88-1361 WHITE - C�TV CLERK
� -ou il Resolution ������
, ;
_ � ,
Presented By -
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #43108) for the renewal of a State Class
A Gambling License by the Rice Street Athletic Club at 900 Rice
Street be and the same is hereby approved/��
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ng [n Favor
Rettman �Q- B
s�ne;n�� _ Against Y
Form �[pproved b Cit tto y
Adopted by Council: Date ►��r' 1 n 10AQ
Certified Vasse C u cil S BY—�f J
Appr ved by Mavor: Date ��7 � `� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B pU�B1.ISHED . .� � �' '7 1988_ y
� � ����
���„� ��� �R��� :���T �. oa�1o5 : ��
Mr. J. Carche�i
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� Christine Rozek �N — �.��� ��«�
carr �+o. NUMdER FOR _ _
< �� ,�ovr,N� �T� �`�" Council Research
Fi'.. : � . � 2�-5056 _: °r�o�n: �'I a,���,_ —
Applicatian for Rer�ewal of a State Class A Gambli:ng License.
Notification Date: 8-2-88 Hearing Date: 8-16-88
AFF�bI�I!IDA71011R:(APPi'E+ve(�)or Rsject(R)) COIJ�IqL RESEARCN NE�qIT:
. r�oa�ori ava s�wce cow��ssron w,�m o�r�our �rsr Pr+or�ra.
zo�w�o� is��es ac�oo�eonao
.. . � 6f71FF��, . . � CFMRTER fbhIM19810N � � � COMPLETE�AS IS � ADDi IWFb..AODED*. . . REPD TO CONFA�T � .f�N6iRIfENi _ . .
. . . _ . _POw A[fDt N�FO. . . _FE�&IQF AOOED* . .
DIS7mCT OWAVCIL � . . .. . .
. � *DfPIANATION: � . . . � � .. . � . .
. .BIIPPpIfn YMiCM COUNCIL OB�IECTIVE7 � . . � . . � � ; � . - . � . . � . .. . � . . . � . . .
. . . - � . . . .. � . . � - � � � . . � . � � . � � . - � .� . � � . . �. . . � . .. " . ..
M11A7MIQ�II�I.EM.�11�.�lON7111111'Y(VWw.W118�VMhBII.W1Wfl.WhY): .
William Hafner, on behalf of the Rice Street Athletic C1ub, re.quests .GowncTl
, , �
approval of re�ewal of-his State Class A Ga�ling Li,cense at 900 Rice Stree�. �
Gambiin� sessions are hel.d Saturdays between the :ho�rs of 7:30 PM and 1Y:30`'PM.
Proceetls are used to promote athletic activi�i�s in the North End area of
St. Paul and to grant scholarships to n�edy and worthy studEnts.
- .I���C�OM�HM+e�s AdwrMeoe..n.n,IMr. , =i
Al l fees a+�d app1 i cati ons have been sut�ni�ted.�4���� Re�arC11 C��
, _
. AUG 8 i988
�rNl.�.�wha�►.d;a ro vu�wrt�): . _ . , .: .
If :Gounc�l approval is given, the Rice Street Ath1etic Club will contin�
to sponsor a' gambling session at 940 Ri'ce �treet.
_ K�w►n� w+os c� .
. {.EIiAI�: : . � .
� Lic Enf Aud
Applicant �� �I�q j� �L�--`►L y^ Home Address ��� �ypn-�
Rusiness I4ame ��_�� y�,�,�+ ���,�� Home Phone ��9-+ �p9•�, �
fiusi.ness Address 9�p �G.G�-IA�j'�' Type of License(s) C�ass A
Business Phone � �11�M� b�� �s I11/P�� �.Gt •
Public Hearing llate O ��I O License I.D. 4{ � 3�� �
at 9:00 a.m, in the Council ham ers,
3rd floor City Hall and Courthause State Tax I.D. �t N ��}
llate Notice Sen � f Dealer �� N f�
to Applicant $ g '��( �g �t�
rederal I'irearms �� � IT
Public Hearing
A proved Not A roved
Bldg I & D �
Health Divn. '
N�� �
Fire Dept. �
; N� i
' se.,�� �h I 291 �r
Police Dept. f
License Divn. '
City �,ttorney � Q�
Date Received:
Site Plan � v
To Council P.esearch ^ �
Lease or Letter Date
from Landlord � Z� � �
- � � . .���..t6�
Charitable Gambling Control Board
Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg. For eoard Use Only
�'� 1821 University Ave. Paid Amt:
- - St: Paul, MN 551043383 Check No.
' :•°.'� (612) 642-0555 Date:
LiCENSE NUMBER: � ' �' /EFF. DATE: ' '`"' ' /AMOUNT OF FEE: '
1�Aop��Bpt�e��LLV�ne�of�Organization 2.�ReQt A�dd t�
3.City State,Zi 4.County 5. Business Phone
SC aaui, ;•�V �p5li7 �a�nsey oi2 gh9-4707
�Name of Chief Executive Officer 7. Business Phone
, w
'�".n ���" 61z `�66 6 �-
8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone�
Jarr.es ,oz'�r�.an 612� 4.SFi- �+'�0
1U Name of Gambling Manager 11.Bond(Vumber 12. Business Phone
?i:. �-arr+w� _:,��.�e�7s -6 26
13„�ame,of Estahlishment Where Gambling Will Take Place 14. Cou�ty 15. No.of A�tive Members
7U ^d.�t 7: 'i!!i ^�w C. �
16.1,8s�r Name. 17. Monthl�C Rent:
r* crxrac:cn -o�,
18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify days and times of Bingo.
Days Times Days Times � D� Times
aat�ar�avs s '�0-11: '�0 ��.i, . ,,�
19. Has license ever been: O Revoked Date: O Suspended Date: ❑ Denied Date:
20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? q Yes ❑ No(tf"No,"attach copy)
21. Has current lease been filed with the board? � Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy)
22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? ��Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) _
By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gambling is
being conducted, to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. �
By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to
fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law.
I hereby declare that:
1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board;
2. All information submitted is true, accurate and complete;
3. All other required information has been fully disclosed;
4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization;
5. 1 assume full responsibility for the fair and fawful operation of all activities to be conducted;
6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those
laws and rules, including amendments thereto. '�
23. Official Legal Name of Organization Signature(Chief'Executive Officer) Date Title ,....,
Rice St. :�thl tic 'Iub fl� ,� ? ` ' �
= {' '.��1�r:` r' � � ,.f
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this apptication. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will
be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted
below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by
the Charitable Gambling Contro! Board within 30 days of the below noted date.
24. City/County Name(Lxal Governing Body) Township: If site is located within a township, please complete items 24
y%.,� �.-; ,�,� �." and 25:
Signature of Person Receiving Application: 25. Signature of Person Receiving Application
; ' � �
� � �.i....._ ,-i_ � ��-!- "r.�
Title � Date Received(this date begins 30 day period) Title:
-';� ' ..-� � :x� �'✓ , I�• �. ',�
Namero6Person-Defivering,Applic�ation to Local Goveming Body: Township Name
� ;-�� � i'_,C' . .�,,•
� {
CG-00022=01 (518� White Copy—Soard Canary—Appiicant Pink—Local Governing Body
,.. .-�,. .,,.�.._.. _ _
. . ��r.-,� .-,.�-- —�--� , ��-�
`Y �_. _. . " . . _ s:`�1,G �� '
. • - • . t -:... Cit}�otSainf Pau6z :•: ; . ..: . • : - a K ;.
� . DepartmenCo�Firranc�and:MamagementServ�ces - - =��
_ - : - Licens�andPermi�Divisio�:. � , �
- _ .
. " - .- 20�Cit�aHa11� ' �� ������.
�:, - ` ,
SC-_-.Paul�Mi�nesot�:55.102'=29�5056'e� ' . +�, .
: _ . APR�.c�rrar�Fa�uc�NSE :: -_ . .. ..
'- CASH- C1-1ECiC...: CC:AS�NO`� � .. �' News*-�.:Renevwa �
�QQ .�• --�-- - � � ".. � -Q.� . _� _ -- � � -/
. . � . . . . • - Dat� � � 1g�d
Code-Noc. �_ -. Title<ot:licenser - - ^1 /
From- - � d 7 �g.�b�-a. � cZ CO 19'•lS,�
3��- ass r� - ��,.� b!�n ��r.�:.st�
� �oa ��c e. : S�-r2�-4- �-'-l��(e-�c. C,. 1�.c �c,
„�,y�U Q�,. �-Qf✓ ApplicanUCompany�Nams�
q��7 �t C e, S��e�.`�
100' - Busineas Namee
,on. �' � c,C � � /-1 /� � cf��.
BuainessAddress: PhontNC-.-
100- Maii to Addreas. P�one Na
,�:. (,J , �I �u ��� ���}�>�
ioa �(�1`
�o � `��o n-E �4c,� l��/a�
.. ' 100:: AtanaqeNGwnee=HOm�Address. PhonsNa.
4098� Appiicatiorr-Fees. �
z� 5� c,� . ,��..c��� .
Recewe�cne�sum•or_ . ioo:� ' /�'� t 1 S�����
, . J-QC�--� M�,agqaow�cuy:.stuta,z��-coaa� - .
'> - 10U;' Totai. - 10�,' :. � < .
7 �,cP�'� °�� ��✓��-. - - - --—
' Ucens�lnspector- Bj.r �'�J�• S(gnaturetof ApplfeanC
_ _ . _
_ _ _.. .
BnCld' ' .:.. r.: _ _ . _ , .�
' CompanYNamer PolicYNo�c _ ExPiraHoaOatss
Company!Name. , PolicyNac ExplradortDat�-._
Minneso#aState�IdentificatiorrNo: _ SociaLSecucity:Nm
Vehicl�inforrrration-' .
Serial Numbar �ateNumbe�
Other --
- THISISNOTA.LICENSETO'OPERA•TEYOUFapplicatiort forlicens�wili eithepb�grante�ocrejectedsubjecfto the:provisionsoEthe�mning;,._
ordinanc�andcomplettorttotth�inspection�by�thrHealth, Fire-rZonirtg;andlorLicensailnspectors� -•
�'1 -
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-� _ �a 7�
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. , ' • - � , City of Saint Paul �da �3p�
• Departnenc oE Finance and Management Services
, Division of License and Permit Registration
1. Full and complete name of or�anization which is applyfag for license
Rice St. Athletic Club
2. Address where games will be held 900 Rice St. St. Paul, MN. 551.17
Vumbe: Streec City Zip
3. Name of manager signing this applicacion who will conduct, operate and manage
Gambling Games William Hafner Date of Birth 1�10�30
(a) Length of time manager has been member o= applicant organization 33 Ye ars
4. Address of ,tanager 102 Front Ave. St. Pau 55117
vumber Street Cic;� Zip
S. Day, dates, and hours this applicatien is zor Saturday Evenings 7: 30--11: 30 P.M.
6. Is the applicant or organization organizea under tfie Iaws o= t:�e State oT �IN? Yes
7. Date of incorporation October 19� 195�
8. Date when registered with the State or �I:aneso[a OCtOber 19, 195�
9. How long has organization been in e:tiscence? 33 Years
10. How long has organi2ation been in existenca in S�. Paul": 33 Years
11. what is the purpose of the organ�zation? • To promote athletic activities in �the
North End area of St. Paul and to grant scholarships to needy and worthy
s u ents
I2. Officers of applicant organizat�oz
Name David A. Bauer y�e George Kram]:inger
Address 2896 N.W 14-th St. �lddress 60 W. Hoyt Ave. St. raul
ew rig on
Title President DOB 3/25/�5 T;t1e Secretary �pg 1948
Vame William Hafner Yame James Hoffman
Address �02 Front Ave. St. Paul �d��oss 38 W. xose Ave. St. .Paul
T�itle V. President Dpg 1,�10/30 T�_yz Treasurer �pg 2/14/42
13. Give names of officers, or any ot^e- pers�ns ano �a;d :�r ser.*=css co cae or3a^.i�at�on.
�ame None Vame
Address :�ddre�s '
Titie ._�'_e
(Attach separate sna�r- =.,. ;c�:__.,,.-- -•�_'� •
kA , ,
14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members of che organization.
15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? 3$ �j. Ro se Ave.
Name James Hoffman Address St. Paul, Minn. �5117
16. Persons who will be conducting, assisting in conducting, or operating the games:
�ame William Hafner Date of airth 1.10. 30
Address 102 Front Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 551.17
Name of Spouse Does not apply Date of Birth
Dates when such person wili conduct, assist, or operate
vame Daniel Wevandt Date of Birth o2 j3
:�ddress 982 W. �'outy Road B Roseville� Mn.
I3ame o* Spouse Mary Jean Weyandt Date ot Birth 12/23/53
Dat�s waen sucn person �ai?i conc�ct, ass:st, o� operate In aCCOr'dance with
a�reements and working conditions related to personal obligations.
17. Have �ou read ar.d do ;rou t�!orougEcly understar.d �he provisions or all 1aws, ordinances,
ar.d regulations `overnin; �`�e operat_on ot Cna=:tab�e Gamo'ing games? Yes
18. Attached here�o o:. t:�e �o� �ur^�sn.ed �y �F�e City o: St. Paul is a Financia? Report
whic:� �t��nizes a11 :ece:?cs, e:s�enses, and e;sbursements oi c�e applicant organization
a; wel'_, as a�? or�ar_:za�'_ens �ac :.at�e _e_e_-�ed _�nds �or t:�e preced_ag calendar year
WtlIC:1 �i3S beea S'.?�_^.�,^.� ^L�!Ja*_'2d� sI1Q P@';"eQ ��T Roy Spannaus
580 Grand Ave. St. Paul, Minn�• 55102 �
who is c!�e Accountant �� �he applicant Organizat'_on.
Vame �r Oi�_�e
19. Operator or oremises aE:ete �zames ai'_: �e he��:
Name R.F.R. Co�, ,
Business Address 900 Rice St. St. Paul, Minn. 55117
Home Address Does not apply
20. Amount of rent oaid by apn��;.3�c Or�ani_ac�on �or -e.^.� o: che ha�l; speciry amoc:nt
pafd per 4-hour se��:on $ 150. 00 peP session.
. . � ��i��f
�Z1. The proceeds oi the gacaes will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and
operacing expenses for the t"ollowing ourposes and uses:
Promotion of athletic activities in the North End District of
St. Paul and the gran��ing of scholarships to needy and worthy students.
2Z_ Has the premises where the g2mes are to 5e held been certified for occupanc}• by the
City oE Saint Pau1? Yes
23. Has your orgar.izat=on r?1ed cedera' �or:n 990-#."�: Ye5 IL answer is yes , please actacn
a copy wic:� tnis apoLicac�on. I: answar is no , e:colain why:
990 Attached 990-T now required and attached
�ny changes desirzc �•� cie a�oLic�zc _ssoc�a�_on ma� be �ade onl;r wich t;;e conszr.c oi the
C�ty C�unc�L.
Rice St. Athletic �'lub
Date /'��4 Bv: � ^ � �
. ��!����- � r�,� ,
��aaager in charge f gase
:� � � � .,� Z! ; � � �^- :n _ _ r. .. � i o r
r \� ' , 7
R f7 T �f> 7 ���: '!� .� , :� f" � '�.. � L'.7
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' City of Sainc Paul
�� • Department of Financa and Haaagement Services � ' � Gji/✓?�/
Division of License aad Perait Admiaiscratioa Q 4
Data Ju1y22, 1988
i. x,m. of Organization Rice St. Athletic Club
2. Addresa vhere Charitabla Gasbling is conducted 9�� Ri ce s t. s t. Paul� MN.
� 3. Report for period co�eriag `r�e �-� 1g87 through MaY 31� 19 $$
4. Totsl numbar of days plsy�d 51
� 5. Gross reeeipts for above pariod ; 7-9�r 9 75• ��
6. Grosa prize payouts for abwe pesiod (iaclude eseh ahort) ; �5�-, 505• ��
� 7. Nst reeeipta - line 5 aiaus lina 6 ; 39��'70• ��
8. F�cp�ases incurred in eonductlag aad operatiag game:
A. Gross wages paid. Attach vorker list with $' C 0 0. 0 O
namea. addrees aad groas wagea. � J
B. Rent for Jl veeica ; 7, 630. 0�
C. Liceas� fee st. Paul ; 50�. �0
D. Inaurance � 1��• ��
E. Bond ; J�• 00
F. Diahonored checks not recovered ; 1-$6. ��
G. Accwntiag Eapeaf� i 6 0�• ��
H. Employera F.I.C.A. S 6 38•11
I. Fulltab ia: Paid to DePartmeat of Revenua � $��'• ��
J. r��. u.c. r� s 114.66
R, ��,�xx�� (Meeting Expense = 625•92
r._ s�$te Gambling Taz (Postage s 3, 3g6. 00
M. Miacallaneous Expeas�s. Identify th� amount
and to vhom paid. •
1, License Fee MN. ; 100. 00
2, Federal U.C . Tax $ 112. 32
3, Fede�al Inc. Tax ; 260. 88
y, Pull Tab Cost ; l,413. 08 l. 886.28 .
9. Tot� Ezpensaa TOTAL j �5� 02�•97
� 14 449. 03
10. Net. Incoma - liae 7 �inua line 9 i �
11. Checkbook balance bagianiag of period ; 4'� 787• �9
12. Total of 1ia� 10 and 11 � 19 r 236•12
13. Total contributions fros lina 17 ; �-�!`�=57: • �7
14. Checkbook balance ead of reporting pwriod - )r�18•r� �9
liae 12 leaa line 13 S
Deposti to
15. Specify uae nade of asount on line 13: Savings 3� 591.96
o a]; _ as reserve. 8, 779. 05
�.. .
To promote athletics and commu�ity activities.
�'•::...bE.^..G.^.:� .:�^l 3�OL.^.' -.. __:G .�. �
.... . ��/,3 �
)tame ;lame
Addreas Address
, Dace �ec'd Dace Rec'd
Purpose Purposa
Signacure Signacure
oc [teeipienc ar Racipienc
Amount Amounc
Yams ��Q
�ddrees Addreas
�aca 2ee'd Dac� Qac'd
°urpase Purpo�e
SLgnatura Signat•are
oi Rsc2pianc oC (tacipienc
• unounc Amounc
Name Hame
Address Addreaa
Oace ;tec'd Dace Etec'd
Purpose Puraone
Signacura Slgnacure
of �ecipiene of (teelpienc
Amount Amounc
Name Namt
A�drsss Addreas •
� �ace tee'd Dace (tec'd
' 2urposa Pntpoae
Signacure Sigaacure
of eZec=pienc of cTeci?ien�
Amoun[ ,�mcunc
��. ro�al Olsbursamencs See Attached Schedule $ 10, 457. 07
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Lions Club Al1 Star Football Game $ 50. 00
Sylvan Playgrounds 1,166. 80
Rice St. Festival 74�2• 22
St, Bernards Athletic Fund 1� ��9 • 9�
Memorials and Benefits 76�• 03
American Legion Post # 474 100. 00
Girls Softball 6�'8 • 36
U.S.A . Speedskating 300. 00
West Side Resort Gi�.�l Scout aouting 150 . 00
Association �of Retsrded Citizens 150. 00
I,ake Region Hockey 450. 00
St, Bernards High School 46$• 28
Christmas Baskets for Needy Families 719 • 92
Roseville Spee�skating 350. 00
Big B�others-Big Sisters 350.'00
Como Area Hockey 155• 00
Rice St . Businessmen 85. 00
Easter Baskets ior Needy Families 335•19
Handicapped Children 100. 00
St, Bernards Bowling Trop}aies 159 � 37
Norhaven Inc, 300 . 00
St. Bernards Mens C�ub 100. 00
St. Bernards Bowling Lanes 110. 00
Scholarship Award 500. 00
Scholarship Plaques 63. 00
Mnnesota High School All Star Football Game 250. 00
Como Park Senoir High School 200 . 00
Roseville Mickey NTantle Baseball 200. 00
Total Contributions � 10,4�57 • �7