88-1347 , � ,., .� , � � � � _ ,. �,,,��_> >/ ,�, , :��;�� ',� , WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE • GITY OF SAINT PALTL Counci� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR Flle . , Counc ' es lution , �^-� � . ,�; Presented By �" G�- To � Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date MAKING SAINT PAUL THE FAMILY CITY: A CHILD CARE POLICY FOR SAINT PAUL WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to retain and continue to attract to Saint Paul families with children; and WHEREAS, the City Councii recognizes that the availability of a wide variety of chitd care options is an integral part of making Saint Paul attractive to families with younger children; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission and the Saint Paul City Council have accepted the Saint Paul Chiid Care Task Force Report which was based on a study of child care needs and recommendations for improving child care availability in Saint Paul ; now, therefore, be it RESOIVED, that the City Council hereby adopts the foilowing chiid care policy for the City of Saint Paui : Section 1 . THE CITY NILL TAitE STEPS TO INSURE THAT CHILDREN MITHIN THE CITY ARE NOT DEN I ED (�OOD CH I LD CikRE BECi1U°�E OF LOMI FAM I LY I NCOME. A. The City wiil work with corporations, foundations, and other nonprofit groups to make child care in the City of Saint Paul more affordable to iow-income residents. B. The City will take the lead role in joining with cor- porations, foundations, nonprofit groups and other governmental entities, to establish a "Child Care Trust COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng x In Favor ��� �Rettman s�he;n�� � Against BY Sonnen. Wilson �0� ��j I� Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �— � Certified Passed by Council Secretary � BY By /�pproved by Nlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By � � � � �P�-�.��7 Fund" to provide subsidies for child care to eligible low-income residents of the City and to fund neighborhood child care initiatives. C. The City will make a substantial initial contribution to the Child Care Trust Fund from the City's Comnunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to demonstrate the City's cort�nnitment to the Trust Fund and as a means of leveraging additional private, nonprofit and governmental contributions. In the event that additional funds are not contributed to the "Trust Fund" by other entities within a reasonable time period, the City Council shall be free to withdraw this money and utilize it as the Council chooses. The initial goai of total funding of the Child Care Trust Fund from all public and private sources will be approximately $1 ,000,000 from which interest income will be used to serve eligible families in the City of Saint Paul who are not currently receiving funding from the sliding fee program funded by the 5tate of Minnesota or other governmental assistance programs and to serve eligible neighborhood child care initiatives. D. The City of Saint Paul shall adopt as part of the City's Legislative Program a top priority for lobbying the State of Minnesota to increase funding for the sliding fee child care program to meet the needs of eligible residents of the City of Saint Paul . 5ection 2. THE CITY WILL PLAY A ROLE IN INCREASING THE NUMBER AND VARIETY OF CHILD CARE OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE CITY: A. The City will establish a program to assist in funding and promoting neighborhood initiatives which increase chiid care options now in short supply, such as infant, drop in, sick, and extended day programs where full funding for the programs is not available from other sources. B. This neighborhood initiative program will be patterned after the Neighborhood Partnership Program under which neighborhoods will submit proposals for projects appro- priate for the residents, and would be required to provide some percentage of matching funds for the City funds being requested. C. A source of City funding for such neighborhood initiatives will be a designated portion of the interest income of the Child Care Trust Fund outlined in Policy 1B. D. The City will designate appropriate staff to provide technical assistance to neighborhood groups in the areas of writing grant proposals to foundations, setting up nonprofit organizations, and other necessary steps for establishing neighborhood child care initiatives. -2- � ' � ' ��/3�7 E. The City will expand its efforts to assist new and existing child care providers with finding start-up money or funding for construction or renovations needed to meet licensing requirements. ( 1) The City will use its residential rehabilitation funds to help child care providers meet licensing requirements. (2) The City will modify its program guidelines so that those child care providers who do not meet income criteria but who serve low-income children also qualify for City assistance. (3) The City will assist potential child care providers seeking Smail Business Administration (SBA) t7) (a) Loan Guarantees, loans from the Community Issues Consortium, and municipal bonds, where appropriate. (4) The City will also make available through its Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Development Fund, loan guarantees and low- interest 20-year deferred loans to eligible child care providers needing such assistance. (5) The City will take the initiative to work with other public bodies and community agenices to coordinate existing funding sources, such as those identitified in Sections 2A and 2E( 1)- (4) of this policy statement, as well as those of other governmental or private organizations, to make child care start up and improvement funds more readily available and accessible to child care providers. (6) The City will give preference in awarding start up and improvement funding to child care centers which are accredited or agree to seek accreditation from the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs which is administered by the National Association for the Education of Young Children or who clearly meet standards prerequisite to receiving accreditation from this agency, and to family day care providers who are accredited or agree to seek accreditation from a recognized family day care accreditation system or who meet standards prerequisite to receiving such accreditation from such agencies. F. The City will provide information and assistance to child care providers so they can better use City resources to improve the quality of their programs. In addition, the City will make City resources for children and families more accessible for parents who work fuil time during the week. -3- � � . �r�'i��� ( 1) The Public Health Division will prioritize its availability of services to allow the provision of services to children, such as dental clinics, on Saturdays. (2) The Public Health Division will provide training opportunities for child care center staff workers and family care providers and staff to perform appropriate types of basic health screening and first aid. (3) The Saint Paul Public Libraries will ailow family child care providers to obtain a group card for their children, just as chiid care centers are currently aliowed to do. (4) The Saint Paul Public Libraries shall insure that the City's coliection of child care resource books is cor�lete and readily avail- able to providers and users of child care services. (5) The City's Division of Parks and Recreation will structure its priorities to provide athletic and nonathletic activity programming on evenings and weekends so that full time working parents can participate or attend programs with their children. (6) The Division of Parks and Recreation will work in coordination with the School District's Community Education Program to provide evening programming for younger children so that parents can attend community education programs while having activities available for their children. G. The City wiil help meet the growing demand for downtown child care and will assist providers interested in est- ablishing downtown chiid care by eliminating some major barriers facing those child care providers. ( 1) The City will provide incentives to developers for the provision of child care space in buildings within the downtown district, such that developers who incorporate child care space in new or renovated buildings in the downtown district will get "bonus square footage" over that square footage usually allowed within the particular zoning district. -4- .. . ���_,��� (2) The City will designate loading zones or special parking meter enforcement areas in front of downtown district child care facilities as deemed necessary. (3) The City will consider the estabiishment of play areas equipped for child care when planning or giving approval for use of outdoor space in the downtown district. (4) The City will maintain the Zoning Code to allow industrially-zoned child care centers to serve employees of more than one company in the area. Section 3. THE CITY WILL TAKE ACTIVE STEPS TO RAISE THE VISIBILITY OF CHILD CARE NEEDS ANO THE PRIORITY FOR CHIID CARE IN CITY PUBLIC POLICY, COMMUNITY DISCUSSION AND GOVERNMENT OPERATION. A. The City will develop ciear staff responsibility to coordinate the City initiatives for improved child care in Saint Paul and will establish within the City's Department of Cortmunity Services a position of "Child Care Coordinator" who will be devoted full time to the analysis of child care issues and coordination of efforts supporting child care in the City. The duties of the Child Care Coordinator shall include, but not be limited to: ( 1) Oversee fund raising efforts and grant writing for the Child Care Trust Fund to subsidize child care for low-income families; (2) Work with the Department of Community Services to improve City resources for child care providers and families with working parents; t3) Raise funds for and oversee the effort to promote neighborhood child care i�itiatives; (4) Act as a liaison to the School District to aid in its effort to expand its role in the care of school age children; (5) Act as a liaison to the 5tate and County to ideni:ify and resolve child care issues that involve more than one governmentai level ; (6) Provide appropriate staff to any on going City-related child care efforts; (7) Plan and coordinate an annual "Kids Day"; -5- � � . ������� (8) Plan and coordinate activities to promote the "Year of the Child"; (9) Prepare an annual report to the Mayor and the City Council on the progress the City has made in implementing the City's child care policy; and 8. The City will take the lead role in establishing the 5aint Paui-Ramsey County Child Care Advisory Council , a child care advisory group, which will review changing child care needs in Saint Paul and Ramsey County, the governmental programs to meet child care needs, advise in the implementation of the City's and other governmental entities' child care policies, administer the Child Care Trust Fund and recommend new policy directions on chiid care as necessary. The Saint Paul- Ramsey County Child Care Advisory Council will consist of at least two elected officials of the City, County, State Legislature and School Oistrict who are designated as representatives to this Council by the respective governmental units. C. The City will establish a "Child Care Hot Line", with the number 298-KIDS, which City residents may call to obtain information about child care availability and resources within the City. To provide this referral service, the City will contract with an independent non- profit child care referral service which meets the standards and criteria for a "Resource and Referral Programs" as provided for by Minnesota Statutes Sections 245.83-245.84. The City's Child Care Coordinator shall prepare guidelines for the implementation of the Child Care Hot Line. These guidelines shall be adopted by the City Council before they are implemented. D. The City will sponsor an annual "Kids Day" with positive activities for children which will be promoted with the City seeking arrangements with appropriate organizations to provide for free museum admissions, free bus rides and other free programs to children 16 and under. E. The City's budget process will be amended to require that every City department include a "family-impact" statement in their annual budget submissions which will address how the budget provides for children's initiatives and its impact on families with children in the City. -6- �, . _ � . - �-�-�3�� F. The City will deciare 1989 as the "Year of the Child" in the City of Saint Paui to comnemmorate the implementation of the City's renewed commitment to families with chiidren and the impiementation of the City's new Child Care Policy. Section 4. THE CITY WILL IMPLEMENT PERSONNEL POLICIES TO BECOME A NATIONAL MODEL AS AN EMPLOYER IN MEETING THE CHILO CARE NEEDS OF CITY EMPLOYEES. A. To meet the growing general demand for downtown child care among private empioyees and to meet the child care needs of City and County employees, the City will take the lead role in working with the County to conduct a feasibility study to determine whether an on-site child care center should be established during the course of the City Hall Court House renovation and construction of the new Annex Building. Such an on-site child care center would be required to be financially seif sustaining based on revenues from fees charged to those receiving child care services provided by the center. The chiid care center would be available to City and County err�loyees as well as employees of other employers in the downtown area. B. To meet the needs of City employees with young children, the City will revise personnel policies so that City employees can, without restriction, use accumulated sick leave when a household member is sick or disabied. This policy shall enable City empioyees with young children to adequately care for their children on a day-to-day basis without creating undue financial hardship or operating as an adverse factor in the emptoyee's career development with the City. C. The City will revise its personnel policies to increase the flexibility of working arrangements for employees to provide child care. These revisions shall include the addition of flex-time, job sharing, part-time as estabiished and approved empioyement schedules. The City Personnei Department shall actively promote these flexibie working arrangements as valid and acceptable work schedule options for all City employees. D. The Child Care Coordinator will serve as a child care contact person for City employees to provide them with chiid care information and information on child care programs and resources availabie to City employees. -7- _ _ WMITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ` /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. g�^I��` BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date E. The City will establish a chiid care vendor program for City employees. This program will provide City employees with discounts on child care costs at participating child care centers and family child care providers with which the City has signed agreements. These discounts wiii be offered by the participating chiid care providers at no additional cost to the City. F. The City will make available to City e�loyees a Salary Redirection Plan or "Voucher Program". This voluntary program shall be regulated by the United States Internal Revenue Service and shall allow participating ertiployees to redirect a portion of their salary (up to a maximum of $5,000.00 annual1y) to chiid care expenses. I -8- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Fa�- Goswitz Rettman sche;bel _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, A►pproved by 14avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By By � , ` G�i�-�'-�.J�'7 - , � � � . . �° Q12486 , � . 'DEPARTMENT • CQNTACT NA'ME � Q�, y�1`i3 pxoNE DATE ASSIGN NUI�iBSR FOS ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�tanagement Services Director _ City Clerk _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney . _ TOTAL NUt�BBR OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAIS? (Purpose/Rationale) , The creatian of a "Child Care Trust Fund" to provide interest income to support various neighborhood child care initiatives and to provide additional assistance to eligible low"�. fncome child care usere. The creation of a Child Care Hot Line to provide referral inform�ation to City residents. , The creatiott of a "Child Care Coordinator" position. C4?ST/BENEFTT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSOIV�EL I1�IPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' Child Care Trust Fund-- contribution from the City's CDBG Funds in an amouat to be deter- m3ned during the Cauncil's FY 89 budget process Child Care Hot Line-- $5,000 Child Care Coordinator--$32,000 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET AC�IVITX NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: � (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: An amount from the� City's CDB� funds to be specfi.ffed by the Qity Council in the FY 89 Budget; �TTACHMENTS: (Li�t and number all attachments.) City Gouncil Resolution entitled "Ma.king Saint Paul the Family City: a Child Care Policy for Saint Paul." A�MINISTRATIBE PROCEDURES _Yes _No R�iles, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendaient required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEP�ENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required7 „_Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No �, _Yes _No Insurance attached? t` . r , f'/^'�'���� (/' � ��' r �' �t . COMMITTEE REPORT � /r Community and Human Services Committee � `� � October 6, 1988 Page Two 5. Letter from Sharon Voyda, District 6 Planning Council, dated September 12, 1988, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council. Laid over until Sharon Voyda is available to attend. z 6. Request from Joy Donovan, a lobbyist for animal rights, to make presentation to the City Council regarding Pound adoption policies. (Laid over to October 5, 1988 at Joy Donovan's request.) Presentation made by Joy Donovan. 17. City Council Agenda 8/16/8E�, Item No. 27: ` Resolution = $$-`1347 - Adopting the Chil.d.,.Care �`�icy for .the City of Sai'nt �aul. (Continued discussion on 3epteteber ��`, '�988.) (Laid over to October 5, 1988 for Jerry Segal to work with Cotmei��rstaff.) R�,ia►6� ,T��h@'�w€�[`,"�'�`i�'utt�" a�itiini���ati�'e ardi�a,�,ce recotre�te�� for .a{sp�oval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 8/25/88, Item No. 30: Resolution - 88-1408 - Requesting the Administration to review the report and recommendations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission and any information available through the Attorney General's Task Force on Violence Against Women. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) . Discussion held. Preliminary standard draft to be prepared within one month. 9. City Council Agenda 9/22/88, Item No. 17: Resolution'- 88-1535 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $7,146 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services General Fund. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE CONIlrIiJNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. � � 10. City Council Agenda 9/22/88, Item No. 17: Resolution - 88-1535 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $5,956 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services General Fund. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 11. City Council Agenda 9/20/88, Item No. 8: Resolution - 88-1515 - Foregoing any and all interest in developing a first class park on property described as Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Saint Paul Park Acre Lots in Newport, Minnesota, conveyed by Gordon and May Bailey, and agreeing with Washington County that Newport, Minnesota should be the owner of said property. (FOR ACTION.) Laid over to October 19, 1988 at the request of the Division of Parks and Recreation. cc: Ed Starr Al Olson c�!_x v�� Members: - ,�, ' Janice�F�ettman, chair � �-:'r.-;;--� CITY OP SAINT P�1UL Bill Wilson � i,,. ,is:.u � `� OFFIC� OF T73� CI'i`Y COUNCIL Bob Long Date: October 6, 1988 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, October S, 1988, at 1:30 p.m. 1. City Council Agenda 5/3/88, Item No. 16: Third Reading - 88-500 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409.21(b) of the Legislative Code pertaining to pulltabs and tipboards in bars by deleting the reference to charitable gambling organizations that support youth athletic activities. (Community and Human Services Committee recommends approval.) (Sent back per request by Ms. Sonnen in regard to national associations having pulltabs.) Phil Byrne's combination of two ordinances will be presented. (Laid over from July 6, 1988 meeting.) (This was laid over to August 3, 1988, as both Bill Wilson and Kiki Sonnen were abser.t.) (Laid over to August 17, 1988.) (Laid over to August 31, 1988 for language stipulation--five permits versus striking youth athletics.) (Phil Byrne will make final drafts, which will be submitted to the Committee, for final revisions of ordinances.) Substitute ordinance recommended for approval on 4-1 vote. • 2. City Council Agenda 9/6/88, Item No. 1: First Reading - 88-1450 - An ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Legislative Code pertaining to nuisance abatements. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) � Recommended for �ppxoval on 4-0 vote, with amendment (amendment is to correct . a�typo--"been" to "being") . ' 3. City Council Agenda 8/9/88, Item No. 32: Resolution - 88-1323 - Ratifying assessment for Summary Abatements property clean-up through the month of May, 1988, and boarding up of vacant property through April, 1988. (Summary Abatement for property at 940 Selby Avenue.) Recommended for approval, with 20-year payback, on 4-0 vote. 4. Letter from Ramsey Action Programs, dated August 24, 1988, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council. Presentation made by Sandra Meicher, Ramsey Action Program's Executive Director. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 f+�a 46 :+:s.w4r...-. . . . .. � . .. . . .. .. -.. . ._. ' . . .. ... .:...... .. .. . _ , _.._.�.._� _ . .;,,;i