88-1425 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council CA�IARV - QEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � _/�� � . Council Resolution ���� � � Presented By i5�6�'`�O'-����� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 12 , 1988 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 07/12/88 56-88-H 380 Lexington Pkwy. S. Irvin L. Rubbelke BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleader near the garage area. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Subdiv ision of Ayd' s Farm 100 acres NW 1/4 of S . 11 , T. 28 , R. 23 N 60 Ft of S 117 Ft of part N of Juliet Ave . and E of Lexington Parkway of Lot 8 ----------------------------- 07/12/88 49-88-H 292 Cherokee Ave . Thomas & Joan Gilshannon BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleaders. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Retttnan Scheibet A gai n s t BY Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By BY . � � . � � 1.���-��`°�.s PROPERTY DE5CRIPTION: Dawson' s Rddition to Saint Paul SWLY 1/2 of Lot 17 and EX NWLY 130 FT of SWLY 5 FT Lot 18 Blk 5 ----------------------------- DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLRNT 07/12/88 50-88-H 308 Cherokee Ave. Luella K. Maier BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleaders . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dawson' s Addition to Saint Paul Lots 21 and Lot 22 Blk 5 ---------------------------- 07/12/88 48-88-H 1350 Maryland Ave. E. Graham Boyd BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the present deadbolts , with a provision that if any need replacement, they are to be replaced with 1 inch throws . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kiefer-Park Lots 3 thru Lot 6 Blk 1 ----------------------------- WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ///���///��� ! CANARV -�EPARTMENT �ry�//L� BL�UE - MAVOR File NO. n� T Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MIIVUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPELLANT 07/12/88 52-88-H 1399 E. Rose St. Valerie Laugtug BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the present deadbolts , with a provision that if any need replacement , they are to be replaced with 1 inch throws . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Section 27 Town 29 Range 22 Ex N 173 FT part N of Rose Rve. of W 59 FT of E 588 5/10 FT of Part W of Maryland Heights of NW 1/4 of SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 -------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. ------------------------------ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g _�_ [n Favor Goswitz �be� v Against BY Sonnen �� ���+ AiJl7 3 Q 1988 Form A ove by C'ty A orne Adopted by Council: Date d� C Certified Y�s d by Council Secreta BY gy. �4 O/�- �a'I�Q����;�Ji�..� A►ppro by 17avor: Date — j ��S Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Pll�l.(S�iE� ���' 1 d 1988 , � . � ��,��s ��f�r/��T� SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 MINUTES, MEE'fING OF �ULY 12 . 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman. Chairman Sean Carey Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson Dave Schultz Robert Vierinq MEMBER ABSENT: Wiiliam Tilton ' OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Fish. St. Paul Fire Prevention Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings Philip Ethier, Pubiic Works-Rainleaders Robert Brown, Pubiic Works-Rainleaders Jeffrey Weed. Public Works-Rainleaders lrvin L . Rubbelke Marian Meyers Mary C. Vogt Luella K. MaiEr ihornds Ciilshannon Terry Schopfer Graham Boyd Eileen Biernat 51"AFF : Josephine P. Bongiovanni The meetinq was cailed to order at 1 :3U p.m. on July 12. lyt�8. by Chairman Ron Glassman. Mr. Glassman welcomed the appellants and explained the procedures , stating that what the Board does is recommends action to the Citv Council . 1 . Approval of minutes of the June 14, 1988 meeting as submitted in writing. Gienn Gausman moved approval of the minutes of the June 14. 1988 meeting. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. 2.CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 55-88-H 932 Payne Ave. Russell R. Uuncanson (2 units) President APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT: Appellant has been working with Fire Prevention. and was able to resolve their code violation, therefore, the Appellant is requesting the filing fee of $ 10.00 be refunded. BOAR� ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to refund the filing fee of $10.00. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 � ' 47-88-H 1060 Iglehart Ave. Tena Investments ( 1 unit) Terry R. Schopfer APPEARANCE: Terry Schopfer SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fees because of financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Schopfer stated that the buiiding has always been rented and meets all Section 8 requirements The building was vacated February 1988 and has been vandalized many times. Windows were broken then replaced, and again broken, eventualiy the windows were boarded up. The property has been sold and presently is scheduled to have a closing on July 23 , 1988. All o� the interior has been remodeled. The boards are to be removed at the time of closing, as it will be owner occupied at that time. Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings stated that fee is $230. 17� as of July 1 , 1�8$. Vacant building department became aware ofi the buildinq in March. fees were started in April . tiUARU AC f 1 UN: Mot i on mac]e bv ��I enn Gausman to wa i ve fees and penalties ($230. U0) . provided that a transfer of ownership and buildinq is occupied within 30 days. Seconded by Robert Vier- ing. MO'i"IUN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------ 51-ti8-H 703 Wells St. Marty Evenson APPEARAN(:;E : None SUBJECT : Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fee in the amount of $510.00, because of financial hardship. Mr. Evenson requested a postponement to the August, 1988 meeting. ------------------------------------------- 56-88-H 380 Lexington Pkwy. Irvin L. Rubbelke ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Irvin L . Rubbelke SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, Sec. 41 .03, tDisconnection of stormwater and clearwater connections) . because it would create a water problem. 2 .. . • �V� �" �./ PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rubbelke would like a variance on the rainleader near the garage, because the side walk is near the garage, and would be hazardous to the family. A inspector came to inspect the house and stated that a variance would be given for the garage area and the driveway, if all the other work was completed. Mr. Rubbelke did all the necessary work and then was refused a variance on the garage area. Phil Ethier. from Public Works-Rainleader Division. stated that the inspector had no authority to give a variance. Suggestion was made that a trellis effect be used, reroute the water away From the house and to the back or front yard. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant a variance on the rainleader near the garage area. Seconded by Gienn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------------------------------------------- 4�a-tf$-H "L92 Cherokee Ave. Thomas 8 Joan Gi 1 sr►annon ( 1 unit ? APPEARANCE : Thomas Gilshannon SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from 5t. Paul Legislative Code. Sec. 41 . 03 tDisconnection of stormwater and clearwater connections) because the char�ge in the fl�w of the - water wuuld cause water damaqe to basement. F'ROC:EEUINGS: Mr. Gilshannon speaking on behalr of his neighbor . Luelia Maier stated that the situation here is the same for the two pieces of property. ( 292 and 308 Cherokee) the area that they are on is a track of land that is very different from most of the houses on the west side. Located directly on the cliff and in a hollow, and plenty of water drains from the East, South and West. If the rainleader were to be disconnected. then drain tile wouid have to be installed, this is very costly. Bob Brown, from Public Works-Rainleader Division stated that the two rainleaders in the front of the house could be disconnected as the land slopes down and awa.y from the house. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on the rainleaders. Seconded by Robert Viering. Yeas 4 Nays 2 (Sean Carey, Glenn Gausman) ---------------------------------------------- 3 50-88-H 308 Cherokee Ave. Luella K. Maier ( 1 unit> APPEARANCE: Luella K. Maier SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative, Sec. 41 .03 (Disconnection of stormwater and clearwater connections) because the change in the flow of the water would cause damage to the basement. PROCEEDINGS: The track of land is very different from most of the houses on the west side. Located directly on the cliff and in a hollow, and plenty of water drains from the East, West, and South. If rainleaders were disconnected than drain tile would have to be installed, which is very costly. BOARD ACTIUN: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on the rainleaders. Seconded by Robert Viering. Yeas 4 Nays 2 (Sean Carey, Glenn Gausmann> -------------------------------------------- 54-88-H 879 Kenneth 5t. Marian Mevers ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Marian Mevers and Mary C. Voat StJ�JE�T: AGpellant is requesting a variance from St. Paui Legislative, Sec. 41 . U3 (Disconnection of stormwater and clear.water connections) . - PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Meyers would like a variance on the rainleader on the south side of her house. Front and baek rainleaders have been disconnected. Ms. Meyers feels as long as her neighbors were granted a variance that she should have been granted one also. 80AR0 ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz the variance on the rainleader be denied. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------ 35-88-H 174-188 W. 7th St. Archie Gingold (Commercial ) APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT: The Board moved to lay this case over to the July meeting as the Appeliant is working with Steve Zaccard, trying to resolve the issue on Certificate of Occupany Fee. 4 - . . � �-��" This case was resolved with Steve Zaccard, therefore, the Appellant is requesting the filing fee of �10.00 be refunded. BOARO ACTION: Motion made to refund the filing fee of $10. 00. ------------------------------- 36-88-H 750 N. Milton St. Wiider Foundation/Square ( 136 units) Rodney Schopfer APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT: The Board requested the Appellant return to the July meeting, with some bids on the cost of installing a Voice Communication System. As per Pat Fish the Appellant was given a postponement to the August . 1988 meeting. ------------------------------ �y-L�B-H t37t� �mi th Ave. So. Rona 1 d Seubert c5 Units) APPEAkANCE : None SUBJECT: ThE Appellant is appealing the orders from a letter dated June 17 , 1988 pertaining to ltem #4 - Pr�vide proper escape windows all units . Mr. Seubert called shortiy before the meeting and stated the the house has a new owner . . The new owner was notified of the meeting. The board requested that the new owner be notified and case was laid over to the August meeting. -------------------------------------------- 48-88-H 1350 East Maryland Ave. Graham Boyd ( 18 units) APPEARANCE: Graham Boyd SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 09 - 3I (Provide deadbolts) presently there are deadbolts on the doors. Having to replace them would be to costly. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Boyd stated the building has deadbolts and the building is a security building. Ali deadbolts are in very good condition, that is reason a variance is requested. Pat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated that the inspector measured the deadbolts as 1 /2 inch, the doors are solid doors in a wood frame, and a security building. 5 BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on the present deadboits, with a provision that if any locks need to be repiaced they must be replaced with 1 inch throws, included in the variance as long as it remains a security locked building. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------------- 58-88-H 1845 Portland Ave. Judy A. Schultze ( 4 units) APPEARANCE : Harvey Howard SUBJECT: Appetlant is requesting a variance on item #2 (Provid'e one hour fire rated ceiling in laundry room) from a corrections list letter dated, April 26, 1988. FkUCEEDINGS: Mr . Noward requested an extension of time because it has cost over $SOO. OU to do some other repairs . Pat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated that the appellant has the �ption ofi putting in two sprinklings heads off the domestic water line. 80AR0 ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant an extension of time for six months. pertaining to the one hour fire rated ceiling in the laundry. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIEU UNANIMOUSLY . --------------------------------------------- 52-88-H 1399 E. Rose St. Valerie Laugtug ( 4 units) APPEARANCE: None SUBJECT: Appe) lant is reqesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, 34.09-3I (Provide dead bolts) ; also requesting an extension of time pertaining to Item #I (Repair Drain outside of unit #1 ) : and ltem # 4 (Repair ceiling in bathroom) . BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant a variance on the present deadbolts , with a provision that if any need replacement. they are to be replaced with 1 inch throws: also give an extension of time for 90 days to repair the ceiling in the bathroom. Deny the variance on the repairing the drain outside unit #1 . Seconded by Glenn Gausmann. --------------------------------------------------- b • � ,, � ' .�'i�'�'�f�.ZS 46-88-H 2O00 Dayton Ave. Mary Lou �ieberherr SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on having to install Key Box, also self closing door hinges, as per letter dated April 15, 1988. Appellant requested a postponement to the August meeting as she was to be out of town for the July meeting. 53-88-H 1329 Selby Ave. Eileen Biernat (3 units) , APPEARANCE : Eileen Biernat SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting an extension of time to complete the work as per the corrections list dated June 2, 19t38. PROCEEDINGS: Ms . Biernat stated that most of the repairs have been done. Item # 11-repair kitchen ceiling, would like at least six months to c�mpiete, all the rest could be done in 3U davs. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that if the back room was used as part of the apartment , and not as a storage room then tr�ere would be no problem. On July 5th an inspector was refused entry into the building, therfore. was unable to verify if any of the deficiencies were done. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant an extension of time for 90 days to complete item #11-repair kitchen ceiling: Also grant an extension of time 30 days to complete the following items : ( Items #1-repair outside rail , Item #2-repair hole in wall in storage room and laundry area and hole near rear exit door to rear steps, instal ) heat grill . install fire rated door between storage laundry area and apartment. install hydraulic closures , repair holes in ceiling, install additional sprinkier heads. fire separation. item #3-post ownership information, item #4-repair doors , item #5-remove storage under back lower stairway, item #6- install hand rails, item #7-smoke detectors, item #9-repair light fixtures in rear bedroom, item #10-install wall flex kitchen stave, Item #12-repair windows, item 13-properly install and vent dryer, item #14-remove debri . ) included in the motion that the room in question not be used as a storage room. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. --------------------------------------------- 7 • . • �"'o`�' '� � N°_ �13678 BOARt) OF APPEAI.S �c RF.VT�PART1rIED1T - Jos�j�hinQ. P_ Soncti n,�,ivann�iCONTACT AIAME � � 292-7775 PHOi�IE 5-15-8 f3 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reversa side.) Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance snd Managsment Services Director _3,_ City Clerk �udget Director �r„9�,ne i l RPapa rnh itp Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) Ii�iAT WILL BE AC�BVED S�' TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAIS4 (Purpase/Rationale) Approving the actions of the Board of Appeals & Review meeting of 7-12-88 NUMBER OF CASES � Variances granted RECE�V�� AU G 1519$8 �S�/BENEFIT. BDDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANT.ICIPATED: u�TY �TTO R N EY n/a �INANCING SOIIRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) : Total Amount of Trans�ction: n/a Activity Number: n,(a Funding Source: n/a Council Research Center ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1 Resolution with minutes attached AUG 171985 ADi!IINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ,^Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? , _Yes . _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIE�1 CITY ATTORNIEY REVIEW / / ,_Yes LQo Council resolution required? Resolution required? ��Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? � Insnrance suff icient? _Yes �No��' _Yes No Insurance attached? 1 �� � � \_ �, � �� °J - - � � � � � � � ^ „ . a w � � � o a � ui ,� .� � >- ,[ � H- z � � o � U � r � w a � � d A � a m c � o ,� +� " •� o . N � � O � U � � C � � N d' i�-� � � M � c 00 H d' r-i � O N J � _ � d J � J t/i f` �G F- = o�.. E � . VO~ � �C' � Z ►-, �y� v U � ``c +�-� C ' � � O�p Z � UC� M V �" ;� � i`, ' � ���!t�J�p�j�,�. , , j ,� C�, �0 --. ` RECt�r�,D�a� UN ��HSFy��Eep���--: � R,T,�. �V�,Y�� � _; MAR 2 0199� .�� �'���, �, �1�, ��3i � � � ,��. �c�'�,�'� �/ 3y � �`i� .,, =�;i � o����� co � ac�, c� � �,�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� . . , . . . , . .Albert.B;,O1son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . ,88'1425. . . . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. . . ,August.30: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19$$. . . . and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . ,September.].,, . . . . , , , , , , , 1988. . . . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . , , ,15th. . . . , day of . , , , .March. . . . . , . ,A.D. 19.90. �,F . . . . �cK���r:'. . ?�.�-/`.i. . .��,�.�'_.,�-jZ1 . . . . . . . . . �.- ,,�: / � Y' '- � City Clerk. 7'�' , �. ,x. ./{✓G% -��Gt . - �" . � .,... �,: <;, '-., ,. „ },�: ' r. °�`� ." '� . ``�� ,' t � � .-'� �� � _ �u �, >r� �`' ��.� ' . . � '* . ;. ��' „ � z :i . ' � y , ,: � , � �, , ; _ , f •' , S � .� � � - �:' 7L� — l_ ` L 3 , �, . �'� ' �, f�/ -- ��.�� � �'Y e4� .� a�' �o° _ '� � T � f ' � �� u... o � r� !� �_. 4' /�„ � 1 d,� ='� 5 �-� �-� � .r t�- , , ♦,�p�k :uk.�.-, f��:., �MMITE - C��TY CLERK P�NK � -�F{NANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /'�' G CAj1ARY -PEPARTMENT File� NO• (, v `/�� - BLUE - MAVOR � � � , Council Resolution �='��, � � � Presented By � �.����� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 12, ✓ 1988 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a � part hereof by reference : � � DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT � 07/12/88 56-88-H 380 Lexington Pkwy. S . Irvin L. Rubbelke BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleader near the garage area. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Subdiv ision of Ayd' s Farm 100 acres NW 1/4 of S . 11 , T. 28 , R. 23 N 60 Ft of S 117 Ft of part N of Juliet Ave. and E of Lexington Parkway of Lot 8 ----------------------------- 07/12/88 49-88-H 292 Cherokee Ave. Thomas & Joan Gilshannon BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleaders. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas ' Nays Dimund �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By 0� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY } � �v,���_i��.s PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dawson' s Addition to Saint Paul SWLY 1/2 of Lot 17 and EX NWLY 130 FT of SWLY 5 FT � Lot 18 Blk 5 � � {A ----------------------------- C� �,fj DATE OF BOARD C� MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 07/12/88 50-88-H 308 Cherokee Ave. Luella K. Maier BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the rainleaders. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dawson' s Addition to Saint Paul Lots 21 and Lot 22 Blk 5 ---------------------------- 07/12/88 48-88-H 1350 Maryland Ave. E. Graham Boyd BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the present deadbolts , with a provision that if any need replacement , they are to be replaced with l inch throws. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kiefer-Park Lots 3 thru Lot 6 Blk 1 ----------------------------- � WMITE - C�TV CLERK PIIOK - PINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council .` GANARV -'I�EPARTMEN7 w � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• .a� _/`� � � Council Resolution Presented By — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD C"� MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPELLANT � � 07/12/88 52-88-H 1399 E . Rose St. Valerie Laugtug � BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the present deadbolts , with � a provision that if any need replacement, they are to be replaced with 1 inch throws . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Section 27 Town 29 Range 22 Ex N 173 FT part N of Rose Ave. of W 59 FT of E 588 5/10 FT of Part W of Maryland Heights of NW 1/4 of SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 -------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk, is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. ------------------------------ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond /� Lo�g C.a [n Favor Goswitz Sche1'bel �/ _ Against BY Sonnen '1MIISAlr ���+ AiJ�7 � � ��� Form A ove by City�torney. Adopted by Council: Date � ' Certified P�s +�d by Council ySe�creta By � C gy �-Ci�9J°- s�`�..����`-t1�'l�t� Appro by Mavor: Date � � 1988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Pl�lS��J �L�' 1 � 19 88 � , . . � .� �i=�,y� . �. ��/,�r�i?'�4 SAlNT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 4"�? MINUTES, MEE'fING OF JULY 12 . 1988 � � MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman. Chairman �,.� Sean Carey �� VIEnn Gausman � Harold Knutson Dave Schultz Robert Vierinq MEMBER ABSENT: William Tilton ' OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Fish. St. Paul Fire Prevention Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings Philip Ethier, Public Works-Rainleaders Robert Brown, Pubiic Works-P.ainleaders Jeffrey Weed. Public Works-Rainleaders lrvin L . Rubbelke Marian Meyers Mary C. Vogt Luella K. Maier ihomas Vilshannon Terry Schopfer Graham Boyd Eileen Biernat 51"AFF : Josephine P. Bongiovanni The meeting was called to order at l :3U p.m. on July 12. ly�i�i, by . Chairman Ron Glassman. Mr. Giassman welcomed the appellants and expiained the procedures , stating that what the Board does is recommends action to the Citv Council . 1 . Approval of minutes of thE June 14, 1y88 meeting as submitted in writing. Glenn Gausman moved approvai of the minutes of the June !4, 1988 meeting. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. 2.CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERI"Y APPEALED APPELLANT 55-88-H 932 Payne Ave. Russell R. Uuncanson (2 units) President APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT: Appellant has been working with Fire Prevention. and was able to resoive their code violation, therefore, the Appellant is requesting the filing fee of $10. 00 be refunded. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to refund the filing fee of $ 10. 00. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. // 1 47-88-H lObO Iglehart Ave. Tena Investments ( 1 unit) Terry R. Schopfer � APPEARANCE : Terry Schopfer �� SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fees because of financial hardship. � �� PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Schopfer stated that the building has always �Il� been rented and meets all Section 8 requirements Thz building was vacated February 1988 and has been vandalized many times. Windows were broken then replaced, and again broken, eventually the windows were boarded up. The property has been sold and presently is scheduled to have a closing on Juty 23 , 1988. Al1 0� the interior has been remodeled. The boards are to be removed at the time of closing, as it will be owner occupied at that time. Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings stated that fee is $230. 00 as of July 1 , 19�8. Vacant building Cepartment became aware ofi the buildinq in March, fees were started in April . �UARU ACflON : Motion made by ��lenn Gausman to waive fees and penalties ($230. U0) . provided that a transfer of ownership an� building is occupied within 30 days. Seconded by Robert Viering. MO�IIUN CARRIED �JNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------ 51-�8-N 7U3 Welis St. Marty Evenson APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT : Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building � fee in the amount of $510.00, because of financial hardship. Mr. Evenson requested a postponement to the August, 1988 meeting. ------------------------------------------- 56-88-H 380 Lexington Pkwy. Irvin L. Rubbelke ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: lrvin L . Rubbelke SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paui Legislative Code, Sec. 41 . 03 , tDisconnection of stormwater and clearwater connections) . because it would create a water problem. � 2 _ �- � C,����� PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rubbelke would like a variance on the rainleader near the garage, because the side walk is near the garage, and would be hazardous to the family. A inspector came to � inspect the house and stated that a variance would be given for � the garage area and the driveway, if all the other work was completed. Mr . Rubbelke did all the necessary work and then was refused a variance on the garage area. � Phil Ethier . from Public Works-Rainleader Division, stated that C� the inspector had no authority to give a variance. Suggestion was made that a trellis effect be used. reroute the water away From the house and to the back or front yard. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Sean Carey to grant a variance on the rainleader near the garage area. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------------------------------------------- 4�a-�$-N 29L Cherekee Ave. Thomas 8 Joan (ii 1 sr�annon ( 1 unit ? APPEAkA►vCE : Thomas Gilshannon SUE3JECT: Appeil�nt is requesting a variance from St. Paui Legislative Code. Sec. 41 .03 ( Uisconnection of stormwater and clearwater connections) because the change in the filow of tr�e water would cause water damaae to basement. PROt;EEUINGS: Mr. Gilshannon speaking on behalr of his neiqhbar . Luella M�ier stated �that the situation here is the same for the two pieces of property. (292 and 308 Cherokee) the area that they are on is a track of land that is very different from most of the �houses on the west side. Located directly on the cliff and in a hollow, and plenty of water drains from the East , South and West. If the rainleader were to be disconnected. then drain tile would have to be installed, this is very costly. Bob Brown, from Public Works-Rainieader Division stated that the two rainleaders in the front of the house could be disconnected as the land slopes down and away from the house. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on the rainleaders. Seconded by Robert Viering. Yeas 4 Nays 2 (Sean c:arey, Glenn Gausman) ---------------------------------------------- . � 3 � ' . , ' 50-88-H 308 Cherokee Ave. Luella K. Maier ( 1 unit) � APPEARANCE : Luella K. Maier ,,,M9► ,� SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul � Legislative, Sec. 41 .03 (Disconnection of stormwater and ;�� clearwater connections) because the change in the flow of the � water would cause damage to the basement. PROCEEDINGS: The track of land is very different from most of the houses on the west side. Located directly on the cliff and in a hollow, and pl.enty of water drains from the East, West, and South. If rainleaders were disconnected than drain tile would have to be instailed, which is very costly. E30ARD ACTIUN: Motion made by Uavid Schultz to grant a variance on the rainleaders. 5econded by Robert Viering. Yeas 4 Nays 2 (Sean Carey, Glenn Gausmann) -------------------------------------------- 54-88-N 879 Kenneth St. Marian Mevers ( 1 unit) ANPEARANC:E : Marian Meyers and Mary C. Vogt 5UC3JE(:7 : Appeilant is requesting a variance from St. Paui Legislative. Sec. 41 . U3 (Disconnection of stormwater and clear.water connections) . - PF�OCEEDINGS: Ms. Meyers would like a variance on the rainleader � on the south side of her house. Front and back rainleaders have been disconnected. Ms. Meyers feels as long as her neighbors were granted a variance that she should have been granted one aiso. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz the variance on the rainleader be denied. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------ 35-88-H 174-188 W. 7th St. Archie Gingold (Commercial ) � AFPEARANCE : None SUBJECT: The Board moved to lay this case over to the July meeting as the Appellant is working with Steve Zaccard, trying to resolve the issue on Certificate of Occupany Fee. � 4 . ' ,� � �/f���' This case was r-esolved with Steve Zaccard, therefore, the Appellant is requesting the filing fee of $10.00 be refunded. � BOARD ACTION: Motion made to refund the filing fee of $10. 00. �✓ �, ------------------------------- �� 36-88-H 750 N. Milton St. Wilder Foundation/Square � �4'? ( 136 un i ts) Rodney Schopfer C�t APPEARANCE: None SUBJECT: The Board requested the Appellant return to the July meeting, with some bids on the cost of installing a Voice Communication System. As per Pat Fish the Appellant was given a postponement to the Auaust. 19t38 meet i ng. ------------------------------ �y-�B-H 878 5mith Ave. So. Ronald Seubert c5 Units) APF'EAF�ANCE: None SUBJECT: ThE A�pellant is appealing the orders from a letter dated June 17 , 198�3 pertaining to ltem #4 - Provide proper escape winciows ail units . Mr. Seubert called shortly before the meeting and stated the the house has a new owner . . The new owner was notified of the meeting. The board requested that the new owner be notified and case was laid over to the August meeting. -------------------------------------------- 48-88-H 1350 East Maryland Ave. Graham Boyd ( 18 units) APPEARANCE: Graham Boyd SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Pau) Legislative Code 34. 09 - 3I (Provide deadbolts) presently there are deadbolts on the doors. Having to repiace them would be to costly. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Boyd stated the building has deadbolts and the building is a security building. Ali deadbolts are in very good condition, that is reason a variance is requested. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the inspector measured the deadbolts as 1/2 inch, the doors are solid doors in a wood frame, and a security building. � 5 � � BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant a variance on the present deadbolts. with a provision that if any locks need to be replaced they must be replaced with 1 inch throws, included in the variance as long as it remains a security locked building. � Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ,� ---------------------------------------- � 58-88-H 1845 Portland Ave. Judy A. Schultze '!?9 ( 4 units) '� APPEARANCE : Harvey Howard SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on item #2 (Provide one hour fire rated ceiling in laundry room) from a corrections list letter dated, Apri1 26. 1988. FF:UCEEDINGS: Mr . Howard requested an extension of time because it has cost over $SOO. OU to do some other repairs . Fat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated that the appeilant has the aption ofi putting in two sprink�lings hzads off the domestic water line. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by David Schultz to grant an extension of time for six months. pertaining to the one haur fire rated ceiling in the laundry. 5econded by Robert Vierinq. MOTION CAN,RIEU UNANIMOUSLY . --------------------------------------------- 52-88-H 1399 E. Rose St. Valerie Laugtug ( 4 units) APPEARANCE: None SUBJECT: Appellant is reqesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, 34. 09-3I (Provide dead bolts) ; also requesting an extension of time pertaining to Item ##1 (Repair Drain outside of unit #1 ) : and Item ## 4 (Repair ceiling in bathroom) . 80ARD ACTION: Motion made by Harold Knutson to grant a variance on the present deadbolts, with a provision that if any need replacement. they are to be replaced with 1 inch throws; also give an extension of time for 90 days to repair the ceiling in the bathroom. Deny the variance on the repairing the drain outside unit #1 . Seconded by Glenn Gausmann. --------------------------------------------------- \� 6 , .;. �-�—is�,� r 46-88-H 2O00 Dayton Ave. Mary Lou Lieberherr SUBJECT: Appe] lant is request�ing a variance on having to install Key Box, also self closing door hinges , as per letter dated April � 15, 1988. '� � Appellant requested a postponement to the August meeting as she � was to be out of town for the July meeting. � C�2 53-88-H 1329 Selby Ave. Ei )een Biernat (3 units) , APPEARANCE : Eileen Biernat SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to complete the work as per the corrections list dated June 2 , 1988. PROCEEDING5: Ms . Biernat stated that most of the repairs have Geen done. Item # 11-repair kitchen ceiling, would like at least six months to compiete, all thz rest c�uld be done in 3U davs. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that if the back room was used as part of the apartment , and not as a storage raom then tr�ere would be no problem. On July 5th an inspector was refused entry into the building, therfore. was unable to verify if any of the deficiencies were done. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Haroid Knutson to grant an extension of time for 9� days to complete item #11-repair kitchen ceiling; Also grant an extension of time 30 days to complete the following items : ( Items #1-repair outside rail , Item #2-repair hole in wall in storage room end laundry area and hole near rear exit door to rear steps, install heat grill , install fire rated door between storage laundry area and apartment. install hydraulic closures , repair holes in ceiling, install additional sprinkler heads, fire separation, item ##3-post ownership information, item #4-repair doors , item #5-remove storage under back lower stairway, item #6- install hand rails , item #7-smoke detectors , item #9-repair light fixtures in rear bedroom, item #10-install wall flex kitchen stove, Item #12-repair windows , item 13-properly install and vent dryer , item #14-remove debri . ) inciuded in the motion that the room in question not be used as a storage room. Seconded by Robert Viering. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. --------------------------------------------- \\ . �