88-1307 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /y� CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 �O� /�� � BLUE - MAY(1R File NO. L� � Council Resolution ; �, �, Presented By � ��'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ti�HEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to prepare and implement a timing plan fnr the Traffic Management System on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Como Avenue to Summit Avenue and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) from Lexington Parkway to Prior Avenue in St. Paul, WHEREAS, The air quality traffic signal timing work provided for will be performed in order to reduce air quality violations caused by vehicle emissions at the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Ave. ) and Tr��nk Highway No. 52 (University Ave. ) , RESOLVED, That the proper City officials be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , Agreement Number 64966, between the City of St. Paul and Minnesota Department of Transportation; covering the cost, maintenance and operation of the air quality traffic signal timing work done on Snelling and University Avenues in St. Paul . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Publi T�?orks-Traffic-Donald E. Sob �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman � �hQ1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Co�ncil: Date AUG — 9 1�`700 Form Appr d ity torney Certified P-s• b ouncil Se etar BY � � BS' t Appr by Mavor: Date _ � Appr y ayor for Su iss' to ncil B pU�IISNEB AU G 2 p 1988 __. r : , �$' 1c�� �t7nR , : on�rrt�er� o�►te oor� . 1 � E���`w�1��1'� ac�.0 0 2 3�fi 2 Public '��r�rks - Tra€fic 6/29/88 - . i _ +�t�wn roa�aT� ��� Pd Ll� fi. 1C lI r�:z' � � �a w�w�aarevr senncea or�on �`crsrcc� �� . �cr qror�No. ROU7ING e�waEr oir�croA . Public Works 292-745I: ,O�D�� �,;,,,�„�„ -5-:itr . . �8-/3d 7 MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT N0. 64966 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE C ITY OF ST. PAUL TO Prepare and Implement a Timing Plan for the Traffic Management System on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) from Como Avenue to Summit Avenue and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) from Lexington Parkway to Prior Avenue in St . Paul , Ramsey County, Minnesota. C. S. 6208 and &215 S. P. 164-010-36 and 164-010-39 F. P. M 5421 (009) and M 5405 (009 ) Prepared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED None City' s Consultant $46, 597. 75 � � � - � � ����a� THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State ," and the City of St. Paul , hereinafter referred to as the "City," WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is justified and considered mutually desir- able to prepare and implement a timing plan for the Traffic Man- agement System on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Como Avenue to Summit Avenue and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (Univer- sity Avenue) from Lexington Parkway to Prior Avenue. Such timing plan work for the Traffic Management System as described immedi- ately above shall hereinafter be referred to as "Timing Plan Work" ; and WHEREAS, the City and the State did enter into Agree- ment No. 64350 dated to participate in the instal- lation of a master controller and cabinet, revision of sixteen ( 16 ) existing traffic control signals, installation of four ( 4 ) changeable message signs and the installation of interconnect at various intersectio ns on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) ; and WHEREAS, the Timing Plan Work provided for herein will be administered, supervised and directed in accordance with the ' terms and conditions s2t forth in an existing "Special Agency Agreement" between the City and the Commissio ner of 64956 -2- � � - � .��-�i�a� Transportation. Pursuant to said "Special Agency Agreement" the Commissioner of Transportation will make all payments to the Con- sultant including the State' s share of the Timing Plan Work plus the anticipated Federal-aid funds participation portion of such work; and tiVHEREAS, the City, in cooperation with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency is performing Timing Plan Work, which is intended to bring air quality emissions on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) into compliance with the State and Federal air quality standards. This program is mandated by the revised State Implementation Plan (SIP) ; and WHEREAS, the Timing Plan Work as defined in the SIP will improve the air quality at the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Ave- nue) by improving the operation of the traffic control signal at the intersection itself and at the traffic control signals on the arteries approachinq the intersection; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that said Timing Plan Work is eligible for 76 . 74 percent Federal-aid Urban Funds; and WHEREAS, the City and the State have selected a con- sulting engineering firm to perform the Timing Plan Work; and WHEREAS, the City and the State will participate in the cost of the Timing Plan Work as hereinafter set forth; 64966 -3- �� � . . . � � /.��7 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City shall require the consulting engineering firm to perform the Timing Plan Work necessary to design software and system integration for the traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Como Avenue to Summit Ave- nue and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) from Lexington Parkway to Prior Avenue . 2. In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the aforesaid "Special Agency Agreement" the following cost shall be paid to the Consultant: - Of the $76, 165. 00 estimated cost. State' s share of 14. 23 percent and 61 . 18 percent of the Federal-aid portion (61 . 18 percent of 76. 74 percent = 46. 95 percent) . 3. The amount to be encumbered for payment to the Consultant from Trunk Highway Funds for the Timing Plan Work per- formed under this Agreement is $46, 597. 75 which amount includes $35, 759. 47 for the Federal-aid portion and $10, 838. 28 for the State' s share. In the event that at any time it appears that such reimbursement will exceed said sum, the City shall promptly notify the State' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative of the reason for the increase in cost and the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the Timing Plan Work. If approved by the State ' s District Engineer 54966 -4- fl� , , . ���-��30 � at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative, additional funds shall be encumbered by the State and notice by the State' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized repre- sentative to the City of that additional encumbrance will permit the City to complete the Timing Plan Work. 4. The Timing Plan Work provided for herein shall be under the direction and supervision of the City. It is agreed, however , that the State shall have the right to review said Timing Plan Work. 5. Upon completion of the Timing Plan Work provided for herein, timing of the traffic control signals shall be deter- mined by the City' s Traffic Engineer . Adjustments of said signal timing, may be determined by the State, through its Commissioner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made thereafter except with the approval of the State . 6. Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the State and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation Act of the State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged in any of the work contem- plated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of 64966 -5- D�' � . � , Cfi- d° /�4� CITY OF ST. PAUL RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Director of Public Works Mayor (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney Director of Finance and Management Service STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Da te d APPROVE D AS TO FORM AND EXEC UT ION: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION By Special Assistant Attorney Gen�ral-State of Minnesota Dated 64956 -7-