88-1401 WMFTE - �I TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 GANARr'-�yOEiARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA � � +9lUE, -MAVOR File NO. /� � .` �• O/ dnce � �Ordinance N 0. !r���7 , . � Presented By - 4'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Building Code and Inspection" by adding a section 33.03(f) thereto pertaining to the issuance of permits for vacant, dangerous and abandoned buildings . TrIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended in section 33. 03 by adding a new paragraph to read as follows: 33.03 (f) . Work done on vacant buildings, dangerous buildings and abandoned buildings. No person shall be issued a permit pursuant to this chapter, excluding a demolition permit, for any building determined to be a vacant building under Section 43.01 or a dangerous building under Section 45 . 01 , Subd. 3 , or an abandoned building under Section 45 . 01 , Subd. l , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, without first filing for and receiving a certificate of code compli- ance inspection under Section 33 . 06 or filing for and receiving a certificate of occupancy inspection under Section 33.05 of this chapter. Any application for a permit issued under this chapter, with the exception of a demolition permit , for work to be done on a building determined to be a vacant, dangerous , or abandoned building must be accompanied by a deposit of $2, 000.00. Such monies shall be deposited with the Department of Finance and Management Services to be held at an interest rate to be established by that department , until such -time as the monies COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��� �" By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By • . ' . � ,, , . �D-/�/�� . . ; , _ • are refunded to the permittee or forfeited to the City under the provisions of this section. A certificate of compliance under Section 33 . 06 or a certificate of occupancy under Section 33 . 05 must be obtained within six (6) months from the date of the original certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy inspection. One three ( 3) month time extension beyond the initial six (6) month time limi- tation may be requested by the owner and will be considered by the Building Official , if it can be shown that the code compliance work is proceeding expeditiously and is more than 50% complete or if unforeseen conditions have had a significant schedule impact on the completion of work. In the event the building is restored to habitable condition and a certificate of compliance and/or certificate of occupancy is obtained within the time limits set out herein, the Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000 . 00) shall be refunded with interest by the Department of Finance . If a certificate of compliance or certificate of occupancy is not issued within the time period authorized pursuant to this section, all monies de- posited will be forfeited without refund to the City and the City may proceed with a substantial abatement action under the provisions of Chapter 45 of this code . No building subject to the restrictions of this section shall be used for occupancy until such time as the certificate of compliance and/or certificate of occupancy relating to that building has been issued. Rehabilitation undertaken by the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Developmen-t or its sponsorship shall be exempt from the requirement for a cash deposit. In lieu of the $2,000.00 deposit referenced above, a performance bond in the same amount running in favor of the city may be submitted with the application for the permit. 2 . WHI�E - CI TV CIERK 'PIN; 3= FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1N0. ����`��� C1�NAR� -•DEPARTMENT 'BLUE MRVOR � • O/ indnce Ordinance N�. l��(�7 : Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 3 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel �' Against By -8eeee� Wilson SEP 1 � ��� Form Ap y City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e cil Se y BY � By Approved b Mayo • e SEP � 5 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By � BY Pl�#.��N� S�r' � �� �988 - � . : - � , _ �, . . .. , �8���� � � 1V° 012464 C�ty Council DEPARTMENT - ��� Jim Murphy CONTACT NAHS 4�51 PHONE . . � 7-25-88 DATE . ASa?GN NUMBLR FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Department Director Ataqor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�anagement Services Director 3 City Glerk Budget Director 1 City Council ? City Attorney ! TOTl�L NiTMBBR OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) � T�FL�T WILL BB �CHISVED BrY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTAC�iED MA�EI�UIS? (Purposa/�at�.onale) This ordinance w1:11 amend Section 33,03 of the Legislative Code and requires that a propety owner must apply for a certificate of compliance before they can receive a permit to do work on a boarded up, vacant, or on or in a condemned building. A condition of tfie perm�.t is that the applicant must deposit $2000:00 with the City. This ordinance is a measure to insure work is completed once a permit is issued. It will add incentive for owners to co�nplete work in a timely manner and reduce any nuisances that property may be causing. This ordinance was before and discussed by the Community and Human Services Committee Ju�.y 20, 1988. Expeditious handling of this ordinance is needed. Minneapolis has had suc� a law for quite �QS�BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNSL IMPACTS A1+ITICIPATED: some time. NA_ - IN C G T C V DI ED: (Mayor's signature not required under 00.) Total Amount of Trans�ctio : Activity Number: Fua�ding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (L t a num r a attachments.) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? �Yes _No If yes� are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REnIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' r _Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No , Yes _No Iasurance requiredY Insurance sufficient� �Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? ��..�, \ : 1_' lst �"o7�r�'d' 2nd ?- I ` �`�—�f' _ , , _ �'1� � --��� � Adopted �—/��o _ . 3rd � - _ Yeas Nays _ . DIMOND �Q �—lYO� GOSWITZ L'7,,��7 LONG � _ RETTMAN SONNEN . WILSON MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL . . :, . _ . ,.. . - , : . . ,: . .`� � �: " . _:: ". � . , ,- ;�; ; _ . _ , ,:_.. . _ , , � � � � . ' � • , • R �� i�� s��* �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;`0 '�% OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY �.r 1111�111�11 �= l;. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,, _ ''��,�„«�°,;���°� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 11 , 1988 Council Member Janice Rettman 7th rloor City Hall Dear Council Member Rettman: Attached please find the much discussed amendment to Chapter 33 . 03 of the Legislative Code . I have double-checked with Jan Gasterland and Steve Roy and they find the draft acceptable as to the operation of their respective divisions. Yours truly, �. �:;�'�� _� ; y ._ ��.�" . PRUL F . MC CLO KEY Assistant City Rttorne PFM:cg Att. cc : .�dward P. Starr Jane McPeak Jan Gasterland Steve Roy John McCormick Edwin Lee � � - ��'-/yo/ ' r � � � • � , Members: ����� .�1 GITY OF SAIITT Pd UL Janice Rettman,cha�r � ":`.`` ." Bilt �lson : �: :•, ,�_ OFFICE OF TAE CITY COU�TCIL �Otj LOtlg Date: August 18, 1988 1ANICE RE'ITMAN , �°°���°° . Committee Report To: Saint Paui City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee . Janice Rettman, Chair � A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee �was held at I:30 p.m_ on ' Wednesday, August 17, 1988: - 1. City Council Agenda 5/3/88, Item No. 16: Third Reading - 88-500 - An ordinaace zmending Chapter 409.21(b) of the Legislative Code pertaining to pulltabs and tipboards in bars by deleting the reference to charftable organizations that support youth athletic activities. (Community and Human Services Committee recommends approval. (Sent back per request by Ms. Sonnen in regard to national associations having pulltabs.) Phil Byrne's combination of Lwo ordinances will be presented. (Laid over from July 6, I988 meeting.) (This was laid over to August 3�, 1988, as both Bill Wilson and Kiki Sonnen were absent.) (Lafd over to August 17, 1988.) Laid over to August 31, 1988. for language stipulation (five permits versus striking youth athletics). 2. City Council Agenda S/24/88, Item No. 2s First Reading - 88-794 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legislative Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and to reflect the administrative merger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspections program from the Department of Commuaity Services-Building to the Department of Fire and Safety Services-Fire Marshal.l. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) (Laid over until August 3, 1988 for Gene Schiller to review with Steve Zaccard.) (New information has been received. I.aid over to August 17, 1988 to review information.) Laid over to August 31, 1988 for Steve 2accard to procure comparative data. 3. City Council Agenda 6/30/88, Itea No. 5: First Reading - 88-I07I - An ordinance amending Section 310.03 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Uniform License Procedures for investigatipn and review of new applications for BCA and FBI checks of Class III licenses. (Laid over to August 17, 1988 so that Jerry Segal may review author's potential amendments.) Laid over to August 31, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may address the item. 4. Part III - Report on Gross Unsanitary Homes. (ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE E:vCOURAGED TO ATTEND.) (Laid over from August 3, 1988.) T�r�''�naa.�.,:����r�d are�d ze�t�endad for ��M�.1�;��;��Qaw�a,�-tee; that :�s, ��"�''���;�i���;�3(�� with a friendly amendment adding performance CITY HALL ROOM NO. 70� SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOT'A 55102 6I2/Z93-5289 i�4{ . . � . ' . _.,_.-�.r�.�-�-.+ � � _ . . .