88-1284 WNITE - C�TV GI.ERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll /�/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L 1�{ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �V,V - Co �ncil Resolution , �e �����,���;,(�j ___._s Presente By � Referred To �� ►�1�"�L-�- Committee: Date �� � Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for Dental Assistant in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Dental Assistant be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 17, Section ID2, to Grade 22, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Request by Department of: Dimond OFFIC OF PERSO EL D �ng In Favor Goswitz �` Rettman �� //� Scheibel A ga i n s t BY S�nnee- /'Z �/q� , Wilson ��Q � L �J t7u� Form prove by City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Yas unc.il Se tar BY— By 6lpprov b Mavor: Date ro Appr by Mayor for mi sion to Council ;,,-; P1�9�.f��� : : ��r,�u. , , .. � _ L�,�1�n!',y/ s < C�dQ �oco r , � , ` .�I° 013333 � Personne DEPARTMENT - - - - - � y CONTACT NAME �c 4221 PHONE � Jti,�,v 5. 1988 DATE , ASSIGN NU?tBER FO& ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) �Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) ��J��� . Finance and Manag$ment Services Director 5 City Clerk �I _ 2 Budget Director _ �City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) W�IAT WILL BE ACHIEVED B� TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (PurposejRationale) � Re�: Dental Assistant Councif f�esearch Center (see attached) ` ' J U L 2 6 �988 COST�BENBFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' ' REC�t�rE� (see attached) J U L N� i988 c���,�ra��� o��ic� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARG�D OR CREDITED: (�iayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Number: Funding Source: �CE�� ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachments.) ��� 1 1 198$ 1 . Resolution 2. coPy for City Clerk BUDGET Of�ICE 3. Attachment as noted above ADMIIQISTRATIVE PROCEDURES . _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures� or Budget Amendment required7 _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW , � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council resolution re uired? Resolution re uired? �'Yes No q g � Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes X No Insurance attached? � � . � .� � � ���1-�� Dental Assistant WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) : The resolution will increase the rate of pay for Dental Assistant from Technical Grade 17 to Technical Grade 22. This is a result of a recent classification study initiated by one incumbent and requested by the Public Health Division. COSTfBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Two positions will be directly affected. The estimated additional cost for the remainder of 1988, based on approximate implementation date of August 8, 1988, would be: Current Recommended Additional Biweeklv Salary Grade 22 Biweeklv Cost in 1988 Position 1 $813.38 $919.62 $1,062.40 Position 2 $671.70 $751.60 S 799.00 $1,861.40 Estimated additional combined cost per year for both positions: $42,515.72 per year (Technical Grade 22) - 38.612.08 per year (Technical Grade 17) $ 3,903.64 per year At this time, there are no ripple effects to other positions or individuals. y �-��-��� �y ',;. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' "`'�" OFFICE OF TJ3� CITY COU�TCIL ,:t�� �,�:�a _ � . RECEtVED Committee Repar� : Au� 1 s �saa F:inance Mana eme�t & Personnel Cammittee�`�` c`�K Au�.ist 15, 1988 . 1. Approval of minutes of July 25 and August 1 meetings. Approved fINANCE b MANAGEMENT 2. Resolution 88-1286 - amending the 1988 budget Denied by adding $20,000 to the Fi�ancing and Spending Plans for Tuition Reimbursement Program. (Refer�ed from Council August 4) 3. Resolution 88-1288 amending the 1988 budget by Laid over 1 week adding $210,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans - for Community Services-Parks & Recreation-Watergate Marina. (Referred from Council August 4) 4. Resolutio� 88-1289 - amending the 1988 budget Approved � by adding $127,300 to the Financing and Spending I Plans for Public Works Vehicle Rental . (Referred f�om Council August 4) � 5. Resolution 88-1290 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved adding $16,657,570 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Public Works Sewe� Fund. (Referred from Councii August 4) 6.. Resolutio� 88-1292 - amending the 1988 CIB budget by Approved transferring $52,000 fo� City Community Warning System improvements. (Referred from Council August 4) � 7. Resolution 88-1293 - amending the COBG budget by Approved transferring $206,000 for Oxford Pool and Oistrict il Recreation Center. (Refer�ed from Council August 4} CiTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, biINNESOTA SSI02 ��a • , , ' - PERSONNEL , 8. �m tiut i;c� �$�-k�2$d: - c�g i ng.�he ��te of, pay for �, :Oenta 1 ,�:k'S�i stant .i� Grade 17 to Grade 22 of;the Techn i ca i Standarz! Ranges i n the Sa T�ry`P`'i�(it and Rates 4��CompensatiQn Resolution. . (Refer����rom Council August 4) 9. Resolution 88-1285 - establishing the rate of pay Withdrawn for 5pecial Projects Manager in Grade 14 of ,.the Professional Non-Supervisory Sta�dard Ranges_ (Referred from Council August 4) 10. Resolution 88-1226 - approving agreement between Approved ISD #b25 and AFSCME Local 844, Clerical Employees. (Referred from Council August 4) 11. Resolution 88-1227 - approving agreeme�t bet�►�en Approved ISD #625 and AFSCME Local 1842. Technical Employees. (Referred from Coun�il •August 4) 12. Resolution 88-1228 - approving agreement between Approved ISO #625 and the Classified Confidential Employee`s Association. (Referred from Council August 4) MISCELLANEOUS � � 13. Discussio� of Elder Council report on per diems Lau1-over to 8/29` paid by the city to members of city boards, cortmissions and cortmittees. (Referred from Rules and Policy Committee July 8, laid over in Finance Committee August 8) . 14. Appearance of Mary Jane Rachner 'concerning Fire Laid over .to 8/22 `t?epartment personnel . • 15. Adjourn. Note: Agenda order is tentative and may be changed by the committee if circumstances dictate. Agenda times are provided as a rough estimate so city staff involved in presentations can plan their �ork schedule to minimize the time spe�t waiti�g for thei� agenda item. The committee may telephone any scheduied pr�sentor anci ask them to advance their presentation if the committee is �unning ahead of schedule. Material for each agenda item is on file with the city clerk's office and will be available at the committee hearing upon request.