88-1274 , �� �
. � ;
crrv oF sT. aau� COUNCIL FILE N0. dd '��7r
. By ' �c�� , r'.��:": ,�--�
' File No. S--ia-66 thslt $r�-is
Votinp [n the Matter of �l+Mtlt �w/tt+r�t1+A a�d�a= at t� ��t
Wsrd Lsatl�wrs
S S-88-66 Both sides W. Aoyt Avenue fron N. Milton Street to N.
Chatsworth Street
5 S-88-67 Both sides W. Iowa Avenue from N. Victoria Street to
N. Milton Street
� 5 S-88-68 East side Kent Street from W. Cottage Avenue to W.
Arlington Avenue "t` - ` '=- �
lor s 5-fost ride sidevslt: �1e� Construetion (vhers no �ralt ezisted), $13.00
per froat foot ; Replace�a�nt of old aidewalk� $�. SO per front foot.
l�or a 6-foat vide aideWSlks �ev Constrgctios, $15.6� per froat foot ;
Replaceseat of old �idewalk, S7.$0 per front foot.
♦ll coraer residantial prop�rties w312 reeeive s credit ep to th• first 15Q
feet of aew or reconatsgcted sidewglk along aad abnttiag tha "long side� of the
COMMSBCIAL ratea (all propsrt� otber than resideatial)
00 of aetaal eost estisated to be a�proxi�atel� S4•00 per squ=re loot of vslk
under Preliminary Order O d � `��� approved�.�(�. ����� {
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directec� and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date AUG — L �
Yeas Dimond Nays
Goswitz Certified s d Council retar
Rettman In Favor By �'`^�-
Sonnen � Against
Wilson - t� � � �pp Mayor
Pt�"SNE� �'!!`� 1 3 1988
�'' - ��''/.Z?�
�-�-a= . �- ° . OATEfldfiAT� OATEt�ElEO . MREEN HEE"T
P���:t�--►��� � �t����� � .- , ���3�ss. . _ � ,NO. 001994.
cowr�►ar;�� , � -,:. . oEP�kn�±rr ax�e�rpn- �uv�on�ai�1per�►m
Thomd S -P,�:11�7Cf Q,; . , ,. . . . Nu�M�R FoFt � �•�arr a�v�o�s onec,oe �:arr«�u , .
r s N0� Rounr� � �a� - ` 2 ; �ow►ci 1. Research :
SidQwalks 292�6283 ��: — crr��lKust be on enda on or..be€ore 6 28 .
R�cvnstruct pld Defect�v� a�d Unsale Stde�walRs t� K�vd 5 ,��eQ a�t�ae�e�d �t�tl:
5-88-66,67,68 . , �
�':ii'� � � � � - .. . . ' ,r�.� � c c
. � ZOIptiO COMMMBSION . .. ISD E?b SCIIOOL BOARD � � � .. � � - . .
. ��..A. ...BTAFF � - . - � � - CliARTER COM1�118810N . . . . COMPLETE AS IS . . ADDi MJFO.ADOED* . � RET'D TO COMTA�T � � fX1l187TTUEI�R
� . . . . � . � _FOR ADD'L MFO. _FEEDBA(�(ADDED� ..
qBTAICT OOUWCL � � � *DCPIANATION: . . . . � . .
SUPPORTB NMICH COUHqL 041ECTNE? . .� � , � . . .. . - � . . . �. . . . . .. .
To imple�e�t an effective cvmplalnt
resolution pr�ces� and contritwtG
to a safar and b�tter nelgh6crh�d,
wn�►�r.�o.nos�u�,�,oe.on,uNrr,r cwno,wha.wr�,,w�,ero.vu�+r1: . . r. �
The pra6lae �4lefective sldewalk"� was created because of tree roots, delatar�pu� suDgrade
ieateri�+l;, a�lter�att�g f�eeze/thaw cycles, servlee 1 ffe i imits, cfldnleal addFtives, extreme
.Lea�perature va,rtr�tlans, etc� These prob1ans occur an a citywfde level and must be addreased
and` co`r�ecLed on an annua'�'"bas 1 s� lef t u�corrected :tAe s idewal k cond i t ion wou l d worsen to a
state where it�wouid be �eAdered unusable and subJect�to increased ped,estrian inJuries fran
falls and possible litigations�
_,�►ro�+�c,o.ue�.�ar,.�,o..;�►..�a�: < , ; � -
Tha canmuntty will benefit from this proJect because it will provide safe defect f�ee side-
wsl.ks for 1ts many citlzens. Tt� sidewalk con�racts are executed by private contractors, so
it folivws tRat p�ivate sector jobs are c�eated as a result of this activity. `
00119lOU�lCE9 MYhe�'M11wr,r�d To YlRwinl� , •
Hfs�orJcaily tt�e sidewa.tk reconstructions have created negative fe�dbacks i� the area of co�-
structiort procedu�e and assessment. In spite af the fact the assessinents ere reduced to
o�e-half tAe a�ct�al co�ts� aa a result of the City providsd subsidies they still produce a
great deal of ce�travarsy,
. „ . . ... _
�rnuv►,nrES. �os, c:oNa
1 , Have Ctty Fo�ces rep.air o�-raconatruct� Reduces the procedural 1 . l�epai-r,_� ,cosmctic, ;
2, Let systein deteriorate, proc�sa� lassens potiti- costly and tanporary.
. ca1 irn�oivanent and a11e- 2. Reconstructio�: - pro-
viates constituei�t cdn� hibitively expensive.
' plaints' generated fram 3. lncr'eases rate and
es�es�ment policy. aize of litigations.
. �onv�nEC�o�+rs:
: Routine administration.
Follows sta�daod ope�atin9 Proceduret
; uou.�asuES:
Bas.lcal.ly thi.s is an administrative procedure witF� legislative overvia+v and awthorizativn. No
laws need be passed ar changcd. Lawsufts would 1nc�ease if altern�rtive policY we�e adopted.
' ' '��' . ` "'`,�. -«�-• . . , (i1`"���/�
' Green Sheet N0. 001994
5 S-88-66 Both sides W. Hoyt Avenue from N. Milton Street to N.
Chatsworth Street
5 5-88-67 Both sides W. Iowa Avenue from N. Victoria Street to
N. Milton Street
5 S-88-68 East side Rent Street from W. Cottage Avenue to W.
Arlington Avenue �� -. '-�°
sT. pn�� cN�rY �o�r�c�� � �
. �
I� C��I� � NoTIcE �� �--
S�D��/VALK CONS�t�UC�lO�I � _� �
File No. S-88-66
Dear Pr�nerty Owner: City C�uncil_ District ll 5
---------�-' -�--- P l an n in g U t s t r i c t Co un c L l �l 10
���` O�� To consider ttie construct�on (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
��•� part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. The limits
A, 1` of tliis project are:
N� Both sides W. Hoyt Avenue from N. Milton Street to N. Chatsworth
NOTE: Sidewalk reconstruction may co�sist of replacing from one panel.
to all of- the panels in front of your property. Xou may call
the ptione niimbers listed below to find out tiow many panels are
to be repl.acec�.
�� n ���� Tuesday, August 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. -__-
ri City Council. Ct�ambers, Third F1oor City Halt - Court House
Please noi:e t:�.at ti�e Public Works Committee of kt�e ciry Counr_il wtll
cliscuss Cl�is item snd develop a recoi�men_latfon to the full City Council
Please brin� any unresolved conc�rns that you may ha�e to this meeting
' on Wednesday, Ju1y 27, 1988, �r. Room '107 City i?all - Couxt 1io�.ise at
9:00 n.M.
���O�• ,���0� If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a nortion of
Mttie costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted
pr.opert�es. You will only be assessed for s#.dewa]_k work that abuts
your property. The est�mated assessments for this project are as
5-foot sidewalk -
New Construction
(where no walk existed) $13.00/front foo't
Replacement of o�d sidewalk $6.50/f.ront foot
Reconstruction will be at the ex�sting width. Public Works wi11
� reconstruct some ex3sting si.dewalk that is 6-feet wide down to S feet
in a11 cases where this width is practical. �'his smaller widtl� is to
keep the assessment at the lowest rate possible. ' In the event you and
your neighbors prefer the existing width an.d are willing to accept the
l�igher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Divtsion at
298-4255 to request your prefe�ence. A11 new sidewalks wi11 be
constructecl 5-feet wide.
Rates for reconstruction of siclewalks wicler than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6-feet wid� sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10-foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/front foot.
Al]_ corner residential properties wi1� receive a credit up to the
first 1.50 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of the property.
COP�lERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) :
100 percent of actual cost estimated to be approxi.mately $4.00
per. square foot oE walk constructed. If the property has ar.ea-
ways under the sidewalk that neecl to be eliminated, that cost
wi11 be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
N Please call 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-45] 3 (Voice
QV E S�IQ S or TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any l.ast minute questions on the pro�ject in Room 218 City
FIall from 8: 30 to 9:00 A.M. ttie same day as the hearing.
Not3.ce sent July 7.5, 1988, by the Val.uation and Assessment Division''
DeP�rtment of P'inance & Manapement ServiceG
Room 7_18 Ci.ty Ilal1 - Court �louse
Saint Paul, Minnesota 551U2
sT. P�u� c�-rY �o�t�c�� c��
PUBLIC � CA�IN � NO�ICC e^ �--
File No. S-88-67
Dear Pro�erty Owner� City Counctl District ll5
-�� Planning District Council �{ 10
�` ,��O�� To consider the construction (new) and/or reconstruction of al.l or
U part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. The ].imits
A` ,� of this pro�ect are:
NBoth sides W. Iowa Avenue from N. Victoria Street to
Lo CAT io N N. Milton Street
NOTE: Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel.
to a11 of the panels in front of your property. You may cal.l
the phone numbers 1lsted below to find out how many panels are
to be replaced.
�L—�L ��� Tuesday, August 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M.
E R City Council Chambers, Th�rd P�oor City Ha11 - Court llouse
Pleasn noL-e t.�.at ti�e rubiic Works Committee of khe Ci.ty Co�.�r�cil wi11
discuss L-l;is itern and develop a recoiamen�?ation to the full City Council
Please bring any unresolved concPrns that you may ha�e to �his meeting
� on Wednesday, Ju1y 27, 1988, ir. Room 707 City Na11 - Court House at
9:00 A.M.
IN�O�i�/�ATION If tlie Council a�proves the orders (or any part thereof, a �ortion o[
the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefittecl
properties. You will only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The estimated assessments for th�s pro�ject are as
S-foot sidewalk -
New Construction
(where no walk existed) $13.00/front fooE
Replacement of o1d sidewalk $6.50/front Loot
Reconstruction will be at the ex�.sting widtfi. Public Works will
reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to 5 feet
in all cases where this width is pract�cal. This smaller width is to
keep the assessment at the lowest rate possible. In the event you and
your neighbors prefer the existing width and are willing to accept the
liigher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at
298-4255 to request your preference. All new sfdewal.ks wil.l be
constructed 5-feet wide.
Rates f.or reconstruction oE sidewalks wider ti�an 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6-feet wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10-foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/front �oot.
All corner resfclential rroper.ties will receive a credit up to the
first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of the Property.
COI�IERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) :
100 Percent oE actual cost estimatecl to be aPproxi.mately $4.00
per square foot of walk constructed. If the �roPerty has area-
ways tinder the siclewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost
will be assessed in addition to tlie sidewalk assessments.
� + Please call 298-4255 for. construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
QU E S710 N� �r 7'nD) For assessment huestions. Also, City staFf will be available
to answer any last minute c�uestions on the pro3ect i.n Room 21.8 City
Hall from 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hear�ng.
Notice sent Ju]_y 15, 1988, by tlie Valuation and AGSessment Division ' �
Department of Finance �G Ttanagement ServiceG
Room 21.8 C3ty Hall - Court Nouse
Sai.nt Paul, Piinnesota 551.02
�� �
� ,
Fi]_e No. 5-88-68
Dear ProPerty Owner� City Council District dl5
-� P1anning District Counci1 �16
To consider the construction (new) and/or reconstruction of a]_1 or.
pU�p O S� part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. The limits
A�� of this pr.o�ect are:
E. side Kent Street from W. Cottage Ave. to W. Arlington Ave.
NOTT?: Sidewalk reconstruction ma_y consist of- replaci_n� from one panel.
to a11 of the �anels in front of your property. You may ca11
the ptione numbers listed below to £ind out how many panels are
to be replaced.
�� n �I�� Tuesday, AugusE 2, 1988, at 9:00 A.M.
��1 City Counc�l Chambers, Tti�rd Floor C�ty Hal1 - Court �louse
Please no�e t:�at tiie Public Works Committee of the Cir_y Coi_�r�ci1 will
discuss lt�is item anc� develop a recoismen��at�on to the full City Counci7
Please brin� any unresolve� concPrns that you may hace to tl�is meeting
' on Wednesday, Jul_y 27, 1988, ir. Room 707 C�Ey �'a?.� - Cour.t House at
9:0o n.M.
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of.
�N�O��A�iO� the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted
properties. You will only be assessed for sic�ewalk work that aUuts
your property. The estimated assessments for th�s project are as
5-Eoot sidewalk -
New Construction
(where no walk exisEed) $13.00/front foot
Replacement of o1d sic�ewalk $6.50/front foot
Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works wi11
reconstruct some existing sidewalk that Ls 6-feet wide down to 5 feet
in all cases wl�ere this width is practfcal. Thfs smaller width is to
keep the assessmen't at the lowest rate possible. In the event you and
your neighbors prefer the existing width and are willing to accept the
higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Dfvis�on at
298-4255 to request your preference. A11 new sidewalks will be
constructed 5-feet wide.
Rates for reconstruction of sidewalks wider tl�an 5 f_eet are prorated.
For exampie: 6-feet wide sfclewalk - $7.80/front f.00't; j.0-foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/front foot.
All corner residential properties wi11 receive a credit up to the
first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "lacig side" of the property.
COP'IPIP:RCIAL rates (ai.l property otlier than residential) :
100 percent of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00
per square foot of wa]_k constructed. If the Property has area-
ways under the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost
wil]. be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please ca11 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voi.ce
Q V E S'�1�N S or T'DD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer. any last minute c�uestions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
Flall from 8: 30 to 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent �1ul.y 15, 1988, by the Valu�tjon and 1lssessment Division ''
nepartment of I'inance & Pianagement ServiceG
Room 218 City Nall. - Court House
Saint Pau1, P1�nnesota 55102
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