88-1387 e. � �`� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � �/ FINAL ORDER B File No. S-88-70 RESCHEDULED HEARING August 23, 1988 Voting In the Matter of sidewalk construction and/or reconstruction at the following Ward location: 4 West side Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Pelham Blvd. with Integral Curb (Referred to Committee) under Preliminary Order 88-1052 approved June 28, 1988 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. AUG � � 1988 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz � Certified sed b Council Secretar Long Rettman In Favor Scheibel Sonnen � Against Wi�S'etr Mayor AUG Z 6 1g8g � p1f�t.ISHED S�P - 31988 , L��'-���'� � . e,,,��,.� �►,�� ' Public works - siflewall�s 8/2/SS GRE��`�WEET No.O Q�$2� : � � �� ����� . T�lplki$ P.-Ree f e AS8K3N . — �wwcE a w�waerErrr�onr�mn �_cmr p.�ec oa+rner a�+or� NUI�ER t�OR _ < Pu�ilic Wor&s - Si ewalks 292-5283 ��n� �� {} - .�,�$� °RD�p° —`;cm�,iow�er �eferred tg Cartl��Ciee��`y E;(lti��-" Rescheduled Hearir�g for 8/23�g8 ` Reconstruction of O1d Detective and Unsafe Sidewai� in�Ward 4 at the follo�ing location - `West side of Qtis Elvenae from Ma�'sha11 Avenue to Peiham B�vd. with IntegraZ C�rb. File No. ,.88=S--70 - (ORIGINALLY PART OF GREEN SHEET NQ. U01993 SEE ATTACHBD) �iMB��foNS:tN+P►we tN«,�ysa(p!) �aESeJ►nct►r�onT: - .. . PLMRINQ OOMM�SKJN � � � CML�8E9VICE COMA�910N � -DATE MJ�� . DATE OUr. � --ANAi.Y3T . � . � � P11d1E Iq. �. . .. � � � � �0lMq COA�88pN�� � I�626 8CF1001.BQNiD. � . � . . . . ...�. . .. . . STAFF. . � .. . � CNARTER COMAA18810N _COMPLETE AS IS . -AffD'L MIFO�:ADDED* __OR il dL�� �_F�• . . .�: DB7idCT OOUNCN. - . . . . � . .. � � *E%PLANATION: . , � . ... � . . BUPPdR'i8 N�MCM COUNCIL OB�CTNE9 . �. � .� . . . . . ' � � . � ,. � � . . . . � N�lM�MO RAO�L�#1.NSIJE.OIM�O�'1NN1{Y(YWa.VYhY1.YYllxl�YVIMfe�WhY): . .N147liCA71Q1(Co�,Advanttp�e.�1: . _ . , , ;. _ : 'ANhtl.WMA�li�d Td WlionQ:; . . AtffJNAiR1Ef�. ., pppg. , ppNS ._,.. ' 1rBTORY/Pl�ti8: I.E311L 18511G8: . _ ORIOINATOR � OA(!INTATlD � �ATE CW/IEIE� � Pub) ic� Works - s�dew��ks 6i�3is$ GREEI� SHEET No.001993 NTACT PBRSON pEpNrn�E►R pipECtoq �vOn�a+ �ror1 p� Thoma s P� Keef e �ssioN — ����„�� 1 cm����d����7 NUMBER FOp - Works � RounNa a�ooE►a�cron 2 Counc i 1 Researc Si. �alks 292-6283 ORDER: — �,,�„�„�,, Must be on Ag� 8 . /DES IPT10N OF P WE / S : econstr�lct Old Defective a�d Unsafe S�dewal�CS in Warc�. 4 (See attached 1 ist) S-88-69,70 : RECOMMEt10AT10N8:(APProvs(�)a R�wY(Rl 1 COUNCIL RESEAHCH WEPOAT: . . PIANNIN9 f.'OMMI8810N CNq.SERVICE COMMAIS910N DAtE Ml OATE OUT ANAIVST PHdVE N0. ZONIMO CORMAIpSION 19D!26 8C11001 BOARO � . �. A 9TI1R . CMARTER COI�M�N&lION . COMMIETE A9 q -IWOL MIfO.AOOBD" � _�_F�AO�Dt�FO� _FEE�AOD�• . DIBTRICi CqJMC� . . . D TR C "EXPUNAtqN: . � �ORTB V�INpII COUNCII 08J8CTNl7 � . ... � � � .� To implement an effective complalnt resolution process and contribute : to a saf er and bet te t ne i gh6brhood. �n�n�Pnoe��.�ssu�,oPVOntu►a►v Mn,o,wn.t.wne�.wnsrs.wM1: • The problem "defecttve sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade materlal , alte�nating freeze/thaw cycles , se'rvice Iife limits, chemlcal additives, extreme tempereture variations, etc. These problems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an an�uTbasis, teft uncorrec.ted the sidewaik cond�tion would worsen to a > state whe�re it would �e rendered un�ssble and subjecE to tnc'reased pedestria� injurfes from fa"� and possible 1ltigations. ' ATION(CosUBensms.Advaugs�,ResWtsl: The conanunity will benefit fran this p�oject because it will provide safe defect free side- wa�ks for its many cltizens. The sidewalk cohEracts �re executed by pr�vate contractors, so 1t follows that private sector �obs are c1-eated as a �-esult of this activity. COfIlEOUEtICEB(�4 Whsn.�nd To Whan►: � Historically the sidewalk reconstruct.io�s have. created negative feedbacks in the area of ton- struction procedure and asse5sment. In spite of the fect the assessments are redl�ced to one-haf� the actuai costs, as a result of the Clty provided subsidies they sti1) produce a : great dea� of controversy. iu.�+�rnee: vnos oNs 1 . Have Ctty Forces repair or reconsEruet. Reduces the procedural �. Repair - cosmetic, 2. Let system deteriorate. process, lessens politi- costly and temporary. cal invo�vanent and alle- 2. Reconstruction - pro- viates con�tituent com- hibitively expensive. ptaints generated from 3. Increases rate and assessment poiicy. size o� ltt�gations. :• �sroprrP�eceo�►ns: '. Routine adminlstration. • :� � rws standard operating procedure. �. �.'• L@OAL t9SUES: �: Basically this ts an administrative procedure with legislative overview and authorizat.lon. No . laws need be passed or chang�d. Lawsu� ts would 3ncrease if elternative policy were adopted. . _ . _ . _ (,,������7 s Members: CITY OF �AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair } Janice Rettman . liii�i��ii OFFIGE OF TH�L` CITY COUNUIL _ Tom Dimond �� Date: august io, i9ss RECEIVED Committee Report AUG 101988 To: Saint Paul City Council arY c�ERK From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair The �ublic Works Committee at its meeting of August 10, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date 1. 8/23/88 VACATION: Petition of the United States Postal Service for the vacation of the alley in Block 6, Lorena Park and Block 14, Denslow's Rearrangement (bounded by Etna, Reaney, Birmingham and Minnehaha) . Purpose is to build a new post office. Recommended approval unanimously. 2. 8/16/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the HAMLINE/HEWITT AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT (Green Lantern) . Also for the Hamline/Hewitt Supplement. Recommended approval unanimously. 3. 8/16/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the HAMLINE/HEWITT AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 4. 8/16/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the ARLINGTON/ARKWRIGHT AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Also for the Arlington/Arkwright Supplement. Laid over in Committee to 8-31-88. 5. 8/16/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the ARLINGTON/ARKWRIGHT AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Laid over in Committee to 8-31-88. 6. 8/23/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the improvement of the following streets: NEBRASKA AVENUE from Atlantic Street to English Street; ATLANTIC STREET from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, and CHAMBER STREET from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. Recommended approval unanimously. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUUR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 d�.�e , . , � � �.�- ��� 7. 8/23/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the JACKSON/SYCAMORE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 8. 8/23/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the JACKSON/SYCAMORE STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 9. 8/23/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. _ Recommended approval unanimously. 10. 8�25/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Improving the East-West alley in Block 28, Syndicate ��5 Addition. (bounded by Sherburne, Charles, Pascal and Albert) . Laid over in Committee to 8-24-88. 11. 8/25/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Improving the alley in Block 1 Buckhout's Rearrangement and Block 12, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition. (bounded by Toronto, Webster, Jefferson & Grace) . Recommended approval unanimously. 12. 8/25/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the EIGHTH STREET STORM SEWER AREA. Recommended approval unanimously. 13. RESOLUTION 88-1193 - Amending C.F. 87-1703 adopted November 24, 1987 by changing the design and budget for the intersection improvement at POINT DOUGLAS, BURNS and CLARENCE. Recommended approval unanimously. 14. FINAL ORDER: S-88-60 - sidewalk construction and/or reconstruction for N. side of ANNAPOLIS STREET from Humboldt Avenue to Gorman Avenue. Recommended approval unanimously. 15. FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk construction and/or reconstruction for both sides of BEECHWOOD AVENUE from Fairview Avenue to Davern Street (laid over from July 27, 1988.) Recommended Final Order be withdrawn. 2 . C � ` �,. ���Q 7 . ;. _---_ _.___ 16. ; FINAL ORDER: ���onstruction and/or reconstruction ' j for West sid rom Marshall Avenue to Pelham � � Blvd. with Integral Curb (Iaid over from July 27, 1988) . ;� �� Recommended approval unanimously. 17. ORDINANCE 88-1225 - Amending Chapters 46 and 49 of the Legislative Code pertaining to shared utility meters. Laid over in Committee to 8-31-88. 18. RESOLUTION 88-1231 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $100,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Works-Asphalt. ° Recommended approval unanimously. 19. RESOLUTION 88-1232 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $75,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Works-Engineering Fund. Laid over in Committee to 8-24-88. s -r. ��n�� c �� Y � ot�r� c �� C,�. _ �` IVED � — _ G� rK� RECE I �[3LIC �-� C/�� � N � NOTrC � p�G12198a 5�� ��ALK CO����UCT�O� ������ CITY CL --- — --- ri].e No. S-88-70 D�ar 1'rc����rly (lwrier� --� C;�Cy Counct7. T)i�tr�.ct ll�� - ------------------ I'�a n n 1n g I)i s t r i c t Co u n c l 1 ll� 3 �1 ,��0�� 'To coiisider. the construcE�oii (new) arld/or r.econFtrtiction o(' all �r � part o[ l-I�e pubi�.c s.tciecaa�k �.�� rronl. ofy ouuY hroPe��ty. 'I�lie 1_�_m�f.l� A! 1� of this Pro;)ect are: NWest side Ot�s Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Pelham Rlvc1. LO����O�, y with Integra]_ Curb �V NO'Tr: SidewaLk r.econstructl.on m�y consist oE r.e��l.�ci.ng fr�m �ne �»nrl. to �I.:I. of tlie panel.s tn Cr.ont of your �ropei-ty. Y�i� m�y cal.l. the pl�one numbers 1��Eec1 1�e1_ow L-o F�.nd out how m�ny ranels are r_o bc ,-�rl.aceci. � 1 ? --- ��l-lf-ll�l� I'uesday, Aug��st _, L98R, at 9:00 �.ti. -- ---- - Cil-y Co��r,cl_1_ cha�„bPr.g, �'�i�.rc� Pl.00r. C�.ty llal.l. - Coiirt ilou�e ------- - nol_� t.`t:�L li�r. I'tal�.l.lc .. ,omm �tee of L-i�e Cf_1_y C;p��r�ci l w( l t d�.scusG � � _. evelop a recoiamen-lal-�on lo tlie [ul.l. City ('o�inci.l P:lease br.in � �y, unresolve . - I�at you may have to this ���eetiii� ' on We . d1y, Juj.y 27, 1_9f3F3, L.i� Room IQ7 Cj_Ey ,a.. . _ 9• n.ra. � � iL tlie C;���ncil a���r.oves lhe orders (or any part tl�ereoE, a �ort:l.on ��(' �O���TIO� tlie casts wi.l � he assessec� (�ft�r. consEructi.on) �ga�nsl- beneElLtecl - nro��ei�ties. Yoi1 wi1.1. onl.y be assessec� [or s�clewalk work tt�at abut� your proPerty. The esEimal-ec1 lssessments for th{� rro_j�cE ar.e as � f.o1_1ows: RCSIll�N'tIAL rates (Sfi.NGLr FAPIILX 1'0 �titttrr �AMiLY) � . ��� 5-fool- si.ciewal.lc - \ New Construction (wl�ere no wa�.k ex�.stecl) S1.3•00/front fooE " Re laceme�it oF olcl ,f.clew�l_k $6. i0/froril- f�ot r r�cnsL No�rr: Reconstrucl{�n wi.].1_ lie at t�ie ex�st�n� u����tt,. r��bj.�� Works wi1.1 r.ec�nslruct some PXS.SI:J_flP sic�ewal.lc that �.s 6-[eet Wfde clown Lv 5 (eet j.n al.� cases w�ier.e ll��_s wldlli i.s nr�cE{ca1.. 'I'I��s sma�1_er w�dth is L-o � lceer tf�e ��ses�ment af tl�e i.owest r.aEe po�sLhl.e. in t��e evenl y�ii �nd yo�ir neighhors �refer. Elie ex{stltig wlcjth and aYe Wfl�.ing Eo �cce��t t:lie l�iglier assesGme�t rate, p�e�se cor�tact Elie Siciewal_k D:lvision at 298-4255 to rec�uesl- your rr.ef:erenee. A:li. new s�.clewalics w�j.1 he constr.uctecl J-FPP.L wlcie. R1tes [or r.econsl-r.ucl-.:lon oE s1.clew�l.ks w3der tlian S feet ar.e ��r.oratecl . Por. exam��j_e: fi-£eeE wici�e st_clewal_lc - $7.80/EronE �ooE; 1.0-foot w�.c�e s�_dFwaj-Ic - $1.3.00/�ronL- Coot. . �U_ corner r.FSidentl_a1. Cr�pert{es w1.1.1 receive a credi.l- u�� l-a t.he Eir:�t j.50 Eeet of iiew or. reconstruc�ec) s�_c.lewa:I.k along anc� abul.t {np t_l,e "�ong sl.de" of tlie ��ropert-y. COCIPIC(ZCIAL r�l-e^ (aLi Proherl-y oliier l-I��n re��_c�cnti�l ) : ---- l.O(l �,ercerit �E �r_tu�l. cosL esl_i.mlfed t:o lie �hl?roxlm:�tely $4 .00 t�er .���i��rr Fool�_ o[ toajlc conslrucl.ecl. if tlia rro�»rty 1��G area- ways under. Clie sicleca�.Lk lli�l t�eed lo �e e1.im:inatecl, llial. coGl. � GIj_1.1_ �)P ?S9PSSP..(� �.tl El<�C1��-l.nil t0 ��1P_ s:lclew�i.k 1SSPFCIn�.II�S. ------ ----- --- -- --�-- �- --�--'-"_ ----�- 1'le:�se c'111. ?98-�/i75i fc�r const rtict ion hti�esll�n^., �r 29f3 4il i (V��ice (,`JES 1 fOl VS ��r 'I'1)f)) fc�r ��scs menl c�ur-�l#�n� Also, C{ ty sL�[E �ol�.l b� av:�, i -iliie �>< -- I:o �i�s�aer �ny :Las1= mintite r�ue,^,1� �_onr; cn 1_lic� ��r�, yrc[- �n Rc�om 218 (,,tt.y `*-- Ila)1 frorr. 8' 3!) I:r� 9:O(1 A.iI. t�ie r.nm? d�v .i� t-iie hear.in�- ------- ------ - -- --- -------- — r��tt��� �P�,r �� 198�, h} t:lin Val!i:�1-lon ?n�l A�.^_nssmer�'l Uivf�ion % , 1)���nrt:merit oF P:Ln�ncF F� Pinn�p,��inent Servlce� �`�1 ttoom ZIS Cl.ly t�,1_J_ - Court ll�u^e SainF �'�!il , 1t�nne�o�.a i5102 1