88-1309 wr+�7e - cirr CLERK COIl[1C11 PINK — FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �j���0� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �-' � v Cou 'l Resolution �--,�. .� Presente By ? Referre o �V�uC- W °�K� Committee: Date �� ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City desires to reconstruct PRIOR AVENUE from Summit Avenue to Marshall Avenue using Municipal State Aid Funds; and WHEREAS, The proposed widths do not conform to the current Municipal State Aid Standards; now, therefore, be RESOLVED, That we do hereby authorize the Director of Public Works to request a variance from Municipal State Aid Standards for this project. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Publ I'c Works (PA$) ]-2Fi-88 �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman (�' �k _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson SEP 15 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ d C ncil Se r By sy t�ppr ve y �Vlav _ �P 1 � 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ BY Pt�i.lSHED ��P � � 1988 � . �-��°q � �,��� ��� �. Pab 13 c Works 7-26-88 ���`��� t�. ����� �c�r n�ar �ran,a+�nra+r, Pat4,:�'' St. Ma r t t n �� � �a w�rw�r s�v�c�,a o�croa �aiv«src . , nounN° '� �r°�r+ �...,$�.t'ty,Re i t�er PUb1 i:c Works ,.. 292-628U` ; - ��: -�-�,,� . . _ : Authorize the ::airector of Public Works to request a va:riance �f�rcm Muni,cipal State At� Star�dards: arr PRtO#t A{�fNUE between Summd t Avenue and Mar�al,i:Avsntte. ° .t�lve+oii�G►3 a�(R}) �f.�r.��r;; , : , _ a�►aw+ca� avw s�Vlc�oo�woN o��p� oA�aasr iw�rsr . w+o��q. a0Nrr0 o0�resia+ �eD eas sct�o0i:BCU�AD .a_ -� _ A sr� cfur�ra.r�oe�a�oN eor�re�s�s _�rro.�on�* _��°°�`�`�' _�'oa�cu�• ' o�srnicr�ouNCw =owi�r�: ' :suarawrs iwwcM cou+cw ae�cnvez_ - '- Safer. and better nei�ghbo�hoods. . : - �n�o w�w�,aeue,owram�nr twho.run.c,wnsn,vwa�ei.wny�: , , 't'Efe D.epartment of. Publ ic� Wqrks i s propos i,ng to reconstrr�ct, Pr�qr Avenue �Lween .-Su�mi t Avenue and Marsha l l Avenue i n 1989 as part ef t�►e C l e�el andjp�#�t l and C&�P P�^a�,ect. A : � variancg t� 5tate Aid Width Standards .may be ne�ess��y an tf�is pr'oJe�t. _ � _ ; . _ , _ v.. . � ::�asn�e�►no�e.tco.uea�.w;°�e�r�ea,w.ewq« . . .. , , if granted by the Minnesota Department of Transgortatlon, the �ariance avoutd��,�able Publ-tc Works xo construct• Pr�ar AvenWe �a a width that is narrower than t�e State �4td Standar'd. .: Tliis cou'1d conce'ivablq save trees, �an� et iminat�e t(�e Reed to ban on street pariting to'meet State Atd Standards. Rlease rusM order so it is heard bePore Ctty Council o�t vr 6efore August 25. 1988. : :. .•..��.'.WhN1.an0 TO YNqro): . : _ ._. , .. . . : ' , Council R�search Center . AUG 2 1988 , . „��.: � : _ . - � �:::. Construct` roadway to State Aid Lose�.��e,a�. 5tandar�d widths. . _: _ : May have to han pat'[c_ing on one or bath sTdes. trsro�n►� ' ��: . . w� " , y ��J/�09 ` ' Members: v� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - -� Janice Rettman 1p11111° OFFICE OF TH� CITY COUNCIL p Q� ��� ������ TO�tE�IVED � ���� . Date: August 24, 1988 AUG 2 419�� Committee Report ��7Y c�E�K To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee . Roger J. Goswitz, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of August 24, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date 1. 8/30/88 RATIFICATION .OF ASSESSMENTS: For the FLANDRAU/IDAHO AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Also, for the Flandrau/Idaho Supplement. Recommended approval unanimously. 2. 8/30/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the construction of a sanitary sewer in BRADLEY STREET from Whitall Street to 300 feet north of Whitall Street. Recommended approval unanimously. 3. 9/1/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the RANDOLPH/SNELLING ARRA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 4. 9/1/88 FINAL ORDER: For the construction of a sanitary sewer in CLARK STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to 250 feet north of Minnehaha Avenue. Also, construction of sewer service connections. Recommended approval unanimously. 5. RESOLUTION 88-1308 - Authorizing proper City officials to pay JOHN D. WALL the sum of $96,500 for the purchase of certain real estate for the work necessary to create ponding area for the STILLWATER/NOKOMIS STORM SEWER SYSTEM PROJECT. (Referred� to Committee 8/9/88) . Recommended approval unanimously. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOUR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .s�.�e < < • � C'F�'-/��9 6. RESOLUTION 88-1309 - Authorizing the Director of Public Works to request a variance from Municipal State Aid Standards to reconstruct PRIOR AVENUE from Summit Avenue to Marshall Avenue. (Referred to Committee 8/9/88). Recommended approval unanimously. 7. RESOLUTION 88-1261 - Authorizing and directing the Director of Public Works to remove the public stairway in ELIZABETH STREET adjacent to and west of State Street and that an adequate barrier be erected at the western access to prevent public travel. (Referred ,to Committee 8/2/88) . Recommended approval unanimously. 8. 8/25/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Improving the East-West alley in Block 28, Syndicate 4�5 Addition (bounded by Sherburne, Charles, Pascal and Albert. (Laid over from 8/10/88) . Recommended approval unanimously. 9. RESOLUTION 88-1232 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $75,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Works-Engineering Fund. (Laid over from 8/10/88) . Recommended approval unanimously.