88-1288 WHij� - C�TV CLERK COURCII �/ `-/ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L y //(, �...UERV `MAVORTMENT File NO• O �'/ - • � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SPENDING PLAN Current Bud�et Changes Amended Budget 23160 0537 Transfer-out -0- 210,000 210,000 ($175,000 to C88 3P003 7399 34013 Boat Well ) ($35,000 to C88 3P004 7399 33014 Showers) 23160 XXXX Al1 other spending 354,715 -0- 354,715 35�5 2 0 000 564,� THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the 1988 budget as recommended by the Mayor; Budget Approval Recommended � �> � �?��e Budget Di ec r COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � .Y . Dimond �v ��� � � �� � [n Favor Goswitz / - eebei � Against BY � , �, . �o�o F� l�, sr� � � y��� SEP — 1 1�lpo Form Ap ro d by City torne Adopted by Council: Date Cerlified Pas ed by Council Secretary By gy % ,ft7 /1/�:Z .1�� �G'�l./!/,'-�r1 �vT ` SEP — � � Appro y Mayor for Submi on Co ! il Approve � Ylav . ate � B B p�l���� S�P 1 '� 1988 � �. �=-�-��� . . . : .61° 012285 , +�t7MA�L�NI:"i'Y . S�Ri7IGES/PARKS HEPARTlIENT � - - - - — - V�CTO�t WITTGE�JSTEIN CONTACT NAME 292-7400 PHONE � June 6, 19 8 8 DATE . ' , �SSIGN NUMBSR FQR ROUTING ORDER: (Sea reverse side.) ' ,,� Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assisti�nt) � Finaace aad l�ianagement Services Director 6 City Clerk ��� Budget Director 5 Citv Council _ City Attorney 7 Chief Accountant TOTAL NUMHER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip sll locations for signature.) �iT WILL' BE- ACHIBVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MRTERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) , ` .. Amend the budget of the Watergate Marina Fund to provide spending authority for projects from unspent monies in 1986 and 1987. ' RECqVED RECEjyEp ' JUL 06 �988 JUN 0 919gg ST D MP C ,YOR'S OFF�CE �� 1. Adequate t�rilets and shower facilities will be installed. 2. A Boat Well will be constructed to provide adequate servicing of boats. PINANCINt� 30URCE APiD BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) . Total A�ataunt of TransBction: $210,000 Activity Number: 23160 � Funding 3ource: Retained Earnings and �ong T.erm �oan ATTACHI�EI�ITS: (List and number sil attachments.) R'ECEIVED 1 ,Council Resolution RECEIVED JUN 1�;: '�988 2 Supplemental Information , 3 susiness Plan 1987 JUL 5 1988 BUDGET OFFICE AD�INISTRARIVE' PR�QCEDURES �``° � X Yes _No Rules, Regulati�ons, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? X Yes _No If yes. are they or timetable attached? ' DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolutian required? Resolution required? _Yes IQo _Yes XNo Insurance required? Insurance suff icieat? _Yes _No Yes �No Iasurance attached? � ' - �d�'-�a�� WATERGATE MARINA BUDGET RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JULY 18, 1988 The budget resolution transmitted by Green Sheet No.012285 is to �rovide spending authority to complete capital projects approved in the 1987 approved Business Plan for the Marina. The referenced Business Plan covers both operational expenditures and a long term capital outlay program for the Marina. The financing plan approved for the Marina's capital outlay includes a loan from the , general fund, with a well defined payback schedule, and the use of profits from operations as they become available. The Marina is set up as an enterprise fund, with profits from operations accumulated in a "Retained Earninc�s" account from year to year. Real Property improvements are capitalized within the fund and depreciated (expensed) over the life of the asset. The manager realizes the most important control element in operation is the fund's cash balance. Therefore, major capital improvements should not be authorized in spending authority until the cash flow can be assured to support the disbursements. We feel this conservative budgeting approach is especially important in new enterprises. At this time analysis of financial position, demand from our current clients, and projections of future income indicate we should proceed with both the Boat Well and Rest Room facilities. These and other capital investments help insure the future desirability of the marina to renters, and thus the future income flow. In summary, the capital improvements are fully user financed, and necessary for the o�eration of a first class facility. Attached are copies of the financial statement for 1986 & 1987 and a copy of the current 1988 ledger through June 30th. The current ledger represents only the lst month of this summers operation and is supplemented the statement of slip rental contracts/commitments for 1988 at the bottom of this page. If you have any further questions contact Victor Wittgenstein at 292-7400, or Robert Beikler at 298-3341. SLIP RENTAL ACTIVITY TOTAL SLIPS AVAILABLE 137 RENTED OUT FOR THE SEASON 130 OPEN TO RENT ON A TEMPORARY BASIS 5 USED FOR WORKBOAT & GOV'T OPERATIONS 2 .� �.� -,-- � ��i��' WATERGATE MARINA � 2500 S. Missis�:ipai River B]vd. SL. Paul , MN ;55116 {612} 699-1822 1988 PRICE SCHEDULr SUMMER DOCKAGE. . . . . .May 1 - October 31. . .includes ��ater & electricity (Qoats 'riUST NOT exceed maximum length or beam) _ , A DOCK. . .maximum length 24 feet. . .maximum beam 8 -feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5G5.00 B DOCK. . .maximum length 28 feete . .maximum beam 9 feet. . . . . . , . . . . � . . , .$715.00 C DOCK. . .maximum length 36 feet. . .maximum beam 12 feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $830.00 D DOCK, . .maximum length 45 feet. . .maximum b�am 13 feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1100.00 END SLIPS (NO MAXIMUM BEAM) A DOCK. . .maximum length 48 feet. . . . . . . . . . . .1 slip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1350.00 B DOCK. . .maximum length 60 feet. . . . . . . . . . . .1 slip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1530.00 C DOCK. . .maximum length 38 feet. . . . . . . . . . . .2 slips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$980.00 DOCK. . .maximum length 50 feet. . . . . . . . . . . .2 slips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1300.00 4!. cR STORAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�15.00/ft. November 1 - April 30. . .includes outside storage, haul out, pressure wash, blocking, spring launch and summer (6 months) trailer/cradle storage. � ADDITIONAL STORAGE TIME. . . . . .per month. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2. 50/ft, ::�ILER STORAGE. . . . . . . . . .6 months. . (non winter storage) . . . . . . . . . . � 60.00 CRADLE HAMDLING CNARGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,' 35.00 LAND & LAUNCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 225.00 Outside storage on boat owner's trailer with unlimited use of ti�e launch ramp. PERIOD: May 1, 1987 to October 31. ADMINISTRATION FEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �' 25.00 ALL NEW LEASES AND/OR new BOATS entering marina *** ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS OR SUQSTITUTIONS *** ... ._.:... -. _. __ __ _ _ _ ' _ . -i���' . �r=� . , SCHEDULED LAUNCH/HAuL QY WATERGATE MARINA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3.50!ft "ROUND TRIP" LAUNCH/HAUL BY WATERGATE MARINA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 4. 50/ft .. �� �� example: prop change, hull survey etc. - , COMMERCIAL LAUNCH RATE. . . . . . . . (per use of ramp). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20.00 applies to all boats over 8 ft. beam SELF LAUNCH/HAUL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(per �use of ramp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00 EMERGENCY I�IAUL OUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TIME P!l;S. . $ 3.50/ft USE OF PUMPS. . . . . . . . . . .Per day charge - minimum of one day. . . . . . . . . . � 15.00 USE OF SHORE CORD ADAPTER. .Per day charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .deposit + $ 3.00 USE OF 4ATTERY CHARGER. . . . .Per day charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .deposit + � 5.00 USE OF 4dORKQ0A7 &/OR TRAVELIFT. . . . .1/2 hour minimum/incl . operator . � 65.00/hr SET BOAT ON BLOCKS. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35.00 LABOR RATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MINIMUM CHARGE $20.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 35.00/ii�• *** ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS OR SUBSTITUTIONS *** TEMPORARY DOCKAGE RATES. . . . . . . . . . A DOCK $ 8.00 DAY. . . .$50.00 WEEK. . . . . . . . . B DOCK $ 10.00 DAY. . . .$60.00 IdEEK. . . . . . . . � C DOCK $ 12.00 DAY. . . .$75.00 blEEK. . . . . . . . D DOCK $ 15.b0 DAY. . . .$85.00 IJEEI:. ACCOUNTS 30 DAYS PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO A 1.5� INTEREST RATE PER MONTH ' . : i ,__--___._ _ _ _ _ .-- --- -- --- ----- --- _ _ __--- __. __----- _.____----- ._ __. _ _._---- ---- —--____.. . . " C�f dQ� �! PERICC EADIN6: DECE�,SER .1 11 : 'lC :16 18 JUL 198E (SCk27/i3Q) PAGE 1 �- F U N D: F-3 3 0 Ir'I►T E F 6 A T E M A F I N A--------_�.__ ,_.-----_ __.T_----_ l'� ��` CITY CF S�IN? :FAUL �` BALANCE SHEET � EN�ERPRISE- FllhOS- - � ^� WA7ERGATE .MARIAA (FIhD 330) �',� ENC OF YEAR TO PRIOR YEAR �98'� DlTE 19g� �. ����������-����-_ �---------___ _- ---- -------- -__-_------------_---------��.��•�.�-��-��_�_` l' �" ASSETS ;. ------ ;--.: . . . . ._ __ _..-- ---- -- -- ----_.___.___-___--_------------------------------ �!'�'j CUFRERT AS:ETS � CASH 8 SHO�T �TERM INVESTMNT 10=�959.86 2�P�4�i .27 ,�--- R E t E I�A 8L F: :--------..__..-------- —_�.—_____�_ _____ }`�; ACCCURTS RECEIV�REC E3llS 6EP .03 MATERIALS FOR AESALE IkV 15.9:0.72 =- _ __ __ __ ___-------____.._. ---�__ ___ ------•------------- --------=-------.._--- `�` TOtA1 CIRREhT pSSETS 1C?�499 .86 275�1�C.02 ).r.; ;� , --�----�-----�� ----�---- ---� .� RESTFICTED -�SSETS. --_—.--�_-----____.__._ .__. ---. ,_..- •---------- --.__._._,_..--------�---�---- ������•�������� ��•���•�������� f;�-�� ------------- --------,------ ,-; F I X E G A S S E T S-- - ---- -____._.._----- �� EaIIPMENT 1 .2lG.00 14.7?C.UO �`�'' ACCIM DEPRECIaTZ01�-EGtIPMNT t79.3P) t2.2i1 .04) �--- LCA'S7FUCTI{N- I1� -PRC�RSSS---__ -------------___.— ___ 51�1t'1-.25--_-- �������������a ��������������� ��^ TOTAL FIXED ASSETS '1 �19C.6Z E?�SfG.21 `'; ------•-------- — -=-------------__ j'F OTkEF ASS�TS .. --------------- -------------- __ -------- --- -- - ---- - -- -------- --------------- _ _--------__- --••-�.��,.--------- 3`� T07AL ASSETS 1G5.1SC.4E 3=E.6�Q.23 )�, . ____ _ =_=__��=______:----- - a::===_��_:::_' ------._.. ) :. ).. ) ) 1 1 : , - ) _ . ___ � _---------------___ _ _ _ . __ _-------------- . _ __ -----_ _� . ���� , • ,. (i' d� �—� FERICC EKDING: DECEMBER :1 11 :1C :16 18 JUL 198P tSCh27/�30) PAGE 2 - FUND:_ F-330 W�TERGA�f- MAFINA — -----�_ — --- -------- �- �` ' CITY OF S�INT FAUL �� : 811LAhCE :HEET ` - --------------f N�f R F�I 5 f - F 1:1ti D S--- --------- _ .._ --- -- � F MATER6ATE .MARIAA (F1'ND 330) S �.�' EkC OF YEAR TC PRICR YEAR �q�'G D�TE �Qg1 '�_:.,"__.._.__....___'_.___—__._.'._'__.._.___'_��.__..__._.._.� _'��������������r � ��������i������ --- �, ,' LIAi�IIITIES AND FUND EOIITY � �-�.��.•����-������- �� ��� .:., � C ti fi F E N T L- I A E I L I T I E S � __-----------__._��----- ---------_ _ ----._.---------_____.___ --.--. ___ ..._.--------__._ �.; ACC SALARIES 8 AUTO ALIOW i.7C5.1S �.b27.57 AcCCUATS ParAELE 2,857.07 Z.CE1 .4S '_ ___ C G R 1 R�C T S- 8 A k�R D 5 R A Y�B l E--------__�.-----___ � — ---- 16.4?C_:3 2�_.—� �,,,_� O�iE TC CTHER FI;NDS 560.32 8C3.12 - -------------- --- ----=------ �- ___ TOTpt tt;RREAT tIABIIITIES----_.___:_.__..._- - _ ..-- 7�122�.54-_--------- - ii�4"eZ.4�-_--------- :... �� -------------�- --------------- , CURRENT RESTRICTED LIAEILITIES ----.-'-' ..__.. __�_...�����������r��• �������������r�r—._. ..... �.. ���������������� . ��������������� 12c _ ' LOhC TERM IIAHIIITIES '- ___ ACC VAC & .COMF_ _LT---- _----_ ___.�-�----- ----- __ 83:84�______.---_. . 1�877:T1-- ----- �_„ AOV FFQM GENEFAL Fl;NO-LT 10C�OGC.OG 181�1CC.00 - -----•------- --------�------ .--__. �O t�L L O N G-.l E R M l i A B i l-I T I E S--__-----� _._ _9 flfi;0 8 3.8 4- ---�---�--- 9 E��4 7 7.71 --- —_ - -- ---------- -•------•------ �- T070L lIABIIITIES 1C7.2C6.3� 2G°.�4GQ.'fl .:--- _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ ..- -. -------------------._._.--------t �` FUhC EC�ITY.: s � I UNFES�D REtAI�EO EARNI�6S tZ�C15.9C) �Z�C15.9G) `---_. CGA7RI6UTcC CpFITAL - _-----_ - --________.-------________ _ __ _-----------_._____. 75�1:1 .77---- - � , RfYEKUE OVEF EXPENSE � . YTO S6�Y44.19 � ����������r� �������� ����� " T4TA� FUND EAUITY------ -- - - __ . _ ._ ------ .___ _._ t'c�415.9C) - _ ____ _ �»�ZEC.06 __ _------ y ---------- ----- ---•--- ------ �. . TOTAI LIAEILITIES At�G FlkO EGUITY---- - 1G5�19C.4L - ----. -. 3?e�6EC.23 - -- �- � � . =ss�sszzrzzsaax =sss¢ss=asas=ss � 3 _ . _ --. __ � 1 t , • . j �-- -- -__ ___ _ __ _ _ . _. -- __ . _.__----------- ------__------ ----- _ _ _ ______.--------- - . . . . � ��'�'i . � . — � PERICG EADIN6: DECENBER ?1 11: ?E :14 '!8 JUI. 198F (S�h28/330) PAGE 1 i�:fUHO:—F-���t'--M}l�'ffFEA�f- NtAFiNA-- -- � ----- -- — � �2 ! CITY OF SAINT PAlIt ;; ____..----_._--------- _.__ � _ _. _� _.`------- r------___ __._. __ ------_... --- --------—_ ;� �� ! STATEMEhT Of REVENI;ES� EXPEhSES AND ,E ; CHAKGES IN RETI�INED EAFNINGS �—'------__----------------_.— -- — -------- ----__--------- ----- ' � ' i�ATERGATE MARINA -ENTEFPRISE f1;ND �E !U � _.__._.._----- ------- - Y E A A T C- —_�. '_ "____'__ ------------- ------_ _-- -- -----— �,c _ DPTE 19�� .),.� ,z --------------- - ��`' OPERPTIA6 RE4ENlE5 �,� �.5! fEES.SALES�SfPVICES 3C8�3S9.46 --------R E k T 5 A N D t f A S E S—'- -----------------------�_,��._--____.___ ----_ 3 i 2 C 4.3 2------------ -- i-�. },, OTF.cR �3.44 --•--------- -- �°--70TAL- OPERATING REVENLlES._�_._� _-31'l ,bi7-.2'r._-- ------ ;�.� , ----•----------•- ��` OPERpTIkG E�FENSES ----- t 0:T C F M E F t H A N D I S E S t t D_..___-------_- ------- ------.__.._--.----. 7 C�2 2 E:fl 1 -------- --__.. __. __-----— � � SALARIES 76.Si;.74 �,� EMFLO1fEE FFINEE BEhEFITS 8�6S7. 33 -�,. =---.__ S c�V I C E S—_______._�___..��_AA-----.---..� ____— ----- 4 8:3 2 C:$7 —___.__.__.__._.. ���', MATERIALS AND SUPPIIES 4��55G.45 , D`tFAECIATICN 2�151.66 «_ _ MI: CELLANfCUS�GTHER-----_�_._.:___.__ _.�--------------_�_____.._ 2.6��.47._....___.._._�__.__---.--_-- 12` --------- -------- '� � TOTAL OFERATING EXPE�SE: ' � _. 255.4�..0_ _--- ----__-- __ ___.--- ---.._.____ ____ --- ------_— ----------------------------- --__--- ��� GPERPTI�G INCOME (LCSS) 56.1�4.95 �•_� __ __ _. ... _____. _____ _ _.__._.____------.—__�_��.._—.-- ---------------- �.,� NON�CFEFATINE RE�EN1.€ES �EXPEkSES) ----------------- �, INCtME BEFC6E CFERPTINC TRANSFERS 56�1�i4.'!S - 0?ER�IIA6 TRRiVSfERS - - .____ ._._—__--------- --------_..__ _._-- _- --- __ _ ---..__ __—,--._. _ _.._.--- )_ ----------------- NET INCOME (LOSS) SE�144.15 _ _ __ . __ __.____. ---.___ __._. .. . _--____. ----•------------ ----- _ . ______._ ___ ).. RETAIAEC EARI� INGS� JANUpFY 1 17.1 �5.87 ----------------- �� RETAI�t�ED EA�� INCS 133�2EC.OE ==-==-=-==-====-$ ):. )� - _ _ . _ _ __ )-- ) ����� � ,�.; � ���: CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �'�/''?� ✓� �"'"��`� OFFZCE OF TF3E CITY COIINCIL _ ;:�i� ti�:ul Comzni��ee Report F:i�ance, l�ana�eme�t, & Personnel Camrnittee._ august 22, 1988 RECEIVED . AUG 2 51988 CITY CLERK - 1 . Approval of minutes of August 8 meeting. Laid over 1 week FINANCE 8 MANAGEMENT 2, "�s�j'��� . . :� - amend i ng the 1 y88 budget ���� , I�,y �ai�di r�c� � `,000 to the F i nanc i ng and Spend i ng Plans for Community Services-Parks 8 Recreation- -- .. Watergate Marina. (Refe�red from Council August •� 4, laid over in Cemrnittee August 15) 3. Resolution 88-1303 - amending the 1988 Capital Laid over 1 week Improvement Budget by transfer�ring $241 ,020 for structural repair of the Riverview Branch Library (Referred from Councii August 9) PERSONNEL 4. Resolution 88-1305 - changing the rate of pay for Laid over 1 week Enviro�mental Health Technician Supervisor from '� Gr�ade 38 to Grade 40 of the Technicai Standard . Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation � Resoiution. (Referred from Council August 9) MISCELLANEOUS 5. Appearance of Mary Jane Rachner concerning Fire Department personnel . (Laid over August 15) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT'PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��s