88-1297 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I�NT PA U L Council ���� CANARV - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolutio �� ; Presented By �-- � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works is about to remove the existing traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Ave. ) at Midway Center Entrance, revise the existing traffic control signal on Trunk Highway 51 (Snelling Ave. ) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Ave. ) ; and install new traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Ave. ) at Spruce Tree Drive-Midway Center Entrance and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Ave. ) at Fry Street; WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul � desires to enter into a cooperative construction agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation; explaining the responsibilities for the cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic signal revision, removal and two new in`stallations; RESOLVED, That the proper City officials be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, Agreement Number 65065, betweeri the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, covering the cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic control signal system. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: PTK 7/13/88 Yeas Nays Dimond Public Works-Traffic-Donald E.Sobania Long In Favor Goswitz �. ���. � _ Against BY �eseeew Wilson Adopted by Council: Date A��7+ � �+ .�R Form Appro d by City Atto y Eertified Y�ss b Council Secr y� BY By ' Approv y iVlavor. Date � � �8 � Approv d y Mayo 'ssion to Council ^ � ��ti'�---� By �t�.i�HE� 1���J �1 1 3 1988_ \� CI°4G��T! o�,�.�,,,,� �,�� IG REE�i '�i��ET No. 0 0 2 3 S 9 , Publie Work�/Traffic 7/13/88 coN* 3 �vaa�oR�rarn P a f31 T. Kt1 r t z' "s818" , �.�o�o�r sew�s o�cra+ t�«rv c�wc NUMBEN FOR . : �o. R� — �� 5 City CoU�iGil P.W. T` affiC 292-7451 oao�: �' cm,,,,�,� See Attached Agreement Ap�rove: agreement between Mn/DOT and the City of St. Paul� covering the cost, maintenanee artd operation of traffic signals on T.H. 51 (Snelling Ave. ? at T.H. �2 (University Ave. ) and on T.H. 51 at Spruce Tree Drive and on T.H. 52 at F'r St. _ ��s:c�vPm�t�)«Aeiea(p)) cow�n.n�n►ncr+��rr: . . PIAIY�MJ(i OOGMAIBSION CNIL BEpVN�COMMISSIOIV DATE W' . DAlE OUT ANALYS'T � . . � . PF10ME NO. . � .. ZOWN(i OO�MM881W1 , . � - 18D 626 BCHOOL�ARD . � ' . . . � .. .� � . � . STAFf . . . . fxiARfER CAMMIS&ON . �WAA�LETE A3 fS PtM'L IHFO..ADDED� � .RET'0 M 00lItA�'T. � -CpJ6fIT�Rff �� � - . � . � . .. . �. _ _..I�i A00'L MMO. . __FEED6ACI(MDED* . �„�� ��,,,�: a R�C EI�/EC� ,.841PP'GN78 YYHIQFI�OOIN�M.IL OBAEGTIVE9 - - . � ' . � . � � . � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . � � � . - . � . ��� ��� qp1988 N�A �� �� ��TY ��T�RIVEI( , . � . G�� .�.u►„N.onoaks�.+�ar�arr�+i�rrY�,o,w►u�.wn�,;wnere.wMr. , The City has initiated the traffic signal project in conjunctiion with the developmen� of the Spruce Tree Centre complex ocat, d on the southwest corner of Sneiling Ave. and Univ.ersity Ave.- . �OUnCt� Research Center J U L 2 51988 - ,�,st�c�r+a��r�e.�.�.�a.nrd...�m►: , ` This agreem��t wi�l secure Trunk Highway funding which will be u���� cov�r a m�are of the project cost. . . - J U L 21 1988 �stwa.cw�,..r,a�►w�: . _ _ � � i'�i��'t�r�'S C)I=�tCE ;, . , ,, Tnere will be ty�ical traffic delay� �:;:::a��7L; ;;:Y�.struction. The traffic signal work will be done in conjunction with the paving and island. wark c�one on Snelling Ave. �and Spruce Tree D�. Coordination will minimize the , ., ,traffic congestian and delays. ` �.t�es: �nos �ons " To be determineci� Mssomnrns�o�r�s: Typical �greement between Mn/DOT and the City of St. Paul. - �e�s: N/A - _ -. � � . . ���✓���7 NfINP]r�7:'A TRAN�PORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEt�1ENT �v0. 65�65 BETG�TEEN THE ST.ATE OF ti1INNESQT�, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE C ITY OF ST. PAUL TQ Remove th� existinq Traffic Con*_rol Signal on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) at Midway Center Entrance; Revise the existing Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency V�hicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snell ing Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University P.venue ) ; and Insta?1 new Traffic Control Signals with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Sianing or. Truni; Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) at Spruce Tree Drive - Midway Center Entrance and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) at Fry Street in St . Paul , Rams�y County, Minnesota. S. P. 6208-25 and 6215-68 C . P. 88-T-1220 , Prepared ty Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMEERED None $6g, �5g, g2 ' � � G�d��i�-�'7 THTS �GREEMEP�T made �nd entered into by and t�etween the State of �linnesota , Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State , " and the City of St . Paul , hereinafter � referred to as the "City, " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to rPmove the existing traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) at Midway Center Entrance; revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights, Pmergency vehicle pre-emgtion and signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snell ing Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue ) ; and install new traffic control signals with street lights , emeraency vehicle pre-emFtion and signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snel]. ?.ng Avenue ) at Spruce Tree Dri.ve-Midway Center Entrance and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue ) at Fry Street; and WHEREAS, the existing traffic control sig nals on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) and on Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) are operated and maintained by City forces, it is considered in the best interest of the public to remove the existing traffic control signal; revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing; and install new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing, with City forces and equipment; and , 65065 -1- � � � � � � ��,,��� WHEREAS, because the need was imm�diate , the City, acting in good faith and without collusion or intent to defraud, started performing the traffic control signa.l work prior to negotiating said agreement �nd encum�rance of funds; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 16A. 15, Subdivision 3 provides that every expenditure or obligation authorized or incurred without prior allotment or encum brance as reauired by law, shall t�e pronounced invalid and shall be ineligihle for payment until validity is esta blished by the Commissioner of Finance by a determination that the contract work for which payment is claimed has been completed in goed faith, without collusion and without intent to defraud; and WHEREAS, the City and State will participate in the • cost, maintenance and operation of th� revis�d and new traffic control signals with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing , and the cost of the rem cval of the existing traffic c ontrol signal as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City has prepared the necessary plan and specifications, anc� shall perform the engineering and insgection required to complete the items of work 'hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall censtitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to , hereinafter . 65065 - -2- l� . . , , ���-�a�� 2. The cest of a11 lat;or , mater. ia] s , and equipment rental reguired to complete the work cont?mplated herein shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall k� so referred to hereinafter . 3. The City shall rem ove existing traffic control signal , revise an existing traffic control signal. , and install new traffic control signals as provided for under State Project No. ' s 6208-29 and 6215-68, and City Project No. 88-T-1220. Such work as described immediately above sha].1 hereinafter be referred to as "City Force Account Work" , and as provided for in Exhibit "A" attache� hereto and r�ade a part hereof all at the estimated cost to the City for materials, labor equipment rental and material handling as therein shown. 4. The City with their own forces and equipment shall perform the traffic control signal work provided for under State Project No. ' s 6208-29 and 6215-68, and City Project DIo. 88-T-1220 with the Construction Costs shared as follows : a . Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) at Midway Center Entrance. System "A" . F.emove the existing traffic control signal and salvage emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment. Estimated Constructior. Cost is $4, 765 . 00. State ' s share is 50 percent. , ' City' s sha.re is 50 percent. 65065 -3- /� � � � � ������ 7 b. Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue ) at Spruce Tree Drive-Midway Center Entrance. System "B" . Install a new traffic contrel signal with street lights and signing and re- install salvaged emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment . Estimated Construction Cost is $66 , 051 . 25. State ' s share is 50 percent . City' s share is 50 percent. c . Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue ) . System "C" . Revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing . Estimated Construction Cost is $11 , 764 . 00. State ' s share is 100 percent. d . Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue ) at Fry Street. System "D" . - Install a new traffic control signal with street lights and signing . Estimated Construction Cost is $35, 390 . 50. State' s share is 50 percent. City' s share is 50 percent. , 65065 -4- /�� � ' �����02-��� - Install emergency vehicle pre-emption which includes $1 , 025. 00 for emergency vehiclP pre-emption materials ( cable, d�tectors, and lights) and $2, 270 . 00 for the pre-emption discriminates for a total Construction Cost of $3 , 2a5. 00. City' s share is 100 percent. 5. Final plans for the traffic control signal work provided for herein shall have State approval . 6. Force account records shall k�e made for all labor , materials and equipment . Copies of these force acceunt records shall be made in triplicate on forms provided by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative for this purpose and shall be signed each day by authorized gersonnel of both parties . Payment for labor, materials, and equipment hours shall be based on these records. All actual and related indirect costs of the City shall be accumulated in accordance with its established accounting procedures. 7. The City Force Account Work provided for herein shall �e under the direction an� supervision of the City. It is agreed, however , that the State shall have the right to periodically inspect said work. 8. Payment to the City will he made by the State for , the City Force Account Work which is complete and approved �y the 65065 -5- ��� . . , ����'a�� State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorizec� representative and upon submission by the City of an invoice in quintuplicate to the State ' s District Fnaineer at Oakdal� itemizing th� costs and certified by a responsible City official that said work has been completed under the terms of this agreernent. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State ' s representative at its direction. 9. The City shall maintain all books , documents., papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with the City Force Account Work performed hereunder for a geriod ef not less than 3 years after receipt of payment . The City shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during this 3greement, for inspection by the State ( as provided by Minnesota Statute , Section 16 . 095 ) , and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request . 10. Upon completion of the City Force Account Work provided for in Paragraph 4 hereof to the satisfaction of the State 's District Engineer at Oakdale or his authorized representative, the State shall pay to the City the State ' s share of the actual Construction Cost plus 6 percent of such share for the State' s share of the cost of Engineering and Inspection incurred by the City in prosecution of said work. The City shall , pay any remaining costs. 65065 . -6- �� � � � � ����a�7 11 . The amount to be encumk�ered for payment to the City from Trunk Highway funds for work performed under this Agreement is $68, 759. 42 . In the event that at any time it appears that such reim bursement wil.l exceed said sum, the City shall promptly notify the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative in writing of the reason for the increase in cost and the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the project . If approved by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale , or his �uly authorized representative, additional funds shall be encumhered by the State and notice given to the City by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative of such addition�l encum brance will permit the City to complete this project. 12. The City shall provide and/or perpetuate an adequate electrical power supply to the service pads or poles, and upon completion of said revised and new traffic control signals with street lights installatior.s shall provide and/or continue to provide necessary electrical power for their operation at the cost and expense of the City. 13. Upon completion of the work contemplated in Paragraph 4b, 4c and 4d hereof, it shall be the City' s resoonsibility, at its cost and expense , to maintain and keep in repair the revised and new traffic control signals with street , lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing . 65065 -7- �� . . � �,,�`'��Q� 14. Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City shall net be considered employees of the Stat� and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said emgloyees while so engaged , and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employee s while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the State . The City shall not be responsible under the Worker ' s Compensation Act for any employees of the State . 15. Timing of the traffic control signals provided for herein shall be determined by the City' s Traffic Engineer . Adjustments of said signal timing may be determined by the State , through its Commissioner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made thereafter except with the approval of the State . 16 . Upon execution by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for herein, this agreement shall supersede and terminate the operation and maintenance terms for the intersections of Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Trunk Highway No. 52 (University Avenue) , and Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Midway Center Entrance, which are contained in any other existing agreements, , that may exist between the parties. 65065 -8- /�� . . . , ���'`��7 C 7TY OE ST. PAUL RECOMMFNDED FOR APPROVAL: Ey Mayor (City Seal ) Director of Public �aorks APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: Ry Director of Finance and Management Service Assistant City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division - Da te d APPRCVAL GRANTED: � Agency Controller APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIOid By Special Assistant Attorney , General-State of Minnesota Dated 65065 �,1�' -9- � � � � � ���,�ag � EXHIBIT "A" T.H. 51 (SNELLI�JG AVENUE) AT MIOWAY rENTER ENTRANCE SYSTEM "A" REMOVALS QUAPdTITY ITEM COST EACH TOTAL 2 MAST ARh1 200.00 400.00 2 MAST ARM FOU�IDATION 280.00 5 0.00 4 SIGNAL POLE AND BASE 75.00 300.00 4 SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION 140.00 560.00 3 LIGHT POLE 145.00 435.00 3 LIGIiT POLE FOUNDATION 240.00 720.00 1 CONTROLLER 300.00 300.00 4 panels CONCRETE SIDEWALK remove & insta 372.50 1 ,490.00 Construction Cost Tota �,4,765.00 , SHEET 1 of i � � � � ��_,��� EXHIBIT "A" T.I�. 51 (SNELLING AVEr1UE) AT SP�urE TREE DRIVE SYSTEM "B" INSTALLATIOP� QUANTITY ITEM COST EACH • TOTAL COr�DUIT UNDER STREETS TRENCHING 210 ' 3�� Nr�C 37..00 6 720.00 40' 2" NMC 30.00 1 ,200.00 COrdOUIT Ur�DER SIDEWALK 25 3" Nh1C 27. 50 687 .50 240 ' 2" NMC 25.00 6 ,000.00 35 ' 4" NMC 30.00 1 ,050.00 PULL BOXES IN CONCRETE 550.00 3,850.00 MAST ARMS 1 15' 2,540.00 2,540.00 1 25' 2,780.00 2 ,780.00 2 35 ' 3 100.00 6,200.00 MAST ARh1S FOUNDATIONS 2 REGULAR 97 .0� 1 ,940.00 2 SUPER POLE 1 ,2Q0.00 2,400.00 4 LUMINAIRE EXTENSION � LUr1INAIRE 600.00 2,400.00 1 CONTROLLER FOl1NDATION � 340.00 340.00 SIG�JAL INDICATIONS STANDAP.O THREE SECTION 6 8" 330.00 1 ,980.00 6 12" 600.00 3,600.00 PEDESTRIAN 8 ' WALK DON T IdALK 330.00 2,640.00 4 Push Buttons 85.00 340.00 PRE - E�1PTION EQUIPMENT 2 DETECTORS 365.00 730.00 CONTROL EQUIPME�JT , 1 CONTROLLER & CABINET 11 ,000.00 11 ,000.00 CABLE 819' 12/c �12 2.25 � 1 ,842.75 325' 3/c �12 1 . 20 390.00 505' 2/c #14 1 .00 5C5.00 1 ,605 1/C tt6 .9Q 1 ,444.50 185 ' 3/c �20 OPTICOM 1 .00 155.00 SH ET 2 cf ���/o��7 QUANTITY ITEP1 COST EACH TOTAL 565 llc 8 BARE GROUrJO .50 282.50 360 ' LOOP DETECTION CUTTING & CABLE TO PR 7 .00 2,520.00 PIISCELLANEOUS Si n ane s T e 0 44.0 S .Ft. 11 .00 4 4.00 + Construction Cost Total : 366,051 .25 . SHEET 3 of . � C����a2�� EXHIBIT "A" T.H. 51 (SNELI.IrlG AVENUE) AT T.H. 52 (Ur�IVERSITY AVErJUE) SYSTEM "C" REMOVALS QUANTITY ITEM COST EACH TOTAL 1 I�AST ARM 200.00 200.00 1 h1AST ARM FOU�lDATION 2R0.00 280.00 1 LIGHT POLE 145.00 145.00 1 LIGHT POLE FOUNDATION ?.40.00 240.00 2 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS Pu lbox 100.00 200.00 TOTAL: 51 ,065.00 I�ISTALLATION QUANTITY ITEP� COST EACH � TOTAL CONOUIT UNDER STREETS TRENCHING 30 ' 3" Nh1C 24.00 � 720.00 12 ' 2" NP1C 24.00 ?88.00 CONDUIT UNDER SIOEWALK 10 ' 3" rdh1C 27.50 275.00 40 ' 2" NMC 25.00 1 ,000.00 PULL BOXES 1 IN CONCRETE 550.00 550.00 MAST ARMS 1 30' 2,900.00 2 ,900.00 MAST ARMS FOUNDATIONS � 1 REGULAP. 970.00 970.00 � 1 LUMINAIRE ExTENSION & LUr�I►vAiRE 600.00 600.00 SIGNAL INDICATIONS STANDARO THREE SECTION 1 8" 330.00 330.00 2 12" 600.00 1 ,200.00 PEDESTRIAN 2 9" WALK/DON'T WALK 330.00 660.00 CABLE � 300 ' 12/c �12 2.25 675.00 240' 1 /C �6 .90 � 216.00 150 3/c r20 OPTICOM 1 0. 230' 1 /c �8 BARE GROUNO .50 165.00 Construction Cost Total : 511 ,764.00 SHEET 4 of E . , � � ���ia�� EXHIBIT "A" T.H. 52 (UNIVERSITY AVE�dUE) AT FRY STREET SYSTE�1 "D" INSTALLATION QUANTITY ITEM COST EACH TOTAL PULL 60XES 3 IN CONCRETE 550.00 1 ,6 0.00 MAST ARMS 2 25 � 2,780.00 5,560.00 MAST ARMS FOUP�DATIONS 1 REGULAR 970.00 970.00 2 LUr-tINAiRE EXTEtvSIOrd � LUMINAIRE 500.00 1 ,200.00 2 LIGHT POLES 600.00 1 ,200.00 2 LIGHT POLE FOUr�DATIONS 275.00 550 .00 2 SIGVAL POLE ANO BASE 430.00 860.00 2 SIGNAL POLE FOUr�DATION 185.00 370.00 1 CONTROLLER FOUNDATION 340.00 340.00 SIGNAL INDICATIONS STANDARD THP,EE SECTION 2 18�� 330.00 2,970.00 600.00 1 ,200.00 PEDESTP,IAN � 8 9" WALK/DON'T WALK 330.00 2,640.00 4 Push Buttons 85.00 340.00 2 PRE - EMPTION EQUIPMENT 365.00 730.00 DETECTOP,S COrdTROL EQUI PMENT 1 CONTROLLER � CABINET 11 ,000.00 11 ,000.00 2 PRE-EMPT DISCRIr1INATOR 1,135.00 2,270.00 CABLE , 8 0 ' 12/c �12 2.25 1 ,845.00 290 ' 3Ic T12 1.20 348.00 240 ' 2/c �14 1 .00 240.00 35 ' 1 /C =6 .90 525. 50 245 3/c ;20 (OPTICOP1 � 1.00 295.00 345 1 /c �8 BAP.E GROUh�D .50 172.50 180 LOOP DETECTION(CUTTING � CABLE TO PB 7 .00 1 ,260.00 - SHEET 5 of 5 � • ' 1 ��-��y7 QUANTITY ITEM COST EACH TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Si n Pane s Tv e D 13. 5 S .Ft. $11 .00 $148.50 Construction Cost Tota : $38,685.50 . SHEET 6 of 6