88-1292 WHITE — CITV CLERK COUflC1I PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � oZ CANARY — DEPARTMENT ��' / � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. �� r � ouncil Resolution -, �-���:� Presente By Referred To �/ l� �j� L� Committee: Date ����� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee that the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is. hereby further amended in the following particulars: CURRENT AMENDED YEAR FUND LOG NO PROJECT APPROPRIATION CHANGE APPROPRIATION 1988 CIB C-6607 CITY COMMUNITY WARNING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 214,000 +52,000 266,000 1988 CIB ------ CIB Contingency 262,120 (52,000) 210,120 476,120 -0- 476,120 APPROVED AS TO FINANC NG: APPROVED: � � � Eugene A Schiller, Director Gregory B e Finance & Management Services Bud�get Director I'hs St. Paul Long-Ran�e Ca_r,if�_.? ,.;��rov.�,;-,>.,, $��c�get Committee raceived t�;s rr.c:�,^�z o,l (date) s' 9"88 and - 't,t'..�":'t"1".c'?'i';�::.i.l$ ��� � s� • .�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond c.ong [n Favor cosw;tz Rettman Scheibei � __ Against BY .Sewxw�,� Wilson �UG z� '�88 Form Ap ved by C' At rney/ Adopted by Council: Date a Certified Pas o cil Se ry By �yl�K� B}� o FAppro y Mavor: Date _ �98v Appr by Mayor for Sub io to Council � PU@�.fSNED ��r' - 3 1988 . . r=� , . ��/02�� . -.d.° D12054r FIRE & SAFETY SERVICES DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - RUSS POLANSKY CONTACT NAME Z�8-6261 PHONE � Junes 21, 1988 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) 1 Departmnnt Director 5 i�iayor (or Assistan�)�1,� �� "t' Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk . �� 7• Chair, Fin,Pers,Mrnnt Co�. � Citq Attomey 8 Citv Council TOTAL NUI�IBER OF SIGNATURE Pw�ES; (Clip a11. locations for signature.) i�T WILL B� ACHIEVED BY TARIN� ACTION ON THE AT'FACHE MATERIALS? (Purpose/RationaZe) � $52,000 will be transferred from 1988 Capital Impro�e�nt Bond Contingency to C-6607, City Com�aunity Warning 5ystem Improvements, so that the warning system can ` be �:mproved with one bid rather than two. $52,000 in 1989 Capital Iinprovement Bonds `�ill be available for other uses. � .� RECEtVED �. .,. �. � " �- ��/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACT�ANTICIPATED: J UL 1 9 1�$g OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR No personnel impacta. [�EPARTMENT OF.FINANCE AND MAWAG�MENT BERy�C�g Probably c�st �avings by combining work into one bid. �,�.�,����� JU� � �= i988 �INANCING SOtIRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER C�GED QR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) i,oA�a�,.���°s� �,���C� To�al Amount of Transgction: $52,000 Activity Number: C88-ST001 Funding Source: 1988 CIB Contingent Reserve , Council Research Center. � ATTACHMENTS: (List and .number all a�tachments.) J U L 2 61988 Resolution ADMI�TISTRATIVE PROCEDURES xx Yes _No Ru�es, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �1�o If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW xx Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution rsquired? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? I�surance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes xx_No Insurance attached? . �.--- � � ����9� _ �� ; CITY OF SAI�TT P9.UL ' :,;;`"ii:iil = OB'FICE OF TAF CITF COUNCIL . REC�vE� - Con�nnittee Re art Au� 1 s �9aa F cmr c�K F:i�anc�, l�ana�eme�ta & Persannel Cammittee. Au�u�t 1S, 2988 1. Approval of minutes of July 25 and August 1 meetings. Approved FINANCE E MANAGEMENT 2. Resolutio� 88-1286 - amending the 1988 budget Denied by adding $20,000 to the Financi�g and Spending Plans for Tuition Reimbursement Program. (Referred from Cou�cil August 4) 3. Resolution 88-i288 amending the 1988 budget by Laid over l week adding $210,000 to the Financing and Spe�di�g Plans - for Carmu�ity Services-Parks 8 Recreatio�-Watergate . Marina. (Referred from Council August 43 4. Resolution 88-1289 - amending the 1988 budget � Approved � by adding $127,300 to the Financing and Spending '� Plans for Public Works Vehicie Rental. (Referred f�om Council August 4) � 5. Resolution 88-1290 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved addi�g �16,657.570 to the Financi�g 8 Spending Plans fo� Pubiic Works Sewe� Fund. (Referred from Councii August 4) 6� r:, ' +�t� � � '�r ��9 ���� budget bq �pproved �i�" ��` �,,� ,�.. � > `� C i ty t�iMn�n i ty Warii i ng _ . '`�e�'err�''f"r`om CocmcY i Augttst 4) t 7. Resolution 88-l293 - amending the COBG budget by Approved transferring $206,000 for Oxford Pool and Oistrict I1 Recreation Center. (Refer�ed from Council August 4) CITY HALL SEVEN'TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, b1INNES07'A SS10Z �'°°