88-1362 WHIYE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council (/r�G IJ BI.UERV - MAVORTMENT Flle NO. u `� I/`��� � un il Resolution --- �, y�-� Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #50106) for the renewal of a Class A Gambling License by the American Legion Post #418 at 900 Rice Street be and the same is hereby approved/de�io�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman (� Scheibel _ Agaitlst BY Sonnen Wilson AlR7 � 5 l�pp Form prov by C' Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe b ' il Sec r B,Y— ` By Q App ve Mavor: Date AUG � g �8e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PU�I.IStifD .,.'�� ? 7 1988 . . � . - � � . PME N�f1AiED � -:.�.OMi 00Y/L�iRD . - . . . "- - � ��� Mr. J. C�rchedi , �i����~ ���E� No. ��210 Z o��we�r ow�ro� w,va+�ar�rMm • h istine Rozek ,�aN — �.��:� �«,r� . � �. ��� Ham� ` �� � �Council Research - : ,. �5056 oRae�: � � ��„�Y —. Application for renewal of a Class A Ga�ling License. N t'fi ation Date: 8-�-88 Hearin Date: 8-16-88 ;�:.UPP��(�i a Rejxt(H)) COtm1CIC RESEARCk1'�PORT: , . . �. _..PLAMMq.COMIMB6t011 . . �. � CNIL SERViCE C�M8810N � DATE IN � ��DATE OkIT ��ANN.Y8T � - . - -: PIiONE N6. � , - mWNO CUMA�ION � 1�.826 8qi00L BOARD . . . . . � .. � . . .. . - � �. . . $TAFF � . . � �CHAFlTER COMMI8810N � � COMPLETE AS 18 . . �AOOt MFO.A4DEQ* � . AET'D TD OOAffA�,F � . . . _ .. . . . . . � - . . . _ . . _FOR ADDL II�u. _��K IYDOED�*�. . . �� DIBTtOCT COl1NC< � � . � � � - � . � . - . � *EXPLANATION: - . � � � , .-Bf�PqiiB YNIICfI OOINICL OB�CTIVE7 � . . . � .� - . � � . . � � . . . � . : . " .... . .. �1M �FiD�L�.MM�i OPPOf1TUlATY(VM10.WI1et.WhB�i�VVFIM9.VMhY): _ Ray Wika, on behalf of the Arr�rican Legion Post #418, requests Council , ' � approva'i of. his application for renewal of a C1ass A Gamblin� Licen$e � at 900. Rice Street. �ambling sessions are heid Friday e�renings. P.roeeeds ' fran ga�nbling sessions are used to promote youth programs ar�d aid veterans organizations. ;..,�usnNc+��t�.�aar��.�;�sr. _ .. . : . All fees ar►d applfications have� been subm�tted. �l4Mrt.M�rti amd Ta iMam): . - - .. , _ . If Council approval is given, the American Legion Past #418 �►il� cvnti�ue � holding a weekly gambling session at 90Q Rice Street: _ _ Council Research Center . : ��,�. _ � - . � . - _ . . C� �' r� DIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�;RMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE , pZ�t �� / � e�7 0 O � INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Received by 'I/� Lic Enf Aud ������a��t Q Mtr�c�n �tq�an 1�s�� �Home Address �/KQ �770 JVU.�n���' Rusiness Name Home Phone ► /� /' ` Business Address Q� ��C�I 5"�✓� Type of License(s) e, iQ� ri " (,7Qy1�b�•�11� �1 Business Phone � h V� ��i �QeneWG,I Public Hearing Date � �rp p� License I.D. 4/ S��� � at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd f.loor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t �1 'A' Date Notice Se C.y�_ " Dealer �1 u � to Applicant � � � I'ederal I'irearms �6 � � Public Her.;ring DATE II�SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� , Health Divn. �,l� � � Fire Dept. � ' �(� � � ! 5� ���I�� Yolice Dept. $� � ' d� License Divn. ; �(� �� �� City Attorney � ' �� Date Received: Site Plan � � � ,�/ To Council Research bls Lease or Letter ate from Landlord �: � . � � . � - � ��x . . . _.� . (,��� Charitable GamblingControl Board: - ..... . _ Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg.. ForBoard Use Only. 1821 University Ave:. Paid Amt� �. St. Paul,.MN 55104-3383 � Check No: . :....:•� (612)642-0555 - Dater - . GAMBLINC�LICENSE RENEWAL' APPCICATIOM- UCENSE NUMBER: /EFF. DATE !AMOUNTOF FEE ' , �At�R"�"��6��i wi�r�`�tiorr 2..304�ice���� StC�blst i�( �117 4.��i�!!y 5 �iP�� 4fi9�7.Q7 . � � �,N�,a, e of�C�h,,i�f Executive Officer _ ti„w 7.Business Phone ����;�7�nX 3eronie Jansen �12 F3A-21F� 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accountsfor Revenues 9. Business Phone � � F4s�—�7�� 1 q.Name of Gambling Manager , 11..B.nnd_E� 12.Business Phone ° `01� and Ra. Wi ka 3'F'oQ 1�Name o�,E�tablishmepi ullhere Gambling Will Take Place 14..Coun 15. No.of tive Members_ ine nu Ra�� �z raua n 1� 16.��,l�ei� 17. Montat�l�ient: _ 18. if Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify days and times of Bingo. � �. Days Times Days- Times D� Times Frida s 7:3� til 11 : � PM 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: ��� ❑ Suspended Date: ,�n 0 Denied Date: �n --- 20. Flave-intemal controls beemsubmitted previously? �:,Y.es< 0 No(If"No,'attach copy) 21. Has current tease been filed with the board? [�Yes �No(If"No,"attach copy) ,� 22: Has;current sketch.been filed with the board? i Ye [],No•Qf;"No.:_attach.capy� .�...._:.:s-- ••:i;: . .-=-- ; -- .-...-. - �- �_ - -...5..�-r _....--._,-�-->�-. _<,�„�: �..±.. . . . _ � °' GAMBLING:SITEAUtHORIZATION--' By:my signaWre bel�r local law enforcemenYofficers oragentsot the•Board aca herebyauthorized�to enter uport the site;-aYany time;:gambling is being conducted;ta observe the gambling and to enforce the law forany unauthorized game•or.�p�actice: BANK RECORDS:AUTHORIZATION= - ! .- By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records ot the General Gemblinq Bank Account whenever necessary to: fulfill requirements of currenf gambling rules-and law. i - �A�� - . . � _ . r. . I hereby declare thaC ' 1. I have read this apptication and all information submitted to the Board; - 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and.complete; 3: All other required i�formation has been fully disclosed� � 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; �� 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities tn be conducted; 6: I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and.rules of the board and•agree, if licensed�ta�abide by those: laws and rules, including amendments thereto. �► - 23. Official L'egal Name of Organization ' nature(Chief Executive Officer) Date Title• "- Amer. legion - Hamline Post 418 ���' g -Chie�f Exec. flfficer ACKN GEMENT OF N C LOCAL GOVERNING BODY' a; I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this ication. By acknowl ging receipt, I admit having beehi:served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Chantable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receip�(noted - below)', unless a resolution°of the local goveming body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution i�received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below noted date: t 24. City/County Name(Local Governing Body) Township��f site is located within a township, please.complete items 24 t I L�l� �� ' � ��. �F and 25: r' - Signature of PerBOn eiving Application: 25. Signature of Person Receiving.Application t , � `�,,,_ . .. ``, � � ��/ '' ;,.-� ,t�a.. ' Title Date Received(this date begins 30 dayperi�� Title: _ \ :�1.: 2.J �...%�,�,� rt�� �7 �!� �`� ` . Name of ecson D�li� ng A plication to Local oveming ody:� Township Nam ' ,,��, -� .;_ - , - - CG-0002�1 (5/8'n �;- / y White Copy—Board Canary—Applicant Pink—Local Goveming BodY� _ . ` _ . � ..__ �4 'r� u � '.: .' ,,,J'` - ' LV��/�a`:. z�"� � _ ... - �. :_ ' � ..r�-�.°-• ,: -- +�.`eea.- � �. ���"� �' lt-.. t. ' . �. .� . . .� . � \► 'c7". . '^Y - ! �.w - �- ...: . ,`,w. A�?�%i .r��l.".O�is81t1t."`�d[1�--.�"��'�e�. ��TJ+'� � �1' x�' r����t'y : l. + � . �° �P � -�` - .�..,"°,� : Qepa�firen�o�E'rracTCeea�rdtM'aaac�em�eMtSecvice� = '` � .�- � - �-.... � $ �i�*�= �_� �•'�"� •: -�` � �` ' ;� "'� License:an�P'ecrtn�D�v�sco "��: ���',� � = v. r.aa,:- �.". s'- �°"^g�'�'�'�_ ,:�.n _ �X s.:.�;er., 203�pty�HaUE""'•�,. -�.."'i^�""�`''�- �; �- +�..:`=: :��`�r k ���.,"�►-'...�..� �z }y..�.'"S�F$UY�M�Rfl@SQrdFS�OZ�O y _ �:� ' _ � s"`'°L. ��` _..�, =� ��`_'"� �- � i- `` A��'�ELCA�Tf.Q[Vf��I�C1E�fS � ~ � �' � .�-- �� .... ,.s .�- .r.,;�,,��.. 1_� ,�r �,''_ � CFIECIC�.. C[ASS�NQ" - � . � ,,,.,;��.�a i . _. - ,r.�r � ti-��K NeNIMt7 FTefi@ �' „r^�iaid�� �,i � ,s.,t; iap��l�q-:��IN��� � f r`1i i�����, . ��_. r _ ..7t tif'' _ �`"' •�'�' +►-c �'.ai -�.� . � r. . ., aa.�.1t''�:.r a,.,a,�. - � - ':+ .»� . .�s .r ��� ,w`�,:; .. . � ... . ' t �i'�. ,�� _ ... ��� .,s.- �� -, �,. . �':` -' .s.zyy�r s` �y.. P y „� . t']� �t��. i..- �.-..�.�. � ' . y,�,y.,.r.. . �wr �"��t",,"�",��:��" �' ,- '� QrB�'^ 1-� � 1 � �,.�.;�.. ..._:: .. . . . _'.�.._ Y . �.. . . , � �wr "c"`YS4Y''p'�s.�;.Y'"s�.�i+`�'►`�3' `�'�1,a `� '� -'�.Yr. : q�� � � �. _ _ .. _.. ��f� .: codesNos . . , rn�efo6ticenser�-�- .� - ':. . _ �:����-rronr-�'` ���?'�°' t��r � �� i9��-�/ .. i.wf..Ty�/ � "—. . . . - ' . .. i. � �:� ,�1' r _ � -- :._ 4 x� (�F �p;. ,�- .�. ������r,,,. � . , '�_ _ .� p�.. Q YVl '! i'F „, .'�'T��� ,!`„ �" r�-:,.,�,.,�`-�„ f � � -- �;j.i �; - - . - _ . - . 10� . ���r�C� Yl �.(,,. � '�C�ST �-�� r , .. _. _,- .�� . .o . �- .`. �2� -�: �:: � -" �-� �• r naa�c�uca++a�.N -- -_ ; . :_.� ,ma.. . . . . - . . � . . .. � ... ,� � � .... r � l� �' _� ' . . . v. . - -`��""��s c.e. S.'�-��-"�" . . 100:a euslnessNamsr> - . . �oo:� ._ - - �.. ��:::��c.�t�;.(�1 r� �S��7 . _ ' " � BwlnessAddcesa�.,;:: . r Phon�Na:�.,. - _ ::� .. _ . tOQ' . .::�_ .:-:. : - - ' _ .. . . _. �� . -� . .. _ ' L�p- . . 100► Maibta�Addteasr Phone.Ptos. ,�_ _ . a:�. � Cc), �.. ;- ManaqeNOw Nama. . , . 10ff'r,• _ .. • _ .. ::: : �=�r��;. I�.)U. S�c:,�,c�� ���le..- ,.�,: .• . 1006�'- -: AtaaaqedGlunes►NO[ntAddroaarp+ ;.�.. PhOnaeNaer,..c_ �' 409� APPlicatfonrFee� � . �' � �.. � .,. -. °- . - _ - � _ �; :�T ;}- ReceWe�thwrSartro�- _ „ � � �. � -���w�►�G.l i ��i��-�v-��--/-,. ;.r� ;- , �, . . .... . /� _ : t • . - -!'.���` U ' i�.Maaa�lQlir���ity=S[ataedrZfptCad�rlr� :, ,y=,.��,: �,� - _. -�s. _. . . . -�Ua'rEr� �_rotale�._10Q� ;� .:�;��:��� . , ,�;,,�"'�; . .�%�z..�-�.Y� �... .r ;.. ..r.�,. �.:,:. .��.�. °�� _ . .�.�'.• ,. -"i-t ..��. :tii�s��' ._ . _ " '�«'P'ri� "^"�"'�s—,-�. . ^"7R 'y' .�„�,� '. .s- • #�,:. '�..�. - _ � - - � �° 1T ''� � � ��a - - ': . , . � . . . y y ..... _ :.. ' ' -Cicenseelnspectocr� . E�=�'� gy.p„ =' l 1�-'C�_ - - � -_. .. sigpaEureroEnvplic9nar _ , . . _ � �.,r �: : - x '- •,{.� ° .. �, �:.d. � �'G��_ � , � "�il X � .'J" �r,_�.F}"'� �r -� �. r., �OQC� . = .� . t{.�n» .3 �:t �T��_ ��::� . . �.�� . . .�•:•;•ti . • _-. .. • r ^CompacryrNamar =� . .•. -..••�, :PofiaY►��-- �-ExpiratfonrDatsr- � � � .. .- �: . ..-__ _„' . . - : .�. .- .. . - ..- — --� _. ... � ---x-.�p _ :--_- . : �- .� ..__ • . . _ ...'{-s- �_ ..- --��i. __ _. . . -. - ._, -:,:x ._I�ucaace^� - _ " - _ . : Company�Nartta�► - - PoUeytNa� ExpUadotrdatar�.;- .. . _..., ' ; `. ,. n►a► .. ,;�, * �:-. _..�, * .... � <...:: '� . �,,... � " �� S"oafa�Secu��tyeNo� '� �`='�` ''�`�� •.:. MtnnesataSfat�IdentificaUor�N�v- " ,.� - - �' yehicl�lnfocntatian- -- � ..__.._�. . . ._..a: � �'?.. �f _..___ . . ��-:. � � _ ' :..� Ss�ia4Numbeor -- ;.: _: _, . _ ateNumba� _ ,�r.�' _.. . . . . ... . .: _ - _' _ ' _ , . . ` . •,-,_ ,�. 3-�f�_ . .. ,� �tfT@[" • _ .. r . .� _ - . THISISA:REC�iP�T'FOEirAPPg1CA�TQ[�!�! -_ - • _THISI�NQ?'a-UCflVSE?QOPEKILTEYou�applicatiomfor.licerrseswill:eitheabegraertedior.rejecfe�sabjectt�theepcevisionsa�therzonin - ,, ocdh►anc�artetcompletioceottft�inspeciiortsby�thmHeaLttr,:FrrerZonirt�a�l�ticertsealrtspaeto�►� -w-•�-° -� - ;. , . __. .. - ... _ . ` _ _ . "'�,''�'• _ : .. :, _ , - ... _ . .: _ - _ _ . _ - : - , . ..: . _ :.w . _ _ _ . . ., : _ -- . _ _. . , _ _- � - . .. � =-. . , � '��� . -- �"=�"',�,: . - ... . , .. . � =': . ��.'�: �.�,j-�,, $Ia�'-.O�CHRf�GE FQR'r A�L REZDRIVEIL- CHEGIC�: �_�.: . :�; � ac�� _ =-�;.: �`� - . _ �,,. :�:: � � =_ ` . - G?�� .����a� : �-a�T--�'�.� . , _ 1• • �. �-#`` . , Cic?� oi Sa1ac Paul ��''"�� . Depa�Lmenc oi Finance anc3:Managemenc Servicas- b�_.� . DivisioQ o£ Licease and. Pe�ic Regiszratic� � INFORMATION REQLIIRED WIZA 9PPLZC�TION' :Ot� PE�MIT TO CONDUC'L' C�ARLT�BLE G�,MBLP.'TG GaME� IN � . S�INT' PAUL: . 1._ F'u�11, aad cocipleca; aames o£. arganizacic� •ahic� is- ap�rlyfn� Ear- licanse: AMFRTf AN I Ff;T(1N - HAMLINE POST` 418� 2.. Add=ess: where• games> wfll be- held. � 900`. Ri ce Street, St Paul , MN 55T1 T - �tumae� S treac Cicy Zip 3.- Nam� of maaager sigrriag- this applicatie� viie_ *.if1Z coaducc,. aperate: aad_ maaagr. Ga�hliag. Games Ray Wika Dsca: o�_ Bi�cs 2/11/2T (a) Lengttt. of cime iaanager Iias besa. ae�be� oz app-i;caa� oraanizac�os. Z6 years 4_ Address o�. ,ianager 770� �`�o. Syndica'�e, S�. Paul , P�'�J 5510T Vumber S�reec. Cic r Zip 5.. Day; daces, aad haurs: chi� apgiicac�crt is �or Friday EVenings, 7:30 til 11 :30 PM 6. Is the: applicant o�- arganizacion. organized: uadez- che I.avs. o:- c�e State oL ;�? YES 7�.. Date: o� iacorparatior� 8.. DaCr whe� regist�.zed: wfth che Stac� oL �'�aaesoca 9.. Ha�n loag2 has: orgaaszatio� bea�is e:tfs.ce�cf?`' -� _. _ . __ LO� Aow• loa� has:. ozganizacfa� b ee� ia: ex�.cenc� ia. 5 c c au.L�� LL. wha�. is: the: puzpos� af_ che argaa=zacio�? To Promote Yo�th Pro4rams and to ai d Vets Ot^nani��t'10►1� LZ. O�fiCers of applicanc organizaciocr Na��� Jerome= Jansen ,;Ya�e: John Knox addres�. 2T29� Scheffer- Ave �iadrass: 1925 Goodrf ch Ave: St. Paul PiN . St. Paul MN Titl� Chief� Ex. Off. DOH� Ts_?� TrPasurpr/Fin_ Of�g , Yam� Rav Wika Y� Add=ess� 770 iVO. Svndreate , St�. Paul , MN ���ress. T�cle Gambl i na Nlar-. Dos 2/11/ZT ='`�=z �oB 13. Give� ctamns oc oi=icers, ar any oc°:e� �ersans -�no.. ?a_=: �o� sa:^-`_css �o _:e. or3a===�t'-�n-. �iamc Y�� Addtess �dQ=°-g3 �1 L'12 --�-z �n�:.3G�: S2'�!'d=3CL �G2:'' -. _ iC�-'_�..�_. .'.=_3-- K � • ' ' '"�� � � � . ���/3�1- 1L• �; ,= 14�.. �;'Atrached herecc is:. a_ Lisc of name� aa� addressex o� a].L members or che- organizaciocr. � ~ 15'_ r�wttas� custody will orgaatzactoa's: records be keg�? 1925 Goodrich Ave.� Naa« JO�T ��� 1 Address St. '�aul, MinrYesota I6._ •�P"etsores. wha vf1L br. conductiag.. assiscing- i:r conductfng�,, or.. operatiag che games�: �� S'ue Wevandt- � Dare oL girz:� 12/26/58 address. 77T� 74,th St. so; Cottage- Grove,� kMd" 550T6` Name: of. Spaus� Jim� Jw. Daze: oP 9i=ttr 5/17/57� Daces vherr. suc� oersotc. vill conduc.�, ass.is�, or operace Above=persona alternatP. Name� Date� o f B irth 3ddress: Nam�: o� Spousr Date- of Bi=th: Dates �-irea: suc:t �erso� �riT? caacLC�,_ ass�s�, or ope_ate_ L7'... t�avr: ;�ou. �za� ard. 3a. �oc� t�orou�crL� uace�s�aaa. che orovisiaa� o£ a�.t Iav�, ozdiaaaces:,.. aad: re�r��ia�� �nve�.�� cz� ogerac=orc a� CFta�—�rah_� Ga�Ez'�� ��as? Yes _� _ 18.. Attac::�� here_�: •�a: c4e: io:=.- curishea: �•r c�e C�L7- o� Sc�. ?acrl is. a. �inaacial Report wEtic:� :�a�izes= �?' :ecai�cs,. e�e�ses, aa� �{s�u_se�eacss o� c:te dDIIl:canc ozgaaizaEion, ' a� we��? a� a�?. o:aar�_za�_a:ts: :-iza aave: ____=�,�ex =sacs �o�- t�e: oraczc'r.s� cal_ada� year �trtc� :�as bee:c a:�e�±, gre�aredr. daa. �T2�i�`:�. Sh- RoY Spannaus: Vame � 580 Grand Ave. St. PAul. � . ��IG�_53.:` ' vho. is c:�e: Accountant aL c:se aav�licaac OrganizaL,•orr. ' , Vame: �� 0��_�s. • L9... Opera.co� or Qra�z�es: .irera. ,;ames. :'..� �e� ieLd:. y Name: R.F.R.Inc. .. B�siness tiddress 900 Rice St. St. Pau1 Home address does not appl.y 20. �mounc oi rer.c pai� Jv' d7D►_;.3ac or3az:�ac�en 'or c_.^.c o� c!:e aall* SD2Ci�y amounc: paid. ?er 4-t�ou� se:-s:aa $150.00. , . �� �, .. . .. , . -� 2L_ The: proceeds o� ca� ganes viiL be- disbuzsed aicer deducting prize: layou� costs and ' operacing espenses- t:or che: [ollo�ring� pu�cses and uses: Suport of A�nerican Legion ba ba11 r►c� vPtPran� organizations 2Z_ Ha� the. premises vhere-: che gz.�es ara ca Se- held. beea cercffied for- occupanc3 by the �ity oE� Sainc PauL'. Yes Z3_ Eias your or3ar.�zac_om �iled. :edera_ :ora_ 9°0—i'. YeS I� answer- is ves, please actaca a cogy wi c� c;,is aFplicac�om_ L: anss:a_ is aa� ex�lain vhy: Any changes desizec 37 .az a�?=cazc� _ssac{ation mar '�e:.�ade. onl;r- vich c�e consee.c oi che Ci�y C�+ursc=L. Hamline American Legion Post # 418 Or�ra�zac�an Jul 14 1 88 � � Date Y � 9 Bv: � ga� :n. arge: ai: game . • _ � /'� :.. � � � �zr ( :n. r-- ... c'i- cn . 1. �. �'�� •< : � � �. _- � 1 7 � r-- fT` T (� .Ti. � � �.. :S f�'. T .r � �+. (� �� '� . I!" 3-.; � .a . �. �_ �- r" (� ' . �7 �� .� l'� (� = n = . � -. �: - 3 G.. rT •► r- - a 3 ,� ., �. �„� .� � '. �, �3 � C v ko e�- r-- i9 .r• �-r ('f� ? 'G � �"1. :T `C � � :3 � � � :3� � .7' 1+ � ' . �- ��. 3� � T :'7 CD. SS3. � �=-� f - � T E. 3 � � = � w ! � — _. �. I: r-r rt ( � � 1 :e � a a. =. �-- - r- = � = _ 7�" '� C - n � � � � � � �9 i � � J T �. �.v v �D. E' � `� . "'7� 'T � O. �t � � . . a � 1 .. �� — � f I y M� T 't �' �A� ?1 1-� (9 A � . � f0 � . . A � • � � 'f � � : � t T I ,� I � ' '_ �` = � � � �' �� 1 � �. 1` '.' T I � D` ' (7 � � � i� ' ^ ���� I � � �� ` _ I� �a��� I - - , .a e �m � ���� � S � � � a i � I � �� I -- rv .� � I ( . 7 C � .-� � � y. �. -r� ' �. � � w .• i I -+ 7 •VHVIMHW . City ot Sain[ Paul ,/ j Department of Finance� and Managemenc Services � ��� E(" •- :�; ` , , Division of License-aa� Permit. Admiaia�ratioa. � r/r//�` � • • U1fIFpRM CHABITABL�GAl�LING FINANCIAL_REPaRT ���, uacd �Tuly 12, 198$ � � ', r.. x�. oF org��a�i� Hamline American� Legion Post #� 418 �?� Z� Addreae-where• Char2tablc Gastr].ing is-:conductad.. 9��-�1C�@: S't. S't. Paul, �. •- 3.. Reporr forperiod cmreriag- MaY . .-� 19$?9 t��,g� April 30, I4 88 . 4.. Total,aumber°of days played J2 5.. Gros�-receipts for abwe•period: � 207-t 537•00 ' 6_ Grosa:prize payouts for abwe-period. (iaclude caslr shorC) : 163� 7�7•00 � T.. Ner receipta _ liaa 5 siaua.liae•6• i' 37� $3�• �� ' 8� Expensea iacurnd ia eoaductiag. aad_operatias gama: � A. Grose wagea paid. Attach worker list vith 8 20.�� namea.. address and. groes wagea. S � 7 S, itent f or weaka- � 7� 6$�•�� C.. License=fee� � 6��• �� D.. Insuraace � E_ Bond ; S�• �� F. Dishonored checks not recovered. ; �'25•�� ' G. Accountiag, Ezpenar S 5��• �� � H. Employers F':I.C.A� � 6�'�• 5� � r. PulItab:Taz Paid to' Depar�eaC o£ Revenue ; l r 325•�2 .r. Mtaa��r c_ r� s 9 8.8�0 . � �r.. Feaa���.��r�� sc�: Tncome: Tax s 2T.74� L... Stats�Gambliag;Tas ;" �0 78Z•OO M_- Hiscellaneous=Ezpeaaaa.. Identif}r th�aounc and to.whota�paid.. x_Federal Unemploy. s _ 75• 36 � . r..Pul1. Tab ost $ I., 323. 20 � 3�Bank Cha�ges $_ 4-5�. 00 a.. s, 1., 4y,3, S6 . � � 9. TotaL.Expensea+ �TOTAL. S Z�^y 29 2. 08 :;; . ' • 10. NeG Incomr-lins-T sinus:liar:.9 i I-3� 5 37•9 2- 11. Checkbook bslaace beginnlag-o£ period ; 3� ��I'3•66 12., Total of linr. 10 and� 11 , ; " 16, 58i• 5$ 13.. Tctal..contributiona:frosalia� 17 ; � l�-�12$.z6 14. Checkboo(c balancn-ead of repo=ting pnriod.- ' liaa 12 Ieas linn• 13 ; 5,�53• 32� . 15. Specify uae mad�of asounc: on•1iaa- 13: � To support America� Le�ion Baseball, Veterans or�anizations, �� and community activities. ��.: rjf. � .n. :.'•�.:�.saae.^._3. _:om• �u^� 1a __ao L�:. . N'� ���J*'� . `7ame- ;lsar � ' � ,�dar�=:- aear��s Dacas 4sr.'d- Dacc Aec`d Purposr� � Purposa. - Sigtracurr Signacurs oc. 4ecipinnc o� Recipimc �ounc SEE ATTACHID SCHEDUI�Eemouac Nama y�- Addrnss Addzess Aa[e_ tte¢'d OaCe Rac:'d °urpasa Purposa Slgnacure Signarsre oP Qaeipienc oF R�cipienc . �lmouac Amounc. - Name Name Address ,lddresa- Daca Rec'd Oats Rec'd PurPa=� Purpoae Signacure Stgnacu=e- oE 3ecipienc of Reeipienc Amounc Amounc_ Nsmrr • Nam� Aadras� Ad�zesr - _. Dare Rec'd= Dacs Ree.'d. ' Purpvaa; Purpoac Sisnacura- Signacure of Recipieer aE Reeipienc Amoanc Amcun�- l7: tociL otsbursemeacs � 11�12$. 26 -rxrs �aRr rivsr s�. anr.�:r.r car�� ro Qvu.��r a,er�c.►rion �a�cxxnxxn�ar.�: c.v�L�xc LICEttSE.. �, � . .{.. ..r �' �F C�� ur �.. �� .� C'._ =F- A' 'n� �' �-!- �o. � r o -f. �n �s _ o -+ ;•r = � ... � c > w -r.+, m o � i -�i. °�° ,3� o �Q o r -r- a a v� .t .w, �-F� C7 � A 'y . �t:� �r-� i CeT� n .7- � .,�. �. e ,e. ��y. o oa< I`� n` a -c- a. -: .r r—� n� O� 3><Z 'T.. Q� `''s . _. a °�, p. 'q- '� 3 O 3�� n O� �t- -+-. n n: oR +t� � m r �- a� -�- > r o ; \ " s .j �- � � � � > > Z�' �:1 n ° a � � =' � .��' r -.� A b �.. �. � z a �� � �- y � �,. r� a� uf cn..- �-+� 3 C ` r� C�/� N' •1 3 � 2 r ;T r/f �.. (VA \ A-�� 2' � -C O A � � 7 K O ^t'7' O. � 2 \/�� n a m,. -f.. � a �. 3 u 'q !f_t n a� e 7. 3 r... >... w w n n�� �� 2 -i-U'� a 3 O m ^1 ^ - 0 �"" T C 7 O C7� � � � ^� ^ 3, A � n � 3 Y a �r? y n ..v..- .r � m r.-..- o � ` � � � �1 �( � a. 3 .� --�: � � � C `G l7' tu0. O 7� � V � �t� T�' (ap 'T �' �. � � � w .n J O n O O S . ' �"{. I� � n O 4 .1 � n 3 �� �� y^� . n � ' o� u � m L I � ' I � —'� L �1 ^ r. n e �- � �e" -���. I``� � � � � " n �\ , ^� � C' . � '. . �� .� O ,\ :a n I` • S- 3 G' a � �� `4 � 1 � a � � . , ������ • American Legion Post # 418 S�chedule of Contributions Yeax- Ended. April 30,_ 1988 American Legion Base�all $ 4�, 321. 26 Sister� of St... Joe:�,s� Mission 50. 00 . MemoriaL Day Association 105. 00 Our� I;ady of �ood Councel bane�r��inme 500. 00 UniorL GosgeZ Mission 100. 00 American Legion Dept. of Minnesota 50 . 00 Veterans Hospital 340. 00 Fourth District American Legion Baseball Fund 378. 00 Jehovah Lutheran Boy Scouts 125. 00 Northfield Shoot Out 130. 00 Ramsey County Safety Patrol 100. 00 Salvation Army 300. 00 Servicemens Center �00. 00 Dorothy Day Center 400. 00 Crime Stopp.ers. 1D0. 00 Veterans Camp 100. 00 Legionaville 420. 00 Various F'ood Shelf Funds 500. 00 Memorial Post # 533 (Meeting Room to determine :. _ ._• �10. 00 distribution to charities) Ainerican F'lag Po1e Co .. 74�. 00 I�oliday Bureau 100. 00 rndianhead Council Boy Scout� 50. 00 Brairr S�cience E�und� 750. 00 Sauk C�enter° Gir�Ts S�chooL I00. 00- Red Wing S�chool for Boys� 100. 00 � Americar1 L.egion�AT'atiaria�;-.Ch��d I�elfar.e 100. 00 Cambridge S-tate Hospital � - 200. 00 North Suburban Survi:.va�•:Club_ 150. 00 R. Q .T.C . • 100. 00 American L.egion Bo�rs State 125. 00 Emanual. Lutheran_ Cr�tzrch Youth l�und. 50. 00 Minnesota.:.Safety �ounciT � 200. 00 x ' �o�AL. " $ I1,I28. 26 • d