88-1385 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �( CANARV - DEPARTMENT O��/.{P� BLUE - MAVOR F11C NO. a 0 ��° � . �'ouncil Resolution ; �;- ��� Presented By ,��/ J �' �-�3 , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment, made by the Mayar, of Arlend Wilson (Representing the General Public) to serve as a member of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term shall expire March 31, 1989, at which time the committee will sunset. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor 8ea►riiz Rettman C, �be1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson � [ g '� Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / Certefied Ya s ouncil S ar BY � By� Approved Mavo . D e �� � � ��18 Appr e Mayor for Submis 'o Cb ncil By Pt�.ISHED C��j - � 1988 . .... ,srT .' ::,e�a . ._ . .. .. . . �,'� � : ..`,,,�: . C�EC�1'dEQ U� -� ,,�,/ J . �; ��' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR I L('� 1. :� �988 ���`��� �- 347 CITY HALL - � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ���iY-U�'S O�fte� 298-4323 Name: TQ �r�'A)I'a ��tjZZ� l� I ��ON Address: �o(� o�/ i�!'I S tK�o- ��t�� f/(,�� �✓ �D� Street City Zlp Phone: ,�Home) f /I� ' ���� (Work) ��' �7 /�/ l� � City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your Occupation? �� � < < C ,..�76L1V�2i2 �V,FLv �OrJ JFry�f'o� Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) .�7/T� Place of Employment• �� Address of Employer: ��f''�( �fJ1� �i��sD��i��o.0 .,�/� � f Commission or Committee Applied For ' S f � < <° What skillsJtraining or experience do you possess for the commission/board in which you seek appointment? , � �� TO���r� ,�5 �4� „D.�►�_a,'��tz�#�e � `I o2 �rIZ �-.��,�•�l -- /f�'�Sf,'tS�c1T ?�'0 7kc- �v �'�, 6 r �. � �� _ , 1���.P��l.�2Q �K,�e,lrit9,o,2 i1��,��,��1�.�,0�7��''��f��,Q�(„vd T�--�- v � / AlF�'D'ei� . � _ ^ � . � .� R�D4lte,����R ���sa� t�i7�. TP/1liKe.ot'f¢.vt���-��i/e.A'��,9����ve�;t- �A�O o��'��r� �%����Q�- (over) Personal Reference #1 • - • � ����5�,, . Name: Address: ��� ��4�?911 � �T �oG }��,f� Phone: SHome) ��SO '��i� Lork) ��fi��„g Personal Reference #2 Name: _�/ /,T(��-�����') Address: �-� �� ��l�Q.j �Z����t�� � �(d� I��u Phone: �Home) � (Work)-��c�'� � Personal Reference #3 �� 'r��i ��� f/ Name: —�R�L ��./� �O-� � �'T'om,�rFl/al,���� �/.C��� C�foa��L Address: l �g � .�vtS�c3� .��v� �� Phone: (Home) �7/ ���� �Work) G't't� ���f�� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: �1�V� � ��c�-�"'��- �/ (m o� --.1)�1�P `�i�,�-.� � �"" � -�- %v � � l.� ���tr,���r-� �r� ��r�- �tam ��-i�t�� �i��,� .� �r�r�� . � 'L �',6,/io�Z���'r9�� �?��f `fl� !f�JU fo ��a �a,,s<�v,� rt-,�1�, .� . riave you haa previous �ontacL wii.h zh� con��►iz�:Ee/boara/comic�i5sion �or � which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? ��� _ �� ��� �,�,� _ Signature Date Rev. 12/86 .... . . . . ; 1,,�-����- , :�� CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM August 8, 1988 TO: Council President James Scheibel Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterso Assistant to the a RE: MAYOR'S AD HOC TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE--APPOINTMENT Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of the attached resolution appointing Arlend Wilson--representing the General Public--to the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term expires March 31, 1989, at which time the committee will sunset. A copy of Mr. Wilson's application is attached for your information. If you have questions, Eeel free to contact me at 298-4323 . OLP/drm cc: Judy Barr, Staff A1 Olson, For Council Agenda . ��-l��..s ' 'o�fice of the Mayor .�I° �13620 � DEPARTI+IENT - Ora Lee Patterson CO�TACT NAME 298-4�23 PH�NE � p,ugust �. 1 SS DAT� . ASSIGN NtJMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Departmeat Director , 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�ianagement Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 3 Citv Councilme�pber 2 city �ttorney _ TOTAL NUI�IBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations far signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHZEVED B� TAKING hCTION ON THE ATTAGHED MATERrAI.S? (:Purposa/Rationale) , Arlend Wilson, Representing the General Public, will be appointed to serve as a member of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term will expire on March 31, 1989� at which time the committee : will suxiset. COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND P�,tSONNEL Il�IPACTS AIaTICIPATED: N/A Council�Research Center � AUG 111988 FI�jANCING SOURGE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NtMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor•s sigaature not required if under $10,000.) � Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Nwnber: N/A ' Ftindiag Sourae: �iTT,,,�,iCHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1 Council Resolu�ion ADM�NISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW t ' X Yes �°°_No Gouncil resolution required? Resolution required? ,�Yes _No _;;Yes X Na Insurance required? . Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attachec�'� WMIS�E - C�TY �LERK . � � COUIICSI � �%G //�( PINK - FINANCE. � � . . n, CANARV - DEi'ARTMENT ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL � / /IJ BI.UE' - MAYOR _ Flle NO.��// /�+ -- � Council Resolution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Arlend Wilson (Representing the General Public) to serve as a member of the Mayor' s Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term shall expire March 31, 1989, at which time the committee will sunset. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays . Dimond ��e In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman ��;� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney• Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY ' sy Approved by 4lavor. Date _ Appr e Mayor for Submis 'o Cb cil By � ' � � •'�`. C���`�� :.: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM August 8, 1988 TO: Council President James Scheibel Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterso Assistant to the a RE: MAYOR'S AD HOC TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE--APPOINTMENT Mayor Latimer reguests your consideration and approval of the attached resolution appointing Arlend Wilson--representing the General Public--to the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term expires March 31, 1989, at which time the committee will sunset. A copy of Mr. Wilson's application is attached for your information. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 298-4323. OLP/drm cc: Judy Barr, Staff Al Olson, For Council Agenda �-/��'6'' . • _�!° _ .1�620 , � O�fice of the Mayar - - - - DEPARTMENT " Ora Lee Patterson CONTACT NAME r n 298-4323 PHONE August 5, 1988 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Department Director 1 Mayor (or Assistant) Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 3 Citv Councilmember 2 City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SZGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) Arlend Wilson, Representing the General Public, will be appointed to serve as a member of the Mayor' s Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee. His term will expire on March 31, 1989 , at which time the committee will sunset. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: N/A FINANCING Sf �ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's si �•) Total Am ��� Activity Number: Funding ATTACHMF �S•) l Council Resolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? �Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? � 0�� _ Members: � �'`'�•�, Janice Rettman, chair -'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson �',f....�'r�;;(::n _ . OFFIC� OF TFiE CITY COIINCIL Bob Long n ��/�pl C�- OcJ � Date_ September 22, 1988 JANICE RETTMAN �o�n�,per�n Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee - Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, September 21, 1988 at . City Cow,►cil Agenda 8/23/88, Item No. 13: Rt�►lution - 88-1385 - Approving th appointment by the Mayor of Arlend Wilson to serve as a member of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Co�.ttee, term to expire March 31, 1989. (�OR REF�1tRAL TO THE �ATITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recoacaend�t for approval on 3-d vote. 2. City Council Agenda 9/6/88, Item No. 11: Resolution - 88-1452 - Establishing the Food and Nutrition Commission as an ongoing commission and appointing members to the Commission as designated by the Director of Community Services. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 3. Request from Joy Donovan, a lobbyist for animal rights, to make presentation to the City Council regarding Pound adoption policies. Laid over to October 5, 1988 at Joy Donovan's request. 4. City Council Agenda 7/28/88, Item No. 56: Resolution - 88-1253 - Suspending On Sale Intoxicating Liquor, Sunday On Sale and other licenses held by Arnold Kampa, dba Patrick's Lounge, located at 1318 West Larpenteur Avenue. (Not contested.) (At the request of the attorney representing Patrick's Lounge, the item was laid over to September 21, 1988 so that we may have all alleged violations heard at the same time.) No resolution has been drafted. Resolution to be drafted and signed by Committee Chair: License suspension for eleven (11) days. This action recommended on 4-0 vote. 5. City Council Agenda 6/30/88, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1071 - An ordinance amending Section 310.03 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Uniform License Procedures for investigation and review of new applications for BCA and FBI checks of Class III licenses. (Laid over to August 17, 1988 so that Jerry Segal may review author's potential amendments.) (Laid over from August 17, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may address the issue.) (Laid over to September 21, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may be present at the Committee meeting.) CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAIN'T PAUI., MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 S��u 46 COMMITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee September 22, 1988 Page Two Substitute resolution submitted. Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 6. City Council Agenda 5/24/88, Item No. 2: First Reading - 88-794 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legislative Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and to reflect the administrative merger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspections program from the Department of Community Services-Building to the Department of Fire and Safety Services-Fire Marshall. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) (Laid over until August 3, 1988 for Gene Schiller to review with Steve Zaccard.) (New information has been received. Laid over to August 17, 1988 to review information.) (Laid over to August 31, 1988 for Steve Zaccard to procure comparative d�.ta.) (Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request.) Substitute resolution submitted. Page 5, No. 5, deleted. Paul McCloskey and Steve Zaccard will submit to the City Clerk and the Chair. language stating two- year cycle of inspection. Recommended for approval, as amended, on 4-O vote. 7. City Council Agenda 8/23/88, Item No. 6: First Reading - 88-1384 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 58 of the Legislative Code in its entirety and reenacting a new Chapter 58 which provides for the establishment of a program dealing with the installation and monitoring of hard wired smoke detectors in single family dwellings. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AN� HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 23: Resolution - 88-1343 - Affirming the City Council's intent to conduct a Community Standards Survey and directing the Mayor to execute the appropriate fund transfer. - (Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request.) Recommended for approval on 3-1 vote. 9. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 27: Resolution - 88-1347 - Adopting the Child Care Policy for the City of Saint Paul. (Continued discussion on September 21, 1988.) Laid over to October 5, 1988 for Jerry Segal to work with Committee staff. cc: Ed Starr A1 Olson