99-289///111 Council File # � 1a.g9 O' • � �/ � ��L Green Sheet ,����s� -- RESOWTION CI �� INT PAUL��NNESOTA t � /� , % Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAB, the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has 2 received Erom Capital City Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 3 and St. Mark Lutheran Church a donation of $400 to help purohase 4 new equipment for the reconstruction of the plap area at Dousman 5 Park, attd 6 WHEREAB, the Division of Parks and Recreation wishes to accept 7 this generous donation and establish a 1999 spending and s fittanaing plan, and 9 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of 10 the City of saint Paul, does certify that there are available li appropriation funds in escess of those estimated in the 1999 12 budget; and 13 i�HEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be 14 made to the 1999 budget: 15 CiJRRENT AMENDPsD 16 FINANCING PI,AN: BIIDGET CFiANGE BIIDGET 17 001 - General Fund 18 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 19 6905 - Contr. & Donations 0 $400 $400 20 SPENDING PLAN• 21 001 - General Fund 22 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 23 0389 - Other Misc. Supplies $8,326 $400 $8,726 qq- a8q 24 THEREFORE B8 IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and 25 siacerely thanks Capital Citp Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 26 and St. Mark Lutheraa Church for the donation and apprones the 27 chanqes to the 1999 budget. r Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ ✓ _ Bostrom ✓ CoZeman ✓ Harris ;/ Lantry _ _� Reiter_ ,/ � 0 f Adopted by Council: Date ��T� �qy°t T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ���a . � _,.J•e,.,,_ Approved b�Mayor: Date: /�Q By: � �✓ � Requested by: Divisi of ks an ecreation � By: Apprpval Recommende� Budqet ,�LI Form Approved by Sye � EPARTN.4NT/OFFCFJLOUNqL DATEINITIATm GREEN SHEET V�� NO. 62757 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 qq - Z CONTACT PEqSpN AND PHONE INITINJDATE INITINJOATE RiCh La11iBr 266-6363 � 1 DfPMTMFNTOIFECTOR 5 cmcouNC�� asacx lUMBFR 3 CfTYATfORNEY diYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BV (DATq q �T� �� ? RNANpALS�NICE$bfR. G Office of Fnancisl Servicas 4 MAYORIOflA$SST/Wil TOTAL / OF SIGNATURE PAGES (MIP ALLlDCAiIONS FOR SHiNA7U1� ACTION REQUE5T�: Authorize the Division o4 Parks and Recreation to accept a donation of 9400 from CapiWl City Brench 8019 of �utheran Brotherhood and St. Mark Lutheran Church to help purchase new equipment for the reconstruction of the play area at Dousman Park and to set up a 1999 spending plan for this project. FECOMMFNDAiIONS: Approve IA1 a Re�ect IR7 P9tSONqL S6IVICE CONTRACTS MUBT ANSW61 THE FOLLON7N0 �UESTIONS: _PLMINING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSON �, Hae tMS peroo�rm evar worke0 under a contrott for tlris decanmmt� _Cle GOMMI7TEE _ YES NO /� STAfF 2. Me* thie PenoMirm ever been a citv emdoyee? YES N� DISTRICT GOUNCIL �— 3. Does thie persaNtirm pmxas a akill not narmally poaa�etl by any cwren[ city employ<e> SUPPOfiTSVh11CHCOUNC{LOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ecqtln aN Y� �wan on �eperate sheet end et¢wh m qreen �heat. iNITATNG GROBLFM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNIN (Who, What. N/hen, Wlure, Why1: Mr. Doug Rosiike approached the Division with a request to allow St. Mark Lutheran Church to assist financially with a donation to spruce up Dousman Park. it was determined that the Divisio� would be upgrading the equipment in the play area and that Mr. Rositke's organizations donation could be utilized to help purchase a portion of the new equipment. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The City would receive a donation of 5400 to help purchase new equipmeM for pousman Park. RECEIVVED �� ����� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPPOVFD: 1 6 1999 �'`'��' � / � .� �Rq'» � �° �..�/Y tdone. MAY " � w �` � ,�� `J � 0 �'S OFFIC� g � �� "" ��� ��,� �����,:,_�,4 � � f:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ` The donation of 5400 would not be used to purchase equipment for pousman Park. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 400 cosrmEVO+ueeuncermcartc�ox� rES rvo FUNDIN650lPCE acnwTrxunnea� 03171 FtdANCfALiNFOHMAT1pM: �EXPWti) G:\UI V\W P\llousmanParkl;reensheetlyy. wp0 ///111 Council File # � 1a.g9 O' • � �/ � ��L Green Sheet ,����s� -- RESOWTION CI �� INT PAUL��NNESOTA t � /� , % Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAB, the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has 2 received Erom Capital City Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 3 and St. Mark Lutheran Church a donation of $400 to help purohase 4 new equipment for the reconstruction of the plap area at Dousman 5 Park, attd 6 WHEREAB, the Division of Parks and Recreation wishes to accept 7 this generous donation and establish a 1999 spending and s fittanaing plan, and 9 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of 10 the City of saint Paul, does certify that there are available li appropriation funds in escess of those estimated in the 1999 12 budget; and 13 i�HEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be 14 made to the 1999 budget: 15 CiJRRENT AMENDPsD 16 FINANCING PI,AN: BIIDGET CFiANGE BIIDGET 17 001 - General Fund 18 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 19 6905 - Contr. & Donations 0 $400 $400 20 SPENDING PLAN• 21 001 - General Fund 22 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 23 0389 - Other Misc. Supplies $8,326 $400 $8,726 qq- a8q 24 THEREFORE B8 IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and 25 siacerely thanks Capital Citp Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 26 and St. Mark Lutheraa Church for the donation and apprones the 27 chanqes to the 1999 budget. r Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ ✓ _ Bostrom ✓ CoZeman ✓ Harris ;/ Lantry _ _� Reiter_ ,/ � 0 f Adopted by Council: Date ��T� �qy°t T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ���a . � _,.J•e,.,,_ Approved b�Mayor: Date: /�Q By: � �✓ � Requested by: Divisi of ks an ecreation � By: Apprpval Recommende� Budqet ,�LI Form Approved by Sye � EPARTN.4NT/OFFCFJLOUNqL DATEINITIATm GREEN SHEET V�� NO. 62757 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 qq - Z CONTACT PEqSpN AND PHONE INITINJDATE INITINJOATE RiCh La11iBr 266-6363 � 1 DfPMTMFNTOIFECTOR 5 cmcouNC�� asacx lUMBFR 3 CfTYATfORNEY diYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BV (DATq q �T� �� ? RNANpALS�NICE$bfR. G Office of Fnancisl Servicas 4 MAYORIOflA$SST/Wil TOTAL / OF SIGNATURE PAGES (MIP ALLlDCAiIONS FOR SHiNA7U1� ACTION REQUE5T�: Authorize the Division o4 Parks and Recreation to accept a donation of 9400 from CapiWl City Brench 8019 of �utheran Brotherhood and St. Mark Lutheran Church to help purchase new equipment for the reconstruction of the play area at Dousman Park and to set up a 1999 spending plan for this project. FECOMMFNDAiIONS: Approve IA1 a Re�ect IR7 P9tSONqL S6IVICE CONTRACTS MUBT ANSW61 THE FOLLON7N0 �UESTIONS: _PLMINING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSON �, Hae tMS peroo�rm evar worke0 under a contrott for tlris decanmmt� _Cle GOMMI7TEE _ YES NO /� STAfF 2. Me* thie PenoMirm ever been a citv emdoyee? YES N� DISTRICT GOUNCIL �— 3. Does thie persaNtirm pmxas a akill not narmally poaa�etl by any cwren[ city employ<e> SUPPOfiTSVh11CHCOUNC{LOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ecqtln aN Y� �wan on �eperate sheet end et¢wh m qreen �heat. iNITATNG GROBLFM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNIN (Who, What. N/hen, Wlure, Why1: Mr. Doug Rosiike approached the Division with a request to allow St. Mark Lutheran Church to assist financially with a donation to spruce up Dousman Park. it was determined that the Divisio� would be upgrading the equipment in the play area and that Mr. Rositke's organizations donation could be utilized to help purchase a portion of the new equipment. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The City would receive a donation of 5400 to help purchase new equipmeM for pousman Park. RECEIVVED �� ����� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPPOVFD: 1 6 1999 �'`'��' � / � .� �Rq'» � �° �..�/Y tdone. MAY " � w �` � ,�� `J � 0 �'S OFFIC� g � �� "" ��� ��,� �����,:,_�,4 � � f:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ` The donation of 5400 would not be used to purchase equipment for pousman Park. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 400 cosrmEVO+ueeuncermcartc�ox� rES rvo FUNDIN650lPCE acnwTrxunnea� 03171 FtdANCfALiNFOHMAT1pM: �EXPWti) G:\UI V\W P\llousmanParkl;reensheetlyy. wp0 ///111 Council File # � 1a.g9 O' • � �/ � ��L Green Sheet ,����s� -- RESOWTION CI �� INT PAUL��NNESOTA t � /� , % Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAB, the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation has 2 received Erom Capital City Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 3 and St. Mark Lutheran Church a donation of $400 to help purohase 4 new equipment for the reconstruction of the plap area at Dousman 5 Park, attd 6 WHEREAB, the Division of Parks and Recreation wishes to accept 7 this generous donation and establish a 1999 spending and s fittanaing plan, and 9 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of 10 the City of saint Paul, does certify that there are available li appropriation funds in escess of those estimated in the 1999 12 budget; and 13 i�HEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be 14 made to the 1999 budget: 15 CiJRRENT AMENDPsD 16 FINANCING PI,AN: BIIDGET CFiANGE BIIDGET 17 001 - General Fund 18 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 19 6905 - Contr. & Donations 0 $400 $400 20 SPENDING PLAN• 21 001 - General Fund 22 03171 - Pks and Rec Maint Support 23 0389 - Other Misc. Supplies $8,326 $400 $8,726 qq- a8q 24 THEREFORE B8 IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and 25 siacerely thanks Capital Citp Branch 8019 of Lutheran Brotherhood 26 and St. Mark Lutheraa Church for the donation and apprones the 27 chanqes to the 1999 budget. r Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ ✓ _ Bostrom ✓ CoZeman ✓ Harris ;/ Lantry _ _� Reiter_ ,/ � 0 f Adopted by Council: Date ��T� �qy°t T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ���a . � _,.J•e,.,,_ Approved b�Mayor: Date: /�Q By: � �✓ � Requested by: Divisi of ks an ecreation � By: Apprpval Recommende� Budqet ,�LI Form Approved by Sye � EPARTN.4NT/OFFCFJLOUNqL DATEINITIATm GREEN SHEET V�� NO. 62757 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 qq - Z CONTACT PEqSpN AND PHONE INITINJDATE INITINJOATE RiCh La11iBr 266-6363 � 1 DfPMTMFNTOIFECTOR 5 cmcouNC�� asacx lUMBFR 3 CfTYATfORNEY diYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BV (DATq q �T� �� ? RNANpALS�NICE$bfR. G Office of Fnancisl Servicas 4 MAYORIOflA$SST/Wil TOTAL / OF SIGNATURE PAGES (MIP ALLlDCAiIONS FOR SHiNA7U1� ACTION REQUE5T�: Authorize the Division o4 Parks and Recreation to accept a donation of 9400 from CapiWl City Brench 8019 of �utheran Brotherhood and St. Mark Lutheran Church to help purchase new equipment for the reconstruction of the play area at Dousman Park and to set up a 1999 spending plan for this project. FECOMMFNDAiIONS: Approve IA1 a Re�ect IR7 P9tSONqL S6IVICE CONTRACTS MUBT ANSW61 THE FOLLON7N0 �UESTIONS: _PLMINING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSON �, Hae tMS peroo�rm evar worke0 under a contrott for tlris decanmmt� _Cle GOMMI7TEE _ YES NO /� STAfF 2. Me* thie PenoMirm ever been a citv emdoyee? YES N� DISTRICT GOUNCIL �— 3. Does thie persaNtirm pmxas a akill not narmally poaa�etl by any cwren[ city employ<e> SUPPOfiTSVh11CHCOUNC{LOBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ecqtln aN Y� �wan on �eperate sheet end et¢wh m qreen �heat. iNITATNG GROBLFM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNIN (Who, What. N/hen, Wlure, Why1: Mr. Doug Rosiike approached the Division with a request to allow St. Mark Lutheran Church to assist financially with a donation to spruce up Dousman Park. it was determined that the Divisio� would be upgrading the equipment in the play area and that Mr. Rositke's organizations donation could be utilized to help purchase a portion of the new equipment. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The City would receive a donation of 5400 to help purchase new equipmeM for pousman Park. RECEIVVED �� ����� �� � � DISADVANTAGES IF APPPOVFD: 1 6 1999 �'`'��' � / � .� �Rq'» � �° �..�/Y tdone. MAY " � w �` � ,�� `J � 0 �'S OFFIC� g � �� "" ��� ��,� �����,:,_�,4 � � f:� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ` The donation of 5400 would not be used to purchase equipment for pousman Park. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 400 cosrmEVO+ueeuncermcartc�ox� rES rvo FUNDIN650lPCE acnwTrxunnea� 03171 FtdANCfALiNFOHMAT1pM: �EXPWti) G:\UI V\W P\llousmanParkl;reensheetlyy. wp0