88-1346 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII �/- CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��^ /� • r BLUE - MAVOR - t �Cou ' Resolution , - Presented � �`� eferre ' Committee: Date ��� �" Out of Committee By Date �v�tEAS, the health officer has proposed i�rov�nts and clarification in the current Rules and Regulations governirr� the health and safety of children in St. Paul day care centers. BE IT RF50LUED that the proper City officials hereby apprave and support the current version of said Rules and Regulations. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.00g In Favor Goswitz Rettman � � Against BY Sonnen Wilson SEP 15 1� Form pprov b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Councit: Date Certified Ya.se uncil , t By • sy Er Approved b Mayor f S issi to Council Approved Mavor: Date — � � ° BY B Pl�i.i��#ED S�P 2 � 1988 ti' �♦ � (,���-/-��� PROPOSID DAY CARE RLTLES Al�ID RDGULATIO�iS SDCOIVD IDITIOd�T REVISID APRII, 1988 Prepared by: City of Saint Paul Department of Camtun.ity Services Division of Public Health 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul, NN 55101 . � : . ��'+i.��� , I. Building Requirenents A. Nan-carpeted floors shall have a s�rooth washable surface and shall be in sound c�ondition and free fram hazards. Carpeting shall be properly cleaned and maintained. Rugs must have n�n-skid backirx�. B. Stairways accessible to children shall be equipped with handrails within reach of the children and if accessible to children imc3er 4 years af age, stairs must be e�quipped with guards at the top and/or b�ttan. C. Al1 roans shall be adequately ventilated, without drafts, by means of windows that can be opened or by an air-c�nditioning ar ventilating sYsten►. Safeguarc3s t�o prevent children fran falling fran winclow openings shall be provided. D. All windows, doors and v�entilators shall r�nain closed �m7.ess grotected against insects with securely fastened screening. E. The Center shall have at least one hand sink and one toilet for each 15 children or portion thereof, who are 3 years of age arid older. Urinals are r�ot counted as t�ilets. Hand sinks must be designed and designated for handwashing only. A hand sink is required within three feet of the diaper changing table. Hand sinks shall have hot (no laaer than 90° and mt to exceed 110°F) and �old running water prwided by fawcets which do mt have an automatic shutoff. Mixing fa�cets are required in newly constructed plumbing and rattiodeling. Zbilets, sinks, and fau�cets may be placed at a height appropriate to the ages of the chilclren in the center, Portable steps which are sturc3y, washable, and safe may be used. F. Dri n;sing fountains, if used, shall be of the sanitary type with guarded angular stream drinking fountain head. T'he fountains shall be so oonstrwcted and located as t�o be accessible for use by the children at all times and maintained clean. Use of drinking fountains vonnected t�o hanc'ba�ashing sinks is n�t allow�ed. G. Radiators, registers, steam and hot water pipes, and electrical autlets shall have protective covering or insulation to p�revent burns and injuries. H. Portable heaters shall not be used by the Center to heat space used by children. I. Ccmbustion space heaters shall not be used. J. Surfaces or iten�s that children oane in aontact with shall be �intained free of flaking ar peeling paint. Paint applied shall not ooritain lead of more than one-half percent by weight of the t�otal solids in the paint. 1 . � . : . ��-���� II. General Sanitation Requirements A. All roo�, gr�nises, and furniture shall be laept in a clean, neat oondition and shall be in good repair at all times. B. Garbage and trash shall be located away from children and be reYroved fram the presnises whenever full and at least daily. C. Zbilet roans shall be cleaned as needed and at least daily. �oilet training chairs shall be enptied, and cleaned, and disinfected after each use. Toilets and seats shall be cleaned when soiled or at least daily. D. The Ce�ter shall provide the children with toilet gaper, soap, facial tissu�es, and sir�gle use paper towels contained in a dispenser. A warm air hand dryer may be used. E. Ir�dividual single service eating utensils shall be protected fran oontamination. F. 1. Bedding shall be labeled with a child's name and used only by that child. Bedding shall not be shared between children. a. Bed sheets shall be washed weekly or when they are soiled or wet. b. Blankets shall be washed or chy cleaned weekly or when they are soiled or wet. 2. Cribs, oots, mats, bed linens, and blankets shall be cleaned before re-use after they have been used by a sick child. 3. The Center shall label cots, cribs, and mats with children's names or a ntunbering systgn. A list of childrens' r�amPS and rnunbers must be posted if a niunberirg systgn is used. 4. Zt� C�ter shall clean: a. Cribs and mattresses weekly. Mattresses shall be so o�nstructed or have a protective oovering that permits effective cleaning. b. Cots, cribs, and mats between use by different children. c. Cots and mats that are used by only one child when they are soiled or wet. G. Cannon Articles. 1. The use of canron washcloths, t�wels, oombs and hairbrushes is prohibited. 2. Zbys shall be of a type that can be cleaned. 3. Single service plastic eatirx,� utensils shall not be reused. H. The Center shall grovide refrigeration for dairy groducts and other perishable foa�..s whether supplied by the Center or brought fran hane. - The refrigerator shall maintain a product t�rQerature of 40 degreas Fahrenheit or less. An accurate tllenrocneter must be pravided and placed in the refrigerator where cl�rly visable. 2 . � . � � �,�cd�F-/3 y�► III. Safety Requirements: flnergencias: � A. C�ter staff shall utilize 911 rescue services for life threatenir�g medical energencies. Transporation for non-life threatenir�g medical emergencies shall be the responsibility of the child's parents/guardian. B. Natification of Medical �merger�ies The child's parents, health care pravider, or other responsible adult, shall be n�tified of all medical emergencies affecting the child. C. Telephone and �nergency Phone Ni,mibers of Children 1. The Center shall have a readily accessible telephone. 2. Zhe 911 and Poison Control energency nimibers shall be posted on all telephones. 3. Fbr each child, the a�rgency phone rnm�bers of the parents, the persons to be called if the parent cannot be reached, and the child's physician shall be readily available at the Center, in vehicles provicled by the Center to transport children, and taken on field trips. D. F�nergency Dquipment The Center shall have a flashlight and a portable radio, both with spare batteries, t�o be used if a power failure occurs. E. First Aid Rit Tbe Center shall have a first aid kit that c.ontains sterile bandages and bandaids, sterile �a�resses, Ipecac syrup, scissors, an ice bag or c�old pack, an oral theammeter, liquid soap, adhesive tape, and imney for phone calls. A current or up-to-date first aid manual shall be included. The first aid kit and manual shall be accessible to the staff in the C�ter and shall be taken in vehicles provided by the center and on field trips. The Ipecac Syrup shall be labeled with instructions to telephone the child's energency medical care source or Poison Control Center as previously authoriz�l by the parent before �dministering. F. IInergency Procedure Z�e Center shall have written plans for gnergencies caused by fire, blizzards, and tornad�oes. The plans shall be posted praminently and include: 1) identification of responsible persons and areas they are responsible for; 2) identification of grimary and secondary exits; 3) identification of building evacuation rout�es; 4) identification of a tornaclo shelter area; 5) the rescue of children; 6) haw to call the fire department; . 7) the procedure for the unnthly fire c3ri11; 8) haw to use the fire extir�quisher; 9) haw t�o close off the fire area; and 10) Location of the fuse box and instructions on how to throw the main �witch. 3 • . '. ' � �/���/�/ � Q , All staff shall be trained in carryicx,� aut anergency procedures. The Center shall have a fire drill m�nthly and a tornado drill each m�nth frcm April to September incl usive. G. The Center shall have a written policy to assure that children are r�t unduly �cposed to preventable injuries. The policy shall include safety rules on how tA avoid injury, burns, poisonir�g, dzoking, suffocation, traffic and pedestrian accidents. H. The Center shall have a written policy to assure that children are rot unduly exposed to oarmunic�ble diseases. This policy shall at least include sick child exclusion, illness reportirx�, handling of bodily fluids, handwashing and i.nmunizations. I. The Cpnter shall record in a log book or maintain a perntianent record of: 1. A list of all accidents or injuries that occur while the child is in the care of the Center. The log shall racord the date and place of inji�cy (e.g., playground), the n� and age of the child, the type and locationof injiny (e.g., cut on right index finger), the �tion taken by the staff, and whether it was reported to the parent. 2. A list of children and staff who are subject to life-threatening wnditions such as allergy tA insect stings, and a plan for their care. The list shall be taken on all field trips. 3. �he dates and evacuation t�mes of the monthly fire and tornado drills. 4. Tt�e rsames and qualification of staff persons trained in first aid and safety. J. Trainir�g 1. All staff shall be trained in first aid. 2. All staff shall be prepared in basic emergency care includir�g age appropriate choking rescu�e and mouth-tA-irouth lareathing. 3. Skills in first ai.d and basic energency care shall be updated at least every three years. 4. All staff shall be trained in the use of fire extinguishers and t�dated annually. K. Ch�king rescue procedures shall be posted in each room. L. R�ortir�g 1. TY�e Center shall notify the Division of Public Health or Palice Departrnent and the parents on the same c�y when an animal such as a dog, cat, raccoon, chipmta�k, ar squirrel bites a child. 2. Reports of injuries requiring medical attention, hospitali- zation, or resulting in cieath that occur while the child is in attendance at the venter shall be received by the Division of Public flealth within tw� w�rking c3ays. 3. Zhe Center shal.l notify the Division of Public Baalth if they are notified that any of their pnrolled children are infected with a reportable disease as listed by the Minnesota State Statutes, Public Haalth Rule �4605.7000-4605.7800. 4 . � . � . ��-�,��� , . M. Other Safety Requirsnents All corrosive agents, insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides, bleaches, detergents, polishes, it.�ms containing petroleum products, any product which is unc3er pressure in an aerosol dispensing can, and any substance which may be toxic to a child if ingested, inhaled, ar handled (skin oontact) shall be str�red when r�t in use in an area separate fram fvod storage areas and mt accessible to children (i.e., in a locked cabinet). Hazardous items such as glastic bags and sharp tools or instruments. shall not be in an area accessible to children. N. Equigment, materials, and furnishirigs of the Center shall be sturdy, safe c�onstruction, easy to clean, and free fran hazards. O. Premises shall be free of all safety hazards. P. Safeguards to prevent children fran eriterir�g uzsafe or unsupeivised areas shall be provided. Q. The prgnises shall be free of stray animals which may cause injury ar disease to the children. R. The outdoor play area shall be protected, well maintained, and free fran hazards which might be dangerous t,o the health ar life of children. A11 garts of the outdoor play area shall be visible and easily supervised. S. Standards for Activity Dquipment 1. Swings, climbing apparatus and such equipment shall be secured and have a resilier�t. or i�act absorbing surface under them. 2. Swings suspecx3ed with rope ar light chain shall have soft seats and be locat�ed away fran walkways. 3. Water play equignent shall be e�tied and cleaned daily. Wading pool use shall be limited t�o children who are at least 3 years of age and toilet trained. - 4. Zbys shall be safe and sanitized as appropriate for the ages of the children using them (see � reqarding disinfectir�g gracedunes) . T. Transp�rtation of Children A Center that pravides transportation for children shall canply with written transportation policies that include items 1-3. 1. Tl�e vehicle shall be licensed according to the laws of the state and be driven by a person holdinq a current valid Minnesota Driver's License. 2. A child being transported shall be properly secured in a passenger restraint appropriate to the child's age and wnight. 3. A child imcler the age af four may be transported in a vehicle only if it is equipped with factory-installed seat belts and the child is securely fastened in a child passen3er restraint syst.em that meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 169.685 for transportir�g a child in his or her parent's avn car. 5 . . �, . �',�-�-i3�� IV. Inmunization When a child is enrolled or oontinues to be enrolled in a Center, the parent shall prwide evidence that the child has rnceived the inmunizations required in Minnesota Statutes 1980, Section 123.70. Specifically the parent shall prwide one of the followir�g statements except as provided in A,B, or C. 1. A statsnent from a physician or a public clinic which pravides i�nuoni zations statir�g that the child has received imnuni zation against �+ed measles, German measles or rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and m�, or; 2. A statsnent from a physician ar a public clinic which pravides imm�mizations stating that the child has received immunizations against red measles, German measles or rubella, m�mps and that the child has oom�enced a schedule of i�mmizations for diphtheria, pertussis, t�etanus and p�lio. E�.-�eptions: A. If the parents object ta an immimization on grounds of oonscientiously held beliefs they shall coaq�lete and sign a rntarized statement of the objections to the imnunizations. B. If a statgnent signed tr� a physician is submitted to the center stating that an inmunization is contraindicated for medical reasons or that laboratory oonfirniation of the pre5ence of adequate inm�ity exists, the inmunization specified in the statsnent shall not be re�uired. C. If the child is wnder 15 m�nths, the child is mt required to be unnimized against red measles, German measles, rubella or munQs. In addition, the child is rnt oonsidered to be fully innnuni zed for red measles if immwli zed before the age of 11 months and 15 days. Tt�e Center shall not permit a child t� vontinue to attend the program after 30 days if a parent fails to su}�nit the required immmization history or immunization statenent. Durir�g an wtbreak of cxnm�icable childhood imnLmizable diseases the c�enter ahall Pxlu�e a child fram the program who has rnt yet received the required unnunizations, has n� dociunented laboratory evidence of immunity, or for whan the imn�ization/s has/have been o�ntraindicated. The Division of Public Health will c�eterntine when the child may return. A vopy of the immimi zation history or rntari zed imn�i zation e�cemption statement must be placed in the child's r�cord at the Center and maintained for at least three years after the child has withcirawn. V. Fbod Allergy Infornation Ir�formation about food allergies of the children in the Center shall be posted in the food pregaration area and in the child's record. 6 . � , �, . ���3�� VI. Diapering Children in diapers shall be kept clean and dry. The follawing sanitary procedures shall be used: A. Di.aper Changing Area - The diaper changing area shall be separate fran areas used for food storage, food prepaxation, and eatir�g and fran the main activity area. The area shall have a hand sink �uipped with hot (90-110°F) and aold running water with single service paper t�ow�els and soap in the imnediate area, a �iooth mnabsorbent di.aper changing surface and floor coverirx�, and a container for soiled and w�et diapers. B. Diaper Changing �quipment - All new diaper changing surfaces shall be at least 3 feet above the floor. C. Diaperir�g Procedures - The Center shall post the diaper changing procedures in the diaper changir�g area. Zfie procedures shall inclwde the require�nts in it� 1 through 5. 1. T� diaper changing surface urx�er the child's entire body shall be covered during diapering with a single service paper and shall be cleaned thoroughly with soap, water and disinfect- ing solution after each use. (See }Q regarding disinfectant solutions). 2. The container for soiled and wet disposable di.apers shall be lir�d with a disposable plastic bag and oavered with a foot- operated lid. The liner with its oonterits shall be removed when full and at least da.ily. 3. Single service disposable wipes or preimistened paper tow�els shall be used to wash a wet or soiled child befare placiryg a clean diaper on the child. . 4. No equipment, tays, ar food may be in the hands of the child nor should they cane into oontact with the surface of the diaper change area. 5. Di.apers may be opened and/or changed only when a child is lying on a diaper changir�g surfave to assure adequate skin inspection and thorough cleaning. Personnel checking diapers shall wash hands after touchir�g the diaper, skin, etc. 6. A Ces►ter that permits the use of cloth diapers shall require either t� use of a oamiercial di.aper service ar the parent's provision of at least a t�wo-day supply of clean diapers and plastic pants that are marked with the child's r�ame. The Center shall place the soiled cloth diapers and plastic pants in a sealed plastic bag and send the bag hoc�re with the parent daily. 7 � - l���'J��° . VII. Harxiwashing A. Child A child's hands shall be washed with soap and water after a diaper change, after use of a toilet or toilet training chair, before eating a meal or snack, and when soiled. Staff shall ironitor handwashir�g and assist a child who needs help. Dry hands on a single use paper taw�el or a warm air hand dryer. The use of a oainbn basin or a hand sink filled with standing water is prohibited for handwashing. B. Staff person staff person shall wash his or her hand.s with soap and running water after changir�g a child's diaper, after use of the toilet, when soiled, and before handlir�g, preparing, or eating food. Single use paper t�aaels ar warm air hand dryers shall be used to dry hands of staff. VI I I.Smokir�g No person shall smoke in the CPnter's food preparation or storage area; in an area of the C�ter entsred by children, or in any area which has rot been designated as a snoking area under Minnesota Statutes, Section 144.411 to 144.417 (Minnesota Clean Irr3oor Air Act). IX. Medication and Surface Products A Center may choose whether or not to administer prescription or mn- prescription medicine to a child. A Center that chooses to administer medicine shall follow ite�s A-F. A. All medicine shall be kept in its original oontainer and shall have a I�ible label statirg the child's name. The medicine shall be given only to the child whose name is on the label. The medicine shall not be given after an expiration date on the label. The Center shall record the dispensir�g of inedicine and give the riame of the child, date, time, cbsage, and the name of the person who dispensed the m�dicine. The record shall be available to the parents. Parents shall be notified of any adverse reaction. The Center shall destroy inmediately the wntents of any medicine oontainer without a legible label and shall return to the parent unused portions of grescription �redicines. B. Prescription u►edicine shall be ar3ministered only with prior written authorization of the parent and written instructions fram the child's physician ar dentist, or with written authorization fran the garent to give the oontents of a medicine oontainer labeled by a pharniacist with the child's nane, the physician's or d�entist's name, the prescription nw�er, the name of the medicine, date and directions for its ise. Tt�e Center shall administer the medicine in the uanner grescribed by the physician or dentist. C. A Ce�ter may refuse to administer n�nprescription medicine without written instructions fram the child's doctor ar 3entist. Aaw�ever, a Center may administer FflA appraved nonprescription medicine accordi.nq to the instructions on the oriqinal medicine oontainer when authorized in writir�g by the child's parent. � 8 . � �. . ���i.3�� D. The Center may use sunscreen lotions, presroistened vcinnercial wipes, and insect repellents only when the parent has authorized the use in writir�g. �e sunscreen lotions and insect repellents supplied by the Center may be used on more than one child. E. The Ce�ter m�y use a p�roduct to oontrol or prevent diaper rash only when authorized in writir�g by a child's parent. A product to oontrol or prevent diaper rash and the box containing pre�noistened oannercial wipes used to clean the child's skin before puLting an un�ed diaper on the child shall be labeled with the child's name and used only for the child whose name is written on the label. F. All medicine.s, insect repellents, sunscreen lotions, and diaper rash control products shall be stored so that they are inaccessible to children. G. Medications requiring refrigeration shall be stored in a v�vered, labeled container in a refrigerator separate fran other it�ns or in a separate refrigerator and at a t�esnperature between 33-40°F. � H. All medications shall be dispensed fran clean utensils. All medication given shall be measured with a standard measure. I. If any dose of inedication is riot given, the reason shall be docimiented on the medication record. J. The campleted medication record form shall be kept in the child's pern�anent record. X. Pets Pets allow�ed in day care oenters inclucle fish, guinea pigs, gerbils, 8omestic rabbits, hamsters, rats, or mice. Any other type of animal requires Division of Public Health approval. If a center chooses to have pets: A. the pet shall be enclosed in a cage except when the children are handling it ur�er supervision, B. the pet shall be handled only unc�er staff supervision; C. the pet and pet cage shall be krept out of food storage, preparation, and serving areas; D. the pet's cage shall be made of waterproof materials that are easy to clean; E, the pet's cage shall be cleaned daily. Cages and aquariu�s shall be in an area not used to prepare, store, or serve food; F. staff ar� children shall wash hands inm�ediately after handiing, feeding, or cleanirig the pet; G. all areas outside of the cage shall be free of excre�nt; H. questions about pet illnPSS and garasites shall be referred tA a licensed v�eterinarian; 9 � ,, � , C�i� �-�3y� I. animal wastes shall be flushed into the se�rer systan via the toilet. J. the parents of a child whose skin is },�oken by animal bite or ecratch shall be notified of the injury on the day the injury happens and the injwry shall be recorded in the accident log; R, the center shall notify the St. Paul Division of Public Health when an animal bites a child. Rhe center shatl raquest and follow the advice of the local health officer eoncerninq destruction of the animal and measures, if any, necessary to protect the bitten child's health. 7Q. Disinfecting Procedure: Disinfectant solutions Spray 1 Tbsp. Chlorine bleach: Quart Water 1} tsp. Chlorine bleach: Pint Water S�rging 1 Tbsp. Chlorine bleach: Gallon Water (leave submerged for 2 minutes) Other disinfecting solutions may be apprwed lx the Division of Public Health. A. Spray type disinfectant solutions shall be prepared fresh each nnrning. Disinfectant solutions for submergirg shall be prepared imnadiately prior to use. All it�ns to be disinfected shall be washed in soapy water and rinsed prior to being disinfected. B. Sr�ack preparation surfaces shall be cleaned and disinfected prior to preparir�g food. Snack preparation utQnsils shall be disinfected after being washed in soapy water and rinsed. Allaw t� sir dry. C. Zbys that cust-�anarily �ter a child's irouth shall be cleaned and disinfected daily, when visibly soiled, and betw�en use by ciifferent children. 10 . o . , Commun�.ty- S�ervices DEPARTMENT �. a824i Irene�0'Ryan �,� CONTACT Ci•—po •��� 292-7747 PHONE April 6, 1988 DATE ��� ,, �i � ASSIGN NUNBER FOR ROUTING QRDER C1 i All Loc.ations for .Si nature .: . Depawtment Director . 3 Director of Management�/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � �c. City Clerk Budget Dire�tor �City Attorney � WHA7 WILL BE ACHIEYE� BY TAKIHG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAl.S? (PurpDse/. , , . . � Rationale) : Up�lat�d,-day care rules and regulations will b� enaeted to be enforced by the Public Health Nurses at the D�.vision of . Public Health. �F�EIVF� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNfL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: A�IG O�� � 988 No change s�n funding or costs expected. ����l�' S pFF�� P _ FINJ�NCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , ture not re- Total Amount of 'Trartsaction: 0 quired if under _ - � �10,000� Fur�dirlg. Sour'Ce: ' None Activity Number: 33250 . . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number A11 Attachments) : , � Council Research Center 1. Resolution - . � � � 2. ' 2nd °edition of Rules and Regulations C'E� AUG � ' � � ���p 5198& K . � , �ItY ��K DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORN£Y REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance S�fficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 ' Members: �,,� Janice Rettman, chair s CIZ`1' OF �AINT PAUL Biii Wilson � , _ Bob Lon OFFIC� OF '1IIE CITY COUNCIL g !� _ p���,�T1�, Date: September 8, 19$8 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council � From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 1988: 1. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 26: Resolution - 88-1346 - Authorizing the the proper City officials to approve and support the current version of rules and regulations which govern the health and safety of children in day care centers. Recommended for approval on a 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 27: Resolution - 88-1347 - Adopting the Child Care Policy for the City of Saint Paul. Continued discussion on September 21, 1988. 3. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-1336 - An ordinance amending Section 410.05 of the Legislative Code prohibiting certain sexual conduct in or viewable from the licensed premises. � " Recommended for approval, on a 3-1 vote (Bob Long's no vote was a vote of indecision at this time), with a friendly amendment (strike "alcoholic beverages"; insert "non-intoxicating liquor" in Section 1, fourth line) . 4. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1337 - An ordinance amending Section 409.09 of the Legislative Code prohibiting certain sexual conduct in or viewable from the licensed premises. " Recommended for approval, on a 3-1 vote (Bob Long's no vote was a vote of indecision at this time) . 5. City Counc�l Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 23: Resolution - 88-1343 - Affirming the City Council's intent to conduct a Community Standards Survey and directing the Mayor to execute the appropriate fund transfer. Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request. 6. Sexual Harassment Policy. (ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.) Will be rescheduled at a convenient Committee time. cc: ✓Al Olson, City Clerk Ed Starr, City Attorney CTTY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s.+�.,a