88-1275 �r a-�-�.: i�ia��.�r�a�a. . �ewa�s�.ua�.�.,�,r�e�.»Ma��r �,.� a� ,- � . � . , ° :.,, , ;y.i� . , �. . _ ,. , . � ... a ..,, . ,. . ;'' .,, ,..., .:, , _ _: „ . --� . � cirY oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. O '�.Z�cS� FINAL ORDER ''`�� .� ,��� By ��;:'���- ���.��-�~�'r_.-- FIle No. S"� and 3-8�"7A , Votin� In the Matter of � �� ���r ��� it tit f�lLwia� Wsrd 1Matl�st 4 f ro� f e ue at 1349 Midway _F=a� 4 S-88-70 West side Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenwe to Pelham Blvd. with Integral Curb. s " itBSIDBNTIAL raLee (SINGLE FAKILT ?0 rHxBE YAMILX) For a S-foot wide sideralks t�ew Conatrnction (Mhere no walt esiated) , $I3.00 per froat foot; B�placeseat o! old sideaalt, ¢6.50 per front foot. , For a 6-foot xide sidevaiks NeM Coaatruction, $15.b0 per frant foot ; lteglace,ent of old side�ra2k, $7. 80 per front fast. Al1 cosaer resideatial properties �rill r�cetve a credit up to the first 150 feet of aew or r�eonstrncted •idevalk al�ng and abutting t�e "loas •3de" of t�e property. CONMBACIAL ratss (all propert� othar thsn r�sidaatia2) 100�tna1 cost esti�st�d to Da approxia�ately $4.00 per sqgare foat of valk coastructed. � under Preliminary Order o° � L��°2- approved �O -°� �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall ca ulate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the Cit harter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas� Nays ��,t� Certified Passed by Council Secr a y �H + �t�� In Favor By Schstbel gp�� Against y�2�p Mayor -'��::.i � ' � _ -...�:'._.. � ,_ ' , . .... '" �-�' . . . . . � — . - y � . . � . . . . . . _ . . . . �,r, ,�..+r�"�"'��a+�����������.w-+eR��F��r 4r— . " '�mm "`����.��'�'�r'�"';� `.. > �����}�.. -,� +-'� -t � a°" � �� � .4.a _. . .. . . . ..�f.. . . ... — . . _ r.- . '_ .d x, �#�`��Y'f'E�VA#�JAT�'�e AS�fs��iT�$[ON fi' � . �. "' � ,�OK�M S � "'�. _.:;.,,�: ° s� � �" � �, � _ _ �� � �� �� > � p y � 1 j y • � �.� t .�. ` � �` �tl � ..: CITY OF.ST. PA�1 '. ' ' _ CO IL FILE�fU" - � /•�'� ~ }� F 1�N 14-L, O R D�q� � '. � ��,,,. s � _ �, ` � ` � �y � ..= �,,r` c� �� � �' ,�' .� � � �� '}. _ , � '' File No. ' '� � "'<� `� • � � ,. �, %� ,y. :. � , �.,, ; h y � . . ` , ,/ . . . ; ' ._' �e . fb�'?T ' . . .. . . � ; t4� • c.>.. -. � .��� . «.. . ."f. , e '�,.��. ����. •..kks 4 . .: _ .,.1 . — ... k _— — , . � f .�'�� � _ . v . � 'nr ,J,ro_ ' -�. �-•-r ` ' � . _ - .—__.: . ...____—___.�.:�_.—.. . - , _'.�t" .. ... . .. . . . - ,. '. ; "� � �p i 4 S-SB-6! . Uorth sf�-e_ iftdwaT`i�kMa�.'�f6'�►_'Rstit�a�r-_.i��s__.t.o � � � . } : = -�� : � �1' , `e . . . . Y ,[-y f , �� l "Y _ Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenu.e.�-.to Pelha� i � �; 4 S 88-70 West side , � k Blvd. with Integral Curb. �e' �, 1 ' � � � � ,.�. _ ,. , _ �...�...... �= - . � .. . i � 4 y .. � -.,. . . t EJ�-, e�e��r ��T�i►i l�Mlt� TO !'�tti l�Z�?} ;. , � ; � '�'�i�����iul�� r►3�� •��iv�iic: �r �sstssetis� {s�sra � �t3� ,��i�+t�► ,��� ,� � � ��t `��it;' ��►�asa��! �f � siia�e�►1�, �i.3� �arc ts�at,. f��. , � " .� � � ��.��r: �#+�t �!i� si��ral�: :#a �t��ti�rs #t�.i! �sr �'c+�s� f�a�r'� " . A. �� .�#t � *�� it��i�t w``�� � � �l�� �i�+ E � � �#� �►�� �i�estal �c�►�►ak�s�t�► s�1� s�w�rir� _;�:����it e� t• s� f��t ��i �, k, �'s�rs �s� i�t �►r s�ss�s��c�ats! �l��� si�- aai ��iti� t#� •�+� +��t��'=.� ft� K �����.. . t�� �,,� si�tli= {i!1� ��#�ilt'X ���' � ����t�is�.� .� "� �'` ��r �, , ����� aEt�ul s+�►t ts��aats�l t� 1�. ali�s#s��s�T ��.� �s :�ss�t ��� +��, �� � �R'� �. . *" �.�4�1�1it! t�li. � � � ' '�� , � � � � � � � K � : - . � ..� � ! . . .� _� '� � :. ��� .�� :. . . : . Y . . . : p� � . ^ �.. . . � 'r� ��� ,A xnder Prelimit�ary Order O• �� aPproved � '"" <x� ,, . � < . , � � . - .� �� . �. . . ..._: _. ._ ;, .. _ _, .:: . . _.. .__ _.. . . _._.�,�,..�� }:_ _ The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a peablic htaring upon th� above;improvemtnt, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by .the City Cf�arter; and WH�REAS, The Council has heaid all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said propased improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it " RESOLVED, That the Council of the �ity of Saint Paul does hereby otder that the above-describ��i�pravement be made, and the �roper Gtty officers are hereby directed and authorized to pres�eed with the fmproveinen,t; and_be it FURTHER RESQLVED, That upon the completion of said improverhent, the proper City officers shall calculate _ all expenses incurred therein and shall report the.same to the City Counci�in ac;�ax�lance with Chapter 14 of the Gity Charter. COITNCIL PEftSOI�I Adopted by t�ie Councilc Dete Y�s�f1f� Na�s - � - ,.. , _ .i _ - ` :QaN�� -?:� ` : .: Certified Pa�fiy Counclt Secietary _ : � : 4' _ , _ !s�l� _ In Favor , By � " SCLt1M�2 _ $o� Against f�i1aM : Mayor . _ , . ; a,, ; � , :. K. .. � _ , . . - , , � . ; � - �,.� ,..:.. . . . � \. .. . � . . �S .� D�IE MRMTm �DAiE COMPLETED . �. . �/_ �/�S _ p. y .. . . . . . . �. . Publ �c�4b�ks - �i��►��ks : : : 6����88 . ; �RfEN �i*lEET No.001993. corR�►cT PERBOt+ ,. - ; .:: • � . :_ _ _ . ,. : oEP�r�r,a�crqr�� .. .... .. ,daroP„on nss�,,,m T homas ;P�;,�;Cea#��, : t,.� ,,. �� ��8�*�g o� �: :.crr,,cu� . P��Works "�` "o: RounNO — �a�«+ 2 Cowtaci 1 Reaea�- t S i devra l ks Z92-6283 or+o�: — Must be on Agt�t 8 ���� T: eco�struct O1d Defective^and Unsafe Sidewatks in ward 4 �See attached list) ' ' S-88-69,70 . . . , �- s , _ �.t - . .. � �.. � . ' - -i :(�PP�tA)or Re1e�t(H)) COUNdI RESEARCl1 AEPORT: . . .PLAWMNO OOAMMSSION' � � .. � CML S�RVIC�WMMIS310N DATE IN � DATE OUT � ANALYST . . . PMONE Pq. � . .� . .. �OWMtlf3 COMOYIIBSION � I80!26 3CHOOL BOARD . . . . . . . . - .. �,: . STAFF �, . . . . . pNR'TRA OdiY�ON .. . WMA.ETE AS IS . . � ADD'L INFO.ADDED* . NET'D TO OOHfA�T .O�N6RNENf � . . . _ _POR AUDL RffO. _F�BpCI(�ADDED•. . DIBTNf7T C011I�ICN. . . *E%PLANATION: � _ � ... _ - SIThPORiB VYHICM OOUNL7{.OBJ6C}IVE9 . . . . . . - . . ° To in�pidnent a� effective cdhplal�t �esolution proces� and contr.ibute , to a safer and better neighborPiood, �nunMC�vnox�t,re�,o�ruwrrv tw�o.vw�.w�,.�,u�mr>: . _ The problaa "defective sidewalk•� v�as craated 6ec�nse af t�ee roots, deletertous su6g�ade materlal,, �lternAtFng tPeeze/thaw cyeles� service l ife 1 tmi ts, cF�emica�l additiv�, eictr.e�ae tanper�r�e` vpriations, etc, These probldns o�cur on a citywide level and merst be addrsssed and .co�re�ted: o�a.n �nnua T�b�►s i s, Lef t .uncorrec.ted th� s.l de�1 k cond i t i o� wou 1 d w�orsen to a state where it would ba rendered unusable and sul�Ject to increased �edest�ian injuries fro� fal )s and possible litigations. , � .ius�cnsioM:�,�dw�e.e...�>: . , _ ;. The canmu�ity wTil benefit frart thi� p�oJect because it will provide safe defect free slde- walks for its ma�y citizens� T[� sidewalk cantraets are executed by private co�tratto�s. so i't fpl�ows Chat prfvatz sector Jobs are�created-as a result of this�actTviCy. �s t�rna.wh«►,.ne sc anam): , . Hi.stori�atly the sfdav�lk �econstructtans, h�ve created �egative 1�eedbacks fa the area of con� struction procedure a�d assessment. In spite of the fa�ct the assessments are reduced to onewhaif the actual costs, as a result of the City provided subsidies they sttll produce a g�eat deal of cdttroversy. . - - -;.: - , _ , .� _ _ 1,E H ve C1ty Forces r�palr or reconstruct. R�educes the pracedural '�tepair - cosmetic, 2. Let system dete�iorate� • process, lessens politi- coatl,y and�'•tanporary. cal invoivement and. alle- 2. Reto�structton - pro- viat�s constituent com- hibi�tively expensive. plaints generated .from 3. lnc�eases 'rat� atic� assessment policy. sixe of litigations. ,rs�onvm�oerrts: Rauttne admFnistr�tion. Follows standa�d oparating procedure. - ��s: Baslcally this ta t+� admfnistrative pPC�edure with legislative overview and authorizat>�an. Mo laws nxd be passed. or changed. Lawsuits would increase if alternative po1fcy were adopted. . �- •� � � � � �- � •. �-����� Green Sheet N0. 001993 4 S-88-69 North side Midway Parkway from Hamline Avenue to Bison Avenue at 1349 Midway Parkway only. 4 S-88-70 West side Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Pelham Blvd. with Integral Curb. ' - + 'a. °rs yi�`,,,�-,� ��. .-�. w.� '.:",�': . . :. k -,o < ; - L c,..��*..s3 ic"' ��- �� ,. .. , .. � .., . :. : .. .. :-. �� . y . .. .� i,R t - � r- 1 -� e r r a� i-�. ..r s� . . > c > '�_ � t �c. ^R S � .. �' - _Y;c �.:_ �s t �rt. � r . . . . . " ' '� a . F t �' � yA:.•� ' Y� �� � w � .t ` 4. i - _ , *.� > ;.;;.,• , - _ -," - 1.. .a . . � 'i. :� .. - � �a�� . - -....`+� , - � , z , : : - . . . . - � r , � . ' u ' , _ ! y JS . . . ....�, . _,, � ..�.� �. .�'.. - _ �� , ( !u. " . x 1F _ F �. . _ r I . � - " -� - � . a�r ,. 4 r 'v � t . . � - � _ � i � ` �:4 s r ; .. - i . . . �y.s'zs � �� ' 3 . . � � ?"a'c 'i,r,�� ' { , � ''.,' ty ' . - �� �,: 'R4�R�:.� '�k. : rr-� ��' r. .. �x �.,' r. �� �,as�-e��;-. _.r �. �� �' t .�. . 'Y j �: ir�4�7'er _ �t s .r�,.7„'� �.�7,a,- � W . t �. 7�' ( t4' s _ v � � ' _`$�' �. �r r r y )`S�._ r� . r i� . f s a .�'�„�s � . .� �..• r F�i-hst�s7,�,�-� y "'b-kx�✓ay�R.�� Y4 's � / . . �.,� `� �x ���t 4fi �g��. : Auguat 2, 1988 .� r s � �.���,� � � "' . _ "� ; '�;;�';�� ` � �, C: '+ ,�. _ v� ' 1 �+ S�k �a � � .f. � L'"s . t r .y;jr.r r .�.t�y'�'��x�'�� {r "����4���� s �� . r, l a� t .� s�.�,,. ', �'�: ° �" �:�^"���-�� }Rx s�'rv^:t, sx�- ��<:..�.��,�'s�`�'��.F,e, �,,,•, � '-c e 3 f.. �a i ��c.r• � �� F� �'S°s'- s r �'.�.' "�„"�`�" .. x # � ,t"x.. ���"c.'�.a � �r'. y � c.� ��� .,;i k. re t��`',�.t:a���:�.��s. . t ,�;��y�� �;h �? �� �� ��4 �� �.r y"t . � ,_3, s J t 4 � �`'�" c`A'Ca ``�d ;�. . yi y� ' f � f I �b,�{�_r� E° F+yv �_�.�f�'� ., Y�y b�"' ` TM£ : u . *,a� b' : ��.P� "X . �.� .. v^+y`f $ .i' �,i S h� ,Si��4 �s ���R'f . �:A� t 1"�F(..'a � 7:M � C� :�� � { t? '. z_- 1 � �.. r« i� 'y, 4,}c"�„' � yM� - -:.: �"'}�`} �}"T�. .� ^� r . R ' . �.VWI�.l.�!�� �7�l�Ii�f!:x .��$l�kc�:�a� J od` 7.:. �'f rz � 3+ t '�i. v'4€`+. 'F� Q x . .' ` z '��,'��s `�'.^ *_. n � Y �: 7 n � a' .'`"'-� .� �ti' �'C"'�'4 . . � .: .f - � ss���.AfS x C�31L^jJ@r$Ol'1/u s'4LI�.1G- WOL'�C.g+�.{.a• „e ? J"`'r��� r �' �t . ` �y'd� `'�'pf�"`x!` ..t'�'�4 �.,,��+L�` �,x . .. ' ,.; "� :^ x t ��y� Na� k�� i � � 7 ':� �g � /� �� x.r �'?;' 3"� ° _-< Room 70T. City Hall. � _ ��. �� 4 ° � - ' � �< r s- � :v � �,� r�l a A,, sx r��v..� 7�Sr t �x�" '�"S��"'`E . �t.,�c�`y �� -�u�'Y c'��st �. .�: �� Y-.. '^ti a . ,Z r f r � �.f- tt � , t . '°4,� :�a4� .,. '"a c. sz1 T 2 . F�;� � '� � +. ,`` � �"t�'� g���,afz �� ''L'v t �� ��"�Rr` �: F. g i � � �,,,a,,. /��.�,,���t�� y��� _ � ' iR��. W{ii141J.�i�Cr. Wr�i wl� � yY K .L'2� Y ' - �.� t x 1L ,�,F.;� ; �:. r�. . t Y �y, ¢ J,-• . - ���. �~�--:. � ,� ,�sr^'�� .,,=x �a�k�, �! : f - i y �''"'„ # ��� � ���:.I � xr .. : .��, . �.�� � `�':CJ�' ��� ''� . ^ r .: . .,.-.. ,.._ :� .- . ,,, . .. �,._ ., � . � � � - 4 �.The :City C�ricf l toda�:adopted several Final..�rder�.�for sidewatk; `'° �` - � constructioc� anc�/oc .reconstruction at�'�various Iocations. Prior to �l ' ,i ^� m _ adopticm. t.t�e fol�owing,�actiar�s vere tak�en. ' �- ` � � � " � � 4 �� �E�g�, ; t � .._ i�.�� =3 'VS ?�•-L �- : _ �9"` .,�TydT.�' S.� a . . -: .. '� �., �-�..',. �7-y +� ` � ..i d��N t :-< k 1�1'^:`�„�'r� � � �. -� ,�i -�*�yT�c�?x.����.' ' f. .3 � � A � � � X .; s .�� . 1. 5-�88-�6a N. side of�Annapolis Street from Humboldt Avsnue Ye � " �, _ � -�tc Gormaii Avenue: {'Deleted fran the order: _to be reviewed by - - :. � : ` the Public Works �Caamittee aru3" resctiechiled .for a �°' ugtLSt 16.,1988. � �� _: r ,. .- .: • . � . .1 f j . _ •�y �'• :�. . ,;` r��. ,.�, , :.'� �;' ` .;,`�� �, ,'.':. , ' _ yy�.'a - - . . � ' .... � _ . �: ., . - ,�. ;� _ 2. S-88-63 Hoth sides:of Beechwaa3'Avenue from S. FairvieW'. ... __ -,� `- � . . ..: -. ,�J. Avenue�to:Davern. Stre�t. Deleted �fro�m the .order ar� referred _ �'' �&= �to Che=Public Wark,s Committee. _ y : �- � � _ {.� a� t.. �'1+�": .a _ - -c""a�� 4�,�:25 f�Y•� ; 4 k. -.' ',:� v ., .. ..;� h . G : n' .£ ;. ' S £� �� � :: . . , z. _. � ... . . , ..� � ,; y, _ ,..4-- - ' ` - A -_ � : - .3. 5-88-69 =N. �sic�:Midway Parkway� fraa Hamli.ne Avenue to Bison _� � `� ��� _ ., ._ �� � Aver►ue`:at Y349w1�dway Parkway only. ,Wfttu�rawn.- r . . .. . � .,f'4iS �,5�F , � `a .rn � .` � � L �J' �- p'•_ -•� µ�.y.1� � f�'� �^lr/1�.� '.: f .s � �. �1,. �' . .._ "� ��• 1�0�I O �^1 v� . •O y�..� -'".: �4'`�`��,' .. .'^ �,y6�'L,ly .�,h.Y�.:� . '" ..'.. �` .�'.'J 4 � :. _=* E de tis Aven��fzam Marshiall`Avenue �to Pelha�n � ,`� �;' . .., . " Boulevard'witfi integral curb. Deleted and`re�erred to ttte : � ;_ ; � =` ��`� P�b1.ic�Wo�rks Ca�ittee. '° �T ' .�s �.E�,�''�, 't '} _ _��"��'': A � ` - � .- i rs' � .�,"�. � .R r � y. 7� • r ... �s� � i' y�'�, F ;o �. g� � � � . s �, .,t'Pe �,�'�§ J-�R.��� - ,, � - ,� ., � rY ,:. Y � .�;� � � � ��- ,�: � � �;'`�� = , �Y ,� , „ : � }��� a �t� - Ve � � ri�Mi 9�i�.� ( ��tt� �� a+s e � �YJ . S � T .:.� � a i _ � �� . ` {���`�� r , �+ t�... —� ��v.�` �a.�, ��� � �� ��� . ..'., - :!. 'Y;�;i„�.-�- `' � ����� ���3. � �~ b � s�� , � �-:�,,-�-� - _ �' A.3• ;._ _ °_ � . Albert B Olsoa �"`�"`� " � s City Clerk � 4 r • ������� _ , - � ,�� � ABO•th �. _ . �y-�,� . •, , .. -:. �: . �,.� �' , _ _ �, .. .���,� .. _ �; 4 - �� :�° .� cc: Public:Works Dept. . _ 3 '`�' `� ° � .� ;- . _ ,'�� <� ` �; valuation Engineer` . - ' x ... _. : . ' � ' " � �.� . . . . Y . , . . nc`� , - _ . ` .3 ��� . . . . �� . . . � . .� . „ . .,;, , . _ _ . � : - .- . ' . .� . t , � ... : .. _ . . , . ., �._ . � . . ,. ,,. - � �.- - � . � � . . � � � .rr: � � �, -`r, , . '°� __ . _ . . .. '"' - _ . _ . . . . . o.:�,. , w _ . . . . . � K 4� - .r • � . . ..' ..: . ..� �'.. .. .:- � : �... . . , . ^ �.. f ' - .�h ,�� � , �_ J _ . .y �E� � . . ' .., . f t J.s� � . � ti .,�} � r���' y. �ti � c ,y�T _ J r� ���� i f�� s..� i °x g' k .:� � F � � "r -'' a?> .`- . � ' �, ,� r � � � � s a�. #„. �. � ..:�5'.tyUV^. �.�; . �.. �" '?:, h _ .;�v } � �:.< : ' . . . .. _ --' � ,�� ' . �- • ! , . J _. '. " . '- -� . . . e> ...-�� '. .__�it ...� � .. � A ., i s.�'�� �' • •� . .. . ���, � � � ST. PA�1L C�TY GOI�I�IC�� �� I H�A�i� � NoTiCC �''� �U�L C SID �VII�ALK CONST�UCTIDN �, � ��s. File No. S-88-69 Dear Pr.orer_ty Owner: City Council D3_strict Id4 Planning District Council I110 p U�p O�� �o consider the construction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public sidewal�C �n front of your property. The 13mits At ,� of this project are: NNorth side Midway Parkway from Hamiine Avenue to Bison Avenue LO CAT IO N at 1349 Midway Parkway only NOTF: Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of. replacing from one Pane]. to all of the paneis 3n front of your property. You may call the phone numbers listed below to find out how many panels are to be replaced. ������� Tuesday, August 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chamber.s, Thir� F1oor City ftal�. - Court tlouse ---------------------------------------------=-------------•----------- Pleas� noLe t;�at tne Public WorkS Committee of the City C��_�r�cil w311 discuss lt,is item and develop a recotnmen?ation to tl�e full City Council Please br�ng any unresolved conc�rns that you may ha�e to this meeting ' on Wednesday, July 27, 1988, ii� Room 107 City Hal1 - Co��.rt House at 9:00 A.M. I N�o��AT lo N If t}ie Council aPProves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs wi11 be assessed (after construction) against beneEitted properties. You wi11 only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. The estimated assessments for th�s pro;ject are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO TNRE� FAMILY) : 5-foot si.dewalk - New Construction (where no walk existed) $13.00/front fooE Replacement of old sfdewalk $6.50/front foot PLEASE NOT�: Reconstruction wil.l be at the ex�sting width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk tt�at is 6-Leet wide down to 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. Th3s smal�er widt}i is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate possible. In the event you and your neigtibors prefer the existing width and are willing to accept tl�e higher assessment rate, please eontact tlie Sidewalk Divis�on at 298-4255 to request your preference. A11 new s�dewalks wil.l be constructed 5-f.eet wide. Rates for reconstruct�.on of sidewal.ks w�der than 5 feet are prorated. For exampl.e: 6-feet wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foo't; 10-foot wide sidewalk - $13.00/front Eoot. Al1 corner residential propert�es wi11 receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed s�dewalk along and abutting the '�l.ong side" of t}ie property. COri�1ERCIAL rates (a11 property other tl�an residential) : 1.0U �er.cenl- of acttial cost estimated to Ue approximately $/�.00 her. square foot oE walk constructed. If the property has area- ways under tlie side�aalk that need to be eliminated, that cost wil.l be assessed in aclditfon to the s�dewalk assessments. P]_ease cal.:l. 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice Q U E STIO N S or TDD) for assessment huestions. Also, City staff will be available to answer any l.ast minute huesti_ons on the �roject in Room 218 City Ha11 f:rom 8: 30 to 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. - , Notice sent -Tuly 15, 1988, by the Valuation and �ssessment Divis�on �� DePartment of F{nance & Planagement ServiceG Room 218 Ciry 11a11 - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � � � , ST. P�I.rL GITY GOI�NC�� ����' �,, ,�.. C/ PUBL�C H�A��� � NOT�CC SIDEWAL� CONS�fi�UCT�ON File No. 5-88-70 Dear. Property (Twner: C�ty Council District ll4 Planning District Council ��13 p U�p OS� TO consider t}ie construction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. Tlle limits A1 „ o£ this project are: N� West side Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Pelham Blvd. LO C AT 10 N With Integral Curb NOT�: Sidewalk reconstruction. may consist oC replaci_ng fr.om one panel. to all. of the panels in front of your property. You may call the phone numUers listed below to f�nd out how many panels are to be rer�.aced. N`__ n ���� Tuesday, August 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. E,1 City Council Chambers, Third Floor C�ty Ha11 - Court flouse ---------------------------------------------=-------------•----------- Pleas� not.e t:�at ti�e Public Works Committee of khe City Co»ricil will di.scuss ll�is item ancl develop a recoinmen�?atton to the iu].1 City Co�mci] Please bring any unresolved concPrns that you may have to this meet�ng � on Wednesday, July 27, 1988, ir. Room 107 City I?all - Court House at 9:00 A.M. ���O�����0� If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion oE the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. You wi11 only be assesse� for sidewalk work that abuts your property. The estimate� assessments for this pro,jecE are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGTE FAMILY TO THREr FAMILY) : 5-foot sidewalk - New Construction (wt�ere no walk existed) $13.00/front foot Replacement of o1d sidewalk $6.50/front foot PLEASE NO'TE: Reconstruction will he at the ex�sting width. Public Works will � r_econstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. Tl�is smaller width is to keep ttie assessment at ttie lowest rate possib�.e. In the event you and your nei.ghbors prefer Ehe existing width and are willing to accePt the tiigher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your preference. A1.1 new s�.dewal.ks wi11 be constructed 5-feet wiae. Rates for reconstruction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. For example: 6-feet wid� sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10-Foot wide sidewalk - $13.00/fronE foot. All corner. residential properties wi11 receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "l.ong side" of the property. COMMERCIAL rates (a11 property other than residential) : 7.00 percent of actual cost estimated to be aPproximately $4.00 per. square f.00t of walk constructecl. If the property has area- ways �mder the sidewalk ttiat need to Ue eliminated, that cost wi11 be assessed in addition to the si�ewalk assessments. � Please ca11 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice QU E ST�O �7 or TDD) for assessment quest�ons. Also, City staEE will be available to answer any last minute questions on tlie pro�ect in Room 218 City tlall from 8: 30 to 9:00 A.M. the same day as the }�earing. Notice sent July 15, 1988, by the Valuation and �ssessmen't Division % Department of Finance S Management Serv�ceG Room 218 Ci.tiy i�al� - Court Hovse Sai.nt Paul, M#�nnesota 55102 _ • • ` f. � • � �-' ��/Jr - „ , . . . . i ' �� :%,- _ '���I�ti ��l�r }-• ;'_t y��F t�� r, �,,. I �;`'��!f '.�'" F� > .:., e . .., - > . - :�- .. "`r`� r±'�i b, .V, 'M / a'8y; —�3sx3 S�q�Ef, . • - e ��!�O.��.,..i��$.�`„iOS��- � �I`���t : �, �G��` �'�P'�C�l18#t'k1�Y�l1��1`�tk`I�C�tOt18t��t'fiP�t� , , -. . ,.. .. , .. • , - YO� , , _ ' ,� � . . _ W :. ' :. ' ... ::�. .,.- • -e ; . .. A ... . . � , �����Tortlt�sf�t Mi�Y p�►y.fr�H��i!e,to E�fso�A�e:at.1348 ; ldidway Pkwy:o�r, - ,- : 4 �90 •:s..�:stde Ot� Ave. iram i�[s�all Ave;°�=Pslh�n�'Blird.•wif,6 ��^�. . - 'E3TAi�'I'AS€'AQd�L�G"�3+t f:"A�'i'S�-�+1D}t,A�g- , , ItESIi3EN1TAL rates(sin8�e lamily to 3 family) ; , ._ i�'or a S-toot wfde sidewalk;New Const�ctioak(wh�reao v�►a�exfst r f r o n t f o o t;R e p i a c e m�t o f o l d s i d e v v a l k'�$;5 0' ����'� � p�'�tt faot. or a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New Construrtion 15.60 Replaomient o!old sidewallc$7.8p p�r�it#o�t. $ t�r iront loot; . A11 coraer residentisl propert���►ill�ye$�it up to the Hrst 15U feet oi �+ °r�r�c�structed sfdev�raik along and abutting the "lang side" of the CO��RCI'AL rat�(a11 Pi�'i`�3+'ot�ile!than`resiikntial) 10096 o�>attual cost estf�nat�to be approx#mately yl.00 Per square foot oi walic�nst�'uct�ed. , , ., . , �"�°�'����SaiatFt�l�a�ai�g,reeeived t��ape�rt���I�u�„ '! W�oa� t3�e above 3m�Srovemeut. and having considered safd report, het�b,�. �. =+e�oives: . : i. '17�at'the said rqwrt aad the �am�, is hereby aPProt►ed wfth iia . _%�, and that t2re; �timsted �.;..�.� *� �,� c�st�clien eosts and ra�,fiaaneed by�nts . ;, ,-- . �. ,� > 2• �3'l�tt.��rublic hearfng�be hst� oa taid ia�+daap�t on't� - � � � + �ii�f�e-��a�e�a ot aad Court Hou�H�ldi� ttue�it�od�3ain�Pau1 .;' � , s Z�� ribtice oi said pubiir hee be perso�s antY ie�1f�► �' Siveti to the �I �+ly ded b�►tbe(�site�;stett#�g t�e ti�and plaiet qf -t�a3t1ut1e��innpr+os►e�it autd l�.,totir}-c�st tftenpf;as�titrut� rYle N��.�9•�Q#it�,t,�.�8.70.-, _ , _ -. . A�_ k�1 Ji�.,�„',�p�, - _ . � APP une:aD,1988. . , . _. _ . ,� • ,. . :�.- t�rS,i� . _ _ _ ' . • t �, ` �y ����i�����/ 1 `"'°' ClTY OF SAINT PAUL .•� ; '� ��, c� DEPARTMENT Of FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �... VALUATION DIV1SiON • 21A City Hall GEORGE UITIMER Saint Paul. Mmnewta 55102 N1A1O1 RECEIVED 612•29&5317 Juiy Zs , l9ss JUL 2 91988 CITY CLERK Re: Sidewalk Reconstruction on West Side Otis Avenue from P4arshall Avenue to Pelham Boulevard with Integral Curb File #S-88-70 Dear Property Owner : On Wednesday, July 27 , 1988 , the Public Works Committee decided to recommend the above referenced project back to its committee for further discussion. You are invited to attend this Public Works Committee meeting that will be held on Wednesday, August 10, 1988 , at 9 : 00 A.M. in Room 707 City Hall - Court House. The City Council hearing scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 1988 , will still take place, but with no decision (approval/disapproval) until after the August 10 Public Works Committee meeting . You will then be notified of the new public hearing date. If you have any questions , please call John Saumweber at 298- 5317 . Very truly yours , n � � '� Peter White Right-of-Way Engineer PW:JS:ag cc : Councilmember Goswitz Tom Keefe Chris Nicosia A1 Olson, City Clerk Councilmember Sonnen