ❑ Renewal ❑ Transfer From To If a corporation,give name,title,address and date of birth of each officer.If a partnership,give name,address and date of birth of each partner. Partn r/Officer Name and Title Address ��B � Q ��C D� � !�r �-l�De�hary' /nr�.5`S/��.�'��1.�jD Partner/ ficer Name and Title Address DOB �'t�N� �� �'���� ��J!a rtner/Officer Name nd Title Address DOB Partner/Officer Name and Title Address ��B CORPORATIONS State of Date of Certificate �j3� Incorporation L�� �J'��f� Incorporation_�lY ��� Number �� Is corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? �Yes ❑ No If a subsidiary of another corporatio�,give name and address of parent corporation S u�ur �.+ u /" THE BUILDING Nameof Owners L,_/�����e �� Building Owner,�0/�/n ������ Address��3 � ` �� 220 �OS-ydi'//2 /L>+i/. / Has the buiiding owne�any conneciion Are the p�operty taxes deliquent? ❑ Yes J`�No direct or indirect, with the applicant? ❑ Yes �No Describe the premises to be licensed THE RESTAURANT What is the During what hours witl Number of people Seating capacity? � 1� food be available? l����v �' 9�`'/�'�staurant will employ? l� How many months per year .L ���3 Will food service be the principal will the restaurant be open?� business of the restaurant? l�Yes ❑ No _ . � 1,���i�.�.s- If this restaurant is in conjunction with another business(resort, etc.),describe the business. �j OTHER INFORMATION 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoxicating malt beverage 13.2)and/or a"set-up"license in conjunction with this wine license? ❑ Yes �lo �. 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a member of the county board or the city council which will issue this license? ❑ Yes �No If yes, in what capacity? . (lf the applicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body,or another family relationship exists,the member shall not vote on this application.) 3. During the .ast license year has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability law(Dram Shop) (MS. 340A 802). 0 Yes �No If yes attach a copy of the summons. 4. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this application been convicted during the past five years of any violation of federal, state o�local liquor laws in this state o�any other state? ❑ Yes �No If yes,give date and details. 5. Does any person other than the applicants, have any righi,title or interest in the furniture,fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? ❑ Yes �No If yes give names and details. 6. Have the applicants any interests,directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in Minnesota? ❑ Yes l�No If yes, give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS AND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT OF MY OWN KNOWLEDG�.� • �` f' ' nature of A lica�t TT Dat� REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant,and the associates,named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota,Municipal or County. Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follows Police,Sheriff Department Name Title Signature f r+ ' ���"��7� � � ^ �UL �Z'l� C 0 LI�T�I�. RECEIVED City Clerk �1T� �TO���� ;Sb City Hall y Ly JUL 181988 L.LL�L���` �FPTiZC�AZTZ.aN CITY CLERK Dear Property Owner: "� N0. L18403 Application for an On Sale Wine License ����� �p��(;�fi Yang's Restaurant, Inc. DBA Yang's Restaurant �Q�,�TQ� 1676 Suburban Avenue August 30, 1988 9:00 a.�_ �"A R�� Citq CaunciL G^sambers, 3rd fZoor Cit� Sa1L — Caurt Honse By Licaase and Permit Dicisioa, Deaa=tmeat of Finaac� aad NO��� ��fi �iaaagemeat Se�fcas, Ro� 203 Citp 3a.L1 — Caurt Heuse, Saiat Pau1, Kinaesota 298-5056 'rizis. date �a.y be cha.n.ged Without the consent and/or knawledge of the License and Perm:tt Division. Lt is suggested that you call the City Clerk' s Office a� 298-423I ii you wish. confir�aation.