88-1333 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ����"3��--3 Council Resolution --- , ��.. Presented By , � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR STEVE SHEA WHEREAS , Steve Shea has submitted the attached proposed Registered Land Survey for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS , the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposal and found that it meets city specifications ; and WHEREAS , a public hearing before the City Council was held on August 2 , 1988 , and all interested parties were given the oppor- tunity to testify ; and WHEREAS , the proposal meets the specifications of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , that the City Council accepts and approves this final Registered Land Survey for property located on the south side of Minnehaha Avenue between Pederson and Wi nth rop St reet . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Plannin and Economic Development �� � [n Favor � Goswitz � Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson AU�j' � � �8 Form ppr ved b City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Pas e b uncil S t B B}� A►pprov iNav : a /'►UC7 _ Approved by May fo Sub 'ssion to Council r Y PIlg1.iSHE� I�U G 2 p 1988 � __ - . ��' /3 33 �I°. 012858 � PED DEPARI'�t�IT - - - - - - - MNNA f�AnKQ CONTACT NAl� . .. , , X3�95_ PHONE ' R�,�/RR DATE ASSIGN 1+1UMBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (Sae reverse side.) � � Department Director � 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance anc� Management Services Director . � Citq Clerk _ Budget Director =� ,� „�*„s����„� �, City ACtorney • _ / , � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) WEiAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATT�CHED MATERYAiSP (Purpose/Rationale) � Reso9ution implements Cauncil action of 8/2/88 which approved an RLS for property located on the south side of Minnehaha Ave. between Pederson and Winthrop. �w RLS creates five single family residential parcels. � COSTjBENHFtT,, BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: . REC�tVED N/A . A�� o ��9aa ,. �AypR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOOItCE AND BUDGET ACTIVIT3E NUMBER CIiARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Nwnber: Funding Sovxce: N�A � � Coun�il Research Cent�er ATT,�iCHMENTS: (List and number all attactunents.) ' AUG 4 r.7vo qne page res�1ution. Copy of staff report, survey, maps. , , - AAMINISTRATI� PROCEDURES =Yes _No X Rules, ReguLations, Procedures, or Budget Aatendment required? _Yss _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY. ATTORNEY REVIEW • " _Yes No �Council resolutioti required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes ;LQo Insurance reqt�ired? Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? � �g - � � .� 3 . 3��Tt o� ��'` �: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - � n=1�1�1 nt �� DIVISION OF PLANNING • �� ,••• 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 27, 1988 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Subdivision File #320, Steve Shea City Council Hearing: August 2, 1988 PURPOSE: To review a Registered Land Surveq (RLS) for property located on the south side of East Minnehaha between Pederson and Winthrop Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Dear Sir: Attached please find the application, survey and staff report for the Steve Shea RLS. This application has completed all the required city department reviews at this time and is in compliance with city subdivision standards. The RLS creates five single family lots, zoned R-3, out of property that has been vacant for some time. Photos of the site will be available to the Council members at the hearing. Sincerely, D�,�, t��.+�l�---- Donna Datsko City Planner DD:ws Attachments � � - 13 �3 REGISTERED IAND SURVEY STAFF REPORT FILE SBD #320 1. � APPLICANT: Steve Shea DATE OF HEARING: 8/2/88 2. LOCATION: 20XX East Minnehaha (south side between Pederson and Winthrop) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: R-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.304 S. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 7/26/88 BY: Donna Datsko A. PURPOSE: To consider a new Registered Land Survey (RIS) to create five single family residential lots. B. SITE b AREA CONDITIONS: The parcel is a 1.5 acre tract which has been undeveloped for some time. An earlier RLS for this area had situated five lots on Irlinnehaha and one large lot behind them facing Beech Street. C. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant intends to construct five single family homes, each lot would have about 13,161 square feet. The lots are very deep - 262' . At one time the applicant thought that ten homes could be constructed, five fronting Minnehaha and five fronting Beech. The Public Works Department informed the applicant that there was no intention to improve Beech Street in this area due to soil and drainage problems. Consequently, a new RLS was drawn to reconfigure five deep lots. This new RLS is the one now before the Council. 2. The applicant constructed one single family -k�ome on the existing Tract D of RLS No.82 (the earlier RLS) . This is the lot on the survey which is not included in the new RLS. However, the new Tract D will be conveyed to the property owner of the existing Tract D once this RLS is approved by the Council. 3. The conditions specified in Section 67.304 of the Zoning Code, lot splits, are met by this RLS. City departments have completed their review and determined that appropriate city standards can be met by this . proposal. D. STAFF RECONII�iENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 3, staff recommends approval of the RLS. �S- / 3 .�� NPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION REVIEY CITIf Of SAINT PAUL SUBDIYISI0�1 REYIEY � 3ZU � .����� � PROJECT NAME �'T�V� S'�-�Pc �l-S � ��o. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ��t"C�NC� s S\N�l..� �� L oM�S1�S . ,. PROPERTY ADORESS/LOCATION �EAST rn��1N1Hf��4fl � E.p�ST Ot- �j�Q,,Sp� 'T'e ACT C-• . FG RN 0 -�"�+E W�SC 3.Sa .(�p f"r'�-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY O�' TQRC.T Y-� � Rt_S � $�. APPLICANT S'T��t��1 �. �yER- COMPANY �c�.fl S►�N ��- � w ADDRESS �'�►�O ��,r1rD� � ��v l.. (ZIP) �S �� PHONE _�''7 1 • qgp''� t� TYPE OF DIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five r More Tracts) APPLICANT'S SI�NATURE W . DATE �" iq �s FEE PAID S ZZS� CITY AGENT t , tti-�,1� � �, szsasa=ass=raasa=a=c=a=�a====�n===sscaaaa=====na=a�==an=aaaxc=ass=r�saaansxaaxaaacasaaa� OFFICE USE ONLY PLNG DIST �,_ LANO USE �_ ZONING I -3 HISTORY �c�� TAX MAP 1 3 PLANS DISTRIBUTED ?j��;' ;�3' RETURN BY � , % ?�� , � . REYIEWED BY COt�1ENTS (continue on back) ssss�zzszssaaasaszxcsasar.zs=ms:asaasss:saars=as:aaaxaasas , i�kss���zssasa �r�V fOR STAFF USE ONLY ��i� � � �ogg Legal Notice Published City Council Hearing ZONING Oate Approved/Denied 7/1/85 REGISTERED LAND � NO �� - 13 33 � i , ; . 60 � - RECEIVED _ JUL 13L968 ,eirr��r� �n��� �„��.::� �v�„���._."1�-., i... - ✓�_� .L -- --- ---vNrir oF rt�►MS $ $ ��=�._3RYEYORS OFFI Ner�ItidlY�cMC.D.E.FSa��.s ws: _ E/►ST EAST _ --130.43-- — - s0.14 - � f SOIS 5014 SON � �. 30 �i i R�ql�tr�r oi TIfUf � Corn1► ot Mu�ti ; ' ° 1 r � 5..,. .� .�....o„ � �gI g : i d� � � � G t ��r�lr c�rtliy t�N t�l. . M ■ J p�ylllK�A 1�00 S11f��y NO. J ; � 3c r 3 ��u� .., ti�.e ie ♦eis ot*�e. •.i. � �, i _ r Q�f►"' i� ��p - Q��u� a�r e� 1 �� �� � p'�,L � " �?A�a 19__ •t e•c�ou _.M., I ��� W I Mf�� �N ��s Doeu���t Mo. I D_ r N'�E EZ_ , �t I (•;� L I � } b Jopn C. MeUuy�lia. i�yl�fra• „ � Tltl�s W J O i =� T�t �PG� � :�s�'�� �PG i�� B' _ °.' � - so.i� _ _ . � ' �b� p s: 8 : ; � e . E �� � ( E �� � � � � � � � � �1�� � � � � � �, ;; O � 1� an 3 'W ��- �N �a °��� �} _Z .G ��� _ � �gi� V '� . i �6� ���a 1 Lj � c'_ �..� ' � '-, J o a � , � � ao • _ _J 1 so.�s so.K so.M so.�s x os ' lGALE �IV FE) NS9'S9"19"W � _— o aer+vrca,�ow roiwcrn a •ne►rorES oru ,�wer+ `„� Sa�n�ne alllaet N.R.L.S Mo 82=� Mi COeO�TE 11ML1! T11E�VI'N L�IE OF 11i�C7 1 �p -� "{ . p R L 5 NO.Q /M! L�FN - ^r C! � y ' _ _ ' 'o OE9dM1ED A �MNG OF C��_j ,� � � , ,_._ . NB9°77�YW i n�r�or tsr,itr in�t In •ccorC��c• •Itn f�• Ororlsi Hs ot G��pf�r *0�. ■Inn�tct• St�tuf�f ot 19�9. ■s swno�d. � n�.• a:rr��ec t�a roi:o.inq a�ecriD�e traci ot ian0 In tn• Cousf� ot q�es�r. St�t• e1 Mlnn�soi• fo'�7t: iracfs ... _. . G ana t�• •�st 250.6G ft ot Tr�ct M. a�qist�rsa .�nO $ur.�Y !lo. d2. 4a�s�� �ounfy. Mlnn�lOT�. Tnet t�ia surrey �no.n aar�on fs a <orrect aelln�efloa o1 a�10 sur�ey. JaTee fn�s Oay ol 19l8. Ron�10 �. S���son. :enC _..rr�vor Mine�sot• :ic�nse Nu�D�r t.iltl: ADDrorea an0 acteDtso �r fn• Cltt Counc(1 ot tne Cli� ot S�Inf �oul. Ml�oe�et�. tiis aav >f 7} �I�r• T�x�f 10f 10• ��If O11 1�pd 0�{G�Ip�A 11�('��11 D�10. PO Q�1111qU��1 t2a�! •IIC irenster ♦qf���0. +�li C0�.3} , 19 - a+r�cte� er �•v�*r D�p�rt��ef of P�op�rt� i���flon . - Pursu u t to C��p��r 7, MI���so1� L�vs •1 I976, tli� �qi�twe� ��n0 Surv�y ��a ►N� ��vl���! ud �y�rov�A fels e�y ot . 19 •oa M• eow�ltte�s of Ni�w�wh NNNM. Hctlo� SOS.07. Susat•I�loa 2. ��w ���e }ui/111�e ! D�vl� D. Cl�yyool �ctin0 tus�7 Co��t� irr���er . . �. _�.... i r Ov I� 1 ' , � O� O �O O O U O O U � p O Oi �OfO!O'O�O O, � ; 6USH -�.� � � o ' o � � o� �O o o; d4b d � b b �o o ~ aib � p a , � ' � � i + i i ; i ; � , � � � � I 1 � � � � � � � � I � � , � , � ; � � � � . i i . i � � � � ► � + i 1 i i + � , � , � ! .lC� b � C���' � � 1 � � �Q Q �O 0 �01 � , ' REANEY Z � � W � i �}O O; �O O ;O �O O O C� C� O O O O �O O OI Cl � � � i � ' � � Q j � � , � O � . , ' : • � � , � W , i ' , 0 i : ; ' � � � ' �}. � � , . , � � , , � � . : , ; , � • �;o ►,ao;o�o�o o`o � a o 0 000 0'0� ; �# +o � o�o�o; lo;o� , , . o o , o ' � o0 0 00 0 � 0 � o 0 0 � o ' � i ; �' � 1 ; ; � { , � � 7 � , . � , ; � . , � o o ¢ � � � ' p , � ; O � j � � � � � t3 CH ; , --� o . ; , ; � , . ; o ; ; � , , o 00000� - - -� i v : ' - - ' : 1 . — ' I � i ; , O` O ; O ) � O � O ';OiO � O O 00- 00000 O � � O O O O � ST. , 0 0 ; o o i o 0 0 ,o 00 00 ;o ;o 0 0 0 0 0 � o o ' � � ; , , ; O � ' ' O i . O � � � : � � � � - � � � O : I � � v ; v � -- -- — i O OiO O , ��-T-� � � , p S I X T H , ( ► , � , , � + ' 0 i . �' � ' i °;°!° ;o ° : ; � �- ' I ' � ° E-- -- -�-i-- --- _ J � � , Z ; , � ; � — , � O O O �� O � ��`O O O O � O O O O O O 3 O;O���O�O ; T. � AREA MAP APPLICANT S�V°� ��e� LEGENO - ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY �L 1 • � SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE O ONE FAMILY P�ANNING 1 OISTRICT S�Q1� 32� Q TWO FAMILY FILE NO. �� �� ! � D4T� � ICI O� � � MU�TIPL� FAMf�i' t � � - � { • � � COMMEF�CIAL i !°�fD USE � SCALE � I"= 200� NORT� � � � �NOU�`�RlAL MAP NU. 3AINT PAUL PLANNING DIVISION V VACANT (Q � � � �..` � .f'. f' "�4 / � �: ;/ C:� �� , R��Ct"�'Y ppm. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ����������� b DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � un ���u � DIVISION OF PLANNING v� �a 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,e s. 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED July 27, 1988 JUL 2 81988 CITY CLERK Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Subdivision File #320, Steve Shea City Council Hearing: August 2, 1988 PURPOSE: To review a Registered Land Survey (RLS) for property located on the south side of East Minnehaha between Pederson and Winthrop Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Dear Sir: Attached please find the application, survey and staff report for the Steve Shea RLS. This application has completed all the required city department reviews at this time and is in compliance with city subdivision standards. The RLS creates five single family lots, zoned R-3, out of property that has ' been vacant for some time. Photos of the site will be available to the Council members at the hearing. Sincerely, D�Oli �����.�-_— Donna Datsko City Planner DD:ws Attachments i D. STAFF RECONII��ENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 3, staff recommends approval of the RLS. � ' �''�--/3 � �, : APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION REYIEY CITY OF SAINT PAUI SUBDIYISION REVIEW i 3 2� :sas .�a�s�ssasss�ss a PROJECT NAME �V�. S�� ��—S � �a DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ��tT��1C� S S�N�I..� �� L om'E51TE� . ,. PROPERTY ADORESS/LOCATION ��� 1��t�N1Hfl�Ffl � rc.AST p� ��Q„Sp� 'T'e A�C' C-.E,F;G R N� �'t+E W�SC �.SD .foQ F""r LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY O� 'TQRC.T t-� R�..S � $�. APPLICANT S"T'��1�� Vt�. S}}t—Pt CONPANY �"cQ.A S�N ADDRESS ��►O O �Q�JhD� � ���.. (ZIP) �S 10 PHONE �� qgQ'"� 1-f TYPE OF OIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five r More Tracts) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE �• DATE � jq 4s FEE PAIO S ZZS � CITY AGENT � �i�.J ' �., sszsx:naaac==aasnaaacan=====as==aa=s�=asaaoa�aaxasaa=xsa===rasa=nrxa=as===saxa�as=s==s�a �f ICE USE ONLY PLNG DIST __I____ LAND USE �_ ZONING ( -?j HISTORY �c+'y�� TAX MAP r � PLANS DISTRIBUTED ?I��,����' RETURN BY � ; 1 ?3'� REYIEWED BY . COf�1ENTS (continue on back) asss---��:ssssssasas�mssaa=sssssszszsssszssa=ssass=aaaaazz��il■le�ss���ssssss 1 1 I�r.y Fpt STAff USE ONLY �i�I 1 9 1988 Legal Notice Published - City Council Hearing ZONING Date Approved/Denied 7/1/85 REGISTEREO LANO SURVEY NO , � • � ! ; � so - RECEIVED � JUL 130W 9.tiPl�Irl �AL'i1 n�ir� r Ivri,lr��..�1.-�. l.-. - v�:�i:lL — -- --�uNr�r oF w►MS + $ �•�••��—.3RNEYORS OFFI Nawrrdfl4wC.O.E,FSaRis Mea ---1'SO 43-- _ ._ y�q _ - -1 �, so�s so�s sow — , , �� JO �I . . � R�yistr�� ot Tlfl�a i i ^� � {,,, � , CornfY o1 0.��s�� I � g LtN� •1 Ml����01• � �I Sd : � O f• i �I � � „ G 1 ►�r�er e�rtlfy t��t t��s ' p w J N�y1fiK�Y 11p0 S�rs�y Mo. J . j �j 3c �3 •W� ru 111�a In t�is oftlN f01s � F� - � r �r►W i-� ��q�� - � - e•r o+ � `� W �� �� �!t •• 19 •t �O�CIOt! � .N. l\IO s Oocu��nt Mo. ��'� r� �u 'N � � ba s o— � ( ;::� � z� �Z f (_",Z �I � � S John C. MeL�up�iln. ■�ylstr�r J y � � _� ��� ���� �� . �A3T�: ���� �O\ia�l�a D� ' °�'g - so.i4 _ _ _ �'� oN � N ; ; � )i('� I ��i� p „ 8 L g E .. � �� � � '� � -. � � � �,�s �\��' � � ,`�,. ., , , c; '�' ,� 0 3 ��� �;, �+ �S aatn 11_ ^b '�F ���� L' �o�• _ � �bi� V . �� j L� — — '�";� �; �,� � ' z i � �� J O � 30 1` i _ _J so.�s so w so.K so.�s so oa ' lGALE MV FEI �p,�p o a[uorES��aw row�wr a - - Ne9'?9'�W � O OEtvatES aitai +�ww �„' soiw�a�anae M.R.L.s No ez� � w coKtEre u�uc . TIE lOUTM LME OF TWLT i o -• '( , .p R.I.S.NO.f2 IY3 �EEN .. _ ,r`'! ;- Y '_�r.,_"' �O OE96fM7ED� �VtMfa OF � � C•Ci+ .,- � i �-_i_ � Ne9•79'�'w � i n�r�or ur'ify tn�t in •ccorCUC• .Itn t�• prorlii��s et C��Dt�r SOt. Ninn�fot• St�irt�a ot 19�9. •� auno�tl, i .�v• a�rwlea tne toi�o.fng a�acrio�e troct of iaoO In tn• Coust� ot q�ea��. Stat• ot Minnssot• to-•it: � fracis C, _, ", G ana i�• •�sf 150.6G ft of 7r�ct n, B�91st�rea :�na Surr�y .�o. B:. Aa�a�y County. NlnnHOt�. . Tnet tnis surrey sno.n �srron Is a cor�ecf Oeiln��tlon o1 s�ia aur uy. Jatse in•a d�y ot 19lE. . qon�ia �. S.�naon, LeoC c�r.s�o� Mlno�sof• �iclnse Nu�Der 1JIg: ADO�oreC sa0 aCCepfstl D7 t11• Clty COO�ci� of t11e Clty ot Salnt PauI, �Mlnneaote, tils Oa� �1 li s Cl�rt T�:�! to� t�• y��r -on I�aO O�itriD�O A�f�ln o�10. ee O�Ilnqu�nt taasf •n0 tranat�r •�f���o, i�ia C�� pt , 19 - - , Dl��ctor Br � D�prty D�y�Hw�i ot Prop�rt� i�a�tlon � , • Pu�l���t to C��yt�r 7. Ml�a��o1• l�•s •f 1976. t�l• Rqlsfw�� l•n0 Srrv�y ��a �n r�rl w�d •ed ���ror�A tAls a�y ot � . 1�_ •n0 f►� CoNltlO�f O1 MI�wINt� SN1�1M. t�CilO� lOD.O7. Su001ri�lOR 2. ���• ���� }Y11111�� . f D •1• 0. CI�y0oq1 . Ac4i�0 lu�q.�CO��tY LYf���K . � _ � -.`�" . ._ � _s..- i t/ V ' � � ; ' I ' � � O OI �OlO10�0�0 O� � . 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RAl1uT DAUL PLONNING �1VISION V VACANT I [� -.- ..�,_ ,"�"�.;:� - " \``x2�'!'�"l�L�!�F'�1'tl�C�,'�.z; -� , - . _ .,.,.,. , ._.. � ,.:,;-� .;��, ---�_,.,,_ _ .�; ;: ��ta'E.��'�►�c��v�itl c4ac�net a � ". � � : , � o!'�e � � �eviea�,-,$ ��'����4 '�'. �Se�ha t�i�#k� ��►oen:pe�derso�.� � .�. , .�� inmily restdei►tial I�ifs,on'1��ditY.A I a�E � a��P����5�I10��ana r�ec�b ��� ' : n�t�� �t` �..� �� � � � - �;, : ,�1�BE�iT B • ;. , ElI.�ON�;,�►��k , — �e : : ., . . , . ,.. .. (7 � . ; �-�a . `Y����.�� � l . ,. �� f., , ..„,�,..,� . . .. . . . . .__._.:.. �... . . . � ,. .. ; ._.. _ .. ...... ..�_.. _�.. , �..:3 . . ' ��^ �� � .� '' ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PU6l.IC HEARING NOTIC '�, 31 ZONING - Property owners within 350� ; FIL E N 0. SBD#320 Representatives of Planning District 1 I PAGE PURPOSE To review a Registered Land Survey (RLS) which redefines an existing RLS to create five single family residential lots. Existing Zoning: R-3 (single family) LOCATION 20XX East P1innehaha (south side between Pederson and 4Jinthrop PETITIONER sTEVE SHEA H E A R I N G Tuesday, August 2, 1988 9:00 A.M. • Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Donna oatsko) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Description: On file - RECEWED Ju� �o �9ea [".� GITY CLERK �. ;.;:: Notice sent �/22/88 �y � �'�� �,s�44"' r=�""+£� _.. `7� . '?.rx ...�a7�Jr .� �r`�'�+i�f r'sr- y� .y�'° ,ii�. �.. ! �r ', Y >+4¢.,'t� � � �. Ry. 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Saint�Paul :Cit� Council�wi�1.:conduct a public. hearing'to 'consider � Fl } . . . . . �... .. .:. _..a . .. ...: � . � � � �. .. :... $�#.c,ya.�t{y.,. . . :_r3�Cx :�:'.. .-.� _�'. . , . . ..�:.. ,.7:. , --�.�.' _ ;- - *' rr.•� �. 5 the r est of Steve Shea to review a R - � = _ �' equ egistered Land Survey for , . � ° `r ,-:' - ��:-� . �. � 1 _ �;; .. .. . : ,_, __ : _ , >., y _ . 20XX E.' Minnehaha (south side between Pederson and Wi.nthrop) to cteate� ,-_ - ���, �- � � . - . � five single fam�ly resiclential Zots, on Tuesday,'�August 2,; 1988-at . ' �; �. : .. y.r . ' .y-. , �.�'.: . ,s.=:��,� .r^_� ._;:� ...��:' _.... ...j". ..� , ,�� �.� . �-' . '*-r +.: ''" 9:0� A.Mk,�tr the.Cpuncil Chambers, �3rd floor of City_Hall� and at r� - .� � •t.t�. � ... -� ���=� �,w. . . .�:�....s �, ,;: i :.�.. � . .;. . _.: , '•. r . ��: , , , �said time and place, the Coucil -w�Tl hear all persons ancl�all objections . � _ s .��d.,. , . �.. ,� �..�, -.:; . , __ . .. - _ ._ _ '� and recomnendations ti� the proposed �amendment. : - ° r ,� �� r _ _ ' - .._ — . Y� �.L�i°F .. �. .. ,i,.: �f .. -- �`' I _,r��� > 1 `: �� a ' - - :l 4. �; =K t� - .- . . . �^"�i�.. i ?� � � 4� ._ `�Dated Jul x Zl� 1988 - �` <. �"� � y. -r c r° � � , � -� � - • � . � _ ; f . ... :> � _ •_ . .<< ._ :. - :_ : � � � _ .� .�. . �t 1'. .Y � � J. ^� -:Albert B.. Olson � � . ` ' ; � , � "�City Clerk y w �.� �=� �. - - s.. _ . a , �x . . . , • .. , . - . . '-- x ._ . .: .". : � '.J. .. ,-. y �4K .-. . ,: t "• � , .� ` Y .^,,. . . � �: _. ..�'. t . ,. }.�. , �w . .,: � ' .. .. .:. • ... � . .' : , � .,a� .:.` .,'. .. . - _ .. .' - .' . . s, . .... . . ..: �. 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PAUL CITY COUNCIL � � ,� PU6LIC HEARING NOTIC�cE�vFo ZONING JUL 251988 � CITY CLERK Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N 0. SBD#320 Representatives of Planning District 1 PAGE PURPOSE To review a Registered Land Survey (RLS) which redefines an existing RLS to create five single family residential lots. Existing Zoning: R-3 (single family) LOCATION 20XX East �linnehaha (south side between Pederson and 4�inthrop PETITIONER _____ �-�za HEARING Tj2,�. — 9:0o a.M. � � >or City Hall - Court House �t i K QUESTIONS ��� ko) . the Planning and Economic l 101, City Hall Annex, l nnesoia 55102 �w"�`�j _ ��,I�� � Notice •ent ��22�88