88-1404 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council BLUERV - MAVPORTMEN7 File NO. ��_/��� _/ . �, Y� � t Council Resolution Presented By ��T'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wi�RF'�AS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify tha.t there are available for appropriation revenue in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHII�.EAS, The Ma,yor recomnends the follo�ing changes to the 1988 Budget: Financing Plan Current Amended -------------- Budget Cha�?�+e Budget 436 Special Projects - Police 34125 Folice Safety Equipcnent 9890-40000 Undesignated �znd Ba.lance -0- _4t392 _4t392 Spending Plan -0- 4,392 4,392 436 Special Projects - police 34125 Police Safety Equipment 0354-40000 Law Enforcernent _ _0_ _4Z392 __4�392_ -0- 4,392 4,392 � ��N� 4,392 RESIOLUID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 Budget. 21. �,�� �-II-�� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor � Goswitz Rettman � / /' scne;be� _ A ga i n s t BY —�[. ` i� [er Sonnen Wilson AUG 2 5 1988 Form App ed by City tt ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa:• d uncil Se tar BY � By . Appro y 1�lavor: Date _ App e by Mayo fo S b ission to Council By P�IS�� S�P - 31988 . 3 �,,yoy - k � � . .N° 011595 � PoliCe DEPART!lENT . - - - - - - ' Luci Mitc,hell CONTACT,NAME �-� PflONE __ 8-08=88 DATE . �SIGN NiJMBER FOB &OUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) � Department Director ,� Ztayor (or Assistant) $ Finance and Mnnagement Services Director � City Clerk •2 Budget Director � �e� •� City Attorney .Z Cit�C`O�ti�f;.i9, TOTAL N[iMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: �_ (Clip all locations for signature.) W�T WILL BE ACHIEQED B�, TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACH�D MATERIALS? (Purpoae/Rationale) . Tl�e St. Paul Pblice Uepa�t .wi11 use tk�e fim.ds for tY�e p�e of safet�r �ests, � � � I�ki'+� � � � COSTf BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: aU G �,J �9�G� B�dgetary impact outl ined on attached Gbunci�, R�lut�o�. M�'SYOR`S OFflCE Council Research ��:: �,;r �II�ANCING SOURCE AND BIIDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: A U G 171988 (Mayor•s signature aot required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: �4�892�� Activity Number: ��5 Funding Source: � - Special Projects - Po�:ice ATTXCHI�ENTS: (List and number all attachments.) : R�CEIVED � 1. Glawcil R�esolution. AU G 1 N 1988 ' ADMINISTRATIVL� PROCEDURES �Yes _No Rules. Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment requir'ed? gYes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPAR�'lIENT REVIEW CITY AT�ORNEY RE��EW gYes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes 1(_No Insurance required? Iasurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �,No Insurance attached?