88-1409 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COII[1CII (f OINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� - /y CANARV - DEPARTMENT o � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• 4 - � Co ncil Resolution � ��� Presented By '� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement granting $2,000.00 to the SAINT PAUL HISTORY REGISTER SOCIETY for the purpose of staging the Saint Paul History Register Society Festival ; to be held Sept. 18, 1988, and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ` Dimond Long � [n Favor Goswitz Rettman � Scheibel � __ Against Sonnen Wilson AUG 2 5 198� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas- cil S ary BY s5� Approve Mavor: Date �[ 5 �SU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By J� ° J i�uc� BY pU8{.ISHEB . : ��=/y0 q a N_ 014594 COMMUi�ITY S��tY��GES DEP�RTMExT - - - - - - �—�� CONTACT NAME 74 Pao� ,:,, � r � - - 8 DATE . AS3IGN NUZI�ER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See rev�rse side.) �epartnent Director Mayor (or Assistant) Financa and<:l�ts3tag$ment Services Director � City Clerk �Budget Director � Parks & Recreation ity Attvrney _ 5 (Clip all locations for signatuxe.) (i�iA� idILL BE ACHIHVED B�t TAKING ACTIaN ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAISP (Purpose/Rationale) ; The City will grant $2,000.00 from the Neighborhood Festival Fund to tfie St. Paal History Register Society for the purpase of staging the St. Paul History .Register Society Festival ; to be held September 1�, 1988. RECEIVEQ COST�BF.NSFIT. BUDGETAR.Y. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: AUG 0 9 � RECENED �•- $2,OOO.QU fro�° the Neighborhood Festival Fund. � A�G 1 � 19�g ��� OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR REC�- DEPARTMENT�NT SERVICES A��'i 18 � �INANGING SOURCE AND AIIDG�T ACTIVITY NUMEB� CHARGEDA�I <l+�ayor's sigaature not required i€ undef $10,000..) : C'�C�K Total Amount of Trans�ction: $2,Q00.00 Activity Nwnber: 23143 Funding Source: 325 - Special Services Council Research Cenfier R��E11�ED AuG i 71988 AuG l 0198s ATTlIC�ENTS: (List and nwnber all attachments.) �.�ouncil �teso�;atio� C�T�Y J�►�TC�IF��'1IEY 4 copies of Rgreement b�tween the City and the St. Pau1 Histary Register Society l copy of grant request with appropriate attachments �DMII�IISTItATIVE PROCEDURES. Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required� �'�Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? ��EPARTMENT REVIEi�I CITY ATTORNEY R�VIEW. X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution reguirad? Yes ✓No X Yes i�o Insurance required? Insurance suff icient? 'Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance attached? Due Sept. 8, 1988 -���` �� � ��--,ya � AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 27th day of July , 1988 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State Qf Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and ST, PAUL HISTORY REGISTER SOCIETY , (hereinafter referred to as " SPHRS "). WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987 the St. Paul Gity Counci� esta�lished a � Community Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation, for the purpose of -- - assisting neighborhood festivals with expenses, startup co�ts and insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council has approved rules and regulations to = ensure the fair and equitable distribution of the funds; at�d WHEREAS, the SPHRS has applied for a grant in -accorcEance with these rules and regulations. � = NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: l. That the City shall grant to the SPHRS the sum of two�thousand . dollars and 00/100 ($ 2000.00 for the purpose of helping to fund the SPHRS Festivas to be ce�ebrated on Sept. _18 , 1988 as more particularly outlined in th2 SPHRS 's application attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement�. . 2. That the SPHRS will prepare and submit to the City a.repo�t outlining all expenses and revenues derived from the Festival �and specifically detailing how the grant money was spent wi�hin 90 day; after the completion of the festival noted above. SPHRS £urther will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation staff full access to � _ 1 � � . ��-/�4 � : its books and records concerning the festival . 3. That the SPHRS shall submit to the City a copy of the SPHRS 's liability insurance policy naming the City as an additional insured, sai�d policy shall be forwarded to City by Sept: 8 , 1988 . �Approved as to form: (Name) S . Paul Histor Re ister � Its � � Paul McClosk y, Assis ant ity � Attorney Its . ` 6 V� leen ack, Director Department of Community Services, City of St. P ul . . By � Eugene hiller, Dir ctor Department of Finance and p���-�� � Management Services, City of St. Paul 15/BLANK 2 �. , .. ' ��-/yo q t , _ 4IVIBION OF RRS 1J �ECREATION �OMMIINITY FESTIVAL ND � l�PPLICATION Date June 28, 1988 Check One: Loan Grant X Orqanization Name SAINT PAUL HISTORY REGISTER SOCIETY D�saription ot. Orqani�ation, brief history Was founded i n 1986 for the purpose of increasinq the awareness of the residents of St. Paul in their history and en- couraaino them to identify and preserve relevant artifacts and materials (in their or family members possession) by registerina them with SPHRS and possibly depositing them with an existing museum or aqency. Non—Profit StatuB 503c Yes No Don't Know,� Project Coordinator Name Mr. James Richardson . Address ��F Nor h L xi nQton Parkway, St Paul , MN 55104 Phone F4a-q�7 same day even ng Project Description (purpose and impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) _�PHRS is planninq a festival in Rice Park to qive St Paul residents an opportunity to brina artifacts, register them, and have them photographed for our files. This will provide a means for residents to communicate with the SPHRS members and other communitv people to qive and receive information about the history af St Paul , its various ethnic groups, husinesses, organizations, etc. The resulting reaistry of these artifacts will be avai a e or a peop e in eres e 1 locat�io�i Total Amount Roqueatod From Community Fastival Fund:_ $2,0��.(10 If this application is a request for a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . _ n��r match is outlined in the budget and consists primarily of donated timP by the oraanizers and planners of the festival . We have no previous funds and no identified cash contributions for the �festival , but have already garnered community support and volunteers to plan and carry out the event. ' • • . . �-�'`�Q 9 If this application is a request for a loan, how do �ou plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . pleas°. attacb �g �oilowina intormation �,Q your �oviication: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of organizational by-laws 2. List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifyinq orqanization's approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budget and financial statement, if applicable 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget including revenue and expenses that will be made from loan or grant funds. 7. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization 8. Plan for staging the festival event. - Diatriot Couacil SUMMIT UNIVERSITY PLANNINC� COUNCIL �� _' ; ,' , District Counail Review - Signature �'�%�-� � �_� - ' .�c:. � 1 Dat• ot Distriat Council Rsview June 2.8, 1988 ,,'� COMMENTS: Please send applfcation to: Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 1�1 r . ��-i�o� ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ST. PAUL HISTORICAL SOCIETY The undersigned, the President and Secretary of ST. PAUL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, do hereby certify that, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 317 . 27 , the members of the Corporation assented to and adopt the resolution hereinafter set forth changing the -name of the Corporation to St . Paul History Register Society: Resolution Authorizinq Amendment of Articles of Incorporation WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the Corporation to change its corporate name to St. Paul History Register Society; . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the undersigned, the members of St. Paul Historical Society, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, hereby consented that Article I of the Articles of Incorporation be amended by deleting it in full and inserting in its place the follo�:ing Article I : "ARTICLE I . NAME The name of the Corporation shall be St . Paul History Register Society . " FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Secretary of the Corporation be and hereby are authorized and directed to make, execute and acknowledge Articles of Amendment embracing the foregoinq amendment and to cause such Articles of Amendment to be filed for record in the manner required by law. . � ��i�o9� � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names this March, 1988 . .- _ reside Secretary . STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss . � COUNTY OF ) On this day of March, 1988, personally appeared who declared that he is the President of the Corporation named in the foreqoing instrument, . and that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of the Corporation by authority of its members . Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss . COUNTY OF ) On this day of March, 1988 , personally appeared who declared that he is the Secretary of the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of the Corporation by authority of its members . Notary Public SL}1 :Gi�7 S #1 � BYLAWS O ��?O � OF '�j tt t1.� ���`� ST. PAUL HISTOR��SOCIETY ARTICLE 1 . OFFICES• 1 . 1 ) Registered Office - The registered office of the Corporation shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Directors shall have authority to change the registered office of the Corporation and any such change shall be registered by the proper officer with the Secretary of State of Minnesota. 1 . 2 ) Offices - The Corporation may have other offices, within or without the State of Minnesota, as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. ARTICLE 2 . CORPORATE SEAL 2 . 1 ) Corporate Seal - The Corporation shall have no corporate seal . ARTICLE 3 . MEMBERS 3 . 1 ) Members and Meetinqs - The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation provide that the members of the Board of Directors o,f the Corporation shall be the only members of the Corporation and that such persons shali have voting rights only as directors and shall have no voting rights as members . Accordingly, there shall be no meetings of the members of the Corporation. 3 . 2 ) Property Riqhts - No member shall have any right, title, or interest in or to any property of the Corporation . ARTICLE 4 . DIRECTORS 4 . 1 ) General Powers - The property, affairs, and business of the Corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors . 4 . 2 ) Number - The number of directors shall not be less than three ( 3 ) , but from time to time the number may be increased or may be diminished to not �ess than three ( 3) , by � ��=�yp9 � the affirmative vote of a majority of the total number of directors . The number and members of the First Board of Directors shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation . 4 . 3) Qualifications and Term of Office - Each director shall be a natural person of full age and shall be elected to a one ( 1 ) year term. Each director shall hold office until his or her term expires and until his or her successor is elected and qualified, or until the earlier death, resignation, removal, or disqualification of the directors . 4 . 4 ) Quorum and Manner of Actinq - Except �as otherwise provided by statute or by these Bylaws , one-third ( 1/3 ) of the total number of directors (but not less than two ( 2 ) ) shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. If less than a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. The acts of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present are the acts of the Board of Directors . 4 . 5) Orqanization - At each meeting of the Board of Directors, the President of the Corporation or, in his or her absence, a chairman chosen by a majority of the directors present, shall preside. The Secretary of the Corporation or, in his or her absence, any person whom the President or Chairman shall appoint, shall act as secretary of the meeting. 4 . 6) Annual Meetings - Annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held each year for the purpose of electing the directors and officers of the Corporation and for the transaction of such other business as shall come before the meeting. Unless notice is waived by directors entitled to notice, it will be given in the same manner as prescribed for notice of special meetings . 4 . 7 ) Special Meetinqs - Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever called by the President or by any two directors . Unless notice is waived by all directors entitled to notice, notice of special meetings will be given by an officer, who will give at least forty-eight ( 48) hours' notice to each director by mail , telegraph, telephone, or in person. Each director, by his or her attendance and his or her participation in the action taken at any directors ' meeting, is considered to have waived notice of that meeting. 4 . 8 ) Place of Meetinqs - The Board of Directors may hold its meetings at such place or places, within or without the State of Minnesota, as it may from time to time determine. 4 . 9 ) Removal of Directors - Any director may be removed, with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of the total number of directors , at a special meeting of the Board of 2 . . r ��=��09 � Directors called for that purpose. The vacancy on the Board of Directors caused by any such removal shall be filled in the manner specified in Section 4 . 11 hereof . 4 . 10) Resignation - Any director of the Corporation may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or to the Secretary of the Corporation . The resignation of any director shall take effect at the time, if any, specified therein or, if no time is specified therein, upon receipt thereof by the officer of the Corporation to whom such written notice is given; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 4 . 11 ) Vacancies - Any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by vote of the remaining directors on the board, even thouqh less than a quorum, and each director so chosen shall hold office for the remaining term of the director creating the vacancy. Any director so chosen shall be eligible for election to the Board of Directors at the expiration of the term for which the director was chosen . 4 . 12 ) Order of Business - The meetings of the Board of Directors will be conducted in accordance with Robert ' s Rules of Order, Revised. 4 . 13) Written Action by Directors - Any action that may be � taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting and notice thereof if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by all of the directors . 4 . 14 ) Proxies - Proxies shall not be allowed or used. 4 . 15 ) Compensation - The Board of Directors of the Corporation may at any time and from time to time, by resolution adopted by two thirds ( 2/3 ) of the total number of directors, provide for the payment of compensation to, and for the payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred by, any director, officer, agent, or employee of the Cor oration for personal services rendered to the Corporation b�, or for any _.-.— expenses necessarily paid or incurred by, any such director, officer, agent, or employee, but only if and to the extent that the performance of such service or the incurrence of such expenses is directly in furtherance of the religious, charitable or educational purposes of the Corporation and the compensation or the amount of expenses paid or reimbursed, as the case may be, is reasonable and not excessive. ARTICLE 5 . OFFICERS 5 . 1 ) Number - The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers and 3 . r ��i�� � , agents as may be elected by the Board of Directors at their option . Any of the offices or functions of the offices may be held or exercised by the same person . 5 .2) Election, Term of Office, and ualifications - At the annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the directors shall elect the officers . The officers shall hold office until the next annual meeting and until their successors are elected and qualified. The President shall be elected from among the directors of the Corporation, but no other officer need be a director of the Corporation. 5 . 3) President - The President shall actively manage the business and affairs of the Corporation; shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all meetings of the Executive Committee, if any; shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect; may execute and deliver in the name of the Corporation (except in cases in which such execution and delivery shall be expressly delegated by the directors or by these Bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Corporation or shall be required by law to be otherwise executed and delivered) any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments pertaining to the business of the Corporation, including, without limitation, any instrument necessary or appropriate to enable the Corporation to donate income or principal of the Corporation to or for the account of such corporations, associations, trusts, foundations, and institutions as are referred to or described in the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation and as the Corporation was organized to support; shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors; and, in general , shall perform all duties usually incident to the office of the President . 5 .4 ) Vice President - The Vice President, if any, shall be elected by the Board of Directors, shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by the President. In the event of absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the President ' s powers and duties . 5 . 5 ) Secretary - The Secretary shall record proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of all the meetings of the Executive Committee, if any; shall keep a register of the names and addresses of all members of the Corporation; shall at all times keep on file a complete copy of the Articles of Incorporation and all amendments and restatements thereof and a complete copy of these Bylaws and all amendments and restatements hereof; shall, when directed to do so, give proper notice of ineetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the Executive Committee, if any; shall perform such other � duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of 4 . ,. � ��=�yo q Directors or by the President; and in general, shall perform all duties usually incident to the office of the Secretary. 5 . 6) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of all monies of the Corporation received or disbursed; shall deposit all monies, drafts, and checks in the name of, and to the credit of, the Corporation in such banks and depositories as a majority of the Board of Directors shall from time to time designate; shall have power to endorse for deposit all notes, checks and draf�s received by the Corporation; shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as ordered by the Board of Directors, making proper vouchers therefor; shall render to the President and the directors, , whenever required, an account of all his or her transactions as Treasurer afid of the financial condition of the Corporation; shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by the President; and, in general, shall perform all duties usually incident to the office of the Treasurer. 5 . 7 ) Other Officers, Aqents and Employees - The Corporation may have such other officers, agents, and employees as may be deemed nec-essary by the Board of Directors . Such other officers, agents, and employees shall be appointed in such manner, have such duties, and hold their offices for such terms as may be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors . 5 . 8) Resignations - Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice of his or her resignation to the Board of Directors, to the President, or to the Secretary of the Corporation. Any such resignation shall take effect at the time, if any, specified therein or, if no time is specified therein, upon receipt thereof by the Board of Directors, President, or Secretary of the Corporation; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 5 . 9 ) Removal - Any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of the total number of directors, at any annual or special meeting called for the purpose, and such purpose shall be stated in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting unless all the directors of the Corporation shall be present thereat. 5 . 10 ) Vacancies - A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal , or any other cause shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the manner prescribed in these Bylaws for election or appointment to such office. 5 . r . ��=iyo 9 � ARTICLE 6 . EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 6 . 1 ) Number, Qualifications, Term of Office - The Board of Directors may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds (2/3 ) of the total number of directors, establish an Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and appoint two (2 ) or more directors to serve on such Executive Committee. Only persons who are directors of the Corporation shall be eligible for appointment to the Executive Committee. When a member of the Executive Committee ceases to be a director of the Corporation, such person automatically shall cease to� be a member of the Executive Committee of the Corporation. 6 . 2 ) Powers _ Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Corporation, which power is expressly reserved solely to the Board of Directors of the Corporation as hereinafter provided, the Executive Committee shall have all of the powers and authority of the Board of Directors and the Corporation in the management of the property, business, and affairs of the Corporation in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors, subject always to the direction and control of the Board of Directors. 6 . 3 ) Meetinqs - If an Executive Committee is established, it shall hold such regular or other periodic meetings, at such times and places, and upon such notice, if any, as may from time to time be fixed by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. In addition, special � meetings of the Executive Committee shail be held whenever called by any one ( 1 ) member of the Executive Committee, upon the same notice as provided for in Section 4 . 07 hereof for special meetings of the Board of Directors . 6 . 4 ) Quorum and Manner of Actinq One-third ( 1/3 ) of the total number of inembers of the Executive Committee (but not less than two (2 ) shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting, and the act of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Executive Committee. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present may adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum be had. Notice of any adjourned meeting need not be given other than by announcement at the meeting at which adjournment is taken . 6 . 5 ) Action without a Meetinq - Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Executive Committee may be taken without a meeting and notice thereof if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by all of the members of the Executive Committee. 6 . . ��=i�a 9 � ARTICLE 7 . FINANCIAL AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 7 . 1 ) Fiscal Year - The fiscal year of the Corporation ends on December 31 of each year. 7 . 2 ) Books and Records - The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall keep: ( O1 ) Records of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, if any; and . � ( 02 ) Such other records and books of account as shall be . necessary and appropriate to the conduct of the corporate business . 7 . 3 ) Documents Kept at Reqistered Office - The Board of Directors shall cause to be kept at the registered office of the Corporation originals or copies of : (O1 ) Records of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee; if any; (02 ) All finaneial statements of the Corporation; and (03 ) Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Corporation and all amendments and restatements thereof . 7 . 4 ) Accounting System and Audit - The Board of Directors shall establish and maintain, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis, an appropriate accountinq system for the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall cause the records and books of account of the Corporation to be audited, at least once in each fiscal year and at such other times as it may deem necessary or appropriate and may retain such person or firm for such purposes as it may deem appropriate . 7 . 5) Checks - All checks, drafts , other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation shall be signed by such officer or officers , agent or agents of the Corporation, as may from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors . 7 . 6 ) Deposits - All funds of the Corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select. 7 . 7 ) Votinq Securities Held b_y Corporation - The officer or agent designated by the Board of Directors will have full power and authority on behalf of the Corporation to attend, act at and vote at any meeting of security holders of other corporations in which the Corporation may hold securities . At the meeting, the President or other designated agent may 7 . r . ��-�ya9 � possess and exercise any and all rights a�d powers incident to the ownership of the securities which the Corporation holds . ARTICLE 8 . WAIVER OF NOTICE 8 . 1 ) Requirement of waiver - Whenever any notice is required to be given by these Bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation or any laws of the State of Minnesota, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to the notice, either before, at, or after the time stated therein, will be deemed equivalent to notice. Waiver of notice is implied by attendance by an individual at a meeting unless it is solely for the purpose of asserting the illegality of the meeting. ARTICLE 9 . AMENDMENTS 9 . 1 ) Action by Board of Directors - The Board of Directors may amend the Corporation ' s Articles of Incorporation, as from time to time amen.ded or restated, and these Bylaws, as from time to time amended or restated, to include or omit any provision which could lawfully be included or omitted at the time such amendment or restatement is adopted. Any number of amendments, or an entire revision or restatement of the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws may by submitted and voted upon at a single meeting of the Board of Directors and be adopted at such meeting, a quorum being present, upon receiving the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) of the total number of directors of the Corporation . The undersigned, the President of ST. PAUL HISTOR� KcV�`ir�� SOCIETY, hereby certifies that the foregoing Bylaws were adopted as the complete Bylaws of the Corporation by action of the Board of Directors , on the .���'�' day of S„ I �I , 198�. ' I President (tJi 11 i am L. IJi 1 son) 8 . PBP:BW5 #2 �=�409 ' ���C� ���� ��� ����� ��� �� � Wiliiam L. Wilson � i�'7 V7L'E l��t1EN? Robert Hoag 21�Ifl 1l1�.'£ lRESZflE�IT Alma C.Joseph TflfiilllAEtl, Jose Jovel lana lECA£faly James P. Richardson SOr�t1l.fl OF MtE1i7D1t� Lynda Adler John Connelly Joseph Connors Don Empson Glenn Erickson Thomas Flynn Monsig.Francis Gilligan Robert Hoag Alma C.Joseph Jose Jovellana Judge Stephen Maxwell Arthur Chandler McWatt Glenn Offermann Rabbi Bernard Raskas James P. Richardson � Frances Sontag Sister Mary William William L. Wilson , #3 ��/�0 9 ���� ���� ��� ����� �'�� ��� �� William L. Wilson � ia? V1L'£ lRfs�flE�IT Robert Hoag June 24, 19R� 2f�1l1 1�'LCE !1l.EitU£�T Alma C.Joseph Community Festival Fund T�-+'��� �ivision of Parks and Recreation .1ose.loveltana 200 City Hall Annex 25 I+1. 4th Street =���y St. Paul , MN 55102 James P. Richardson Attn: Mr. Vic Wiftsenstein SO�.ift11 OF M11�7C7DflS LyndaAdler Dear Vic: John Connelly �oseph Connors The attached appl i cati on for a Grant for the September 18, 1988 DonEmpson SPHRS Festival in Rice Park was approved by our Board of Directors Glenn Erickson at i ts reoul ar monthly meeti ng hel d on Thursday, June 16, 1988, Thomas Flynn 4:�0 P.P�. , at Concordi a Col l ege. Monsig. Francis Gilligan RobertHoag This letterhead contains our current list of Board members. Alma C.Joseph �ose�oveltana Although this is a citywide festival , involvina the entire St. Paul Judge Stephen Maxwell communi ty, we have asked Summi t Uni vers i ty P1 anni ng �ounci 1 (Di s- Arthur Chandter McWatt tri ct 8) to revi ew and approve our appl i cati on as a consi clerabl e Glenn Otfermann number of our Board members anc� offi cers resi de i n that nei ahbor- Rabbi Bernard Raskas hood, and wi 11 be i nvol vi na many of i ts resi dents i n the pl anni ng James P. Richardson and carryi ng out of the festi val . . Frances Sontag sister Mary wiltiam Thank you for your assi stance. William L. Wiison Sincerely, , � �j �,- / ,j-�fC t � Alma C. Joseph, 2ND VICE PRESI�ENT 365 Summit Avenue St. Paul , MN 55102 (612) 222-4548 or (612) ?_90-2846 #E & #� ��"J`�°9 ���� ���� ��� ����� ��� ��� �� wiliiam l. Wilson SPHRS FESTIVAL BI!DGET FOR RICE PARK ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1988 1to6P.M. 1s? V7CE !AElLtl�l? Robert Hoag IricoME: �rrn u~c� ��rz Alma C.Joseph In-Ki nd: Tables - 10 @ �5.00 eacb ------------------------- $ 50.00 A�rdinator - 20 hrs. @ $15/hr. ------------------- 300.�0 �ose,lovellana Publ i ci ty Chai r - 10 hrs. @ $15/hr. -------------- 150.00 Plannina Committee Q people, 10 hrs. each @ :�AE�,,u,y $10/hr. ------------- 900.00 JamesP. Richardson Set-up Committee 10 people, 5 hrs, each @ $10/hr.- 500.00 Clean-up Committee, 5 people, 2 hrs.ea: @ $10/hr.- 100.00 �A� oF Dt�Efl7DflS lynda Adter TOTAL: ------------------------- $ 2,000.00 John Connelly Joseph Connors Don Empson EXPENSFS: Glenn Erickson ThomasFlynn Cash Outldy: Monsig. Francis Gilligan *jnsurance (Hendri ckson Ins. Agency) ------------- $ 310.00 RobertHoag Easel Rental (1a @ $5.00 each) ------------------ 70.00 Alma C.�oseph Tent Rental (4 (� $55.�0 each) ------------------- 220.00 .1ose�ovellana Satel l i te Rental (2) ---------------------------- 175.00 JudgeStephenMaxwell Park Fee (llse of Rice Park), $25/hr. for 5 hrs.-- 125.00 Arthur Chandler McWatt Photoarapher Fee -------------------------------- 25.00 Glenn Oftermann Fi 1 m R �evel opment ------------------------------ �00.00 Rabbi Bernard Raskas Publ i ci ty R Pri nti ng (Posters, Flyers, James P. Richardson Reais tra tion forms for Frances Sontag Artifacts) ---------------- 575.00 SisterMaryWilliam TOTAL: --------------- � 2,000.00 William L. Wilson --------- (;RAP1T RFQl1EST FROM CITY PARKS AN� RECREATION: $ 2,000.00 *(lierbal agreement was aiven by Glenn of the Hendrickson Insurance Aaency, 7805 Telegram Road, Suite 10(1, Bloomington, MN 55438, phone: 829-7550, that the,y would be pleased to provide us with the necessar,y coverage at the $310.00 rate for the afternoon of September 18, 1988. ) #8 ���� ���� ��� ���.�� �x�s� �� �� william L. Wilson PLAN FOR STAGING THF SPHRS FESTIVAL ON SEPTEMBER 18; 1988 IN RICE PARK fE7 V1L'£ !1lfS1flEN7 Robert Hoag A Committee with James Richardson as Chair/Coordinator� was form�d 2t�1� V10E !fl.EStU��1? on J u n e 16, 1988. Alma C.Joseph Reservation of Rice Park, tents, easels, satellites, etc. was made TRf-rtsltAE�t. on June 22, 1988. Insurance coverage was arranaed on June 22, 1988. �ose,lovellana Publ i ci t.y i n the form of flyers, posters and news rel eases and interviews will begin early in July 1988. fECflE'r JamesP. R�chardson In early July a special telephone number will be provided for resi- dents to call in questions, information, etc. TV, radio, newspaper �ftf1 oF M1l.�C7�b1ls and fl,yer announcements wi 11 1 i st thi s number. Speci al arti cl es LyndaAdier are planned around specific identified artifacts and individuals .1ohnConnelly that will stir interest on the part of many residents to join in �osephConnors the festival with their treasures of St. Paul history. Don Empson �tenn Erickson On the clay of the fes ti val tents wi 11 be i n pl ace wi th backdrops ThomasFlynn in case of inclimate weather. Easels will be available for pictures. Monsig. Francis Gilligan Tabl es wi 11 be set up for attendees to fi 11 out the regi stration RobertHoag forms for their artifacts anc! photos will be taken, to be attached AImaC.�oseph later to the registration slip. These will all become a part of .1ose�ovellana our Regi ster of St. Paul 's hi story and made avai 1 abl e at a ci ty Judge Stephen Maxwelt museum, qubl i c 1 i hrary or other faci 1 i ty conveni ent to resi dents Arthur Chandler McWatt and researchers. Glenn Offermann RabbiBernardRaskas Volunteers, as well as Board members, will assist attendees in James P. Richardson compl eti ng the regi s trati on forms and shari ng ,i n memori es of FrancesSontag St. Paul ' s past. 1lecorations will be very simple -- probably sister rtary wiltiam bal loons and ri bbons. William L. Wilson No food or other refreshments will be provided by STHRS, However, St. Paul 's regular street vendors will be made aware of our activity. A clean-up crew will see that the Park is left in its original condition. The City of St. Paul will be named as co-insured. WHITE +'C�TV CLERK COUflCll G�y+ PINK !- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� /J BLUERY - MAVORTMENT File � NO. v �" /�/o - Return copy to Room 218 , . . --•--.,. Valuations & Assessments Council Resol t�o a �- �--� (Wanns) (DM�, �--- Presented By � Refecred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution 157069 as amended by resolution 88-1090 vacated land in the City of Saint Paul described as follows: All that part of the alley in Wann' s Subdivision of Block 21 , Summit Park Addition lying between Victoria Street and the east line of the west five feet of Lots 11 and 20 extended. WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution 183720 as amended by resolution 88-1045 vacated land in the City of Saint Paul described as follows: That part of the east and west alley in Wann' s Subdivision of Block 21, Summit Park Addition lying west of a line 5 feet east of and parallel to the west lines of Lots 11 and 20 of said block 21, and also all of the north 20 feet of the south 30 feet of the east 1/2 of Lot 12 and the north 20 feet of the south 30 feet of the west 5 feet of Lot 11 and the south 20 feet of the north 30 feet of the east 1/2 of Lot 19 and the south 20 feet of the north 30 feet of the west 5 feet of Lot 20 all in Wann' s Subdivision of Block 21 , 5ummit Park Addition. WHEREAS, based upon utili,ty easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northwestern Bell, Northern States Power Company, Public Works, the Water Utility, Continental Cablevision, Western Union, and District Energy St. Paul, Inc. and made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul , the City for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments waives the right to utility easements in the vacated area and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays nimona Finance & Management S vi Long In Favor Goswitz �h,�� Against BY or Sonnen �W b��'� Wilson Form Appro City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date C g � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By� t#pproved by Mavor: Date Appr by Mayor for Subm' s' n t Coun '1 BY � Plf�.iSNfA `�'��i�' .. � 19$8