88-1377 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ��,� I�7 CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution �, ,� � ',, �_� i Presented By � ___ . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321 , on January 7, 1986 , wherein a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays ` Requested by Department of: Dimond �-• Community Services �� '�� [n Favor Goswitz ` Rettman (y� Scheibel A gai n s t Seaeeu• Wilson duG � 8 '� Form Ap ove City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date � �. Certified Pass byc uncil S re � � BY . gy, a �pp by 4lavor: Date I�W Appr d by Mayor for Subm' s' uncil PU�I.fSNEB AU G 2 7 19gg . (���`�/3�7 ' � .N° 010240 .' Community Service�s DEPA&TMENT - - - - - - Howard $e1 COi1TACT NAMB 292-74 PHONE � � 8 9 88 DATE . ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) 1 Department Director �3 Ma or (or Assistant'� °�1 � y �l l _ Fir�ance and Manage�aent Services D�rectar _ City Clerk �, udget Director _ City Attorn�sy ,_ �OTAi. NUMBER QF SIGNATUILE AAGES: 1 (Clip all location8 for signaturs::) �i�iT V LL BS ACH EvE B'� TARING ACTION ON THE ATTA�I�D MAT�RI�t (Purpos�/�.ationale) , Approval by the City Council of three applications for Youth Athletic and S}�arts Fund monies previously racommended for funding by'the Youth Atltletic and Sports Fund Board. �QS�T/B�N�F�T BUDGETA$Y AND PERS4NNEL I2��tPACTS AIBT�j,, PATEH: The cost of funding each proposal 3.e $1,000. The fun�ing of these applicatidns would provide -additional and improved youth athletic programs for the ¢itizeas of St. Paul. �'INeNGING SOVRCE AND B�GET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARfED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Tota1 Amount of Transhction: $3,000.00 Activitq Number: 339 33179 0299 50060 Fundi�g Source: Charitable Gambling Revenues ATTACHMEidTB: (List and number all attachments.� Councii Research Center 1 coun��l Resolut�on AUG 1 U 19$$ 3 Applications for Youth Athletic and Sports Funds AD�IINISTRATIVE PBOCEDURES � _,_„Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timatable attaehed? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTQRNEY REVZEi�T _Yes No Council resolution required? Resolutio�n requtired? " Yes _No _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance sufffcient? _Yes _i�To�� Yes No Insurance attached? ���i��� � YOIITH l�TSLBTIC I��iD BPOItTB FDND aRA1dT/LOlrld !!►PPLICPiTION Date: 3 /Z- Check One: Loan Grant � Organization Name: ��'.�i�- 7 r�-�c.� ��-,L%��vC_/� lf .�e C C F�� �'(c-t �z '- Description of Organization (include brief history) : �-�C F- �1'-i�3-cl�c=�j Nonprofit Status 501(c,y �!3�� Yes No Does the organization currently operate charital�e gambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No � Proj ect Description (include purpose) ��/�9'n- �� �x � S % �r-� / , ���L'i C.�-S �" �G; 2 C L` /4-1 � �� /il 1 f�il/� �v f ��F C _,�'�% .--�C.�E � ) Project Coordinator Name p,4��'i c �� �- �'f=�c.�,t-',¢�C/f ,�}-� Address ��'�Z �:�-.�-� � � f�G%c- ��'�� ��z-�L � �/u � Phone ������ S// � 1�° -�S �" �� ay evening � ���� �o � a Amount of Proj ect $ �' ° �' Amount Requested $ List and describe how grant or loan funds will be used. Estimate cost of each item. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Item ost /- �� 1�G ��� �v,4 C .s �- �t.� l> --� c� � � C� Z � ��9M n��l�c ��9c ( s � ��� - C T��,/l%q�-T - � %Z_ SE= � Cj � �-.'�-�� ��-�—�� � r_� � c� C�� �l�.�uC�-� -u..c-�-t= � � Z.�� � . otal cost of request � � � C� If this application is a request for a loan, how do xou plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . ��� If this application is a request for a c�rant, how do you plan to match it? Please be s ecific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . . �-- s �t-' `i ,�G�C C�-�� ��.�.�c C'.�n��v,1.c�--�-f t_ e �-� F �-ULC�� � ..E, .�c��c` �c.�.F_2�...-r �t�c�s ���.,+..e �.i�1a � .� � �t ��C cil C-,la.��.� _�.1,�c,o B�Y� �-�-�-R � � �a--�— , , . �' J��A��_ , Please attach tbe folloNinq information to pour application: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of organizational by- laws 2. List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budget and financial statement 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budqet (expenses and income) for the activity 7. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization 8. Area served and number of participants. Please send completed application to: Youth Athletic And Sports Fund. St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � .fundapp -. . ..:_ � . ������ YODTH l�TBLETIC �T BPORTB aIIND GR�IdT/LOl1N l�PPLIC]1TION Date: 3-21-88 Check One: Loan Grant XX Organization Name: Dunning $oosters Description of Organization (include brief history) : The Booster Club was started in 1980 in order to help the youthpf the Lexington-Hamline C'nmm,�ni fi� and to sn�port th re a i on a Dnnni ng Park . Our motto has heen Boosters of Dunning Y�th �B. O. D.Y . � Nonprofit Status 501(C) (3j Yes ._;�x xo _ Does the organization currently oper�te charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No XX Project Description (include purpose) The startin� of this VFw team will allow the area vouth the opportunitv to improve their skills be- cause of the better caliber of baseball the VFW program offers . This also allows the vouth who before , either didn ' t come out or were cut hPranca nf the niimhP �f hPtter bal l �1 ayerc _ Y_he oo„n�rtiini tY t� �1 a� and h ful1 i ro e the ' r skil1 which can onl encou a e nem t PY'o�eC�P�oordyina�poY' �1ame �Jaymond �ean co.n�inue t�ie�r �aseba�l playing Address 1222 P'Iarshall Ave . . St . Paul . MN 55104 Phone 644-3207 644-3247 ay evening A�mount of Project $ 2825.Q0 Amount Requested $ 1000. 00 List and describe how grant or loan funds will be used. Estimate cost of each item. Attach additional eheete if necessary. Item Cost 6 - Batting Helmits 20. 00 C� $ 120. 00 24 Baseball hats 8 . 00 @ 192 . 00 � rin�Pn Wi 1 etin A1 nl n 4fi O(1 a rin� 1 �R nn 3 TPX Louisville bats 65 . 00 C 195 . 00 1 TPT.TH T,nni Gvi 1 1 e hat 55 _ nn Catcher equinment-glove . mask . ches�nn�o�ector , 200. 00 First baseman ' s glove 100. 00 ' Total cost of request $ 1000. 00 If this application is a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . If this application is a request for a �rant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional Bheets if necessary) . The VFW Twin Star Post has a�reed to pay the entry fee , insurance and iim=; rp rnet whirh tntala� ��nn . nn _ T,iharr� StatP Rank haa AgYPP� tn buy $300 . 00 worth of equipment for the VFW. Attucks Brooks has don- ated the uniforms for this team. please attacb ths lolloMinq information to your appiiaation: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of orqanizational by- laws 2. List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifying orqanization's approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budget and financial statement 5. Current balance Bheet and income etatement, if applicable 6. Proposed budqet (expenseB and income) for the activity 7. Evidence that fnsurance if need�d can be o�tained by the organization . 8. Area served and number of participants. Please send completed application to: Youth Athletic And Sports Fund St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .furidapp . ' . � ��/3y7 YOIITg l�THLETIC � BPORTS �Q� �iRANT/LOAN �PPLICATZON � Date: 3��njRR Check One: Loan Grant X Orqanization Name: EAST SIDE 1'A1CA Description of Orqanization (include brief history) : SEE EXHIBIT I Nonprofit Status 501(C) (3) Yes X No Does ths �ozqanizst�on currently operate ci�aritsble qambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No x _ _Project Description (include purpose) SEE EXHIBIT II Pro j ect Coordinator Name JAMES TOPITZHOFER Address _ 1075 ARCADE �`i", ST. PAUL� MN 55106 Phone ���-8881 738-3410 aY even ng Amount of Pro j ect $ Amount Requested $ 1,000.00 List and describe how qrant oz 2oan funds wfll be ueed. Eetimate cost of each item. Attach additional eheets if neceasary. Item � ��t _ ii�Ril WRFSTT.TNG_M�_L20x3� f4_1 �� $1,000.00 . . � �� ��� � ���e � $1.000.00 r • ' � If this application is a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (,Attach additional sheets ff necessary) . NON APPLICABLE If this application is a request for a c�rant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . PROGRAM SUPPLIES $ 255. 00 PROMOTION & TRAINING $ 275 . 00 CLASS REVENT?E $ 525 . Q0 TOTAL MATCH $1055. 00 please attach the follopinq intormation to your application: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of orqanizational by- laws 2. List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifying orqanization'e approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budget and financial etatement 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity 7. Evidence that insurance if needed can be obtained by the organization 8. Area served and number of participants. Please send completed application to: Youth Athletic And Sports Fund St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . fundapp _ �,. : . . _ - ��/3��' EXHIBIT I. The East Side YI�iCA is a Christian-values based organization that builds self-esteem, mutual respect and a stronger community for all through quality programs of youth development, family enrichment, health enhancement, and international understanding. As a part of �the YMCA of Greater St. Paul, the mission of the East Side: YMCA is to enhance the pride and respect of the .East Side neighborhood through the above mentioned programs. The East Side YMCA was estab- � lished in 1929. The existing facility began serving East Side res- idents in 1952.