88-1381 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL �13�I CANARY -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. , • i - Ordindnce Ordinance 1��. Presente y ��� Referred To Fi�uativ�� Committee: Date a -°�`�� � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code entitled "Department of Finance and Management Services" to provide that its purchasing division disseminate and monitor all requests for proposals and assign the disposition of surplus materials , supplies and real property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended in Section 5.05, paragraph (1 ) by adding a new subparagraph thereto to read as follows : "c. Disseminate and monitor requests for proposals for services that are not subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures. " Section 2. That Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended in Section 5.05, paragraph ( 5) , to read as follows : ( 5) Sell all surplus materials , supplies and real proper- ty declared as surplus by tk�e �a�ro� purchasing division and not of use to other departments and agencies within the city. An employee of the city may bid for surplus materials , supplies or real property to be sold. All sales of surplus property shall be to the highest responsible bidder and conducted by the division under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual or corporate bidder an advantage not available to all . Upon the re uest of a bona COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �— �� [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman Scheibel Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ed by Mayor for Submissi By WHITE - CITV CIERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council {M� I� BLUERV-MAVORTMENT File NO. �+V ' 1r � � , • Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. 1 7�93 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date fide charitable , educational , religious or fraternal nonprofit organization, as determined by the council, surplus materials and supplies , excluding real property, may be transferred to such charitable, educational , religious or fraternal nonprofit organization for a nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council determining that said transfer of surplus and/or obsolete materials and supplies is related to the function of government, serves a public purpose , and is for the benefit of the community as a whole. However, this paragraph shall not apply to any surplus and/or obsolete materials and supplies whose sale is directed by other applicable law with the proceeds of such a sale being pledged specifically to the city or other entity. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requ by Department of: Dimond / �� 5� In Favor Gosw;tz /'��L Rettmao ��;�� Against BY l �e w'usoo ��; j " �988 Form Ap e City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date t < Certified Pa sed by Council Secreta BY gy � Approv y Mayor: Dat ` ��� � � Appr ed by Mayor for Sub s 'o to Cou�crl By Ap1�4��.4SN�'� ��:- ., i � 1988 �. . � . . - � . . � , �� . ������ . . :0= � CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAI. MEMORANDUM To: Department and Office Directors From: Mayor George Latime Re: Purchasing Amendme Date: August 1, 1988 Very shortly, as part of our modernization effort, several amendments related to the Purchasing section of the Administrative Code will be submitted to the City Council for action. These amendments are intended to help streamline some portions of the purchasing process and clarify accountability for some functions. This is to update you on some of the items beinq proposed. First, we will be proposing some language to formalize our current practice of using "pick up orders" for small purchases. This informal, administrative practice has worked reasonably well in the past. However, we feel it is important to create specific authority for this practice in the Administrative Code to be consistent with other .sections governing purchasing. At the same time we will be raising the limit for pick up orders from $500 to $750 to provide additional flexibility for City staff. Second, we will be restructuring the process for issuing requests for proposals for professional services. Historically, we have used an RFP process when the desired contract is not subject ta classic competitive bidding. Good examples are for the hiring of an architect to engage in design work or a consultant to study and report on some issues. Under the proposed policy, departments and offices will still be able to engage in such a practice, but will be asked to submit a copy of the RFP and related materials to the Purchasing Division. Purchasing staff will do a final review to make sure there are no problems, assign an official number to the document and release it to the specified individuals or firms. In this way, the Purchasing _ Division can serve as the central "clearing house" and depository for all RFPs. I ask that you begin to follow this new RFP procedure immediately. Finally, we will be proposing some changes in final approval process for contracts having a value of $15,000 and under. If oT�Y amendments are adopted, it will no longer be necessary for both the Finance Director and the Mayor to sign all contracts under $15,Ot�o. Counc�t Research Center �UG I 21�8II , - . � • . . . The Director of Finance and Management Services' signature will be the only one required for contracts under $15,000. And, in the absence of the Finance Director, either the Purchasing Systems Manager or Chief Accountant will have signature authority. We hope this will help streamline the procurement process, while stiil maintaining the necessary oversight. The new dollar limits are in keeping with inflation, and are consistent with State Statutes. Indicate attachment of necessary paperwork, or in. other wards submit a fully documented file to accomplish� the items listed - above. Please circulate this memo among your staff who have or will become • involved with any of these procurement issues. Please contact Gene Schiller (4637) or Linda Camp (5501) if you wish to discuss these items in further detail. . , . ..:. . �... . ,a,,..,,:fiue�*.yrRw.o«w�..�an.:�s-.. . .. 5. iks�. .Xr, .. . :. . _ ._ . . . ._ . . . . ' � i �e�/,• j i?� �� ______""_"_.—_....___. . . �� :-.. ... , �� - .. ♦ ' -�' .'. � -� •�.'.1����._' L—�—....�—_�_ WNITE � = CITV CIERK � • � : � . . : ' . . .. . ,. . P�~K - F�N�~�E G ITY OF SA I NT PAUL Council y/� CANA(iY —OEPARTMENT � L� - L�/J 9LUE —MAVOR ['1LC NO• ��"f��/ � Ordindnce Ocdinance 1��. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code entitled "Department of Finance and Management Services" to provide that its purchasing division disseminate and monitor all requests for proposals and assign the disposition of surplus materials , supplies and real property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended in Section 5.05, paragraph ( 1 ) by adding a new subparagraph thereto to read as follows: "c. Disseminate and monitor requests for proposals for services that are not subject to traditional competitive bidding procedures. " Section 2. That Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended in Section 5.05, paragraph (5) , to read as follows : ( 5) Sell all surplus materials, supplies and real proper- ty declared as surplus by the �a�o� purchasing division and not of use to other departments and agencies within the city. An employee of the city may bid for surplus materials , supplies or real property to be sold. All sales of surplus property shall be to the highest responsible bidder and conducted by the division under such procedures and by such means as shall give no individual or corporate bidder an advantage not available to all . Upon the request of a bona COUIVCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Dimond �_ � [.o� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B � Scheibel Against Y Sonnen - Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ed by Mayor for Submissi By .. �� '• ;. :. .. _"'_�� ___"-____- _ ' __._ �_ _ �� �ry~j(�.��.+�-.-��._�_� „ � � " "__''_'-___'___' _____'_'___•'___.._"' _ _�-_� __ , . .' _-. �. _ } � 1• r .,- �.. �.- 'Mii1TE � = C�TY CI.ERK � PINK �- FINANCE ' • � , " ��..����'� � . ' � CO1111C11 . �J.. BLUERV-MAVORTMENT GITY O�' SAINT PAUL File NO. �v ����/ � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date fide charitable , educational , religious or fraternal nonprofit organization, as determined by the council, surplus materials and supplies, excluding real property, may be transferred to such charitable, educational , religious or fraternal nonprofit organization for a nominal or no consideration upon a resolution of the council determining that said transfer of surplus and/or obsolete materials and supplies is related to the function of government, serves a public purpose, and is for the benefit of the community as a whole. However, this paragraph shall not apply to any surplus and/or obsolete materials and supplies whose sale is directed by other applicable law with the proceeds of such a sale being pledged specifically to the city or other entity. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS _ Yeas Nays Requ by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor coswrtZ -. Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap e City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date < Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ed by Mayor for Sub s 'o to Cou�cil By ! �_ � K . � . . . � . � � �.,3�� _ ��� . CITY OF SBINT PATJL �/ ::s�i���+.�� . i . �_+�� ut.u ` OF'F'ICE OF TSF GTTY COIINCIL Committee Repart �:i�anc�. Mana�eme�t, � Persannel Committee. September 12, 1988 1 . Approval of minutes of ineetin�s held August 22 and 2�3. Approved 2. Resolution t's8-i339 - amending the 1988 budget by � Laid over to 9/19 adding $400.000 to the Financing 3 Spending Plans for Property Management Fund-City Hal � Annex. (Referred from Council August 16, laid over in Committee August 29) � ' 3. Resoiution 88-1286 - amencling the 1988 budget by '- Laid;over to 9/19 adding $20,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans , for Tuition Reimbursement Program. (Referred from ' , � Council August 25). • � 4. Resolu.tion 88-1441 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid over to 9/19 , adding $6, 100 to the Financing and Spending Plans � . • for Traffic Mainten,ance projects. (Referred from Council September 1) 5. Resolution 88-1305 - changing the rate of pay for Approved Environmental Health Technician__Supervisor from . Grade 38 to Grade 40 of the Technical Standard . Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation � . Resolution. (Referred from Council August 9, laid over in Committee August 22 and 29) �•• � 6. Resolution 88-1440 - approving 1988-198'9 Collective Approved Bargaining Agreement between the City and the Pro- . fessional Employees Association, Inc. (Referred from Council September 1 )� 7. Oiscussion of policy regarding budgetary impact of Laid over to 9/19 reclassifications. (Laid over August 29) 8. "0�`tli nance*�«138I`�`= amend i ng Ctiapter 5 0�'�:<��n i s- ,�� trat i ve'CcStfe 'to prov i de� th�.t_ �;�e De�t� of F i nance and Management Serv i css� pu�-�t�as.i�t�tg �j v 1 s ion di ssemi nate and monitor �� i request� for �r�S'�s �d a�sign the . disposition +�1` surplus material��.supplies and reai • �'Ft�t�wred f�-a�m Ca�ri�''F'�""`R�st 23) . con inued} C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'I'PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �.+s